
    BTC137: Bitcoin Functions Like A Biological Network w/ Brandon Quittem (Bitcoin Podcast)

    enJuly 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Fungi's Role in Nature and Its Connection to BitcoinFungi, with their intricate underground networks, are crucial for nature's balance and might have existed before other organisms. Their properties and behaviors offer insights into Bitcoin's decentralized network.

      Fungi, often overlooked and misunderstood, play a crucial role in nature that goes beyond producing mushrooms. They form an intricate underground network called mycelium, which acts as an economy for trees and plants, trading resources and sending information bidirectionally. This vast, interconnected web beneath the forest floor is now referred to as the "wood wide web." Fungi's role in nature, as an ancient and diverse kingdom, might even predate other organisms, making them potential primary life forms on Earth. In our conversation with Brandon Quidham, we will delve deeper into the fascinating world of fungi and explore how their unique properties and behaviors connect to Bitcoin and its decentralized network.

    • The Forgotten Kingdom of Fungi: Masters of ChemistryFungi, once considered lesser, are masters of chemistry with important historical uses and the largest organism on Earth, the honey mushroom, consuming forests.

      Fungi, a forgotten kingdom once considered lesser than plants, have proven to be a master of chemistry and have been valuable partners to humans throughout history. Fungi and animals share similarities in their consumption of oxygen and finding their own food, while plants produce their own. Fungi dissolve their environment through mycelial tubes and have evolved defense molecules that have led to important discoveries like penicillin. Humans have utilized fungi for thousands of years, from using mushrooms as tinder and sharpening tools to brewing beer and creating medicines. The largest organism on Earth, the honey mushroom, is over 2 million years old and has been observed consuming entire forests. Despite their importance, fungi often go unnoticed and underappreciated in a world that prioritizes plants.

    • Trees and Fungi: A Symbiotic RelationshipTrees and fungi cooperate in forests, with trees providing nutrients and fungi growing the forest and acting as 'tree farmers'. This symbiotic relationship showcases the importance of cooperation and competition in creating complex ecosystems.

      Nature operates through complex interconnected relationships, where different organisms cooperate and compete in intricate ways. Using the example of a forest, trees and fungi form a symbiotic relationship, where trees provide sugars and fats to fungi in exchange for minerals and resources. Fungi act as "tree farmers" by connecting with multiple trees and growing the forest in a way that benefits them. Similarly, leafcutter ants work with fungi to store food for future use. From a deeper perspective, these relationships show that cooperation and competition coexist, leading to a greater overall outcome (1+1=3). In biology, this concept of symbiosis is prevalent at every scale, with organisms working together to create a more intricate and interconnected web of life. This perspective challenges the traditional phytocentric view and highlights the crucial role of fungi in shaping ecosystems.

    • Start with a simple system to build complex onesTo create complex systems, start with a simple and optimized foundation, focusing on each layer's unique function.

      Complex systems, whether in biology or technology like Bitcoin, thrive when built on simple and optimized foundations. The interconnectedness of organisms in nature, such as bacteria, fungi, and plants, illustrates this concept. The fungi and plants' symbiotic relationship, which led to the formation of topsoil and the emergence of terrestrial life, serves as a prime example. Similarly, Bitcoin's simple and secure base layer, which creates a transaction ledger, allows for the development of more complex layers, like the Lightning Network, without compromising the system's integrity. Gauss's law, which states that to make a complex system, you need to start with a simple system, applies to both biology and Bitcoin. By focusing on each layer's unique function and optimizing it, we can build robust and layered systems that support growth and complexity.

    • Bitcoin Miners and Fungi: Optimizing Resources and Adding ValueBitcoin miners, like fungi, convert waste resources into valuable commodities, optimizing resources and adding value to their respective ecosystems.

      Just like in nature where plants and fungi have a mutually beneficial relationship, where plants provide energy and fungi provide minerals, the concepts of Bitcoin mining and fungi's role as recyclers share similarities. Bitcoin miners, like fungi, convert waste resources into valuable commodities. They both take in something of little value and turn it into something valuable for the ecosystem. Additionally, Bitcoin miners, like fungi, are constantly on the lookout for new resources to convert, making them essential players in the economy and the ecosystem. Both Bitcoin mining and fungi play crucial roles in their respective systems by optimizing resources and adding value.

    • Investor community and tools for growthJoining a supportive investor community and utilizing tools like Yahoo Finance can accelerate learning, build relationships, and lead to better portfolio returns.

      Learning and growing as an investor can be a challenging journey, but having a supportive community can make all the difference. The TIP Mastermind community is an example of this, where passionate value investors come together to share ideas, connect with experts, and build lifelong relationships. This type of collaboration not only accelerates individual learning but also leads to better portfolio returns. Another interesting parallel can be drawn between the mycelium network in a forest and a neural network. The mycelium network functions as a decentralized intelligence system, where decisions are made at the edge of the network, and the whole sum forms consensus. This decentralized decision-making process is similar to the TIP Mastermind community, where individual investors make decisions based on their unique perspectives and experiences, leading to collective intelligence and growth. Yahoo Finance is another essential tool for staying informed about market trends and news, helping investors like Jason Brett stay ahead of the curve.

    • Decentralized networks exhibit intelligence and resilienceBitcoin and slime molds, despite differences, display decentralized intelligence and resilience through collective consensus and adaptability.

      Both Bitcoin and slime molds exhibit decentralized intelligence and resilience. In Bitcoin's network, individual nodes determine the rules they follow, miners choose which blocks to include, and exchanges, wallets, and merchants form the infrastructure above. This collective consensus is formed voluntarily and efficiently, making Bitcoin a decentralized and robust network. Similarly, slime molds demonstrate emergent intelligence by forming networks to optimally capture resources. In a study, scientists discovered that a slime mold created a more efficient subway system than human engineers in Tokyo. This shows that decentralized networks, though not as intelligent as humans, can still make effective decisions and adapt to their environments. Both Bitcoin and slime molds display resilience through their decentralized structures. Bitcoin's network can withstand attacks and continue to function, as there is no central point of control or failure. Slime molds, too, have survived cataclysms by adapting and waiting for the right opportunity to thrive. In essence, these decentralized networks demonstrate the power of collective decision-making and adaptability, making them robust and resilient.

    • Fungi and Bitcoin: Resilient and Adaptable SystemsFungi and Bitcoin share remarkable resilience and adaptability through their ability to learn and evolve. Fungi create defense molecules in response to threats, while Bitcoin updates itself with custom patches. Both systems mimic life and are antifragile, making them robust against systemic risks.

      Both fungi and Bitcoin demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability through their ability to learn and evolve. Fungi create a chemical library of defense molecules in response to threats, while Bitcoin's network updates itself with custom software patches or enzymes to address vulnerabilities. Both systems mimic life in their capacity to learn and adapt, making them robust and resilient. Moreover, the comparison between organic and inorganic systems extends to their systemic antifragility. Monocrop farming, such as bananas, offers short-term benefits but is vulnerable to systemic risks due to the cloning of a single organism. Similarly, fiat money, while efficient, comes with the risk of systemic collapse due to the concentration of power and the potential for hidden risks. In contrast, Bitcoin's decentralized and competitive nature makes it more akin to an old-growth forest, where the impact of a single attack is negligible due to the complexity and resilience of the system. By recognizing these similarities, we can gain a deeper understanding of the unique strengths and resilience of both fungi and Bitcoin.

    • Bitcoin offers long-term stability and connects the world into a single economic networkBitcoin's decentralized nature eliminates politics and systemic risk, making it an attractive alternative for long-term stability and economic freedom

      Bitcoin, despite its price volatility, offers long-term systemic stability and connects the entire planet into a single economic network, making it accessible to anyone with a good idea, regardless of their location. Unlike traditional fiat money, which is political and subject to short-term decisions that can undermine its value, Bitcoin's decentralized nature eliminates politics and systemic risk. While there may always be multiple types of money, Bitcoin provides a valuable option for those without access to a better monetary system. Its scarcity and resistance to political manipulation make it an attractive alternative for those seeking long-term stability and economic freedom.

    • Bitcoin's longevity as a potential long-term moneyBitcoin's ability to adapt and evolve through software updates and the portability of its UTXO set makes it a promising candidate for a long-term store of value, potentially lasting 10 times longer than traditional money.

      Bitcoin, due to its ability to adapt and evolve, has the potential to last for 500 years, making it the first potential long-term money. This longevity is achieved by handling technology disruptions through software updates and the ability to port the UTXO set into a new system. Additionally, Bitcoin's resistance to politicization ensures it remains unchanged by current events. This combination of factors makes Bitcoin a promising candidate for a long-term store of value, potentially lasting 10 times longer than traditional money. The speaker also hinted at the possibility of using Bitcoin in space exploration, further emphasizing its potential longevity.

    • Bitcoin Market Cycles and Fungi Life CyclesDuring quiet growth, focus on building relationships. Hype brings rapid expansion and reproduction. Bear markets set the stage for next bull markets. Embrace a multidisciplinary perspective for unique insights.

      Just as the life cycle of fungi involves periods of growth and reproduction that are out of sight and out of mind, followed by explosive growth and spreading of spores, the Bitcoin market also experiences similar cycles of quiet growth and hype. During the quiet growth phase, or mycelial form, the focus is on building and forming relationships, while the hype phase, or fruiting body, sees rapid expansion and reproduction. After the hype dies down, the integration period follows, where some market entrants leave while others form deeper connections and become long-term holders. The mycelial network continues to grow during the bear market, setting the stage for the next bull market. The concept of "dark matter fungi" refers to the vast amount of fungi that remains undiscovered, much like how the Bitcoin market holds potential for discoveries and innovations that are currently unknown to us. The speaker's belief is that having a multidisciplinary perspective, or being a generalist, can lead to unique insights and discoveries that experts in separate fields might miss.

    • Exploring Bitcoin's Complexity and Potential Impact on SocietyBitcoin challenges our understanding of money and society, offering a potentially more sound and corruption-resistant ledger for value exchange

      Just as our understanding of the universe requires acknowledging the existence of dark matter and fungi in the oceans to make sense of complex systems, Bitcoin, with its intricate technology, challenges our initial perceptions and demands deeper exploration. Money, as a social technology, is an essential abstraction layer that binds humans together and allows societies to scale. Bitcoin, as a potential improvement on existing monetary systems, could have significant downstream implications for society by providing a more sound and corruption-resistant ledger for value exchange. The complexity of Bitcoin is often underestimated, but a deeper dive reveals its potential as a transformative technology.

    • Bitcoin as a decentralized digital currency fosters interconnected and cooperative global economyBitcoin's scarcity and mapping to reality enable productive economic interactions, potentially moving beyond nation-state industrial revolution game towards a more cooperative global economy

      Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, offers several advantages over traditional fiat money systems. By creating scarcity and mapping to reality better, Bitcoin allows for more productive and cooperative economic interactions. This social scalability potential of Bitcoin can help us move beyond the nation-state industrial revolution game, where wealth and power are the primary drivers, and instead foster a more interconnected and cooperative global economy. Bitcoin miners can be seen as pioneer species in this sense, preparing the ground for more complex economic systems to flourish in areas where traditional institutions have failed. By providing a stable foundation and incentivizing energy production, Bitcoin can help bring about a new economic landscape, just as lichen helped pave the way for complex life on land.

    • Pioneering new energy sources with Bitcoin miningBitcoin mining helps bring untapped energy sources online, reducing startup costs, and developing complex energy ecosystems, eventually being outcompeted but repurposed for continued revenue generation in new locations

      Bitcoin mining acts as a pioneer species in bringing new, untapped energy sources online by providing an initial buyer for the energy, thereby reducing the startup costs and making the energy assets economically viable. This process, similar to how pioneer species help colonize new land, leads to the development of complex energy ecosystems and eventually results in the miners being outcompeted. However, the miners can then be repurposed to other sites with very low-cost energy, continuing to generate revenue. Companies like Gridless in Africa are already implementing this approach to bring power to rural communities, leading to significant improvements in their daily lives and potential humanitarian benefits on a larger scale.

    • Bitcoin as a counterpoint to negative energy consumption zeitgeistBitcoin's immutability makes it resistant to political capture, incentivizing value creation over rule control

      Bitcoin, as a decentralized and immutable digital currency, is seen as a counterpoint to the current zeitgeist that views energy consumption negatively. Bitcoin's advocate argues that it is the master commodity that enables human flourishing and that technologies and processes that spread energy at a lower cost should be embraced. A key aspect of Bitcoin that sets it apart from other cryptocurrencies is its immutability, which makes it resistant to political capture and corruption. This creates an incentive for people to provide value in the market rather than trying to control the rules politically. The advocate also recommends reading Bitcoin is the Mycelium of Money and Bitcoin is the Pioneer Species for further insights on the topic. For those new to the subject, they can start with Paul Stamets' TED talk on "6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World" for a quick introduction to the world of fungi and ecology. For those who prefer more esoteric and boundary-pushing ideas, Merlin Sheldrake's book "Entangled Life" is recommended.

    • Exploring the Connections Between Bitcoin and MycologyPysh and Carlson discussed the unexpected links between Bitcoin and mycology, with Carlson sharing his knowledge about fungi and its relevance to Bitcoin's decentralized and eco-friendly aspects.

      Preston Pysh and Brandon Carlson, two experts in their respective fields of Bitcoin and mycology, had a fascinating conversation about the connections between the two seemingly unrelated topics. Pysh encouraged listeners to read his essays that explore these connections in depth. Carlson, who is trying to "mushroom pill" Bitcoiners, shared his knowledge about fungi and how it relates to Bitcoin's decentralized and eco-friendly nature. The conversation was so engaging and informative that both guests expressed their appreciation for each other. For listeners, if you enjoyed the episode, please consider leaving a review to help others discover the show. The Bitcoin-specific episodes come out every Wednesday, and you can find the show on various podcast applications by searching for "We Study Billionaires." Remember, this podcast is for entertainment purposes only, and it's essential to consult a professional before making any decisions.

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    BTC184: Q2 Macro w/ Luke Gromen (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC184: Q2 Macro w/ Luke Gromen (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, Luke Gromen discusses the macroeconomic outlook for the upcoming year. We cover the Fed/Treasury cap on USD, UST yields, potential changes in housing inflation metrics, and the significant backlog in transmission interconnections. Additionally, Luke explores the implications of a $1.8 trillion housing stimulus, key commodities like copper and uranium, the Japan treasury market, and how these factors could impact Bitcoin. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 06:03 - The current Fed/Treasury cap on USD and UST yields. 06:03 - The implications of a $1.8 trillion housing stimulus. 13:38 - Potential changes in how housing inflation is measured. 24:28 - The backlog in transmission interconnections and its impact. 24:50 - Key trends in commodities like copper and uranium. 38:07 - Insights into the Japan treasury market. 52:56 - The effects of stablecoins on the dollar’s utility. 01:01:48 - How these macroeconomic factors could impact Bitcoin. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Luke Gromen’s FFTT Newsletter. Luke Gromen's Twitter. Luke Gromen’s Books on Amazon. Related episode: Listen to BTC172: Macro Outlook Q1 2024 w/ Luke Gromen, watch the video. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life AFR The Bitcoin Way AT&T Sound Advisory Industrious Range Rover iFlex Stretch Studios Meyka Yahoo! Finance Vacasa Briggs & Riley Public American Express USPS Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    RWH045: Real Success w/ Christopher Tsai

    RWH045: Real Success w/ Christopher Tsai
    In this episode, William Green chats with Christopher Tsai, President & Chief Investment Officer of Tsai Capital. Christopher, who’s beaten the S&P 500 over the last 24 years, explains why Tesla is his biggest position; why investors routinely underestimate the impact of disruptive technologies; why it was so challenging to be the son of America’s first celebrity fund manager; what 3 habits help him most; & what he learned from his famed mentors, Peter Kaufman & Charlie Munger. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 04:15 - How Christopher Tsai’s family survived war & oppression in China. 18:02 - How his father became America’s first celebrity fund manager. 21:38 - What lessons Christopher drew from his father’s successes & failures.  39:51 - Why Tesla is Christopher’s biggest investment. 46:32 - Why we tend to underestimate the impact of disruptive technologies. 57:31 - Why the costliest mistake is to sell great compounders too early. 1:07:08 - What tailwinds he’s riding with Microsoft, Visa, & Mastercard. 1:14:21 - How his views on diversification have changed. 1:16:36 - What 3 habits help him to be focused, peaceful, & productive. 1:43:01 - How he became a money manager at 16. 1:57:07 - What Peter Kaufman taught him about the 7 steps to success. 2:06:48 - Why Christopher won’t invest in China. 2:10:41 - What Charlie Munger taught him. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Christopher Tsai’s investment firm, Tsai Capital. Christopher Tsai’s white paper on Investing in an Age of Disruption. Christopher Tsai’s white paper on The Power & Challenges of Compounding. Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time. Adam Seesel’s Where the Money Is. Maxwell King’s The Good Neighbor. William Green’s podcast episode with Peter Keefe | YouTube Video. William Green’s book, “Richer, Wiser, Happier” – read the reviews of this book. Follow William Green on X. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts.  SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota The Bitcoin Way Sun Life AT&T Industrious Meyka Range Rover Yahoo! Finance Fundrise iFlex Stretch Studios Briggs & Riley Public USPS American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    TIP633 : What I Learned from Chris Mayer w/ Clay Finck

    TIP633 : What I Learned from Chris Mayer w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay shares the most important lessons he’s learned from Chris Mayer. Chris Mayer is the author of 100 Baggers and the co-founder and portfolio manager of Woodlock House Family Capital.  IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 05:02 - The potential dangers of cloning. 09:40 - What Clay learned from reading 100 Baggers by Chris Mayer. 26:39 - Common characteristics of 100 Baggers. 32:03 - Lessons from Chris’s lesser-known book — How Do You Know? 49:39 - Chris’s secret to success in long-term compounding. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Chris’s books: 100 Baggers & How Do You Know. Thomas Phelp’s book: 100 to 1 in the Stock Market. William Thorndike’s book: The Outsiders. Related Episode: TIP543: 100 Baggers: Stocks that Increase 100:1 w/ Chris Mayer | YouTube Video. Related Episode: TIP569: An Investor's Guide to Clear Thinking w/ Chris Mayer | YouTube Video. Related Episode: TIP608: Long-Term Compounding w/ Chris Mayer | YouTube Video. Related Episode: MI310: A Serial Acquirer's Deep Dive w/ Chris Mayer | YouTube Video. Check out Mohnish’s Q&A with YPO. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota The Bitcoin Way Sun Life AT&T Industrious Meyka Range Rover Yahoo! Finance Fundrise iFlex Stretch Studios Briggs & Riley Public USPS American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

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    Special Ep: Mycology (MUSHROOMS) Tom Volk Memorial Encore

    In celebration of Dr. Tom Volk’s life: Mushrooms! Psilocybin! Humongous fungus! Black mold! Foraging! The incredibly charming and warm Dr. Tom Volk, world-renowned mushroom expert, welcomes Alie into his office to dive deep into the underground world of fungal enthusiasts and touch on pathogens and medicinal therapies. Dr. Volk himself was a heart transplant patient, and shared how his life had been changed since a donor saved it. Also: Alie holds his old heart in her hands. Dr. Tom Volk passed away on November 28, 2022 at the age of 63, and this encore is to celebrate his life and his life’s work with you. 

    Dr. Tom Volk's awesome fungus website

    This week's donations were made to DonateLife.net and The Mycological Society of America and his beloved BlueStars.org

    More episode sources and links

    More episodes you may enjoy: Foraging Ecology (EATING WILD PLANTS) with Alexis Nelson aka @BlackForager, Bryology (MOSS) Encore with Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, Cycadology (RARE PLANT DRAMA) with Dr. Nathalie Nagalingum, Dendrology (TREES) with J. Casey Clapp, Molecular Neurobiology (BRAIN CHEMICALS) with Dr. Crystal Dilworth

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    Sound editing by Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media & Steven Ray Morris

    Transcripts by Emily White of The Wordary

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Mycelium Just Might Save the Bees, And Us – Paul Stamets : 624

    Mycelium Just Might Save the Bees, And Us – Paul Stamets : 624

    In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Paul Stamets is with me in person at Alpha Labs. Paul is a speaker, author, mycologist, medical researcher and entrepreneur. He is considered an intellectual and industry leader in habitat, medicinal use and production of fungi, and he considers himself a “mycological warrior.” Listening to him describe, decode and illuminate the workings of the mushroom world is an enthralling experience, indeed.

    “Mushrooms can feed you, they can kill you, they can heal you, they can send you on a spiritual journey,” Paul says. He knows all of this from first-hand experience. He’s spent over four decades in the Pacific Northwest studying and researching the world of mushrooms. He lectures extensively and his presentations cover a range of mushroom species and research showing how mushrooms can help the health of people and the planet. 

    From origins: “Over 500 million years ago, fungi were the first organisms come to land,” Paul says. “Just this past month [May 2019], they found new fossil records that pushes back the entrance of fungi onto land to a billion years ago. This is hundreds of millions of years before plants.”

    To modern humans: “You and I are actually mycelial beings, and we are descendant of fungi,” he says. “Fungi are our ancestors.”

    Paul says we’re intertwined with mushrooms at a cellular level. He believes that habitats have immune systems—just like people—and mushrooms are cellular bridges between the two. Our close evolutionary relationship to fungi can be the basis for novel pairings in the microbiome that lead to greater sustainability and immune enhancement.

    And from neurogenesis to our microbiome to our mitochondria, fungi are linked to us. Part history lesson and all interesting, Paul’s stories are filled with intriguing discoveries. 

    His research is considered revolutionary and is creating a paradigm shift for helping ecosystems worldwide.

    As a special bonus in this episode, Paul shares exciting new information about his work with bees. “This'll be the first podcast that I'll be mentioning something that enables and empowers everybody on this planet to do something,” he says. Hint: it has something to do with bears, bees, butterflies and biodefense. Learn more about the BeeMushroomed™ Feeder.

    Enjoy the show!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    ON PURPOSE: First Expose,Then Educate and Empower

    ON PURPOSE:  First Expose,Then Educate and Empower

    “Crypto is inherently diverse. Representative, equitable, fair, this is what people care about. This is why they are driven to it.”

    The accessibility of crypto is driving many first-time investors to crypto instead of traditional markets. On this episode of “On Purpose,” host Tyrone Ross explains the importance of comprehensive financial education and the best techniques to help those first starting in investing. He then provides insights into the Ariel-Schwab Black Investor Survey 2022, released this month.


    Consensus 2022, the industry’s most influential event, is happening June 9-12 in Austin, Texas. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in the fast-moving world of crypto, Web 3 and NFTs, this is the festival experience for you. Use code ONPURPOSE15 to get 15% off your GA and Pro pass at coindesk.com/consensus2022.

    This show is produced, announced and edited by Michele Musso with additional production support from Eleanor Pahl. Our theme song is “Walk With Swag.”

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    BREAKDOWN: Goldman’s Going on a Crypto Company Buying Spree, but Is That Good for Crypto?

    BREAKDOWN: Goldman’s Going on a Crypto Company Buying Spree, but Is That Good for Crypto?

    Goldman Sachs plans to spend tens of millions of dollars buying crypto firms at reset prices.

    This episode is sponsored by Nexo.io, Circle and Kraken.

    In a conversation with Reuters, Goldman Sachs’ head of digital assets suggested the bank would be spending tens of millions of dollars to invest in, or buy outright, crypto firms whose prices had come down significantly in the wake of the FTX collapse. In today’s episode, NLW looks at the latest news on that collapse and whether TradFi companies like Goldman Sachs becoming the leader of the space is an unreservedly good thing. 

    The debate referenced in today’s episode: Will Wall Street Ruin Bitcoin? Featuring Ben Hunt and Alex Gladstein


    Nexo is a security-first platform where you can buy, exchange and borrow against your crypto. The company ensures the safety of your funds and keeps innovating with products like the Nexo Wallet - a non-custodial smart wallet that allows you to create your Web3 identity. Get early access at nexo.io/wallet.


    Circle, the sole issuer of the trusted and reliable stablecoin USDC, is our sponsor for today’s show. USDC is a fast, cost-effective solution for global payments at internet speeds. Learn how businesses are taking advantage of these opportunities at Circle’s USDC Hub for Businesses.


    Kraken, the secure, trusted digital asset exchange, is our sponsor for today's show. Kraken makes it easy to instantly buy 185+ cryptocurrencies with fast, flexible funding options. Your account is covered by regular Proof of Reserves audits, industry-leading security and award-winning Client Engagement, available 24/7. Sign up and trade today at kraken.com/breakdown.


    Cryptowatch is the last crypto app you’ll ever need. Track prices up to two times faster than other apps. Catch market movements as they happen with powerful charting tools and custom alerts. Sync your portfolio and trade across multiple exchanges. And stay in the community conversation with leading influencers on Cryptowatch Social. cryptowatch.app.link/social.


    “The Breakdown” is written, produced by and features Nathaniel Whittemore aka NLW, with editing by Rob Mitchell and research by Scott Hill. Jared Schwartz is our executive producer and our theme music is “Countdown” by Neon Beach. Music behind our sponsors today is "Back To The End" by Strength To Last. Image credit: baramee2554/Getty Images, modified by CoinDesk. Join the discussion at discord.gg/VrKRrfKCz8.

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    The Complexities of Blockchain in Global Aid Efforts

    The Complexities of Blockchain in Global Aid Efforts

    This episode is sponsored by Quantstamp and Nexo.io.

    In theory, crypto and blockchain technology present unique opportunities to improve, accelerate and strengthen global aid efforts. In practice, geopolitical challenges and complexities in distribution hinder projects before they’ve even had a chance to deploy the new technology.

    Joining “Money Reimagined” hosts Michael Casey and Sheila Warren are Sara Pantuliano, chief executive of ODI and member of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, and Sasha Kapadia, director in the Humanitarian and Development group at Mastercard. The guests are intimately familiar with the processes and challenges associated with cross-border aid efforts, as well as the opportunities for blockchain integrated aid in the future.

    How can blockchain-based digital aid solutions improve the lives of those in crisis? Even if the technology could be helpful, is it ethical to test emergent technology on a vulnerable population?

    Blockchain technology is likely to be increasingly included in aid solutions in the next decade. Alongside the sweeping potential , it’s also important to maintain awareness of its dangers if communities are to avoid widening the “digital divide” that developing technologies can easily create.


    Quantstamp is the leader of blockchain security, having secured over 100 billion USD worth of digital assets. Visit quantstamp.com to learn why top DeFi projects like Maker, Compound and BarnBridge trust Quantstamp to secure the financial infrastructure of tomorrow. Learn more at quantstamp.com/blog.


    Nexo is a powerful, all-in-one crypto platform where you can securely store your crypto. Invest, borrow, exchange and earn up to 17% APR on Bitcoin and 20+ other top coins. Insured for $375M. Audited in real-time by Armanino. Rated excellent on Trustpilot. Get started today at nexo.io.


    This episode was produced and edited by Michele Musso with announcements by Adam B. Levine and additional production support by Eleanor Pahl. Our theme song is “Shepard.”

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.