
    DeSantis Drops Out, Stock Market Soars, and Guest Aileen Lee

    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration and Effective Teamwork Lead to Amazing OutcomesCompanies that prioritize horizontal collaboration and simplify business operations can achieve faster speed to market and improved performance.

      Effective teamwork and collaboration across an organization can lead to amazing outcomes. Companies that look horizontally, rather than vertically, tend to have the fastest speed to market. Atlassian, a supporter of this podcast, offers software solutions like Confluence, Jira, and Loom to help maximize teamwork and productivity. Simplifying business operations, as Mercury does by powering financial workflows, can also lead to improved performance. And sometimes, attending a concert, like seeing Madonna, can provide an interesting break and answer unexpected questions, like where are all the white parents of Taylor Swift fans? Ultimately, it's important to focus on what brings us together and ride out any differences, rather than letting them break us apart.

    • Apple's New Devices Face Challenges with App Availability and CommissionsApple's new devices are facing challenges with app availability and high commissions, causing tension with software makers and disappointment among consumers.

      The tech industry, specifically Apple, is facing challenges with app availability and commissions on their new devices, causing tension with software makers. This comes as the economy remains a major concern for voters, with the stock market roaring but revenue growth flat for Apple. Looking ahead, we'll discuss the presidential election and the economy, as well as an interview with Aileen Lee, founder of Cowboy Ventures, who shares new insights on unicorn startups. Additionally, Apple's Vision Pro is lacking key apps like Netflix, YouTube, and Spotify, causing disappointment among consumers and headaches for the tech giant. The industry's approach to app store commissions and regulatory issues continue to be points of contention.

    • Nelson Peltz's Push for Disney Board SeatDespite owning significant Disney shares, Nelson Peltz's expertise in increasing streaming profit margins is questionable. Iger's strategic moves and qualified board members make Peltz's presence unlikely to add value.

      Nelson Peltz is pushing for a seat on Disney's board with the goal of increasing streaming profit margins, but his expertise in this area is questionable. Bob Iger, Disney's CEO, has already brought in qualified board members to help in areas of need. Peltz's ownership of $3 billion in Disney shares, which is likely more than the entire board combined, makes him a significant stakeholder. However, it's unlikely that his presence on the board would add much value beyond shutting him up. The consensus is that Iger is making the right moves and this proxy contest will be a distraction for the next year. The most effective way to silence a shareholder activist is to bring them onto the board. Despite Peltz's reputation for getting rid of CEOs, his tenure on the board would likely be short and uneventful. The complexities of corporate governance involve smart people trying to do what's best for the company. The real decisions are often made in the parking lot after board meetings. Iger's accomplishments and strategic moves suggest that he is doing exactly what he should be doing.

    • Activist investor Nelson Peltz's push for Disney board seat reveals right-wing strategyRight-wing groups strategically plan and execute agendas, leading to debates in education sector over antisemitism and DEI initiatives

      Nelson Peltz, an activist investor, has been pushing for a seat on Disney's board, and his persistence has led to the appointment of new directors addressing shareholder concerns. However, the personal animosity between Peltz and Iger might prevent Peltz from joining the board. Meanwhile, a conservative think tank called the Claremont Institute has been orchestrating a campaign against leftist social justice initiatives in schools, as revealed in a New York Times report. This coordinated effort shows how right-wing groups strategically plan and execute their agendas, often with significant impact. In the education sector, this has led to debates around issues like antisemitism and DEI initiatives. While some, like Larry Summers, criticize the handling of these issues, others see it as a calculated attempt to create culture wars. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on addressing the root causes of these issues rather than engaging in unproductive debates.

    • Debate over universities becoming centers of social engineering and political indoctrinationElite universities face criticism for limited spots, rising costs, and administrator growth, making higher education inaccessible for many. Productive solutions include expanding access and addressing root causes, like need-based affirmative action.

      The current state of universities in America has become a contentious issue, with some accusing them of becoming centers of social engineering and political indoctrination instead of centers of excellence. This issue is particularly pronounced at elite universities, where competition for limited spots creates a heated debate over affirmative action and DEI initiatives. However, the real problems lie in the growing number of administrators, the rising cost of education, and the scarcity of spots at these institutions, making higher education inaccessible for many. Instead of focusing on culture wars and empty debates, a productive solution would be to expand access to higher education for a larger population and address the root causes of the problem. Additionally, a shift towards need-based affirmative action could be a more equitable solution. Ultimately, it's important to move beyond the polarizing debates and focus on practical solutions to make education accessible and affordable for all.

    • Far-right ideology threatens higher educationFar-right ideology aims to reduce college attendance and diminish its standing, potentially impacting health, academic freedom, and intellectual growth.

      The far-right political ideology poses a significant threat to higher education in the United States, as they aim to reduce the number of people attending college and diminish its standing. This objective is concerning as higher education has been shown to have numerous benefits, including reducing the likelihood of depression, obesity, and gun ownership, among others. Larry Summers, a prominent economist and former government advisor, recently criticized Harvard for appointing a controversial figure as co-chair of an antisemitism task force, raising concerns about academic freedom and the potential for biased perspectives in academia. While Summers' criticism may not be problematic for a professor, it raises questions when coming from the co-chair of an antisemitism task force. The extremes have gained significant influence in the conversation, and it is crucial to address this issue and ensure that universities remain neutral grounds for learning and intellectual growth.

    • The New Hampshire primary is now a two-person race between Trump and Haley, with DeSantis dropping out.Despite less money, Haley's message and ability to connect with voters has allowed her to gain ground against Trump, who faces criticism for past campaign incompetencies.

      The New Hampshire primary has come down to a two-person race between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley, with Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race. DeSantis' campaign launch was criticized for being awkward and operationally incompetent, which reflected poorly on him and hindered his ability to appeal to voters on a national stage. Despite his success in Florida, DeSantis is seen as deeply unappealing to many Republicans on the national stage. Haley, on the other hand, has managed to break through despite not having as much money as some other candidates. In the past, money has been a decisive factor in state and congressional races, but that is no longer the case in the presidential race. Haley's message and ability to connect with voters has allowed her to gain ground, but she still faces an uphill battle against Trump. The dynamic between Trump and Haley is expected to be a major focus of the primary, with Haley taking a more confrontational approach towards Trump.

    • Marketing Strategy for Nikki Haley's Primary CampaignNikki Haley could stay in the primary race to capitalize on Trump's missteps, emphasize youth and merit, differentiate herself from Biden, and contrast her strengths with opponents.

      Nikki Haley's prospects in the Republican primary might be slim, but from a marketing perspective, she could stay in the race to capitalize on any legal or public relations missteps from the frontrunner, Donald Trump. Haley could also differentiate herself from Trump and Biden by emphasizing her youth and vigor, as well as the Republican Party's history of promoting merit and equality. Another key point is the growing consensus among voters that a Biden-Trump rematch is undesirable. Haley could use this sentiment to her advantage by positioning herself as a viable alternative to both candidates. Additionally, Haley's attacks on Trump's cognitive abilities and his potential vice presidential picks, such as Elise Stefanik and Tim Scott, could help distinguish her from the competition. Overall, Haley's marketing strategy would focus on contrasting her strengths with those of her opponents and appealing to voters who are tired of the same old political dynamics.

    • Choosing a Vice President: Credible, Thoughtful, and LikableBiden should consider a Vice President who can help him win the election, with Senator Tim Scott being a potential candidate due to his credibility, thoughtfulness, and diversity. However, concerns about Biden's age and past comments, as well as the importance of team connection and modern work practices, add complexity to the decision.

      During the discussion, it was suggested that Joe Biden, the U.S. President, should choose a Vice President who is credible, thoughtful, and likable, and can help him win the upcoming election. Senator Tim Scott was mentioned as a potential candidate due to his ability to check several boxes, including being non-white and having a solid track record. However, there are concerns about Biden's age and past comments about his vice president, Kamala Harris. Some believe that Biden should choose someone he gets along with, but others argue that winning is the priority. It was also mentioned that no one seems to want the election this year due to the ongoing global issues. Additionally, there was a discussion about the importance of team connection and modern work practices to get things done effectively.

    • Exploring Travel Experiences with ViatorViator offers 300,000+ travel experiences, real reviews, free cancellation, and 247 customer support for worry-free travel planning.

      Viator is a valuable tool for travelers looking to make the most of their time away. With over 300,000 travel experiences to choose from, including tours, activities, and adventures, Viator offers something for every traveler. Real traveler reviews provide valuable insights, and features like free cancellation and 247 customer support help ensure a worry-free travel experience. Meanwhile, the US economy is showing signs of strength, with record high stock markets, low inflation, and rising job numbers. However, consumer sentiment remains mixed, with Americans crediting their personal gains while still blaming the government for inflation. The economic outlook is positive, with the US producing more energy than ever and maintaining energy independence. If you're considering investments, it's important to be cautious and seek professional advice. As for the housing market, it's a complex issue with various factors at play. Stay tuned for more insights on these topics.

    • Investing in the market as a whole is more beneficial than trying to pick individual stocksHistorically, the market provides strong returns and diversified index or ETF funds offer a stress-free investment approach

      Instead of trying to pick individual winning stocks, it's generally more beneficial for investors, especially young people, to buy into the entire market through index or ETF funds. The speaker emphasizes that the market as a whole has historically provided strong returns, and attempting to pick individual stocks is a challenging and often unsuccessful endeavor. By investing in a diversified index or ETF fund, investors can avoid the emotional stress of watching individual stocks and instead focus their energy on their day jobs. The speaker also predicts that the housing market will experience a boom in demand once interest rates decrease and more housing stock becomes available.

    • The Allure of Unicorns: Finding Success in Young Tech CompaniesA decade ago, Eileen Lee coined the term 'unicorn' for VC-backed startups worth over $1B. Today, there are 532 unicorns, highlighting the importance of sourcing promising companies before they gain widespread recognition.

      Life continues to bring unexpected events, whether it's having a new child or experiencing a loss, while the housing market and tech industry continue to evolve. Ten years ago, Eileen Lee coined the term "unicorn" to describe VC-backed startups valued at over $1 billion. Since then, the number of unicorns has grown exponentially, with 532 companies meeting this definition. Lee reflected on her early investment strategies and how she came up with the term, emphasizing the importance of sourcing and finding companies with potential before they become well-known. The unicorn concept took off and became a popular term in the industry, capturing the excitement and rarity of investing in successful, young companies. Despite the challenges and changes in the past decade, the allure of unicorns remains, as the tech industry continues to innovate and shape our lives.

    • Tech industry landscape changes: more companies, less capital efficiency, and the rise of super unicornsThe tech industry has seen a surge in the number of companies, a shift towards enterprise, decreased capital efficiency, and the rise of AI-driven 'super unicorns'. Building relationships with a diverse range of founders is crucial for deal flow.

      The tech industry landscape has significantly changed over the past decade. The number of tech companies has grown 14x, with a shift from consumer to enterprise companies. However, many of these companies are still privately valued and may not be as capital efficient as before. The capital efficiency of companies has decreased, and investing in public markets may have yielded better returns than some of these private companies. The emergence of AI and companies like OpenAI is changing the game, leading to the rise of "super unicorns." Additionally, there has been a democratization of where founders come from, with a decrease in the number of founders coming from top schools like Stanford and Harvard. The smartest means of establishing deal flow is not just focusing on a select group of individuals, but rather maintaining relationships with a diverse range of founders from various backgrounds and geographic locations.

    • Expansion of Tech Industry with Unicorns and Gender RepresentationThe tech industry is expanding with numerous unicorns in sectors like AI, climate, healthcare, mobility, and logistics. However, gender imbalance in leadership roles persists, and returns are concentrated among a few firms and individuals.

      The tech industry is undergoing a significant expansion, with unicorn companies emerging in various sectors beyond the traditional enterprise and consumer markets. However, gender representation in leadership roles remains a concern, with a disproportionate number of male founders. The venture capital market has seen a surge in funding, leading to a high number of unicorns in sectors like AI, climate, healthcare, mobility, and logistics. Despite the increasing number of funds, returns are still concentrated among a small number of firms and individuals. The trend towards larger funds may lead to lower returns due to the need to invest in capital-intensive companies. The future of tech is expected to be dynamic, with changes in who builds software and which companies become long-term winners.

    • Venture capital landscape evolves, opportunities for seed funds and innovative companiesThe venture capital landscape is changing, but opportunities remain for seed funds and innovative companies with potential for significant growth. The power dynamic between investors and founders has shifted with secondary sales becoming more common.

      The venture capital landscape has evolved significantly, with larger funds and institutional investors pushing down returns due to their size and different investment strategies. However, opportunities still exist for seed funds and category-creating companies with innovative ideas and the potential for significant growth. The power dynamic between investors and founders has also shifted, with secondary sales becoming more common as a means of differentiating offers and providing liquidity to founders. Despite these changes, the excitement and potential for creating valuable businesses from seemingly crazy ideas remains.

    • Entrepreneurship thrives in economic downturnsDespite increased competition and evolving venture industry, the current economic climate offers opportunities for entrepreneurs to build powerful software with advancements in technology.

      The current economic climate presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to start companies, as costs have decreased and access to funding has increased. Historically, some of the most successful companies have been founded during downturns, and the entrepreneurial spirit and determination are essential in the long game. However, it's important to note that the venture industry has evolved, and there are now more specialized funds focusing on specific sectors. Additionally, the enterprise software market has become more competitive, with companies prioritizing budgets, security, and consolidating software packages. Despite these challenges, the potential for building powerful and capable software is greater than ever due to advancements in technology. Overall, it's an exciting time to be an entrepreneur, but it requires a clear understanding of the market and the ability to deliver quick value.

    • Connecting the caste system in India to American racismFilm 'Origins' offers a fresh perspective on complex societal issues by connecting historical systems of discrimination, removing race from the discussion, and encouraging nuanced thinking.

      The way we discuss and approach complex societal issues can make a significant impact. Ava DuVernay's film "Origins: Making of the Caste System in America" is an impressive example of this, as she connects the caste system in India to the American South and racism, removing race from the discussion and offering a fresh perspective. The film, produced by notable women investors like Anne Wojcicki, Lorraine Powell Jobs, and Melinda Gates, is a heartfelt exploration of discrimination and a call to think about complex issues in a more nuanced way. Additionally, the way we leave situations, such as DeSantis' suspension of his campaign, can also shape how we are remembered. It's important to be gracious and thankful, even when ending a chapter.

    • Practice grace, generosity, and magnanimity during challenging situationsBeing likable and kind, even during difficult moments, can enhance personal brand and future opportunities. Good advisors and a positive team also play a significant role.

      During challenging situations, such as ending a relationship or engaging in public discourse, it's essential to practice grace, generosity, and magnanimity. This not only leaves a positive impression on others but can potentially enhance one's personal brand and future opportunities. The speaker regretted Nikki Haley's former governor's harsh criticism of Vivek Ramaswami during his presidential campaign, suggesting that a more gracious response could have burnished his own image. The speaker emphasized the importance of being likable and kind, even when it seems tempting to speak negatively or attack others. Additionally, having good advisors and a positive team around you can significantly impact your actions and public perception.

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    For more info on DJ, visit his website-  http://www.rockababyrock.com/

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    Vicky is the co-founder and CEO of the National Association of Divorce Professionals (NADP) with a strong background in sales, marketing, advertising and radio. She has experience in creating multiple businesses to help support women, and men along with her community advocacy…she is all in when it comes to uplifting, empowering and helping to inform with education, coaching and networking! Stay tuned and in touch because she has more to share on the near future. Listen to her excellence in identifying a major gap within the divorce process and how she is working daily to help families during this tough time.


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    Join us in the DREAM STREAM before the investment goes up, for weekly mentoring + activations, heart-clarity, courage and forward momentum where it really counts. Opt-Out anytime. 

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