
    About this Episode

    Have you ever hesitated to ask for help, or even struggled with it? I think a lot of people, girls especially, feel conflicted about asking for help, no matter what the issue is. I brainstormed reasons we don’t ask for help, the hurdles that block our path forward. I want to explore these hurdles first so we can identify effective ways to get over them.
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    To help you, I created a "How to Ask for Help" poster. Get your printable in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 075 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com

    Recent Episodes from 10 for Teens + Tweens

    092. Underestimated with Chelsey Goodan

    092. Underestimated with Chelsey Goodan

    I’m excited to share my interview with Chelsey Goodan, author of this book, “Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls.”

    One quick note: this book was written about teen girls and is geared toward them and their parents. While our interview doesn’t discuss anything sensitive in detail, tween listeners should keep that in mind.

    Chelsey's book shares teen girls' collective wisdom on topics like perfectionism, sexuality, people pleasing, identity, friends, self-doubt, the media, beauty, shame, and power. It is a much-needed resource for today's parents and teen girls.

    A full transcript of our conversation is available in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 092 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com.

    Connect with Chelsea and check out her books:

    091. I'm sticking up for you

    091. I'm sticking up for you

    You know I’m a hype girl for you girls. Along with that, I will also fiercely defend you. There’s been a lot of noise lately about tween and teen girls’ fixations. I’ve seen posts, articles, and videos criticizing and even mocking girls for being curious about, interested in, and even obsessed with certain things. And I’m not okay with it. So I’m sticking up for you.
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    A full transcript of our conversation is available in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 091 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com.

    089. Clashing with Parents • Guest Brooke Romney

    089. Clashing with Parents • Guest Brooke Romney

     Several of you requested an episode on clashing with parents. Guest Brooke Romney, a teen and tween parenting author, offers valuable insight on how both girls and their parents can strengthen their relationship.

    A full transcript of our conversation is available in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 089 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com.

    Connect with Brooke and check out her books:

    087. Organization + Cleaning

    087. Organization + Cleaning

    Organization and cleaning have not been my strong suits, but I’ve learned to strengthen those skills and want to help you girls do the same! So here are my organization and cleaning tips as someone who is not naturally good at it.
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    To help you, I created a "Organization + Cleaning" worksheet. Get your printable in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 087 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com

    086. Breakups Breakdown

    086. Breakups Breakdown

    Breakups can be tough whether you’re the one initiating the breakup or the one getting broken up with. Let’s discuss how to–and not to–handle a breakup before, during, and afterward.
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    To help you, I created a "Breakups Breakdown" worksheet. Get your printable in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 086 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com

    085. Facing the Future

    085. Facing the Future

    Has the new year got you thinking about events coming up or things you hope will happen? Perhaps you’re looking forward to it, or maybe you feel uncertain about something, or worried, even anxious. Facing the future doesn’t have to leave you stressed out, though. Let’s talk about effective ways you can mindfully respond to stress in the moment.
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    To help you, I created a "Future" poster. Get your printable in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 085 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com

    084. Looking Back

    084. Looking Back

    At the end of every year or beginning of a new one, people often remember all the memories, goals, and things that happened that year. Sometimes when we look back on past experiences, we might get caught up in what didn’t happen, or the stuff we didn’t do, or the goals we didn’t reach. This negative pattern of thinking can lead to rumination, which is like letting your mind replay clips of negative thoughts, feelings, and moments, stuck on repeat. Let's explore more effective ways to reflect so you can move forward with positive motivation.
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    To help you, I created a "2023 Year Reflection" worksheet. Get your printable in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 084 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com

    083. Vacay and Holiday Prep

    083. Vacay and Holiday Prep

    Raise your hand if you, like me, ever took a trip and realized you forgot to bring something! Hopefully it all worked out or there was a lesson learned and not repeated. You’re at an age where you have more autonomy over your stuff, your style, and your routines. When you have an upcoming vacation or holiday, perhaps YOU would rather prepare and pack your things instead of having your parents or older sibling take care of it. One of you gals requested this topic, so to help you be less intimidated by taking over this responsibility, or maybe if you’re already doing it to help you be more efficient, I’ll share some tips on vacay and holiday prep.
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    To help you, I created a "Packing Checklist" poster. Get your printable in the 10 for Teens + Tweens Ep. 083 show notes on EmpowerfulGirls.com