
    How to Hack Hunger and Cravings Using Science With a Doctor Trained at Harvard, Columbia, and Cornell

    enJune 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Difference Between Hunger, Cravings, and Appetite to Overcome Emotional Eating HabitsDistinguishing between hunger and cravings is crucial in developing strategies to overcome emotional eating. Dr. Amy Shaw's expertise can help approach wellness scientifically and practically to understand why we crave what we crave and what to do about it.

      Differentiating between hunger, cravings and appetite is important to understand how to overcome emotional eating habits. Hunger is a natural need to get nutrients and can be fulfilled after a long time, whereas cravings are caused by activating the dopamine pathway in the brain and can be strengthened over time. Understanding the difference helps in developing strategies to overcome emotional eating habits. Dr. Amy Shaw, a double board-certified doctor and renowned nutritionist, shares her expertise on intermittent fasting, food allergies, hormones, and more. Her latest book, 'I'm so effing Hungry', explains why people crave what they crave and what to do about it. Learning from a trained nutritionist with Ivy League degrees and a medical doctor helps to approach wellness from a scientific and practical standpoint.

    • Understanding the Science Behind Hunger and AppetiteBy recognizing the difference between hunger and appetite, and the role of hormones and brain chemistry, individuals can make mindful choices to avoid unhealthy eating habits and potential food addiction.

      Hunger and appetite are two different things. Hunger is a biological need to stay alive, while appetite is the desire for food. A cycle of a hormone called ghrelin can cause people to feel hungry at night, even if they have eaten enough throughout the day. Cravings and unhealthy eating habits are tied to the brain's dopamine reward system. Over time, the brain becomes desensitized, and more and more of the unhealthy food is needed to feel satisfied. This can lead to food addiction, which is not entirely the individual's fault. Understanding the difference between hunger and appetite and being mindful of unhealthy eating habits can help individuals make healthier choices.

    • The Dangers of Ultra Processed Foods and How to Avoid ThemUltra processed foods are addictive and can cause health problems. Eating whole, natural foods can increase mental health by 80% and prevent illnesses caused by ultra processed foods. By reducing or eliminating ultra processed foods, you can understand your natural hunger cues and prevent external cues from controlling your eating habits.

      Dopamine rush from ultra processed food is similar to drugs like cocaine, which causes a cycle of craving and addiction. Ultra processed food lacks fiber and vitamins that tell the body you're full and make you eat more, leading to inflammation, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and mental health issues. Consuming more whole, natural foods can increase mental health by 80% and prevent illnesses caused by ultra processed foods. Ultra processed foods cannot be made in a kitchen with ingredients of food. Consuming fewer ultra processed foods can help you understand your natural hunger cues and prevent external cues from telling you when to eat.

    • How our Hormones and Cravings Impact our Eating HabitsUnderstanding the connection between our hormones, cravings, and gut-brain communication can help us make informed choices about what we eat for optimal health.

      Feeling full depends on hormones like Leptin and CCK that send signals to the brain to stop eating. However, our cravings pathway can kick in and we may want to eat desserts instead. Our brain and gut are connected from our embryo stage and changing our gut environment impacts our brain. The input of the food we eat is assessed by the mouth and gut, which work together to send signals to the brain on what we've eaten. It's amazing how sophisticated our bodies are, with all the signaling and neurotransmitters going on. Taking care of our body by understanding what's happening is important for our overall well-being.

    • Maternal Health Products, Online Safety Measures, Podcast for Life and Book on Emotional EatingTake care of yourself during pregnancy with Centrum's maternal health products, keep your kids safe on social media with Dove's Self-Esteem project, learn about improving your life with Something You Should Know podcast, and educate yourself about the harmful effects of ultra-processed foods with Dr. Amy Shaw's book.

      Centrum has a line of maternal health products for mom's health and wellness. Dove's Self-Esteem project focuses on social media and kids, making it a safer experience. The project is partnering with Common Sense Media and Parents Together Action to update design standards, safeguards and tools to protect kids online. Something you should know podcast is a great source of information for improving life. Dr. Amy Shaw's book, Why Am I So Effing Hungry? explains how emotional eating and cravings are not our fault but triggered by ultra processed foods. Education about the harmful effects of these foods is lacking.

    • The Power of Food on Mental Health and Well-beingEating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can be more effective for depression than medication alone. Incorporating amino acid-rich foods into our diet can help balance dopamine levels and improve our mood. Taking control of our food intake can lead to a happier, longer life.

      Food creates mood and can have a profound impact on our mental and physical health. Research shows that a combination of diet and exercise is 1.5 times more effective for depression than medication alone. Changing the way we eat is a powerful tool that we have control over and should be considered first line therapy for mental health. Eating foods that are high in amino acids can help balance dopamine levels naturally and improve our mood. It's time to take our food intake seriously and recognize the impact it has on our overall well-being. By making healthier food choices and incorporating exercise into our daily routine, we can live happier, longer lives.

    • Boosting dopamine and serotonin levels through food choices.Incorporate high-tyrosine foods like dairy, soy, nuts, and cherries for dopamine, and serotonin-rich foods like eggs, dairy, and lean meats paired with complex carbs for mood and sleep. Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day.

      Eating more foods that are high in tyrosine, like dairy, soy, nuts, and cherries, can help boost dopamine levels in the brain. Having a breakfast that is high in dopamine can help you feel awake, alert, and motivated. Cottage cheese is a great choice for breakfast, as it can be blended with sweetener and fruit to make a delicious, high-dopamine meal. Serotonin is great for mood and sleep, and can be found in foods like eggs, dairy, and lean meats. Pairing these foods with complex carbohydrates like sweet potato or quinoa can give you a nice burst of serotonin. Confusing thirst and hunger is common, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

    • The Benefits of Adequate Water Consumption and Avoiding Ultra Processed Foods for Health and Well-Being.Drinking enough water and limiting ultra processed foods can help distinguish between actual hunger and cravings, allowing us to better listen to our bodies and make healthier choices.

      Drinking adequate amount of water can help to calm hunger and avoid confusion between thirst and hunger. One should aim to drink about 8 ounces of water per hour and take out as many ultra processed foods as possible. This helps in hearing the signals from the body and being the most authentic version of oneself. To navigate craving cycle, one can ask themselves if they are hungry or just craving something sweet, and do they want a bowl of vegetables. Drinking a glass of water and waiting for 15 minutes can help to know if the body is still craving or is fine. It's important to minimize sugar and processed food cycle to hear one's own signals.

    • Understanding the Biology of Cravings and HungerBy distinguishing between cravings and hunger and identifying trigger foods, we can make healthier choices and avoid dopamine burnout.

      Cravings are a mix of pleasure and pain, which is driven by dopamine release. It activates neural pathways that make us feel uncomfortable and agitated. Hunger, on the other hand, uses hunger hormones like ghrelin to tell us to get nutrients from food. Cravings are the pleasure hormone cycle, going through the dopamine pathway. These two are completely separate pathways but pair together in many ways. Therefore, it is essential to identify foods that trigger cravings and find healthier alternatives, which can lead to dopamine burnout. Understanding the biology of hunger and cravings and learning to distinguish between the two can help us make better decisions and lead a healthier lifestyle.

    • The Science behind Hunger and CravingsSkipping meals and diets can increase hunger and cravings due to dopamine and ghrelin levels. To improve eating habits, sensitizing leptin through sleep and omega-3 fatty acids and listening to our body's signals is crucial.

      When you skip meals and diet, your body senses a calorie deficit and turns up the volume of hunger and cravings by increasing the dopamine and ghrelin levels respectively, which makes it harder to control food intake. Dopamine is the most powerful motivator in our body and can get us out of our seat to fulfill our cravings, and food companies, video game companies, gambling and porn industries use this knowledge to their advantage. Leptin is the fullness signal, and to sensitize it, we need to sleep more and eat more omega-3 fatty acids. To improve our eating habits, we need to listen to our body's signaling pathways, which can be challenging in the face of loud cravings and hunger sensations.

    • Simple tips to reduce overeating and improve satiety levelsIncrease your omega-3 fatty acid intake through algae oil, boost your leptin levels by getting more sleep and eating certain foods like nuts, and retrain your brain to stop overeating by pairing good activities with bad ones and offering intermittent surprise rewards of a healthier version of your favorite foods.

      You can get omega-3 fatty acids through algae oil if you don't eat fish, which can increase leptin and reduce hunger levels. GLP one is a hormone that works in conjunction with leptin to make you feel full, and natural ways to increase it include getting more sleep, exercise, and eating certain foods like nuts. To stop overeating, you can pair a good activity right after a bad one, like going for a walk after eating ultra processed food, or retrain your brain with intermittent surprise rewards of a healthier version of the food you crave. These simple methods can help you reduce overeating and retrain your neural pathways.

    • Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones using the 3-2-1 MethodTake two minutes, three times a week, to focus on healthier habits and reward yourself with savoring the good feeling. This helps retrain your brain to crave healthier options over time. Consider replacing unhealthy snacks with dark chocolate.

      The 3-2-1 method is a way to replace bad habits with good ones. For three random days a week, take two minutes to tell yourself how much you love the healthier version of the bad habit. Spend one minute savoring and enjoying it. This intermittent reward releases dopamine and retrains your brain to crave healthier options over time. Intermittent rewards are the most addicting thing and the biggest dopamine release, which is why toxic relationships and gambling are so addictive. This method can be applied to anything, but instead of replacing ultra-processed candy bars with healthier options, consider replacing them with dark chocolate.

    • The Gut-Brain Connection: How Psychobiotics Can Affect Mental HealthTaking specific bacteria can change the gut microbiome and affect brain functioning, helping to overcome cycles of cravings and improve mental well-being. Paying attention to gut health can address mental health and target conditions such as autism, Parkinson's, and ADHD.

      Psychobiotics, or certain gut bacteria, can affect our mood, behavior, and mental health. Studies show that people who are depressed have different gut bacteria than those who have a positive outlook on life. By taking specific bacteria, such as lactobacillus, we can change the bacteria in our gut and affect our brain functioning. This can help us overcome cycles of cravings and dopamine that keep us feeling out of control. This new scientific perspective shows the importance of addressing mental health from the gut as well as the neck up. By paying attention to our gut health, we can find a new way to improve our mental well-being and possibly even target conditions such as autism, Parkinson's, and ADHD.

    • Importance of Gut Bacteria for Overall HealthGut bacteria plays a crucial role in the body by sending signals to the brain, aiding in nutrient absorption, and preventing damage from toxins. Taking care of gut bacteria is vital for optimal health.

      The gut bacteria affects the brain by sending signals such as hormones and short chain fatty acids. Our body equally contains bacterial cells that are present in the stomach and intestines. Without gut bacteria, the body gets damaged from toxins such as alcohol, antibiotics, and ibuprofen. Thick gut bacteria lining that squeezes nutrients from food and removes waste is getting thinner with modernization. The damaged cell walls lead to the immune system's response like a cut, causing inflammation throughout the body. Therefore, it is essential to take care of gut bacteria that helps prevent several health problems.

    • Natural Foods vs Probiotic Pills: Which One is More Effective for Gut Health?Consuming fiber-rich, unprocessed, and fermented foods as well as exercising regularly can promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria and improve the brain-gut connection more effectively than taking probiotics in pill form.

      Taking probiotic pills may not be as effective as eating foods that have natural bacteria in them such as yogurt, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and apple cider vinegar. Consuming fiber-rich and unprocessed foods can also improve gut health. Exercise is also considered a probiotic as it promotes the growth of happy bacteria in the gut. Short chain fatty acids, which are produced by gut bacteria during exercise, are also associated with the brain-gut connection. However, studies on probiotics' inconsistent effects suggest that the best way to improve gut health is to have a healthy and balanced diet of nutritious, natural, and fermented foods.

    • The Power of a Whole Foods Diet and Exercise for Better HealthSwitching to a high fruits and vegetables diet, removing processed foods, and adding exercise can improve gut bacteria, boost mood and energy, and even be more effective than medication for depression.

      Switching to a mostly whole foods diet and removing unhealthy processed foods can significantly improve mood, energy, and overall health. Adding exercise can also help boost the natural production of bacteria and help the body heal itself. A clinical study found that drastically changing one's diet to high fruits and vegetables, no juices or sodas, and no processed meats can improve gut bacteria in as little as a few weeks. Foods high in high fructose corn syrup, soda, and processed meats are the worst and should be avoided. This change in diet and exercise can even be more effective than taking antidepressants and going to therapy for depression.

    • The Impact of Diet, Water Intake, and Sleep on Our Health and MoodOur gut bacteria, drinking habits, and sleep patterns significantly impact our mood, lifespan, and overall health. Adjusting these habits can lead to significant improvements in our overall quality of life.

      Our gut bacterial colonies can change rapidly within three days of a shift in diet, indicating our ability to change our mood, lifespan, and overall health for the better. Drinking warm or room temperature water is more easily absorbed by the body and can have numerous health benefits. Getting adequate sleep every night is crucial for our mood, decision-making abilities, and interactions with others. Skimping on sleep can lead to depression, anxiety, and hunger cravings. It's essential to understand how much sleep our body needs by sleeping without an alarm and prioritizing adequate rest for a better quality of life.

    • The Importance of Sunlight and Timing for Brain and Body Functioning.To prevent grogginess and maintain circadian rhythms, prioritize exposure to sunlight in the morning, give a 45-minute gap before having caffeine, eat within daylight hours and avoid midnight snacking. Such routines can help achieve a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

      Getting sunlight in the morning before screens and waiting for 45 minutes before consuming caffeine helps in clearing up adenosine in our brain, which is responsible for grogginess. Eating within daylight hours and avoiding midnight snacking is also important for complete hormone balance and maintaining circadian rhythms. Following such routines are excessively important for our mood, body and nutrition as sunlight and darkness run our bodies and we have internal clocks in every one of our cells. Letting clear out the adenosine naturally prevents excessive tiredness and dependency on caffeine. Trying to follow this routine can help in maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

    • The Impact of Eating Late and Skipping Meals on Your Health.Eating a healthy breakfast and lunch while waiting for at least an hour after waking up is vital for good health. Tune in with your body's hunger cues and avoid skipping meals. Eating nutritious foods earlier in the day help maintain a healthier diet. Consuming fermented probiotic foods and having a salad with protein for lunch is a good practice. Americans should reduce their daily eating time to improve their health.

      Eating late at night disrupts your body's natural processes and can lead to worse health outcomes. Ideally, one should wait at least an hour after waking up before eating breakfast and stick to healthy foods for breakfast and lunch. Skipping meals habitually is bad for health. It's important to tune in with your inner cues and eat when hungry. The healthier you eat earlier in the day, the better your chances of sticking to it. Eating a salad with protein for lunch and serving of fermented probiotic food is a good practice. Americans eat 14 to 16 hours a day which is too much.

    • Diet Tips for Optimal Brain HealthEating carbs later in the day can boost serotonin levels while protein-rich snacks keep dopamine and hunger hormones stable. Women should consume adequate protein for optimal brain function. Going gluten-free temporarily and adding back unprocessed wheat can help determine the body's response.

      Eating carbs, especially in vegetable forms, later in the day can give a big boost of serotonin. For snacks, it is best to go for protein-rich foods like yogurt, protein shake, or a piece of cheese as they keep dopamine levels up and hunger hormones stable. Women often eat too little protein, which may result in overeating processed foods. Gluten itself is not the problem; processed foods that contain gluten are. Going gluten-free for a few weeks and then adding small unprocessed amounts of wheat back to your diet can help you see how your body responds to gluten. Gluten-free foods may not always be healthy due to processing.

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    For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

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    Episode 11: How do you feed a vegan NFL player & a carnivore ballerina?

    Leslie Bonci talks about how nutrition can give you a competitive advantage.


    Episode 12: How does food bullying cost hungry people?

    Diane Sullivan shares why we should shop with our wallets to help those living in food insecurity.


    Episode 16: How is your brain being manipulated about food?

    Dr. Tyler Davis explains how emotional responses to GMOs and hormones, sustainability and antibiotics impact our impressions of food.


    Episode 18: Are you feeding your brain trash?

    “Food is such an integral part of our social fabric. It becomes a part of the storytelling process,” but our farming memory is being lost across generations, says Dr. Cami Ryan, a Canadian social scientist.


    Episode 22: How to overcome food anxiety & B.S. health claims

    The “health industry” is a business of money, contends Bill Sukala, a Registered Dietitian Nutrition and Clinical Exercise Physiologist in Australia.


    Episode 25: Are chemicals in food poisoning you?

    The Food Science Babe shares, “Whether you can pronounce an ingredient or not has no bearing on whether it’s safe. If you can’t pronounce it, look it up.”


    Episode 29: How now, brown cow? Why a dairy farmer talks to his cows

    Farmer Derrick Josi says, “Some people think I’m crazy when I’m out there lecturing my cows.”


    Episode 30: Are you bullying yourself about food?

    Cara Harbstreet says, “If we feel that our food choices don’t uphold this ideal standard of how we “should” be eating, there is a harsh cycle of criticism and judgment, often from ourselves.”



    What's been your favorite episode? What would you like to hear more about? Let us know at the Food Bullying Podcast's Facebook page!

    Chef Anthony Warner Interview - 7:25:21, 2.20 PM

    Chef Anthony Warner Interview - 7:25:21, 2.20 PM
    Chef Anthony Warner is our guest today. We are currently looking at his book "The Angry Chef's Guide to Spotting Bullshit in the World of Food: Bad Science and The Truth About Healthy Eating" Purchase here:

    You can also check out his blog at:

    Anthony has also written several other books such as, "The Truth About Fat"

    Ending Hunger: The quest to feed the world

    Dr John Hart: Mastering Hormones, Gut Health, Inflammation & Living to 120 Years Old

    Dr John Hart: Mastering Hormones, Gut Health, Inflammation & Living to 120 Years Old

    This week our special guest is Dr John Hart who is a longevity medicine practitioner. This is probably the most important podcast we’ve done to date and we highly recommend you check it out,. He explains the simple things you can do to avoid chronic illness, live longer, healthier, happier and improve the quality of your life.

    John discusses how most diseases are the result of, and all diseases are exacerbated by, the way we live our lives – the things we don’t do that we should, and the things we do that we shouldn’t. The human body has evolved over millions of years to run synergistically within a particular environment (air, water, food, physical activity, sunlight, allergens, toxins, infectious agents, social interactions/support).

    Unfortunately major environmental and social changes since the agricultural revolution, and particular since the industrial revolution, mean this intricate interconnection is disrupted. He believe's that by recognising the particular disconnects affecting the individual, tailored changes can be made to rebalance the body-environment interaction and optimise human health-span and life-span.

    Read Full Transcript Here: http://180nutrition.com.au/?p=19235

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How to add healthy and happy years onto your life by making simple changes
    • The best description of inflammation you’ll ever hear
    • The best description of leaky gut you’ll ever hear
    • Why hormones are crucial to our health, vibrance & labido!
    • Applying the ‘Big 5′ to avoid the pitfalls of chronic disease as we age
    • And much much more…

    Take the Quiz & Discover Your #1 Health Road Block Here:



    Rebecca Creedy Ironwoman: Healthier, Faster, Stronger; How I Cleaned Up My Diet

    Rebecca Creedy Ironwoman: Healthier, Faster, Stronger; How I Cleaned Up My Diet

    #37 This week we welcome commonwealth gold medalist and Australian Ironwoman Rebecca Creedy to the show. The elite athlete shares with us how she transformed her diet, including lowering her carbs and eating more wholefoods. Along with this came a massive positive effect on her episodes of hypoglycemia which now seems to be a thing of the past.

    We also go deep into her training regimes, pre and post workout nutrition and what she does to to stay on top of her game.

    In this episode we talk about:-

    • Why lowering her carbs has improved her wellbeing
    • How she looks to 'supercharge' her plate
    • The training schedule of an elite ironwoman
    • Her favourite cheat meal
    • How to stay motivated in those 'weak' moments
    • Tactics around recovery
    • And much much more…

    CLICK HERE for all Episodes of 180TV