
    Podcast Summary

    • The Deterioration of Attention in the Digital AgeOur increasing dependence on technology is negatively impacting our ability to focus and form meaningful connections, but actively managing our attention and finding balance can help mitigate these effects.

      Our ability to focus and pay attention is deteriorating in today's digital age. Johan Hari's journey to understand attention highlights the detrimental effects of excessive screen time and constant distractions on our ability to engage in meaningful connections and tasks. While it is common for people to believe that attention naturally worsens with age, research indicates that this problem is exacerbated by our dependency on technology. The story of Adam, Hari's godson, showcases how a young person's life can become fragmented and devoid of depth when consumed by constant digital stimulation. This conversation serves as a reminder of the importance of actively managing our attention, prioritizing meaningful interactions, and finding balance in our relationship with technology.

    • Overcoming technology addiction to truly experience life.Disconnecting from technology allows us to fully engage with our surroundings, fostering meaningful connections and genuine experiences.

      Our dependence on technology and smartphones can hinder our ability to fully experience and appreciate the present moment. The narrator's godson's constant use of his phone, even during a trip to a significant place like Graceland, symbolizes the disconnect and lack of presence that occurs when we prioritize digital interactions over real-life experiences. The narrator realizes that his anger towards his godson is actually rooted in his own realization that he too is guilty of being consumed by technology. This conversation highlights the importance of setting boundaries with technology and being mindful of how it affects our ability to engage with the world around us. By putting down our phones and embracing the present, we can truly experience and connect with our surroundings and the people in our lives.

    • The Attention Crisis: Understanding the Factors and Seeking SolutionsOur shrinking attention spans are not solely our own fault but rather a widespread issue, demanding societal changes to restore and maintain deep focus in our lives.

      There is evidence to suggest that we are facing an attention and focus crisis. While there hasn't been a consistent test conducted over the years to track attention levels, there are scientific studies that indicate 12 different factors that affect attention and focus. Many of these factors have been on the rise in recent years. As a result, our attention spans are shrinking collectively. Understanding this crisis requires a shift in mindset, away from self-blame and towards recognizing that it is a widespread issue impacting most people. Just as changes in our food supply and urban environments contributed to the obesity epidemic, there are societal changes necessary to address the attention crisis. Both individual and structural changes are needed to restore and maintain deep focus in our lives.

    • The Power of Attention: Achieving Goals and Building RelationshipsPrioritizing attention allows us to stay focused, achieve our goals, and maintain meaningful connections in both our personal and professional lives.

      Attention is crucial for achieving goals and problem-solving, both on a personal and collective level. If we can't focus and pay attention, our ability to achieve our goals diminishes, and our relationships suffer. Whether it's starting a business, writing a book, or simply being present with loved ones, attention is essential. Without the ability to pay attention, our lives become fragmented, and we lose sight of our long-term goals and aspirations. We become disconnected from ourselves and others, leading to a sense of being lost in our own lives. Therefore, it's important to prioritize attention and minimize distractions to maintain focus, achieve our goals, and foster meaningful relationships.

    • Using Pre-commitment to Prioritize Meaningful ConnectionsBy implementing pre-commitment strategies, such as setting boundaries for technology use, individuals can foster more meaningful connections in their relationships.

      Pre-commitment can be an effective strategy to limit the use of technology and prioritize meaningful connections. Steven and his girlfriend implemented a rule to exclude devices from certain parts of their life, such as the bedroom, and committed to putting their phones away for extended periods of time. This form of pre-commitment helps them stay present and attentive to each other. Additionally, the conversation highlights that the excessive use of technology is not solely the fault of the technology itself, but rather the result of other factors. It is possible to make technology work for our attention instead of against it. By recognizing the impact of technology on our lives and consciously setting boundaries, we can foster more meaningful connections in our relationships.

    • The Profit-driven Agenda of Social Media PlatformsIt is important to question the motives behind technology and advocate for business models that prioritize user well-being instead of solely focusing on profit.

      Social media platforms, like Facebook, are designed to hijack our attention and profit from it. The business model of these platforms involves tracking and monitoring our activities, building detailed profiles, and selling that information to advertisers. This constant surveillance allows them to target ads specifically to us, maximizing their revenue. Consequently, features that could potentially divert our attention away from the platform, such as a "meet-up" button, are purposely absent because it contradicts their profit-driven model. It is crucial to understand that being pro or anti-tech is not the issue; rather, we should question the tech that is working in whose interests. The conversation prompts us to consider alternative business models that prioritize user well-being over profit.

    • Reconsidering Social Media's Business Model for User Satisfaction and Well-beingShifting the focus to user satisfaction, by adopting alternative business models and regulating social media platforms, can lead to a healthier and more beneficial experience for users.

      The current business model of social media, where users are treated as products for advertisers, is detrimental to our well-being. By moving to different business models such as subscription or public ownership, we can shift the focus back to the users and prioritize their satisfaction. Facebook's attempt to address the negative impact of short, addictive videos on their platform resulted in a decline in revenues and the emergence of TikTok, which fully capitalized on addictive content. This highlights the danger of not addressing the underlying issue of the business model. It is important for us to reconsider and regulate the business model of social media platforms to ensure a healthier and more beneficial experience for users.

    • Harnessing the power of flow for improved productivity and well-being.By choosing a meaningful goal and challenging ourselves, eliminating distractions, and creating a focused environment, we can tap into the flow state and enhance our competence and mental health.

      Flow state is a powerful and essential capacity that all human beings have. It is a state where we are deeply engaged in something meaningful to us, and our attention flows effortlessly. Flow states are important for feeling competent and maintaining good mental health. To get into a flow state, there are three key factors: choosing one goal, choosing a goal that is meaningful to us, and choosing something that is slightly harder than what we have done before. However, flow can be consistently ruined by interruptions and distractions. Therefore, in order to experience the benefits of flow and maximize our productivity and well-being, it is crucial to eliminate distractions and create an environment that supports focused attention.

    • The Negative Effects of Multitasking and Interruption on Cognitive PerformanceMinimizing interruptions and prioritizing single-tasking is essential for optimal cognitive functioning, as multitasking and constant interruption can negatively affect attention, creativity, memory, and overall intelligence.

      Multitasking and constant interruption have significant negative effects on our attention, creativity, memory, and overall intelligence. Our brains can only consciously focus on one thing at a time, and attempting to follow multiple forms of media or constantly switching tasks leads to a decline in cognitive performance. When we interrupt our focus, even for a few seconds, it takes time and effort to refocus our attention, resulting in decreased productivity. Moreover, switching between tasks increases the likelihood of making mistakes and impairs our ability to form memories. Additionally, uninterrupted time for deep thinking allows our brains to make unique connections and foster creativity. Ultimately, it is crucial to minimize interruptions and prioritize single-tasking for optimal cognitive functioning.

    • The Connection Between Focus, Distractions, and SleepOur focus and sleep are closely linked, and distractions can significantly hinder our ability to maintain concentration. Lack of sleep also impairs cognitive abilities, emphasizing the importance of understanding this connection for our well-being.

      Our focus and sleep are closely intertwined and greatly impacted by modern distractions. Professor Michael Posner's research shows that when we are distracted, it takes approximately 23 minutes to regain the same level of focus. Our focus is constantly being stolen by various forces, as outlined in the book "Stolen Focus." Additionally, the discussion on sleep reveals alarming trends. We are sleeping less than ever before, with a 20% decline in adult sleep in the last century. Lack of sleep significantly affects our attention and cognitive abilities, as proven by the work of Dr. Charles Seisler and Professor Roxanne Prashard. Understanding the connection between focus, distractions, and sleep is crucial for maintaining optimal mental functioning and overall well-being.

    • The Importance of Sleep for Our Well-beingSleep is not only important for our overall well-being but also has a significant impact on our physical and mental health. Prioritizing quality sleep can lead to improved attention and overall well-being.

      Sleep is not a passive process; it is an active process that is crucial for our overall well-being. When we don't get enough sleep, our body interprets it as an emergency, leading to various negative effects on our physical and mental health. Lack of sleep raises our heart rate, increases cravings for unhealthy food, and hampers creativity and cognitive function. Unfortunately, a significant number of people, including 23% of British individuals, suffer from a chronic lack of sleep. To address this issue, we can take personal steps such as using a case safe to lock away our phones an hour before bed to avoid distractions. Additionally, we can advocate for better professional laws that prioritize uninterrupted sleep. Prioritizing quality sleep is essential for improved attention and overall well-being.

    • The Benefits of a Four-Day WorkweekImplementing a four-day workweek can lead to increased productivity and well-being in the workplace, providing employees with more rest and personal time for a happier and more productive workforce.

      Implementing a four-day workweek can significantly improve productivity and well-being in the workplace. Andrew, the head of the company, decided to experiment with this idea and saw remarkable results. By reducing the workweek by one day, employees were able to concentrate better and achieve more within the shorter timeframe. Productivity increased, stress levels decreased, and even social media use at work decreased. Other companies, such as Microsoft and Toyota, have also seen positive outcomes from similar experiments. This shows that providing employees with more rest and time for personal activities can ultimately benefit both individuals and the organization as a whole. So, the key takeaway is that considering alternative work schedules may lead to a happier, more productive workforce.

    • The negative impact of reading on screens and the benefits of printed books.Reading on screens hampers comprehension and memory, while printed books promote deep reading and contemplation.

      Reading on screens significantly diminishes our ability to remember and understand what we read, a phenomenon known as screen inferiority. This effect is so significant that it can result in a loss of two-thirds of a ten-year-old child's progress in reading in a year. When reading on screens, we tend to skim and search for keywords, which hampers our linear reading skills. Additionally, the medium we use to consume information carries its own message. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook have inherent messages embedded in their mediums that affect how we interpret and engage with the world. The message of printed books, on the other hand, encourages us to slow down, contemplate, and delve into the complexity of ideas.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Consciousness and BehaviorOur engagement with social media and online platforms can shape our thoughts and actions. We should be mindful of the negative influences and actively seek avenues that promote empathy and positive dialogue.

      Our engagement with social media and online platforms can significantly shape our consciousness and behavior. Johann Hari emphasizes the importance of slowing down, thinking about the inner lives of others, and being conscious of the technologies we absorb. He argues that social media, with its focus on instant feedback and negativity bias, can hinder meaningful engagement, empathy, and love. Stephen Bartlett supports this idea, highlighting the influence of comment sections and the consensus they create. The algorithms behind these platforms prioritize keeping users scrolling, leading to a promotion of negative and divisive content. This not only impacts personal relationships but also has severe political consequences. Therefore, we should be cautious about the technologies we adopt and actively seek avenues, like books, that encourage empathy, complex thinking, and positive dialogue.

    • The damaging effects of anger-driven social media and the need for regulatory interventionRegulations are necessary to counter the negative impact of anger-driven social media and to promote positive emotions, such as hope and empathy, for a better future.

      The business model of social media platforms, like Facebook, inherently causes division and polarization within society. The algorithms used by these platforms prioritize and amplify polarizing and inflammatory content, which leads to the spread of anger and fear. This not only destroys individual attention and makes it harder to pay attention, but it also has catastrophic effects on society as a whole. The focus on anger-based content prevents other human motivators, such as hope and love, from being recognized and encouraged. To combat this issue, regulations are needed to prevent the hacking of our worst aspects and to build algorithms that promote positive emotions. By appealing to hope and empathy, we can create a better future and counter the damaging effects of anger-driven social media.

    • Redesigning algorithms for a healthier digital environment.By prioritizing users' well-being over advertising, we can create innovative solutions that benefit individuals and challenge technology companies to create a healthier digital environment.

      The current algorithms used by technology companies, such as YouTube and Twitter, are designed to maximize our attention and often lead to negative effects, such as promoting fear and toxicity. However, there are alternative ways to structure these apps that prioritize users' well-being and interests. By changing the incentives of these companies and shifting their focus from pleasing advertisers to understanding and meeting the needs of users, we can create a market that provides innovative solutions that benefit individuals rather than harm them. This may require legal intervention to ban specific mechanisms that invade privacy and sell personal information. Ultimately, it is important to challenge and take on these companies to ensure a healthier digital environment for everyone.

    • The Need for Collaboration: Bridging the Knowledge Gap between Lawmakers and Technology ExpertsCollaboration between lawmakers and technology experts is essential to effectively address the risks and impacts of rapidly advancing technologies, ensuring protection of individual rights, privacy, and navigating the changing technology landscape.

      The pace of technological change is far outstripping the ability of legislation to keep up. The current state of affairs, as highlighted by the senate hearing with tech CEOs, demonstrates a lack of understanding and competency among lawmakers in relation to social platforms and emerging technologies. This knowledge gap poses a significant challenge in addressing the risks and impacts of technology, including data privacy and the attention crisis. The conversation emphasizes the need for lawmakers to collaborate with industry experts and professionals who possess a deep understanding of these technologies and their implications. Without effective legislation that keeps up with the rapid pace of technological advancement, society may struggle to protect individual rights, privacy, and navigate the evolving landscape of technology.

    • Reclaiming Our Minds: The Need for Cultural Change in the Age of Social Media AlgorithmsUnderstanding the detrimental effects of social media algorithms and empowering individuals to make conscious choices can lead to a society that values critical thinking and focus, fostering innovation in the long run.

      Cultural change is necessary in order to reclaim our minds from the negative effects of social media algorithms. Politicians and tech companies have an incentive to keep us addicted and angry because it benefits their bottom line. However, a society that can't focus or think deeply won't be innovative in the long run. Countries like China have recognized this and implemented restrictions on screen time and algorithmic control to foster innovation. While banning recommendation algorithms might seem extreme in the current context, educating people about the detrimental effects of these algorithms and empowering them to make conscious choices can lead to positive change. It's important to understand the underlying causes that invade our attention and work towards creating a society that values critical thinking and focus.

    • Taking Action to Address Technology and Attention IssuesBy recognizing the impact of technology on our well-being and implementing specific goals such as banning surveillance capitalism, implementing a four-day work week, and promoting unstructured play for children, we can reclaim our attention and create a society that values focus and flourishing.

      There are specific actions we can take to address the issues surrounding technology and attention. It is crucial for people to understand that their dissatisfaction and unhappiness are not personal failings, but rather a consequence of the way our technology works. We must recognize that we have the power to change it. Three specific goals can be pursued to bring about change: banning the surveillance capitalism business model, implementing a four-day working week to give people more time and combat exhaustion, and restoring childhood by promoting unstructured play and exercise for children. These goals can be achieved through legislation and the collective effort of individuals who rally around a common objective. By taking these actions, we can reclaim our attention, protect our children's well-being, and shape a society that values focus, deep thinking, and overall flourishing.

    • The Impact of Our Diet on Attention and FocusEliminating processed food from our diet can significantly improve attention, with studies reporting a 50% increase in retention. Opting for real, unprocessed foods is essential for enhancing focus and combating challenges.

      Our current diet, filled with junk food and processed ingredients, is negatively impacting our attention. Johann Hari explains that the rapid release and crash of energy caused by such a diet leads to brain fog and a lack of focus. Additionally, our diet deprives our brains of the necessary nutrients for development and contains substances that act on us like drugs. Research has shown that eliminating processed food from our diet can significantly improve attention, with some studies reporting a 50% increase in retention. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to our food choices, opting for real, unprocessed foods that our grandparents would have consumed. By doing so, we can enhance our ability to focus and combat the challenges that lie ahead.

    • The Shift in Our Eating Habits and Its Impact on Health and Well-beingRecognize the negative impact of processed food on our health and strive to incorporate more fresh and nutritious options into our diets. Meaningful connections and conversations also play a valuable role in shaping our perspectives on life.

      There has been a significant shift in our eating habits over the past few generations. Our ancestors predominantly consumed fresh and nutritious food that they grew and killed themselves. However, in recent years, the majority of British and American diets consist of processed or ultra-processed food, which can hardly be considered real food. This shift has had a negative impact on our health and well-being. It is important to recognize this change and strive to incorporate more fresh and nutritious food into our diets. Additionally, the conversation highlights the value of meaningful connections and conversations with others, as they can provide us with valuable insights and lessons that shape our perspectives on life.

    • Johann Hari's captivating writing and presence leave a lasting impact on readers, as discussed in Steven Bartlett's podcast.Hari's books and conversations have the power to captivate, entertain, educate, and inspire, making them highly recommendable for all.

      The emotional journey provided by Johann Hari's books, such as "Lost Connections" and "Stolen Focus," has a profound impact on readers. Steven Bartlett expresses his admiration for Hari's writing style, which allows him to fully engage with the subjects and make a lasting impression on his consciousness. Bartlett's continuous invitation to Hari on his podcast demonstrates the value he sees in their conversations and the important topics they discuss. Additionally, the conversation highlights Hari's wit and intelligence, making him a beloved guest. Overall, the key takeaway is that Hari's writing and presence have the power to captivate, entertain, educate, and inspire, making his work highly recommendable.

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    Moment 170: The Scientific Method For Unstoppable Confidence: Professor Steve Peters
    In this moment, elite sport psychologist, Professor Steve Peters discusses the way to overcome low self-esteem. Often low self-esteem manifests itself outwardly in abusive relationships, the wrong career, and impulsive behaviours. Dr Peters says these are ‘maladaptive coping strategies’, where you are punishing yourself, thinking that you don’t deserve to treat yourself well, as you believe that you fundamentally don’t deserve happiness. Dr Peters says the solution can be as simple as getting a blank piece of paper and writing down who you want to be, and what behaviours you want to have. He says that this exercise works, as once you remove the interference of your mind, this person you hope to become is actually you, as you are defining yourself. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/z1I1IZ8k9Kb Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link/8Mn7QU2k9Kb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Professor Steve Peters: https://chimpmanagement.com/professor-steve-peters/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Investing Expert: We’re Raising The Most Unhappy Generation In History! The Unseen Link Between Marriage & Wealth! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth! - Scott Galloway

    The Investing Expert: We’re Raising The Most Unhappy Generation In History! The Unseen Link Between Marriage & Wealth! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth! - Scott Galloway
    The millionaire entrepreneur revealing Wall Street's secrets and simplifying finance for the masses Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at the New York Stern School of Business and host of the ‘Pivot’ podcast about technology and business. He is also the best-selling author of books such as, ‘The Algebra of Happiness’, ‘The Four’, and ‘The Algebra of Wealth’.  In this conversation, Scott and Steven discuss topics such as, billionaire money hacks, the 6 fundamental rules of investing, how to make $7 million from nothing, and how marriage can make you rich. 00:00 Intro 02:00 Why Some Become More Rich Than Others 03:15 Where Do We Learn About Money? 08:43 Where Would We Be Without Those Connections? 13:04 No Matter How Old You Are You Can Still Make More Money 20:21 When To Take Risks And When To Diversify 23:27 Should We Go For Our Dream Jobs? 27:05 Having Money Is Fun! 31:18 Why Should You Have A Number Of How Much Money You Need? 32:41 How To Make 9-Figures 37:18 Where You Should Live To Be Financially Successful 40:02 How Do You Get Out Of Your Current Job Situation 42:39 Good Places To Make Money Vs Bad Places To Make Money 45:19 How Do You Find A Mentor? 49:10 The Psychological Formula For Networking 56:58 How To Be A Great Decision Maker 01:01:48 Is Marriage Good For Wealth? 01:03:39 Relationship Investing Is The Key To Wealth 01:06:17 Can Anyone Start A Company? 01:08:11 The Power Of Storytelling 01:10:01 How Does The Average Person Develop The Skill Of Storytelling? 01:12:54 What Is The Algebra To Storytelling? 01:16:25 How Has Scott Changed Over The Years? 01:18:56 Where Should I Invest My Money? 01:27:12 Investing $1000 A Month In S&P Visual 01:30:42 Is Real Estate Worth Investing In? 01:34:59 Playing The Tax Game 01:41:37 The Importance Of Tax Advice 01:43:53 Last Guest Question Follow Scott:  Instagram -  https://g2ul0.app.link/JCoalDTC7Kb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9EftqvWC7Kb  You can purchase Scott’s book, ‘The Algebra of Wealth’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/g6AkFeRC7Kb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed - https://bit.ly/DOAC-POD-DIARY15 - Code: DIARY15 at checkout for 15% off NordVPN - https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves
    500,000 men are dying by suicide, and 6% of men are unemployed, is masculinity in crisis? And what is the cure?  Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and President of the American Institute for Boys and Men, an organisation that researches and addresses issues affecting men. He is also the author of the book, ‘Of Boys and Men’.  In this conversation, Richard and Steven discuss topics such as, the rising rates of male suicide rates, the health benefits of marriage for men, the toxic impact of Andrew Tate, and the relationship crisis among men.  0:00 (Intro) (01:24) Why Dedicating Your Career To Men's Issues (03:54) What's Your Background? (06:06) The Crazy Stats That Made You Research This Topic (08:07) We're Going Through A Cultural Revolution (12:32) We Need A New Way To Approach This (17:12) Are Men And Women Differently? (21:07) Men Take More Risks (26:17) Unconscious Behaviours Of Men (34:11) Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men (38:44) Why Is This Suicide Increasing? (42:47) Why Do Humans Feel Like They Need To Be Needed? (46:59) Why Men Feel Less Needed (49:43) Does Retirement Kill You? (54:43) We're Losing Connection In Our Modern Society (57:42) The Dating Environment Has Changed (01:05:23) Are Dating Apps Being Unfavourable To Men? (01:09:41) Is Marriage In Decline? (01:12:51) Births Are Increasing Outside Of Marriage (01:13:56) Is Marriage Better For Women Or Men? (01:15:59) Enforced Monogamy (01:17:55) Why Andrew Tate Converted To Islam (01:20:47) Women Economic Power (01:22:56) What Do You Think About The Word Toxic Masculinity (01:27:08) There Is A Friendship Male Recession (01:31:38) Men Shed's Movement (01:33:48) My Experience With Couples Therapy (01:36:30) The Hard Times Of Going Through Couples Therapy (01:40:25) How Masculinity Can Be Expressed (01:47:42) What Advice You'd Give Your Children (01:53:58) Using Our Voices To Make Men Be Heard (02:01:22) The Last Guest Question You can buy Richard’s book, ‘Of Boys And Men’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/BGBtdbitXKb  Follow Richard:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/8swNmRotXKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9iup1brtXKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante
    In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew  introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, you gain insights into their ideology, providing you with useful information for future sales. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb Apple -  https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Andrew: https://everydayspy.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore
    It's the most effective weight loss drug ever, but could it have other miraculous benefits? Dr Tyna Moore is a certified Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician and expert in holistic regenerative medicine. She is also the host of ‘The Dr Tyna Show’ Podcast and founder of the ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course about the benefits of the drug.  In this conversation, Dr Tyna and Steven discuss topics such as, how Ozempic saved Tyna’s mother’s life, the link between Ozempic and fertility, Ozempic's impact on alcoholism, and how Ozempic can boost your sex drive.  00:00 Intro 02:06 What Is Tina's Mission? 03:33 What Is a Naturopathic Doctor? 05:13 What Is Metabolic Dysfunction? 10:17 Tina's Most Surprising Case Studies 12:45 What Treatment Did You Prescribe Your Mother? 15:47 Tina's Health History 19:28 Discovering Ozempic 27:57 What Is Ozempic? 32:14 Tina's Use of Ozempic 38:17 The Untold Story of Ozempic 41:26 Other Benefits of Ozempic 50:36 Ozempic the Cancer Cure? 54:45 Mental Health Connections to Ozempic 57:14 Sexual Health and Fertility Impact 01:00:58 Where Is Metabolic Dysfunction Coming From? 01:05:04 What Advice You'd Give Someone With PCOS 01:10:13 Microdosing Examples 01:15:07 Microdosing Ozempic 01:20:34 Is Ozempic a Cure for Addiction? 01:23:56 Ozempic and the Dopamine Pathways 01:27:34 Should We Be Concerned About Side Effects? 01:30:18 What Are the Downsides of the Treatment? 01:32:42 What Else You Need to Do for Weight Loss if Microdosing 01:35:30 Losing Muscle as We Age, Fact? 01:36:37 The Sleep Component 01:38:44 Mindset for Weight Loss 01:40:36 The Benefits of Saunas 01:42:34 What Would Tyna Say to the World? 01:46:57 How to Find Out More About Tyna's Work 01:54:06 Guest's Last Question You can sign up to Tyna’s ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/SzO8olaUTKb  Follow Tyna:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1jWIP6cUTKb  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/TDLQu8fUTKb  Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: Ozempic and cardiovascular disease - https://g2ul0.app.link/acj4iubuVKb  Ozempic and colorectal cancer - https://g2ul0.app.link/ZFpVdfduVKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer
    Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.  In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities. 00:00 Intro 02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions 04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background 06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre? 08:01 Why Dr. Guy Chose To Study Sleep 09:19 Is Sleep Important? 11:24 Why We Need Sleep For Good Health 12:59 A Large Percent Of The Population Has Insomnia 17:05 What Is Narcolepsy 18:03 What's Causing So Many Sleep Problems? 21:06 What's The Perfect Sleeping Habit? 24:36 Sleep Quantity Variance Per Person 28:27 The Link Between Sleep And Weight Gain 31:44 Circadian Rhythms Explained 36:17 Blue Lights 39:34 The Main Reasons People Are Struggling With Their Sleep 44:35 Sleep Myths 46:15 Chronotypes 47:55 Where To Start Fixing Sleep Problems 51:25 The Rise Of Sleep Trackers 58:28 What Is The Glymphatic System? 01:01:50 The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Alzheimer's 01:02:54 Medicating To Help Sleep 01:04:38 Side Effects Of Melatonin 01:06:05 Non-Medical Alternatives To Help Sleep 01:14:38 Surgery To Fix Sleeping Issues 01:17:49 What Would Brain Scans Reveal About Sleep Deprivation 01:19:40 Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Mood 01:21:11 Can Parts Of Our Brain Be Asleep? 01:22:47 Dreaming 01:25:08 Nightmares Explained 01:25:54 Why Do We Remember Some Dreams And Not Others? 01:28:12 Most Upsetting Sleep Disorder Dr. Guy Has Seen 01:31:42 The Sleepwalking Murderer 01:33:51 There Is Help For Insomnia 01:35:18 The Different Types Of Insomnia 01:36:42 The Man Who Tasted Words 01:39:33 Autism And Synesthesia 01:42:22 Are We Guilty Of Crimes If We Are Mentally Ill? 01:45:01 Interventions To Help The Criminally Mentally Ill 01:46:40 Crazy Stories Resulting From A Brain Disorder 01:52:47 How Meeting People With Brain Disorders Has Changed Dr. Guy 01:54:22 Guest's Last Question   You can purchase Guy’s books, here: ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/aoUzRBkJNKb  ‘The Nocturnal Brain’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/iLrSJxzKNKb ‘The Secret World of Sleep’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/W8nPXVCKNKb  Follow Guy: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/CCqOwVnJNKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/YC1itGqJNKb  You can learn more about the study on light exposure patterns, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/2SQaT1KKNKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Got questions?

    You can shoot Aaron or Amy an email about anything! We'd love to hear your brutally honest or delightfully encouraging thoughts on the show and the topics that come up each week. There's a good chance we have stuff on our website at Third Space too!

    Deeper Questions is produced by Production Farm Studios

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    For advanced reading click here: NirAndFar.com/Indistractable
    Here is the schedule maker tool Nir mentioned: https://nirandfar.com/schedule-maker/
    A link to a cool distraction guide here: https://www.nirandfar.com/distractions/
    And Habits vs routines article here: https://www.nirandfar.com/habits/

    Otherwise follow Nir @Neyal99