

    Explore "blockchain" with insightful episodes like "58- La pyramide du patrimoine - Guillaume Simonin (Wizify - Regenize)", "Apefest BLINDED Attendees?? (Is Yuga Liable?)", "Metaverso, Blockchain e Web3", "Der Tokenization-Company-Builder aus Österreich rockt Dubai" and "Episode 76: Tokenized securities with payments through stablecoins - European Blockchain Sandbox" from podcasts like ""1- La Bonne Fortune", "Around the Blockchain Podcast", "ARAME Associazione - Il podcast", "Beyond The Edge" and "2Tokens Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    58- La pyramide du patrimoine - Guillaume Simonin (Wizify - Regenize)

    58- La pyramide du patrimoine - Guillaume Simonin (Wizify - Regenize)

    Dans cet épisode de "La Bonne Fortune", j'ai l'immense plaisir d'accueillir Guillaume Simonin, un véritable pionnier dans le domaine de la pédagogie financière.

    En 2022, Guillaume a initié une révolution éducative avec le lancement de ses "feuilles volantes", des outils visuels innovants, conçus pour démystifier les concepts économiques, financiers et d'investissement.

    Son approche unique et ses illustrations éducatives ont rapidement captivé l'attention des internautes, notamment sur LinkedIn, où sa méthode d'enseignement continue d'inspirer un très large public.

    Guillaume est le fondateur de Wizify (ex Regenize), un projet ambitieux visant à promouvoir l'éducation financière en France.

    Son objectif est de permettre à chaque citoyen de prendre des décisions financières conscientes et éclairées pour mieux préparer son avenir.

    Dans un monde où l'innovation et le changement sont omniprésents, l'accès à la connaissance et à la compréhension devient indispensable.

    Guillaume croit fermement que tout un chacun possède non seulement les moyens mais aussi le devoir de s'informer afin de prendre des décisions plus judicieuses.

    Au cours de cette conversation fascinante, nous explorons avec Guillaume le concept de la "pyramide du patrimoine" et discutons des stratégies pour construire et développer notre propre patrimoine.

    Bonne écoute 📻🎧

    Voici les références de cet épisode :   

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    Apefest BLINDED Attendees?? (Is Yuga Liable?)

    Apefest BLINDED Attendees?? (Is Yuga Liable?)

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    Metaverso, Blockchain e Web3

    Metaverso, Blockchain e Web3
    Cos’è il Metaverso, a cosa serve e come cambierà Internet a seguito del suo sviluppo?

    Queste domande sono tra le più frequentemente poste, in relazione alla tecnologia che segnerà un cambio di passo nella fruizione della rete e delle sue potenzialità.

    Ne parliamo con l'ing. Francesco Amendola, docente e relatore su tematiche legate all’innovazione tecnologica ed alla trasformazione digitale, con oltre 20 anni di esperienza in ambito ICT.

    Amendola è stato keynote speaker della 43a Assemblea Nazionale di ARAME, svoltasi a Bergamo il 19 ottobre 2023.

    Der Tokenization-Company-Builder aus Österreich rockt Dubai

    Der Tokenization-Company-Builder aus Österreich rockt Dubai
    Er verdient sein Geld dadurch, indem er Unternehmen designt. Tokenization und Blockchain sind sein zu Hause. Vor 20 Jahren hat der ehemalige Gründer von Austrian-Start-Up sein zu Hause in Richtung Hongkong verlassen. Heute rockt er Dubai und die Welt. Mails schreibt er schon lange nicht mehr. Ein einstündiges Tutorial über das Marketing der Zukunft.

    Episode 76: Tokenized securities with payments through stablecoins - European Blockchain Sandbox

    Episode 76: Tokenized securities with payments through stablecoins - European Blockchain Sandbox

    In this Podcast, Olivier Rikken (2Tokens), Meindert Jansberg (Assetblocks) and Martijn Siebrand (ABN AMRO) discuss their joint use case for the European Blockchain Sandbox. The partnership between these companies, including Rabobank, aims to legally explore the use case of tokenized financial security and stablecoin integration. Together, the goal is to bridge the gap between the physical world and the digital economy by tokenizing real assets and euro’s.

    The existing base case presented by Assetblocks offers an unique investment opportunity by allowing individuals to invest in renewable energy sources through tracking stocks. Investors acquire tokens representing solar, wind, or battery parks, entitling them to share in the profits generated by these assets. The ownership proof comes in the form of a Non-Fungible Token (NFT), classified as a security under MiFID II regulations, ensuring compliance and investor confidence.

    In the mentioned sandbox setting, the joint use case aims to explore the use of stablecoins tied to Euro’s or bank deposits. Both non-hosted and hosted wallets provided by banks will support these stablecoin transactions, ensuring new ways of accessibility and convenience for investors, offering new levels of accessibility and convenience for investors. Additionally, the project explores the possibility of tokenizing these assets as security tokens, compliant with EBS standards, allowing discussions on regulatory matters with EU and individual European member state frameworks.

    The NFTs include embedded metadata, providing crucial information about the underlying assets. Investors can verify each NFT at a detailed level, enabling them to track production and access real-time value data. To comply with regulations, investors undergo a Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure during onboarding. Once whitelisted, investors can easily purchase NFTs using Euros, with a focus on exploring payment in Euro-based stablecoins.

    Host: Olivier Rikken, 2Tokens
    Meindert Jansberg, Assetblocks | https://www.linkedin.com/in/meindert-jansberg-8251481/
    Martijn Siebrand, ABN AMRO | https://www.linkedin.com/in/martijn-siebrand/

    Do you want to join one of the use cases? Contact us via info@2tokens.org

    Read more on our blog 👉 https://www.2tokens.org/news 
    Follow us on LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/company/2tokens 
    Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/2tokens_org?s=20 
    Website 👉 https://www.2tokens.org/

    Elon Musk Neuralink is LIVE - Can Coinbase BASE Surpass Solana?

    Elon Musk Neuralink is LIVE - Can Coinbase BASE Surpass Solana?

    Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money.

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    Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money.

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    Vitalik Hacked, Fantasy NFTs Surge, Lightning Network Bright Future, and Aliens?

    Vitalik Hacked, Fantasy NFTs Surge, Lightning Network Bright Future, and Aliens?

    Account hacking and theft is rampant, what can you be doing to protect yourself? How did Aaron Rodger's injury boost Fantasy Football NFTs? And what does the future hold for the Lightning Network? Find out in today's episode of Crypto Brunch with Hannah!

    Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money.

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    ➡️ http://www.linqto.com/hitnetwork

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    Bitcoin and Ethereum Buck Rising CPI Inflation Numbers (TON Coin Pump Explained)

    Bitcoin and Ethereum Buck Rising CPI Inflation Numbers (TON Coin Pump Explained)

    Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money.

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    ➡️ http://www.linqto.com/hitnetwork

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    Founder Of Ethereum HACKED! (Vitalik SEETHING)

    Founder Of Ethereum HACKED! (Vitalik SEETHING)

    Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money.

    INVEST like an Accredited investor TODAY with Linqto:
    ➡️ http://www.linqto.com/hitnetwork

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    Perché conoscere e prepararsi al Metaverso

    Perché conoscere e prepararsi al Metaverso
    Il potenziale impatto economico del metaverso in Italia potrebbe raggiungere i 28-52 miliardi di euro entro il 2035. Per questo ne parliamo con l'Avv. Gianvirgilio Cugini (membro della Commissione per l’elaborazione di linee guida operative in merito agli NFT del patrimonio culturale italiano istituita dal Ministero dei Beni Culturali italiano), che ci spiega cos'è e perché vale la pena informarsi sul Metaverso e sulle opportunità che crea già adesso

    Grayscale Bitcoin Holdings REVEALED! (World's 2nd Largest Whale)

    Grayscale Bitcoin Holdings REVEALED! (World's 2nd Largest Whale)

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    Blockchain Association of Kenya Challenges the Digital Asset Tax

    Blockchain Association of Kenya Challenges the Digital Asset Tax
    The Blockchain Association of Kenya is blocking the new Digital Asset Tax. The new tax took effect on September 1, but the case will be mentioned in court on September 28.
    The Kenyan government introduced several new taxes in the Finance Act 2023, aiming to generate extra income of up to $2 billion for the country.
    Since July 1, the Finance Act 2023 has been imposing a 1.5% tax on the earnings of online content creators. As for crypto, the new law mandates owners of crypto exchanges to deduct 3% of the asset’s value as DAT.
    BAK believes the tax is unfair because it’s categorized as income tax, yet it’s imposed on the gross value of the asset rather than on gains and profits.

    Chainlink TAKES OVER Banking (Is XRP Doomed?)

    Chainlink TAKES OVER Banking (Is XRP Doomed?)

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    Bitcoin CRASHED! Is It Elon's FAULT?

    Bitcoin CRASHED! Is It Elon's FAULT?

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    SBF's Jail Has HORRENDOUS Conditions! (Is He In Epstein's Cell?)

    SBF's Jail Has HORRENDOUS Conditions! (Is He In Epstein's Cell?)

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    Did SBF STEAL $34 Million this Weekend? (SHOCKING Details Emerge)

    Did SBF STEAL $34 Million this Weekend? (SHOCKING Details Emerge)

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    3rd Largest Crypto Stablecoin Offers 8% YIELD? (SCAM OR Legit?)

    3rd Largest Crypto Stablecoin Offers 8% YIELD? (SCAM OR Legit?)

    Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money.

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