
    Our Favorite Productivity Apps!

    Find a productivity app that balances your task management needs with advanced features and seamless integration with your calendar.

    enMarch 26, 2024

    About this Episode

    This week, we have a fun bonus episode where David Pierce from the Vergecast tries to help Marques convince Andrew to use a proper to-do list app instead of his alarm clock. Throughout the episode they gather information on how Andrew handles his task list and then try to figure out which app would be best for him to use. Then we turn the tables and see how fast David Pierce can type the alphabet! Enjoy! Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Pierce: https://www.threads.net/@imdavidpierce David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Use Smartwater alkaline for hydration and productivity apps for organization to boost memory, reduce decision fatigue, minimize anxiety, and complete important tasks.
    • The real productivity isn't in the tool, it's in the mindset. Clear goals and supportive systems can help maximize productivity.
    • Finding the right app for managing tasks and routines is a personal process. Enjoy the current app for its own sake and avoid the hassle of switching frequently.
    • Productivity apps can simplify tasks with features like alarms, autocorrect, and third-party integrations. However, managing multiple reminders can be challenging, and finding a system that works best for the individual is crucial.
    • Using NLP, to-do lists can understand and suggest tasks from messages, emails, and voice input, saving time and enhancing productivity.
    • Use a to-do list app for tasks without time constraints and a calendar app for scheduling events and appointments. Consider using a hybrid app or consolidating both in a single calendar app for optimal productivity.
    • Find a task management system that suits your personal style to reduce anxiety instead of adding to it.
    • Find a task management system that suits your unique working style, whether it's waiting for the right moment or spreading tasks throughout the week. Consider using apps like Things or one with urgency-based task chasing.
    • Evaluate productivity apps that support multiple platforms and have features to manage and prioritize tasks effectively. Develop a routine to regularly review and manage tasks to prevent distractions and ensure completion.
    • The interviewee, a heavy user of TicTac, appreciates its natural language interface, various methods for adding tasks, unobtrusive reminders, and availability on multiple devices, making it their go-to app for managing tasks and to-do lists.
    • Find a productivity app that balances your task management needs with advanced features and seamless integration with your calendar.
    • TickTick, Todoist, and Google Tasks are effective to-do list apps for managing personal tasks. Premium versions can offer added motivation. Google Tasks integrates with Google's ecosystem and could be a good alternative for heavy users.
    • Choose a task management method that fits your personal workflow and keeps things simple and straightforward, whether it's a calendar, list, or future tech like AI hardware.
    • Voice assistants are great for simple tasks, but for complex, recurring ones, traditional methods like calendars or dedicated apps may be more effective. Finding the right balance requires considering convenience, reliability, and trust.
    • Assign specific dates to tasks in a single system for greater efficiency and reduced stress.
    • Creating a to-do list and organizing tasks using apps or simple lists can help prioritize, reduce procrastination, and increase productivity. Time blocking and assigning specific times for tasks can provide structure and purpose.
    • Google Tasks, TickTick, and Todoist each have unique features and benefits. Try them out to find which aligns best with your workflow and preferences.
    • People have diverse keyboard preferences, and while some find mechanical keyboards beneficial for productivity and comfort, others may prefer silent or low-profile keyboards. Historical context and experimental designs continue to shape the evolution of keyboard technology.
    • Speaker's obsession with productivity apps, importance of setting tasks in alarm apps, and excitement for new app '2 Do'.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    Staying hydrated and productive enhance daily life

    Both staying hydrated with Smartwater alkaline and improving personal productivity can significantly enhance our daily lives. The human brain, despite its incredible capabilities, has a fallible memory, making it essential to use technology to augment our brains and keep track of tasks. The use of productivity apps can help reduce decision fatigue, minimize anxiety, and ensure important tasks are completed. Whether it's running marathons or leading in the boardroom, staying hydrated and productive are keys to performing at our best. So, consider investing in Smartwater alkaline for hydration and productivity apps for organization to elevate your personal and professional life.

    Productivity tools: A double-edged sword

    Productivity tools can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they can help us manage our tasks and time more effectively. On the other hand, they can also lead to distraction, overexposure, and the constant search for the next best tool. The speakers in this discussion shared their experiences of feeling overwhelmed by the abundance of productivity apps and struggling to find the right one that fits their needs. They also acknowledged their own resistance to change and the temptation to constantly switch tools. Ultimately, they agreed that the key to productivity is not just having the right tool, but also having a clear understanding of what needs to be done and why it matters. As one speaker put it, "The real productivity isn't in the tool, it's in the mindset." Another speaker added that having a supportive system, such as a partner or a community, can also help keep us accountable and motivated. So, while productivity apps can be useful, they are not a magic solution. Instead, they should be seen as tools to support our goals and habits, rather than a replacement for them.

    Personal preference and the importance of enjoying an app

    Finding the right app to manage tasks and daily routines can be a personal and complex process. Marquez Vasquez shares his stubbornness towards changing apps, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the current app for its own sake. He also reflects on his past experience where his old boss believed he was reevaluating his system every time he used an app, even if it wasn't intentional. Marquez emphasizes the need for a stable and straightforward app to avoid the hassle of switching. During their discussion, they go through a series of hypothetical scenarios, illustrating the importance of understanding the difference between tasks and events in managing daily routines. Marquez shares an example of his own experience with managing trash collection, where he has both a task and a calendar event set up. The conversation highlights the importance of finding a system that works for the individual and sticking with it, even if it may seem unproductive or unhealthy to others.

    Managing Complex Tasks with Productivity Apps

    Productivity apps can significantly simplify complex tasks by integrating various features. In the discussion, the use of an alarm app for reminders and a third-party app for specific tasks were suggested. The importance of autocorrect and coordinating alarms was emphasized. However, the speaker admitted to having anxiety about managing multiple reminders and suggested having a single app or even a helper for managing these tasks. The conversation also touched upon the use of emails and Google Docs for itineraries and forms, and the importance of having a personal calendar for organizing personal activities. Overall, the discussion highlighted the potential benefits of productivity apps in managing complex tasks and schedules, but also acknowledged the challenges of managing multiple reminders and the importance of finding a system that works best for the individual.

    Natural language processing for to-do lists

    Having a to-do list app with natural language processing capabilities that allows users to input tasks using simple sentences, set dates and times, and even utilize voice input, can greatly enhance productivity and organization. This can save time and effort compared to traditional methods like setting alarms or manually inputting tasks into an app. Additionally, the ability for the app to understand and suggest adding tasks from messages or emails can streamline the user's workflow even further. The preferred interface for managing tasks varies from person to person, with some preferring a simple list view and others preferring a more complex system with recurring tasks, subtasks, and descriptions. Ultimately, the key is finding a system that fits the user's needs and makes managing tasks as easy and efficient as possible.

    Managing Tasks and Appointments: To-Do List vs Calendar App

    Effectively managing tasks and appointments can be a challenge, and the choice between using a to-do list app or a calendar app depends on the nature of the tasks. While to-do list apps are great for tasks without specific time constraints, calendar apps are ideal for scheduling events and appointments. However, some people struggle with the distinction between the two and find themselves constantly switching between apps. The solution could be using a hybrid app that combines the features of both, or consolidating tasks and appointments in a single calendar app. The speaker personally uses a work calendar extensively and wonders if this might be why his personal calendar management is less effective. Overall, finding the right tool for managing tasks and appointments can significantly improve productivity and reduce stress.

    Effectiveness of task management apps depends on user's preference and management style

    There are task management apps that aim to integrate tasks and calendars, but their effectiveness depends on the user's preference and management style. Some people may find these apps helpful in organizing their tasks within their calendar, known as time blocking or time boxing. However, others might find these apps too opinionated or time-consuming, preferring a more free-flowing approach to managing their tasks. Ultimately, the success of these apps hinges on the user's comfort level with the system and their ability to use it effectively. For those who prefer a simpler list-based approach, there are apps and methods that cater to that as well. The key is to find a system that fits your personal management style and reduces anxiety rather than adding to it.

    Understanding individual productivity patterns

    People have different productivity patterns and it's essential to find a system that suits their unique working style. Andrew, for instance, is more productive when he waits for the right moment to tackle his tasks. He feels most productive after finishing physical chores like mowing the lawn. In contrast, his partner Claire prefers to spread her tasks throughout the week. They discussed using the app Things, which doesn't mark tasks as overdue, making it a less stressful way to manage tasks. Another idea mentioned was an app where tasks would chase you based on their urgency. Additionally, the topic of syncing tasks between devices came up, as Andrew had lost all his tasks when he switched phones and was looking for a solution to keep his tasks synced across devices.

    Maintaining productivity across multiple devices

    Having a consistent productivity system across multiple devices, specifically a Mac, Android phone, and Windows machine, is essential for maintaining focus and completing tasks efficiently. The speaker mentioned encountering issues with apps only being available on certain platforms, which hinders their ability to try and use them. Furthermore, the speaker's tendency to get sidetracked and prioritize unplanned tasks over planned ones results in a cluttered and disorganized productivity system. The use of various apps and tools, such as Google Calendar and Keep, adds to the disorganization. A potential solution could be to evaluate productivity apps that support multiple platforms and have features to help manage and prioritize tasks effectively. Additionally, developing a routine or habit to regularly review and manage tasks could help prevent getting sidetracked and ensure that all tasks are completed.

    Interviewee praises TicTac for effective to-do list management

    The interviewee is a heavy user of the task management app, TicTac, and finds it to be a well-designed, multi-platform alternative to Google Keep for managing tasks and to-do lists. The app offers a natural language interface and various methods for adding tasks, including a widget, which the interviewee prefers for keeping their home screen clean. The interviewee appreciates the app's ability to remind them of tasks without being too intrusive and has not encountered any major flaws. They also value the app's availability on multiple devices and its natural language processing feature, which they consider essential for an effective to-do list app. The interviewee has tried other apps but finds TicTac to be the most convenient and frictionless for their workflow.

    Productivity apps: Balancing features and simplicity

    Productivity apps have evolved to cater to different user needs, with some focusing on providing an overload of metadata and features for power users, while others prioritize simplicity and integration with existing tools like calendars. The speaker personally prefers Todoist for its balance between basic task management and advanced features, as well as its ability to sync with Google Calendar. He also mentioned the importance of reminders and the need for a reliable system, as he is not always consistent in checking his app. The discussion also touched on the $4 billion franchise investment marketplace, Franchhares, and the importance of having a deep understanding of the business for potential investors.

    Comparing TickTick, Todoist, and Google Tasks

    Both TickTick and Todoist can be effective to-do list apps for managing personal tasks, with free versions offering sufficient features for most users. However, some individuals might find that investing in a premium version can provide added motivation to use the app regularly. Additionally, Google Tasks, which integrates with other Google products like Gmail and Calendar, could serve as a viable alternative for those who heavily use Google's ecosystem. The dream for Google Tasks would be for it to fully integrate with Google Keep, allowing users to manage tasks, reminders, and notes all in one place. Overall, the choice between these apps depends on personal preferences and the specific features desired.

    Finding the Right Task Management System for You

    The use of calendars and task management apps can greatly vary from person to person. Some prefer using their calendar as a task list, while others find it visually cluttered. The choice between monthly, weekly, or daily views also plays a role in effective task management. Some find that using a simple list is more straightforward and frictionless. The future of task management might involve AI hardware, such as the Rabbit or AI Pin, which could allow users to easily input tasks using natural language and receive reminders without the need to unlock their phones or open an app. Overall, the key is to find a system that works best for your personal workflow and keeps things as simple and straightforward as possible.

    Managing tasks and reminders: Balancing convenience with reliability

    While voice assistants and productivity apps offer convenience, they can also introduce unnecessary complexity and anxiety when it comes to managing tasks and reminders. The speaker shares his experience of trying to use various systems, including Google Assistant and dedicated hardware like the Rabbit, but finding himself constantly double-checking and manually inputting information. He also mentions the challenge of trusting these systems completely and the issue of recurring tasks, which can be better managed through a calendar or a dedicated app. The speaker expresses a desire for a more seamless integration between different apps and services, but acknowledges that the current fragmentation can lead to a waste of time and effort. He concludes by noting that for simple, one-off tasks, voice assistants are ideal, but for more complex, recurring tasks, traditional methods like calendars or dedicated apps may still be more effective. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that finding the right system for managing tasks and reminders requires balancing convenience with reliability and trust.

    Simplifying Productivity Systems

    Simplifying your productivity apps and systems can lead to greater efficiency and reducing stress. The speaker shared their experience of dealing with multiple apps and reminders, often from the same task, which caused confusion and frustration. Their suggestion is to lean into a single system, such as Google Tasks and Calendar, which is accessible across devices and offers both basic and advanced features. The key is to keep it simple and not get bogged down in excessive features or organization. The speaker also mentioned their past experience with Todoist and other systems, which they found to be overly complex and ultimately not useful for them. The number one tip given is to assign a specific date to every task, ensuring that you always know what needs to be done and when. This approach eliminates the need for constant checking and allows for a more streamlined and productive workflow.

    Effective Task Management: Boost Productivity and Reduce Stress

    Having a to-do list and organizing tasks effectively can significantly improve productivity and reduce stress. The speaker shared her experience of procrastination and the benefits she derives from using apps and making lists to prioritize tasks. She mentioned how without a clear list, she tends to focus on less important tasks and feels unproductive. Time blocking and assigning specific times for tasks can also help provide structure and purpose. The discussion also touched upon the importance of finding an app with a simple and effective interface, and the speaker mentioned her preference for Google Tasks, despite some concerns about its reliability. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of having a system for managing tasks and staying organized to make the most of one's time.

    Determining the Best To-Do List App: Google Tasks vs TickTick vs Todoist

    While Google Tasks may have had an uncertain past, it is now making a comeback as a viable to-do list app. The decision of which to-do list app to use ultimately depends on personal preference and usage habits. Google Tasks might be a good starting point, as it is simple and integrated with Google Calendar. Users who prefer a clean list view and a more visually appealing interface might lean towards TickTick or Todoist. Ultimately, the best way to determine which app is right is to try them out and see which one aligns better with your workflow and preferences. Additionally, the choice of a notes app or email app can greatly impact productivity, with Superhuman being a popular, albeit expensive, option due to its fast interface and good search functionality.

    Keyboard Preferences and Innovation

    People have strong preferences when it comes to keyboards, and the experience of using different types, such as mechanical keyboards, can lead to increased productivity and comfort for some, but not all. During a conversation about typing speed and keyboards, it was mentioned that Tom Scott holds the current record on a leaderboard for typing the alphabet fastest, using a Dell laptop. The speaker expressed their own struggles with the challenge due to using various keyboards and not being a fan of mechanical keyboards. They use a Logitech Craft Keyboard as their primary keyboard and occasionally try mechanical keyboards but find the noise and learning curve challenging. The conversation touched on the popularity of silent switches and low-profile keyboards, which can offer the benefits of mechanical keyboards without the noise. The speaker also mentioned the historical context of the QWERTY keyboard layout and the existence of experimental keyboard designs that aim to maximize efficiency but are not widely adopted. Overall, the discussion highlighted the personal nature of keyboard preferences and the ongoing innovation in keyboard technology.

    Speaker's fast typing speed in top 10, aiming to beat Jad Abumrad

    During a discussion about personal productivity apps, the speaker discovered his typing speed falls within the top 10 fastest times, with a score of 5.7 seconds. He aims to improve further and beat Jad Abumrad, who is currently above him in the rankings. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of setting tasks in alarm apps and not being ashamed of doing so. Despite their obsession with productivity apps, they agreed that they might need to be more like Andrew, who seems to have a good balance. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing excitement about a new productivity app called "2 Do" and promising to return with more content on their podcast. The podcast is produced by Adam Molina and Ellis Rovin, in partnership with Vox Media Podcast Network.

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    Our Favorite Productivity Apps!

    Our Favorite Productivity Apps!
    This week, we have a fun bonus episode where David Pierce from the Vergecast tries to help Marques convince Andrew to use a proper to-do list app instead of his alarm clock. Throughout the episode they gather information on how Andrew handles his task list and then try to figure out which app would be best for him to use. Then we turn the tables and see how fast David Pierce can type the alphabet! Enjoy! Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Pierce: https://www.threads.net/@imdavidpierce David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    iPhone...Powered by Google Gemini?

    iPhone...Powered by Google Gemini?
    This week, a lot happened! First, we talk about Mr. Beast making a show with Amazon before jumping into an Apex Legends hack that occurred. After that, Pixel 8a leaks get discussed before talking about the rumored deal that might put Google Gemini on the iPhone. We wrap it all up with a few wish list items that we hope to see from our favorite tech before getting into the trivia answers. Enjoy! Links: Mr. Beast on Colin & Samir: https://bit.ly/3Tl3M7S Mr. Beast and Amazon Prime Video: https://bit.ly/4asH70p Joanna Stern and Mira Murati Interview: https://bit.ly/3PtljJZ Apex Legends Hack: https://bit.ly/3PvYo0u Android Authority Pixel 8a Leaks: https://bit.ly/3TLRhDz Small Phones are Dead Video: https://bit.ly/3vbjiva Apple and Google Gemini Deal: https://reut.rs/3ve3PKP ChatGPT-5: https://bit.ly/4a4xUvt Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Shop products mentioned: Google Pixel 8 at https://geni.us/8YfSO Ember Mug 2 at https://geni.us/7jplAX Apple MacBook Pro M3 14” at https://geni.us/PSYdMeX Instagram/Threads/Twitter: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices