
    How To Recover From IBD Without Surgery & Medication

    enApril 15, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Discover Rupa Health: A Free Lab Ordering Platform for Functional MedicineRupa Health simplifies lab testing, eliminating paperwork and hassles, while functional medicine addresses IBD through diet, healing gut lining, and considering microbiome role.

      Functional medicine professional Dr. Mark introduces Rupa Health, a free lab ordering platform that simplifies the process of accessing over 3,000 tests from various lab companies. This platform eliminates time-consuming paperwork and administrative hassles. Additionally, Dr. Mark discusses the importance of addressing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) through a functional medicine approach. This approach involves healing the gut by eliminating inflammatory foods, such as grains, beans, nuts, seeds, nightshades, eggs, and dairy, from the diet. The autoimmune paleo diet allows the gut lining to heal and prevents larger peptides of these foods from triggering an immune response. The microbiome, as the gateway to the immune system, plays a significant role in IBD. Element, an electrolyte drink, is also mentioned as a solution to prevent and eliminate symptoms of electrolyte deficiency.

    • Functional Medicine: A Holistic Approach to Treating Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesFunctional medicine offers a personalized approach to treating IBD by eliminating trigger foods, focusing on nutrient-dense foods, addressing underlying causes, and using an elemental diet for severe cases.

      Functional medicine offers a holistic approach to treating inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. This approach includes eliminating certain foods, such as alcohol, coffee, processed oils, and focusing on nutrient-dense, healing foods. By removing these foods, the gut and immune system get a chance to rest and heal. This can lead to the disappearance of symptoms and improved overall health. Functional medicine also looks beyond the obvious causes and considers other factors like heavy metals, infections, and imbalances in the microbiome. For severely debilitated patients, an elemental diet may be used to provide essential nutrients without requiring the gut to break down complex foods. This approach can lead to long-term maintenance of a healthy state using various immune system boosters and modulators. Traditional medicine's approach to IBD includes drugs that can be toxic and potentially harmful, and while they may offer some relief, they don't address the root cause of the disease. Functional medicine offers a more comprehensive and personalized approach to treating IBD.

    • Managing Inflammatory Bowel Diseases with Functional MedicineFunctional medicine offers a promising approach for managing inflammatory bowel diseases by optimizing nutrition, addressing toxins, and supporting a healthy gut microbiome, reducing the need for harsh medications.

      Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's and colitis, are becoming more common and can be very disruptive to individuals' lives. These conditions are linked to autoimmune responses in the gut and can be influenced by factors like diet, environment, and stress. Conventional treatments often involve suppressing the immune system with strong medications, which can have serious side effects and potential long-term risks. However, functional medicine approaches that focus on optimizing nutrition, addressing toxins, and supporting a healthy gut microbiome offer a promising alternative for managing these conditions and reducing the need for harsh medications.

    • Effective Solutions for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases through Functional MedicineFunctional medicine addresses food sensitivities and ultra-processed foods to manage inflammatory bowel diseases, improving patient outcomes through dietary changes and collaboration between conventional and functional medicine practitioners.

      Functional medicine offers effective solutions for managing inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, which are often difficult to cure through conventional methods. Food sensitivities, particularly to high sugar processed foods and food additives, can contribute to gut issues. A case in point is the successful treatment of a young woman on the brink of having her colon removed due to severe colitis, who was able to achieve symptom-free status through dietary changes and functional medicine. The collaborative efforts between conventional and functional medicine practitioners, like Dr. Rijario, can lead to the best possible patient outcomes. Intriguingly, research shows that food sensitivities and ultra-processed foods can negatively impact the gut, making it essential to consider these factors when treating patients.

    • Impact of Mercury and Antibiotics on Gut Health and ColitisMercury poisoning and antibiotic use can negatively affect gut health, leading to symptoms of colitis. Restoring acromania, a key gut bacteria, and using a cocktail of gut-supporting components can aid in recovery.

      Gut health plays a crucial role in overall wellbeing, particularly for those suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases like colitis. Mercury poisoning and antibiotic use can significantly impact the gut microbiome, leading to symptoms like colitis. Acromania, a key bacteria in maintaining a healthy gut, is often lacking in those with inflammatory bowel diseases. Replacing acromania through diet or supplementation, along with addressing underlying causes such as mold exposures and mold remediation, can help in the healing process. A cocktail of gut-supporting components, including prebiotics, probiotics, polyphenols, and immunoglobulins, can aid in gut recovery. It's important to remember that everyone's journey to gut health is unique, and a personalized approach may be necessary for effective treatment.

    • Probiotics and prebiotics benefit IBD treatmentProbiotics like Lactobacillus GG, bifidobacterium strains, and VSL number three help heal gut mucosa in IBD, while curcumin reduces inflammation when combined with mesalamine. Ongoing research explores specific strains and their unique abilities.

      Probiotics and prebiotics have shown significant benefits in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), contributing to the healing of gut mucosa and resolution of symptoms. Probiotics like Lactobacillus GG, several strains of bifidobacterium, and VSL number three have been particularly effective due to their ability to replenish missing or low bacterial species. However, the use of probiotics must be balanced with a patient's tolerance and disease stage. Curcumin, derived from turmeric, has also shown promise in IBD studies, improving inflammation when used in combination with mesalamine. Probiotics and curcumin are just a few of the therapies being explored in the emerging field of microbiome research. The understanding of probiotics and their effectiveness is still evolving, and it's essential to ensure their stability and potency from production to consumption. Future research will likely focus on specific strains and their unique abilities.

    • Altering the microbiome with new agents for Crohn's disease treatmentThe future of Crohn's disease treatment may involve new agents to modify the microbiome instead of relying on probiotics, shifting focus from symptom relief to gut health restoration through functional medicine's five-bar program.

      The future of Crohn's disease treatment may involve altering the microbiome with new agents rather than relying on probiotics. This approach could change the way we approach gut health and disease treatment, as medical education has historically focused on treating symptoms rather than creating a healthy gut. Functional medicine offers a methodology called the five-bar program, which aims to restore gut function by removing irritants, replacing necessary elements, and using repairing agents. This approach, which can be applied to various diseases, has been successful for decades. Integrating this approach with traditional therapies through collaboration between medical teams could lead to even better outcomes. The partnership between traditional and functional medicine represents a complementary, rather than opposing, approach to patient care. Cleveland Clinic is an example of a place where this collaboration is fostered, and it's exciting to see the potential for these two fields to work together.

    • Interdisciplinary care for complex chronic conditionsAddressing psychosocial stressors and diet alongside medical treatment in a patient-centered medical home model improves outcomes and reduces costs for complex chronic conditions like IBD.

      The future of healthcare, particularly for complex chronic conditions like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), lies in interdisciplinary, whole-person care models. Dr. Kappelman's experience at Cleveland Clinic highlights the importance of addressing psychosocial stressors and diet in addition to medical treatment. The patient-centered medical home model, where a specialist, such as a gastroenterologist, leads a team of healthcare providers, has been shown to improve outcomes and reduce costs. This approach integrates various disciplines, including nutrition, life coaching, and behavioral therapy, into one stop shop care. By keeping patients in their communities and leveraging digital technology, this model not only leads to better health outcomes but also decreases unplanned care visits and overall costs. The healthcare industry must embrace this new delivery model to effectively manage complex chronic conditions.

    • Modern chronic diseases linked to inflammationInflammation, linked to chronic diseases, is caused by modern environments and constant triggers to the immune system, often indicated by high blood sugar or diabetes.

      Inflammation, which is often thought of as a response to infections or injuries, is now linked to many modern chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and even psychiatric issues. This low-grade inflammation, which most people don't realize they have, is caused by our modern environments and constant triggers to the immune system. To determine if you're inflamed, markers like C-reactive protein can be tested, but new tests and technologies are being developed. A proxy for inflammation is having high blood sugar or diabetes. The good news is that understanding this connection can lead to preventative measures and better management of these diseases.

    • Excess belly fat as a marker for inflammationExcess belly fat produces inflammatory signals, leading to overall inflammation in the body. Overeating is a significant contributor. While tests exist, research continues to find more specific markers to understand the root cause.

      Excess belly fat is not just an aesthetic concern, but also a marker for inflammation in the body. This inflammation can come from the fat itself, which is an active organ producing inflammatory signals. Overeating is a major cause of belly fat. While there are tests like CRP and imaging scans to detect inflammation, there is a need for more specific markers to understand the root cause. Research is ongoing to identify these markers, and testing for inflammatory responses to challenges may provide valuable insights into the immune system's function. In the meantime, healthcare professionals use specialized diagnostic tools to assess inflammation, and individuals can consider lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

    • Understanding the root causes of inflammationDiet, lifestyle, and environment contribute to chronic inflammation. A Western diet, high in sugar, salt, processed foods, and low in fiber, is particularly problematic as it starves gut microbes and worsens inflammation.

      Inflammation, which is the body's response to irritants, is a common underlying cause of various modern diseases, including heart disease, cancer, depression, and neurodegenerative disorders. The immune system's response to stressors can be appropriate or overreactive, leading to too much inflammation. Our environment, dietary habits, and lifestyle are major contributors to chronic inflammation. The Western diet, which is high in sugar, salt, processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and low in fiber, is particularly problematic as it starves the gut microbes of their essential nutrient, leading to changes in microbe species and behaviors that cause inflammation. The immune system tries to fix the constant hits from this diet, but the lack of fiber and other essential nutrients only worsens the situation. Therefore, understanding the root causes of inflammation and making dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce it is crucial for overall health.

    • The body's inflammation process requires proper nutrition to resolveProper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced microbiome are essential to reduce chronic inflammation in the body. Consume fiber, healthy fats, and nutrient-dense foods to support a healthy microbiome and immune system.

      The process of inflammation in the body is not a passive one, but an active one that requires proper nutrition to resolve. Our bodies need healthy fats, particularly omega-3s, to produce molecules that help regulate inflammation. The microbiome also plays a crucial role in regulating our immune system and overall health. When the microbiome is damaged or imbalanced due to poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, and social disconnection, it can lead to chronic inflammation. It's essential to consume fiber, healthy fats, and other nutrient-dense foods to support a healthy microbiome and immune system. These foods include spices, herbs, and polyphenols, which are metabolized by the microbiome and help foster healthy conversations between our immune cells and microbes. Overall, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced microbiome are key to reducing chronic inflammation in the body.

    • Dr. Hyman's Weekly Newsletter RecommendationsDr. Hyman shares his opinions on books, podcasts, gadgets, supplements, and recipes for health and wellness through his free weekly newsletter 'marks picks'.

      Dr. Mark Hyman offers a weekly newsletter, "marks picks," at drheimman.com, sharing his recommendations on books, podcasts, gadgets, supplements, and recipes to support health and wellness. This is separate from his clinical practice and functions only for educational purposes. It's important to remember that these recommendations are his opinions and not endorsements from his guests or professional organizations. Seeking advice from a qualified healthcare practitioner is crucial for personal health concerns. The podcast is free as part of Dr. Hyman's mission to make practical health improvements accessible to the public. He expresses gratitude to the podcast sponsors for making this possible. Always remember, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for personal health matters.

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