
    EP. 143: Zombie Cells & What To Do About Them | Dr. Greg Kelly of Neurohacker Collective

    enApril 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Senescent cells: The 'zombie' cells that linger during agingSenescent cells, or 'zombie cells,' are not dead but rather cells that have stopped dividing during aging. They secrete harmful compounds and can negatively impact health, but supplements like Qualia Sinalytic can help reduce their number and support healthy cellular function.

      Senescent cells, also known as "zombie cells," are not dead cells but rather cells that have permanently stopped dividing during the aging process. These cells do not die naturally but resist apoptosis, leading them to linger in the body. They also secrete compounds called SAS factors that can turn otherwise healthy cells into senescent cells. The buildup of these cells over time can negatively impact health. Fortunately, there are ways to address this issue, such as through the use of supplements like Qualia Sinalytic, which can help support healthy cellular function and reduce the number of senescent cells in the body. By targeting senescent cells, we can potentially slow down the aging process and improve overall health.

    • Understanding Senescent Zombie Cells and Their Impact on AgingAddressing stress and removing senescent cells can help maintain tissue and organ health and slow down the aging process

      Senescent cells, which are essentially aging cells that resist apoptosis and turn otherwise healthy cells into dysfunctional ones, can be thought of as the "zombie" cells in our bodies. These cells use valuable resources and can make nearby cells less healthy. Senescence can be triggered by various stressors and isn't limited to cells that have reached their replicative limit. Instead, it's more common for cells to become senescent prematurely due to stressors. The body's own aging process is largely driven by this premature senescence, which can be caused by various stressors, including mitochondrial dysfunction. In essence, anything that causes stress at a whole-body level is likely to cause senescence on a cellular level. The implication is that addressing stress and removing senescent cells periodically could help maintain tissue and organ health and slow down the aging process.

    • Senescent cells contribute to aging through SASP and exponential growthSenescent cells, which can't divide or function properly, create more senescent cells and negatively impact the body as we age, especially in tissues with low cell turnover.

      Senescent cells, which are cells that can no longer divide or function properly, contribute to the aging process by creating new senescent cells through a process called senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). This creates an exponential growth of senescent cells, leading to a significant increase in their numbers as we age. While research is ongoing, it's believed that senescent cells start to ramp up around middle age, and all cell types can become senescent, not just fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and immune cells as previously thought. The impact of senescent cells on the body depends on the tissue and its ability to replace cells, and the threshold effect, where their presence becomes detrimental to the system or organ, is a crucial concept. While we cannot precisely measure the amount of senescent cells in a person, it's expected that we accumulate more as we age, with some tissues having disproportionately more than others.

    • Cellular damage and senescent cells from stressStress can lead to cellular damage and the accumulation of senescent cells, which if not effectively dealt with, can negatively impact tissue health and contribute to aging and age-related diseases. Addressing stress at a cellular level is crucial for maintaining overall well-being.

      Stress, whether physical or emotional, can lead to cellular damage and the accumulation of senescent cells. These cells, once they've taken on too much damage and can no longer be repaired, become senescent and can negatively impact tissue health and overall aging. The body has mechanisms to deal with senescent cells, including apoptosis, which is the fragmentation and recycling of the cells by the immune system. However, if these cells are not effectively dealt with, they can contribute to aging and age-related diseases. The speaker also emphasized the importance of addressing stress at a cellular level to maintain tissue health and overall well-being.

    • Autophagy helps prevent cell senescence and can be used for repairAutophagy prevents cell senescence by removing damaged components, but senescent cells can still use it for repair. Senolytic compounds can manipulate protein networks to promote apoptosis and eliminate senescent cells.

      Autophagy plays a crucial role in preventing cells from becoming senescent by removing damaged cell components. However, once a cell has become senescent, it can still use autophagy to repair itself. Senescent cells resist apoptosis, or cell suicide, by manipulating certain protein networks within the cell. Senolytic compounds, such as quercetin and dasatinib, can correct these protein networks and promote apoptosis in senescent cells, effectively eliminating them and improving the overall health and aging process of an organism. Apoptosis is a programmed form of cell death, where the cell initiates its own disintegration in an organized manner.

    • The role of apoptosis in tissue health and cell typesSenescent cells alter neighboring cells and contribute to tissue deterioration, while quiescent cells can potentially be reactivated. Apoptosis is crucial for tissue health, but too much or too little can lead to problems. Senescent cells in adipose tissue impact metabolic health, causing insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels.

      Our bodies have a natural process of cell death called apoptosis, which is essential for tissue health. Apoptosis keeps tissues functioning optimally by allowing old or damaged cells to die and be replaced by new ones. However, too much or too little apoptosis can lead to problems. Senescent cells, which are unable to make new copies of themselves, contribute to tissue deterioration by altering the behavior of neighboring cells. Quiescent cells, on the other hand, are still capable of making new copies and can potentially be reactivated. Metabolic health is closely related to the behavior of various cell types in tissues, and senescent cells in adipose tissue are a significant contributor to metabolic issues, such as insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels, regardless of the amount of body fat.

    • The buildup of senescent cells in older bodies creates an inflammatory environment and hinders tissue regenerationAs we age, senescent cells accumulate, leading to chronic inflammation and impaired tissue repair, potentially contributing to age-related diseases like arthritis.

      As we age, our bodies produce more senescent cells in response to stress, and these cells do not go away like they do in younger individuals. Instead, they linger and create an inflammatory environment that can lead to further health issues, particularly in joints. This inflammatory environment can prevent stem cells from doing their job to regenerate tissue, leading to conditions like arthritis. The studies mentioned were primarily focused on muscle tissue, but the implications are likely the same for other tissues as well. The explosion of senescent cells in older animals makes it more challenging for the body to bounce back from stress or injury, leading to a vicious cycle of inflammation and cellular damage. Understanding the role of senescent cells in the aging process and their contribution to inflammaging can help us develop new strategies for preventing and treating age-related diseases.

    • Animal studies suggest senescent cells cause anabolic resistanceEliminating senescent cells through senolytics can re-sensitize muscles to anabolic signals and improve muscle response to exercise and protein intake.

      Anabolic resistance, a concept similar to insulin resistance, can be caused by the accumulation of senescent cells in animal studies. These cells make muscles less responsive to anabolic signals like exercise or increased protein intake. Animal research suggests that eliminating senescent cells through senolytics can re-sensitize older muscle tissues. Furthermore, transplanting old organs into younger animals results in inflammation due to the presence of senescent cells. Clearing these cells out before transplantation is a proposed solution to minimize issues. Additionally, there is a belief that the health and age of the people we surround ourselves with may impact our own cells and aging process, although more research is needed on this topic.

    • Maintaining a Healthy Gut: Key to a Younger SystemFocusing on gut health by managing senescent cells and maintaining a healthy microbiome can contribute to a younger, healthier body. Polyphenols and alkaloids from plants can aid in this process by promoting GLP-1 secretion and improving nutrient sensing.

      The interaction between our microbiome and senescent cells plays a significant role in the aging process. Senescent cells in the gut area can cause dysfunction, and managing them can improve the overall performance of the body. The gut, which impacts various systems in our body, is a crucial area to focus on for maintaining a younger system. The aging process is characterized by 12 hallmarks, including cellular senescence. A new study on CAR T immunotherapy showed that rejuvenating the gut microbiome and barrier function can improve overall system performance. Other hallmarks of aging include mitochondrial dysfunction, telomere attrition, stem cell exhaustion, intercellular signaling, and nutrient sensing. Polyphenols and alkaloids, found in various plants, can promote GLP-1 secretion and improve nutrient sensing pathways. However, medications that mimic GLP-1 are more effective for those with healthy guts and functioning L cells. Overall, maintaining a healthy gut microbiome and managing senescent cells can contribute to a younger, healthier body.

    • Identifying plant compounds to remove senescent cellsResearchers found various senolytic agents like quercetin, Piperlongamine, and fisetin that can eliminate senescent cells in different ways and tissues. Hit and run dosing method is used to minimize healthy cell disruption while maximizing senescent cell removal.

      Researchers have identified various plant compounds, such as quercetin, Piperlongamine, and fisetin, which have the potential to remove senescent cells. These compounds work in different ways and are effective in different tissues. The approach to using these senolytic agents is called hit and run dosing, where large amounts are taken for a few days, followed by an intermittent period without taking them. This method, inspired by the Weber-Flexner Law, is based on the idea that our senses respond to proportional changes rather than absolute quantities. By applying large doses and then taking a break, researchers aim to minimize disruption to healthy cells while maximizing the removal of senescent cells.

    • The effectiveness of senolytic compounds depends on the dosage and frequencyHigh doses for a few days can significantly change cell receptors, while lower doses daily may not. Hormesis involves inducing stressors to make cells stronger. Humans may have experienced senolytic compounds during famine to eliminate senescent cells.

      The effectiveness of senolytic compounds, like those found in Qualia Senolytic, depends on the quantity and frequency of intake. A high dose for a few days can create a significant change in cell receptors, making them more sensitive and responsive. In contrast, a lower dose given daily may not provoke the same response. This concept, known as hormesis, involves inducing a stressor on cells to make them more powerful and reactive. The idea is that humans in our evolution would have experienced sudden increases in senolytic compounds during times of famine, causing cells to eliminate non-essential cells, such as senescent cells. While there are other ways to prevent or slow down the accumulation of senescent cells, such as calorie restriction and exercise, studies on their impact on eliminating them once they've accumulated are limited due to the difficulty of measuring senescent cells.

    • Exercise and stress contribute to senescent cells, but Qualia Synolytics may help improve joint function and overall healthQualia Synolytics may enhance joint function and overall health by reducing symptoms and increasing energy levels, potentially impacting emotional well-being and the gut microbiome, even if it doesn't directly target senescent cells.

      Exercise and certain stressors may contribute to the accumulation of senescent cells in the body, leading to more health issues. However, some compounds, like those found in Qualia Synolytics, may help improve joint function and overall health by reducing symptoms and increasing energy levels, even if they are not directly targeting senescent cells. The improvements were observed in both a non-placebo controlled study and a placebo-controlled study, with significant results in the placebo-controlled study. Additionally, the impact of these compounds on emotional well-being and the gut microbiome suggests a potential gut-brain axis effect, which could be a beneficial feature rather than a bug. Overall, the findings highlight the potential of Qualia Synolytics in improving joint function and overall health, even if the exact mechanism of action is not fully understood.

    • Managing Inflammation with Analytic UseUse analytic product intermittently for joint health, frequency and duration depend on individual circumstances, pay attention to subtle changes in health, and consider pulsing use for better results.

      The use of a specific analytic product can help manage inflammation and improve joint health, but the frequency and duration of use may vary depending on individual circumstances. For those with no or minimal joint issues, a monthly analytic protocol may be sufficient. However, for those with chronic inflammation or multiple joint issues, a more aggressive approach with more frequent use may be necessary. It's important to note that everyone responds differently to the analytic, so paying attention to subtle changes in cognition, mood, and other areas of health is crucial. The key is to use the analytic intermittently and build in downtime when not using it. As we age or deal with other chronic health issues, a more aggressive approach up front followed by pulsing the use may be beneficial. Overall, the use of this analytic product can contribute to maintaining and improving overall health.

    • Potential connection between Qualia Synolytic and women's periodsFive women reported restarting their periods after using Qualia Synolytic, and it may be rejuvenating something in their system.

      Potential connection between using Qualia Synolytic and the restarting of women's periods. Five women have reported this occurrence after undergoing cycles of the supplement. The reason behind this phenomenon is unclear, but it may be rejuvenating something in the system for these women. The key lesson is to pay attention to the improvements in various areas of your life if you choose to try Qualia Synolytic. The speaker, Dr. Greg, emphasized the importance of understanding the product and its benefits before use, as it may seem too simple at first glance. Neurohacker Collective, the brand behind Qualia Synolytic, is rebranding, and the website will soon redirect to something with "Qualia" in the URL. For more information, follow Neurohacker Collective on Instagram or their X account. Don't miss out on the opportunity to save on your purchase by using the coupon code "doctortina" for up to $115 off. Stay tuned for future discussions on NAD with Dr. Greg.

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    The Dr. Tyna Show
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    EP. 147: Strength, Aging, and Amino Acids: Balancing Nutrition for Muscle Preservation | Angelo Keely of KION

    EP. 147: Strength, Aging, and Amino Acids: Balancing Nutrition for Muscle Preservation | Angelo Keely of KION
    On this episode of the Dr. Tyna Show, I brought my friend Angelo Keely back on for a second round for a very important discussion on muscle and aging. Angelo’s previous appearance on the show “Amino Acids and Why You Need Them” where we covered protein and amino acid nutrition was an audience favorite. Essential amino acids, or EAA's as they’re commonly referred to, have continued to grow in popularity since that show aired. Considering the growing interest in the subject and debates about their efficacy and usefulness, I wanted to invite Angelo back to sort through what's legit and what's hype when it comes to the science of EAA’s. To Try Kion go to getkion.com/DRTYNA for 20% off Check out Angelo and KION: Instagram  Website On This Episode We Cover: 00:46 - Welcome back Angelo Keely 01:13 - Amino Acid updates 03:06 - Muscle mass is your insurance 05:13 - Strength training and protein 12:20 - What amino acids are and why they’re important 17:22 - The correct ratio of amino acids 18:17 - Branch chain amino acids 20:56 - Non essential amino acids 25:22 - Aging, trying to lose weight, and building athletic performance  28:59 - Impact of aging 30:38 - Backing it up with good nutrition 31:31 - Navigating health studies and research 38:47 - Preloading and prioritizing protein 45:35 - Muscles are the reservoir of amino acids for the rest of your body 49:10 - Amino acids and exercise 54:25 - The right dosage 58:35 - Stress response and anabolic resistance 01:02:13 - Affordability 01:05:49 - What to look for in a supplement 01:12:36 - Concluding thoughts Sponsored by: Kion - go to getkion.com/DRTYNA for 20% off Further Listening: EP. 87: Amino Acids + Why You Need Them w/ Angelo Keely Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.

    EP. 146: Beyond the Surface - Great Skin From Within | Quick and Dirty

    EP. 146: Beyond the Surface - Great Skin From Within | Quick and Dirty
    On this episode of the Dr. Tyna Show, I'm talking all things great skin from within. This is all about what’s beyond the surface of your skin, and how you can have great skin as you age and as you become more mature you can still continue to radiate from the inside out. Healthy skin has way more to do with internal factors then you've been led to understand. Listen in because I'm gonna tell you what I firmly believe to be the tenets of good skin as we age.  On This Episode We Cover: 06:10 - Growing up with bad health habits 11:22 - Effects of stress 14:05 - Microneedling and regenerative medicine 14:40 - Alitura Skincare 15:25 - Your skin is a reflection of your health 15:45 - Microdosing GLP-1’s 16:36 - Digestion 18:53 - Washing your face before bed 21:43 - Optimizing your mitochondrial health and getting outside 23:51 - Supplements and sauna 24:40 - Getting adequate light  25:02 - Metabolic health 30:44 - Utilizing CBD and other stress management items 31:59 - Taking walks and going outside Sponsored by: BiOptimizers - Go to bioptimizers.com/drtyna and use code DRTYNA to save 10% and get a free gift with purchase Alitura - Use Code DRTYNA for 20% off alituranaturals.com Timeline - Go to timelinenutrition.com/DRTYNA and use code DRTYNA for 10% off Lumen - Go to lumen.me and use DRYTYNA to get $100 Cured - Go to www.curednutrition.com/drtyna with DRTYNA Ozempic Uncovered FREE 4 Part Video Series Check out my favorite CGM and more, with added savings, on my website: https://www.drtyna.com/favorite Disclaimer: Information provided in this podcast is for informational purposes only. This information is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or any information contained on or in any product. Do not use the information provided in this podcast for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or other supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. Information provided in this blog/podcast and the use of any products or services related to this podcast by you does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Tyna Moore. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent ANY disease.

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    Dr. Mindy welcomes Dr. Nick Bitts, a naturopathic physician and expert in Ayurvedic medicine. Dr. Nick delves into groundbreaking insights on longevity and anti-aging that you've never heard before. Together they explore the intersection of lifestyle, botanicals, and hacking strategies, while always emphasizing the importance of working in harmony with your body's natural processes.

    This eye-opening interview with Dr. Nick Bitz takes the quest for the fountain of youth to a new level, offering valuable insights into slowing down the aging process and eliminating those troublesome zombie cells.

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    Go to neurohacker.com/drpelz and use code 'DRPELZ' to get 15% off

    Dr. Nick Bitz is a Naturopathic Physician who specializes in Ayurvedic medicine. He is a leading voice in the natural products industry and currently serves as Senior VP of Product Development at Neurohacker Collective. His areas of expertise include nootropics, anti-aging medicine, biohacking, herbology, nutrition and dietary supplements.

    Neurohacker Collective was founded in 2015 with the mission of creating best-in-class well-being products by employing a unique methodology for research and development based on complex systems science. This scientific approach focuses on supporting the body’s ability to self-regulate, rather than overriding regulatory systems with chemicals designed to move a biomarker in a particular direction. The company began with a focus on cognitive products with the launch of its Qualia nootropic line and will continue to provide comprehensive products for overall peak performance. 

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Upgrade Spotlight: How to Fight Zombie Cells and Win Aging – Neurohacker Collective : 1009

    Upgrade Spotlight: How to Fight Zombie Cells and Win Aging – Neurohacker Collective : 1009

    Neurohacker Collective sponsored this episode.

    IN THIS "UPGRADE SPOTLIGHT" EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™… you’re going to learn about the zombie cells taking up valuable space in your body and how you can clear them out with senolytics.

    When these zombie cells accumulate (formally called senescent cells), they negatively impact how you age. You may experience symptoms like joint discomfort, low mental and physical energy, poor metabolic health, and diminished muscular response when you work out.

    Naturopathic physician Greg Kelly joins the show from Neurohacker Collective, where he’s director of Product Development. His expertise includes nootropics, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, weight management, sleep, and the chronobiology of performance and health.

    The hallmarks of aging include nine characteristics that organisms all the way up to humans share as we age, Dr. Kelly explains. One of those characteristics is senescent cells.

    This discussion gets into the reasons why senescence happens, the science of senolytics, exciting new research, and new product developments that help bodies naturally eliminate senescent cells. This means a better aging process for you!

    SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE HUMAN UPGRADE LISTENERS: Go to https://neurohacker.com/dave and code ASPREY to get an additional 15% off. You can trial Qualia Senolytic for up to 100 days with a full 100% money-back guarantee. 

    Watch this episode on YouTube!

    9th Annual Biohacking Conference: Come join like-minded people June 22-24 in Orlando, Florida, for three days of awesome! You’ll learn from dozens of experts at an amazing event that’s designed to upgrade every area of your life. https://biohackingconference.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Stress Takes More Than it Gives: Ways to Adapt and Get Stronger – Siim Land with Dave Asprey : 724

    Stress Takes More Than it Gives: Ways to Adapt and Get Stronger – Siim Land with Dave Asprey : 724

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, stress takes center stage. All of us are experiencing stress to some degree. From small stressors like life’s petty annoyances to big stressors like a pandemic, financial uncertainty and unrest in our communities.

    Stress can embed itself in our bodies and minds, and really mess us up. That’s why I wanted to have Siim Land back on the show. He’s researched the science behind stress and how to hack it in his new book: Stronger By Stress: Adapt to Beneficial Stressors to Improve Your Health and Strengthen the Body.

    Siim is an author and speaker from Estonia who helps people improve their health and performance with biohacks. The first time he was on the show, we went all in on metabolic autophagy and intermittent fasting. I wanted to have him back on the show to talk about how to leverage stress adaptation for increased resilience and longevity. 

    “You need some small amounts of stress for the body to adapt to it, and especially the mitochondria to also become stronger from the stress,” Siim says. “Mitohormesis describes that where the mitochondria are just adapting to distress in a hormetic dose, like too much is bad, but too little is also bad. So, the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle.”

    You can’t have physical stress adaptations without an accompanying mindset. 

    “Mindset is the very foundational aspect to being able to adapt to stress,” Siim says. “Because if you create this fear around stress, like hysteria and panic about stress, then you're never going to do some of those things that may be beneficial for you as well. You need to have some small amount of discomfort in your life in order to maintain a beneficial hormetic adaptation.”

    You’re going to learn how to recognize stress, identify what it’s doing to your body and mind, and then apply skills to manage and adapt to it.

    Enjoy the show! And get more resources at https://blog.daveasprey.com/category/podcasts/.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Biohacking Secrets with Melanie Avalon! (Part 2)

    Biohacking Secrets with Melanie Avalon! (Part 2)

    Click Here for Melanie's supplements including Magnesium 8, Magnesium Nightcap, Berberine 500 & Serrapeptase 125 and use the code FASTKETO for 10% OFF your order!

    To get all of the latests discounts, exclusive offers, and to learn about the science of skincare, join my private Beauty Counter email list Here

    Check out the clean beauty products we talked about Here

    Studies in today’s episode linked below!

    Hi friends! Today is the second part of the episode with Melanie Avalon, one of the world's top biohackers! We talk all about her top biohacking secrets, from walking through a day in her life, what she eats in a day, all her favorite biohacking tools that she could not live without, and so much more! Check out the podcast that I co-host with Melanie called the Intermittent Fasting Podcast Here! Part 1 of this interview was released in the episode out right before this one!

    Melanie is a SAG-AFTRA actress living in Los Angeles and Atlanta, author "What When Wine Diet: Lose Weight and Feel Great with Paleo-Style Meals, Intermittent Fasting, and Wine," co-host of the top iTunes podcast, The Intermittent Fasting Podcast (IFpodcast.com), and blogger at MelanieAvalon.com. Melanie holds a certification in Holistic Nutrition from the AFPA (American Fitness Professionals & Associates), and is qualified as a wine specialist by the WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust.) 

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    Follow @optimalproteinpodcast on Instagram to see visuals and posts mentioned on this podcast.

    Follow Vanessa on instagram to see her meals, recipes, informative posts and much more! Click here @ketogenicgirl

    Link to join the facebook group for the podcast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2017506024952802/

    Try the Higher Protein Keto Meal Plans & Coaching: https://www.ketogenicgirl.com


    Study links from today’s episode: 


    This podcast content does not constitute an attempt to practice medicine and does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Please consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and personal health questions.

    Prior to beginning a new diet you should undergo a health screening with your physician to confirm that a new diet is suitable for you and to out any conditions and contraindications that may pose risks or are incompatible with a new diet, including by way of example: conditions affecting the kidneys, liver or pancreas; muscular dystrophy; pregnancy; breast-feeding; being underweight; eating disorders; any health condition that requires a special diet [other conditions or contraindications]; hypoglycemia; or type 1 diabetes. A new diet may or may not be appropriate if you have type 2 diabetes, so you must consult with your physician if you have this condition. Anyone under the age of 18 should consult with their physician and their parents or legal guardian before beginning such a diet. Use of Ketogenic Girl videos are subject to the Ketogenicgirl.com Terms of Use and Medical Disclaimer. All rights reserved. If you do not agree with these terms, do not listen to, or view any Ketogenic Girl podcasts or videos.