
    E 307: Funding Options with Spur Pathways & Momentus Capital

    enDecember 19, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this episode, I’m joined by Ashley McLeod of Momentus Capital and Byron Whitmore of Macy’s, Inc. to discuss S.P.U.R. Pathways (Shared Purpose, Unlimited Reach), a multiyear, multifaceted funding program to advance entrepreneurial growth, close wealth gaps and shatter systemic barriers faced by diverse-owned and underrepresented businesses. We discuss the partnership between Momentus Capital and Macy’s, Inc., how brands can apply and application tips.


    Find more information on the Macy’s S.P.U.R. Pathways Program



    Find more information on Momentus Capital



    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Ashley McLeod

    Byron Whitmore, II

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.

    Recent Episodes from Beauty from the Shelf

    E404: Creating Unique Brand Experiences with Kimberly Waters

    E404: Creating Unique Brand Experiences with Kimberly Waters

    In this episode of Beauty from the Shelf, we delve into the world of boutique retailing with Kimberly Waters, owner, founder, and creative director of M.U.S.E., Modern Urban Sensory Experiences. Located in the heart of Harlem, Muse stands as Harlem’s premier niche fragrance destination, offering a unique space for consumers to explore luxury perfumes in an intimate, welcoming environment.


    Kimberly shares her insights on how boutique retailers like Muse can provide a platform for early-stage beauty brands to gain visibility and connect with clientele. Through her personal journey and dedication to accessibility, Kimberly has built Muse as a space where individuals within the community can discover and experience fragrances without pretension.


    Kimberly offers valuable perspectives on curating product selections and creating personalized experiences for customers. As we discuss the power of storytelling in the beauty industry, Kimberly emphasizes the significance of understanding consumer preferences and connecting them with the right fragrance. She shares strategies for boutique retailers to effectively communicate brand narratives and values, fostering deeper connections with customers.


    Kimberly offers advice for early-stage founders seeking partnerships with boutique retailers. From pitching products to establishing credibility, Kimberly provides invaluable insights for navigating the dynamic landscape of boutique retailing.


    Tune in as we uncover the secrets to creating unique brand experiences and discover how Muse is redefining the beauty retail landscape, one fragrance at a time.

    Check out the M.U.S.E. website at: https://www.museexperiences.com/


    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Kimberly Waters

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.

    E 403: Unlocking Salon Success | Expert Insights Revealed

    E 403: Unlocking Salon Success | Expert Insights Revealed

    Welcome to an eye-opening episode where we delve into the dynamic world of retail channels beyond the everyday. Our expert guest, Mercedes Asare joins the show. Mercedes has hands-on experience working both on the brand side and through distributors. She sheds light on the unique strategies employed to sell products in hair salons and spas. We explore the crucial role distributors play, the vast opportunities in the salon industry, and the key considerations for brands eyeing expansion. Discover the nuances of selling in the professional channel, the impact of stylist and salon collaboration, and the significance of digital marketing in professional hair care. Uncover potential challenges and explore exciting opportunities for brands aiming to make a mark in this thriving sector. Stay tuned for valuable insights and strategic tips for navigating the professional hair care landscape!


    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Mercedes Asare

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.

    E 402: Speaking Truth & Being True to Brand Values

    E 402: Speaking Truth & Being True to Brand Values

    If you’ve ever questioned or wondered how businesses stay true to their brand values and address bold topics trending in current culture then this episode is for you. Monique sits down with Julie Kuciski, a long-time industry veteran, and talks about how your core beliefs can allow brands to show up and mean more to their target consumer.

    Speaking out isn’t just about being bold - it’s about creating community, and a lasting relationship between a brand and its target consumer. Listen in to learn how brands can approach these tough topics head on and worry less about being canceled, or performative. 

    Check out Wile here: https://wilewomen.com/

    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Julie Kucinski

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.

    E 401: Consumer Care & Early Stage Brands

    E 401: Consumer Care & Early Stage Brands

    Welcome to another insightful episode of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast! In today's conversation, our host, Monique Benoit, talks with Anna Marie La Venia and dives deep into the realm of Consumer Care and its role in the success of early-stage beauty brands.

    The conversation begins by unraveling the essence of Consumer Care, distinguishing it from conventional customer service. Unlike the transactional nature of customer service, Consumer Care is portrayed as a holistic approach to nurturing customer relationships.

    In this engaging discussion, Anna Marie taps into her wealth of experience, shedding light on real-world examples where Consumer Care has been a game-changer for burgeoning beauty brands. The episode emphasizes the importance of leveraging consumer insights to refine product launches and adapt strategies, especially in the dynamic landscape of e-commerce giants like Amazon.

    A standout moment in the conversation is the powerful mantra, "Perception is reality," highlighting how a brand's image is intricately linked to the quality of Consumer Care provided. Monique explores the profound impact of exceptional Consumer Care on building brand loyalty and trust in the competitive beauty industry, particularly for startups.

    As the conversation unfolds, Anna Marie addresses the challenges and opportunities for early-stage beauty brands in establishing effective Consumer Care systems. Creative solutions and strategic automation emerge as key tools to stay connected with consumers, even on a limited budget.

    For those seeking to improve their products and services, Anna Marie delves into the art of using Consumer Care interactions as a valuable source of feedback. She also offers practical strategies for small beauty brands to stand out and resonate with customers, emphasizing the importance of knowing your core consumer and investing wisely in essential channels.

    Discover the metrics and KPIs that early-stage beauty brands should track to measure the success of their Consumer Care efforts. Anna Marie advocates for a focus speed in responding to consumer queries, as opposed to the usual expected metrics like customer satisfaction and Net Promoter Score.

    We briefly touch on social media and digital platforms for effective consumer engagement. 

    Join us in this enriching episode as Anna Marie unravels the secrets to success in Consumer Care, making it a cornerstone for early-stage beauty brands looking to thrive in the competitive market. Tune in and get ready to elevate your brand strategy!

    If you're eager to explore more or have specific questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Book a discovery call with Monique via the link in her "Featured" section on LinkedIn. Your brand's journey to success starts here!


    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Anna Marie La Venia

    Monique Benoit


    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.


    E 307: Funding Options with Spur Pathways & Momentus Capital

    E 307: Funding Options with Spur Pathways & Momentus Capital

    In this episode, I’m joined by Ashley McLeod of Momentus Capital and Byron Whitmore of Macy’s, Inc. to discuss S.P.U.R. Pathways (Shared Purpose, Unlimited Reach), a multiyear, multifaceted funding program to advance entrepreneurial growth, close wealth gaps and shatter systemic barriers faced by diverse-owned and underrepresented businesses. We discuss the partnership between Momentus Capital and Macy’s, Inc., how brands can apply and application tips.


    Find more information on the Macy’s S.P.U.R. Pathways Program



    Find more information on Momentus Capital



    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Ashley McLeod

    Byron Whitmore, II

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.

    E 306: Nailing Your Brand Why with Rajaa G

    E 306: Nailing Your Brand Why with Rajaa G

    In this insightful podcast episode featuring brand strategist and growth marketer Rajaa Grar. The overarching theme centers on "Nailing Your Brand ‘Why’ in a Digital World." Rajaa draws from a wealth of experience and categories including: Meal Delivery, Starbucks, Amazon, Paula’s Choice, and the Hydration industry.


    Rajaa begins by sharing her process for defining or redefining a brand's 'why'. She highlights her brand builder purist approach, emphasizing the importance of brand pyramids and starting from the beginning. Rajaa stresses the need to identify what the brand brings to consumers that other brands don't, filling a need, fulfilling a value proposition, and employing a unique storytelling perspective.


    The conversation delves into whether a brand's 'why' informs its point of differentiation and how this is reflected in telling the brand story. Rajaa emphasizes the necessity of a distinctive 'why' from the start to prevent struggles and underscores the importance of defining the brand's reason for existence.


    We discuss Rajaa's impactful stint at Paula’s Choice, and the factors that prompted a change in brand positioning. With new market entrants like Drunk Elephant, Paula’s Choice, a 24-year-old brand, lacked relevancy and emotion with the new consumer. Rajaa initiated a transformative beauty campaign, "beauty begins with truth," and introduced engaging influencer campaign along with additional marketing levers to drive growth and awareness. unboxing experiences. Pop-up events consistently drove awareness.


    Further insights are shared on how brands can gauge the need for shifts in their position by connecting with their target audience. Rajaa explores key differences in Paula’s Choice's new brand position that resonated with consumers and offers valuable insights on selecting influencers aligned with brand values.


    The discussion seamlessly transitions to Rajaa's success in leading social campaigns, emphasizing the importance of influencer alignment with brand values and creative approaches for early-stage brands amidst social media saturation. 


    The episode explores moments of virality, where Rajaa shares that while virality can't be entirely planned, it arises from steady work, fundamentals, building an integrated team, and highlighting a brand's point of differentiation. Rajaa underscores the role of PR as a lever and the need for everything to align for a successful virality strategy.


    Rajaa also touches upon the benefits and potential downsides of virality, addressing inventory planning challenges. She offers advice on how marketing teams can capitalize on virality and sustain its momentum.


    In closing, Rajaa provides valuable words for founders of early-stage brands, urging them to stick to their core values, maintain integrity, and honor the core consumer before exploring new targets or channels.



    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Rajaa Grar

    Monique Benoit


    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.


    E 305: How to Tell Your Brand Story

    E 305: How to Tell Your Brand Story

    For this solo episode, I decided to talk about crafting your story as a brand.


    If you’re already established, telling your story is more about validating the proof that’s out there, and sharing the interesting parts. Here are some starter questions to get you going: 


    What is the reason for starting your brand?

    Who is going to buy your brand?

    What problems does your ideal customer have?

    What problem is your brand solving?


    Follow me on LinkedIn:

    Monique Benoit


    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Their services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.


    E 304: Consumer Research, a Key Part of Your Business

    E 304: Consumer Research, a Key Part of Your Business

    Dive into the world of consumer research and its pivotal role in the CPG industry with our latest podcast episode with guest Kristen Evans. Kristen is a 15-year veteran in the consumer research space with experience in sports, CPG and at agencies.


    The conversation unfolds with a focus on the challenges smaller brands face due to limited funding. At 3:19, we explore the critical question of when brands should allocate resources for research as they scale. Discover the nuances of "Point of Parity" versus "Point of Difference" at 9:33 and how it shapes a brand's identity.


    Quantitative and qualitative research's significance becomes clear at 15:34, with practical advice on how early-stage brands can embrace research without breaking the bank. Learn how consumer insights fuel product innovation and build brand equity at 17:51 and 22:06, respectively.


    At 28:38, we uncover the power of storytelling and the art of joining conversations in the market. Delve into brand packaging findings at 29:04 and explore whether they resonate beyond specific brands. We also touch upon the pitfalls and watch-outs in consumer research at 31:58.


    The episode wraps up with a thought-provoking discussion on the "Why" behind research at 38:00 and a deep dive into "Kristen’s C’s of Research" at 40:07. These six/seven Cs — Company, Category, Competition, Consumer, Customer, Shopper, Channel, and Culture — form the bedrock of successful consumer research.


    Tune in and gain valuable insights into how consumer research can elevate your brand's presence and strategy in the ever-evolving CPG landscape.


    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Kristen Evans

    Monique Benoit


    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the Shelf Podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Our services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.


    E 303: Product Development & Innovation

    E 303: Product Development & Innovation

    In this episode, we visit the topic of product innovation and product development. We are joined by Mikaela Maxwell. Mikaela shares her thoughts on where to look for innovation using accessible tools. She also offers advice on building supplier pipelines, and questions to ask as you are building your plans for product development.


    Mikaela Maxwell is a versatile professional with a wealth of experience and skills in brand marketing, product development, and investment. With a career spanning various industries, she has made her mark as a dynamic force in the beauty industry.



    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Mikaela Maxwell

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the shelf podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Our services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.

    E 302: The Importance of a Good Team

    E 302: The Importance of a Good Team

    In this episode, we dive deep into the world of business growth, entrepreneurship, and leadership. Today we're in for a treat as we have an incredible guest, Monica Saracino, a rockstar leader with a track record of scaling businesses across various industries, from beauty and lifestyle to the world of fashion.

    Monica has been part of some remarkable ventures, including Beach House Group, known for incubating Moon Oral Care with Kendall Jenner, Beis with Shay Mitchell, and Pattern with Tracee Ellis Ross. Currently, she's at the helm of fashion brand Janessa Leone. Today, we're going to discuss the importance of building a good team as it relates to early-stage brands. Have a listen and enjoy!



    Follow Us on LinkedIn:

    Monica Saracino

    Monique Benoit

    Thank you to The Emerson Group, the sponsor of the Beauty from the shelf podcast. The Emerson Group is a consumer products and equity organization that works with brands that sell into retailers across the USA, Mexico and Canada. Our services include logistics, marketing, consumer insights, brand design, consumer care, and more. For more information on our organization, visit emersongroup.com.