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    Podcast Summary

    • Adapting and Improving During Challenging TimesFocus on enhancing your website and access affordable coaching and resources to adapt and improve your business during tough times.

      During challenging times, it's essential to adapt and improve your business to ensure long-term success. Jason Thicpenney, a business owner from Rocket Railways, shared his experience on the Business Broadcast podcast. He had a thriving escape room and model railway business at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. However, sales plummeted, and he found himself overtrading and questioning the profitability of his business. To bounce back, he focused on enhancing his website and is now implementing strategies to build a sustainable and generational business. Additionally, James Sinclair, the podcast host, introduced his Entrepreneurs University coaching program. It offers affordable access to his expertise, with weekly coaching, resources, and proven methods to help businesses grow. The program is an investment of only 49.99 GBP per month, making it an accessible solution for entrepreneurs seeking guidance and support. In summary, the discussion highlights the importance of adapting and improving during tough times and the benefits of accessing affordable coaching and resources to help businesses thrive.

    • Rocket Railways pivots to online sales during pandemicUnexpected shift to online sales led to surge in demand, lack of preparedness caused stock shortage, transforming business into a brand improved customer experience and set foundation for future growth.

      The coronavirus pandemic forced Rocket Railways, a business specializing in buying and selling old model railway stuff, to pivot from physical sales to online sales. This unexpected shift led to a significant increase in sales from all over the world. However, the lack of preparedness for this surge in demand resulted in a shortage of stock. Realizing the need to transform their business into a brand rather than just a secondhand trader, Jason and his team focused on improving their website and integrating it with a better database system. This not only enhanced the customer experience but also set the foundation for future growth. The podcast conversation with Jason earlier helped him see the importance of building a strong brand and not just being a mere trader.

    • Improving brand and offerings leads to increased sales and loyaltyFocusing on brand and offerings can lead to more sales and customer loyalty, even if daily sales decrease. Hire a photographer, create a YouTube channel, offer free gifts, and establish a membership to enhance the customer experience.

      Focusing on building a strong brand and improving the quality of offerings can lead to a shift in the supplier dynamic, resulting in an increase in sales and customer loyalty. The speaker shared how they hired a full-time photographer to enhance their product photos and established a YouTube channel for daily content. They also introduced free gifts and a new membership to attract customers to their website. By creating a desirable brand, people began approaching them with items to sell instead of the speaker having to actively seek them out. Additionally, the speaker reduced their reliance on eBay sales and instead focused on increasing the average order value through their website and shop. As a result, their daily sales decreased to around £700 but with higher average order values and customer loyalty.

    • Optimizing website and sales strategies for higher customer valueSmart sales strategies like stopping discounting, bundling, and upselling can boost average customer value. Websites showcase relevant products and increase sales both directly and indirectly through marketplaces like Facebook.

      Increasing turnover comes with additional costs, but smart strategies like stopping discounting, bundling products, and implementing upsells can help boost average customer value. The website plays a crucial role in this process, acting as a platform for showcasing relevant products and increasing sales both directly and indirectly through marketplaces like Facebook. The speaker mentions that only 20% of sales come directly from their own website currently, but this number is growing, leading to an increase in net sales. While Facebook Marketplace may not be a significant revenue source itself, it can bring traffic to the website, which is why it's essential to maintain a presence there. Overall, focusing on optimizing the website and implementing effective sales strategies are key to growing average customer value and managing successful business growth.

    • Rocket Railways Membership Program: Exclusive Benefits for CustomersRocket Railways launches a membership program, offering early access, discounts, and exclusive events to members for £10/month, generating revenue and customer loyalty

      Rocket Railways is introducing a membership program to offer exclusivity and benefits to its customers before new products are released to the general public. This strategy not only provides value to members but also brings additional revenue to the business through membership fees. The membership program is expected to be integrated with the new website, and members will receive a weekly preview of new items, a 10% discount, and access to exclusive events. The membership fee is estimated to be around £10 per month, making it an affordable investment for customers seeking priority access and discounts. The program is also seen as a valuable marketing tool, as loyal members act as brand advocates and help increase sales. Rocket Railways is currently deciding on the software to use for running the website, with EKM being a potential option.

    • WordPress vs Shopify for e-commerce: Choosing the right platformBusiness needs determine whether WordPress with WooCommerce or Shopify is the best e-commerce platform. Factors include flexibility for content management, EPOS integration, funding options, and sales channels. Ultimately, the choice depends on the specific business requirements.

      The choice between WordPress and Shopify for an e-commerce platform depends on specific business needs. While Shopify offers built-in EPOS systems and funding options for growing businesses, WordPress with WooCommerce provides more flexibility through plugins for content management and EPOS integration. Additionally, a significant portion of sales for the business in question comes from marketplaces like Amazon and eBay, and follow-up marketing efforts are being made to these customers. An innovative marketing strategy includes sending branded boxes and flyers to encourage customers to visit the company's website, and the potential creation of a collector's magazine for railway enthusiasts. The decision to use WordPress was based on the team's familiarity with the platform and the ease of managing content for weekly written pieces. Ultimately, both platforms have their strengths, and the best choice depends on the unique requirements of the business.

    • Benefits of creating a membership model for niche publications and podcastsCreating a membership model for niche magazines or podcasts offers exclusive access, VAT savings, enhanced customer relationships, and potential reach. Tools like Anchor and Lip Sync make production and distribution easier.

      Creating a membership model for a niche magazine or podcast, such as model railways, can provide significant benefits. Members receive exclusive access to the magazine each month, and the publisher avoids paying VAT on membership fees due to it being a membership to a publication. Additionally, providing old back copies as bonuses can enhance customer relationships and make them feel valued. The value of creating a podcast for a niche audience, like model railways, is undeniable, as it can attract a dedicated audience and provide opportunities for marketing and collaboration with related businesses. Although it may seem daunting to find the time, the value and potential reach make it a worthwhile investment. Tools like Anchor and Lip Sync can help in creating and distributing podcasts, making the process more accessible.

    • Brand promotion through engaging contentRenaming a podcast, inviting guests, and creating a magazine can help shift focus from selling products to marketing a brand, attracting potential customers and expanding reach.

      Shifting focus from solely selling products to marketing an entire brand, such as Rocket Railways, can lead to significant growth. This was a key insight gained from a previous podcast discussion. To effectively implement this, the podcast should be renamed as the "Model Railways Enthusiast podcast presented by Rocket Railways," and the host should invite guests to discuss model railways, collections, and related topics. This not only attracts potential customers but also allows for the promotion of Rocket Railways and its offerings. Additionally, creating a magazine, such as "Rocket Railways presents the model railway magazine," can further expand the brand's reach. The magazine doesn't necessarily need to include products but can serve as a platform for customer-written articles and advertisements for the shop and membership. Overall, the goal is to create engaging content that appeals to model railway enthusiasts while subtly promoting the Rocket Railways brand.

    • Transforming a model railway shop into a destination experienceCreating a museum-like shop with a coffee corner, regular content, and enthusiast hub can increase customer value and lead to direct sales. Fostering loyalty through customer features and events can drive growth.

      Transforming a model railway shop into a destination experience can attract customers from far and wide. By creating a physical shop that is more than just a place to buy, but a museum-like experience, a coffee shop, and a hub for enthusiasts, the business can increase its average customer value and move towards direct sales. This can be achieved through regular YouTube content, a magazine, and even hosting own exhibitions. Additionally, making customers famous by featuring them on the podcast, YouTube channel, and magazine can lead to increased loyalty and word-of-mouth growth. Overall, shifting the mindset from a seller of railway stuff to a marketer of the railway business can help take the business to the next level. Other potential opportunities include hosting events around the country and even renting a big top for exhibitions. The beauty of the model railway business lies in its many facets, and exploring these different areas can lead to new opportunities and growth.

    • Combining pricing, expansion, branding, and goal-setting for business successEffective pricing, expansion to new markets, strong brand presence, and clear goal-setting are essential for business success.

      Success in business involves a combination of various strategies. Jason Thickpenny from Rocket Railways emphasized the importance of pricing products right, buying existing businesses to build upon, and having a strong brand presence. He also mentioned the significance of expanding to new markets and utilizing resources like apprenticeship schemes. To achieve their goals, it's crucial to set clear targets, such as reaching £2,000 a day in sales with a £33 average customer value by Christmas. Writing down goals and utilizing available resources, like the Entrepreneurs University business plan, can increase the likelihood of success. Overall, the key takeaway is that a successful business requires a multifaceted approach, including effective pricing, expansion, branding, and goal-setting.

    • Jason's goal: Increase daily sales to £2,000 and reduce reliance on third-party platformsListeners can access James' business plan and resources at Entrepreneurs University to help grow their businesses, with the goal of increasing sales and reducing reliance on external platforms.

      Entrepreneur and podcast guest, Jason, is focused on increasing his daily sales for his business to reach £2,000, with the ultimate goal of reducing reliance on third-party platforms like eBay and Amazon. Jason has even rewritten James Sinclair's business plan to help him achieve this goal. James encourages listeners to join the Entrepreneurs University for free and access resources like his business plan to help grow their own businesses. The podcast aims to help people grow their businesses, so listeners are encouraged to rate, review, and subscribe to spread the message. Additionally, James' YouTube channel offers new videos to help businesses succeed.

    Recent Episodes from James Sinclair's Business Broadcast podcast

    500k Subscribed YouTuber NOT Making Enough Money!

    500k Subscribed YouTuber NOT Making Enough Money!

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    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Nathan here: https://www.bgrmodularclassrooms.co.uk


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    This £150k Construction Business is BRILLIANT! But what next?

    This £150k Construction Business is BRILLIANT! But what next?

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Richard here: https://www.bgrmodularclassrooms.co.uk


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    A Brutal but Honest Conversation for Start Up Entrepreneur (Podcast Agency)

    A Brutal but Honest Conversation for Start Up Entrepreneur (Podcast Agency)

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Nick here: www.gingerwizard.co.uk

    In this episode our guest has started a podcast agency, he left the BBC after 20 years and wants to build something for himself... the problem is that I'm not sure he is cut out for Entrepreneurship... I think it's time for an honest conversation.

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    £15k per month First Aid Business needs help Getting Customers!

    £15k per month First Aid Business needs help Getting Customers!

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Joanne here: https://actfastfirst.co.uk/


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    Declined Dragons Den offer & Built a £5m Chocolate Business - James Cadbury

    Declined Dragons Den offer & Built a £5m Chocolate Business - James Cadbury

    A super interesting interview with James Cadbury whose great great great Grandfather setup the famous Cadbury chocolate business. However, more recently James Cadbury has launched his own chocolate company called Love Cocoa and appear on the famous UK TV show Dragons Den on which he declined their offer! Fascinating conversation in this episode, I hope your enjoy. 

    Find out more from James Cadbury here: https://lovecocoa.com/pages/our-story


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    £25k per month Electrician has HUGE Potential!

    £25k per month Electrician has HUGE Potential!

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Mark here: https://www.thesasltd.com/


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    £150k per month Solar Panel Business aims for £20 Million

    £150k per month Solar Panel Business aims for £20 Million

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Ian here: Apexdoma.com 


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    £45k per month Importing Business is Struggling with Getting Customers

    £45k per month Importing Business is Struggling with Getting Customers

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    Find out more from Chris here: www.gekoproducts.co.uk 


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    Selling £14k per month Gut Health Supplements & wants Investment!

    Selling £14k per month Gut Health Supplements & wants Investment!

    Get your tickets for our LIVE event in London here: https://jamessinclair.net

    Welcome to the Business Broadcast Podcast! Each week James brings on the show an entrepreneur who shares their biggest challenges and struggles in business.

    James coaches the business owner through these challenges by asking those hard hitting questions in order to get to the bottom of these problems and help the business owner soar to success.

    This business owner is selling £14k per month of gut health supplements on Shopify! After quiting a very well paid job and using your life savings to start a business, will it pay off?

    Today's conversation is with Gemma, owner of Gut Wealth. But there's an obvious problem that needs to be fixed if this entrepreneurs wants to continue growing.

    Find out more from Gemma here: Gutwealth.co.uk


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    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

    Part 2/2: Dodge Woodall - Selling 1 Million Tickets & Building a Sporting Festival Empire

    Part 2/2: Dodge Woodall - Selling 1 Million Tickets & Building a Sporting Festival Empire

    Part 2/2: A conversation with one of the UK's best promoters, Dodge Woodall. He is hugely successful entrepreneur who has built a festival empire. You may know him as the man behind the Bournemouth 7's Festival or as having one of the most successful podcasts in the UK with over 100,000,000 views on YouTube.

    In this two-hour conversation Dodge shares story from growing up above a pub to becoming a night life promoter and how he started one the countries best festivals. We discuss marketing, life as an entrepreneur and is the UK in a state of decline? I think this is a powerful conversation for all business owners and entrepreneurs!

    Find out more from Dodge here: https://dodgewoodall.com



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    My Socials:

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    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/jamessinclairentrepreneur

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jamessinclairentrepreneur/

    Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamessinclairpartyman/

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    Episode Summary  

    Sam Bakhtiar is a PHD, fitness based entrepreneur owning a multi franchise fitness camp in over 100 locations, supplement nutrition brands, and the host of the One Percenter Podcast. This “100 Million Dollar Entrepreneur” is a shining example of an entrepreneur that has gone the extra mile, committed to his self growth, and continues to share that knowledge and experience with the world. In this podcast you will get an in depth look at the harsh realities, challenges, and key leadership tips from Sam’s perspective.

    Entrepreneurial Wisdom Nuggets:

    • If you are the leader of a company then you have to take responsibility for everyone within it. 
    • Life isn’t perfect, neither is business. Learn to deal with the issues and continuously develop yourself to be able to overcome the challenges.
    • Education is key to growing healthily as a business owner and leader.

    Podcast Outline

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    [04:07] Why Alex wanted to interview Sam

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    [14:42 ] Business is like a “kid”, it’s never perfect

    [15:43 ] The importance of education and Sam’s background

    [17:05] Where to find Sam on social media

    Power Quotes

    “Inspect what you expect from life” – Sam Bakhtiar

    “There is no such thing as bad soldiers, only bad generals ” – Sam Bakhtiar

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    Follow us on Instagram: @HustleInspiresHustle | @AlexQuin

    Want more info? : http://hustleinspireshustle.com | http://alexquin.com

    Resources Mentioned

    Sam Bakhtiar on Instagram


    The Camp Transformation Center (franchise)

    One Percent Nutrition

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    Wisdom Nuggets

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    If you are looking to turn your passion into a side hustle or a full time gig, utilize TikTok because it offers the best way to reach new people, second to that is instagram reels.


    Podcast Outline

    [01:15] What’s going on everyone 

    [01:39] Whats up Alex

    [02:06] I found you through a voice app (Clubhouse) 

    [02:19] Share this story with us, 11 million followers in a year

    [03:03] I didn’t know how to escape the corporate world until I started listening to Gary V

    [04:07] A month into TikTok, I have a million followers

    [05:56] How do you go about your concepts on TikTok

    [06:47] I think the way to really elevate your success

    [07:11] I can amass millions of followers by posting content every day

    [08:41] You put the time in 

    [08:50] Hey (break) 

    [09:29] What are the best details you think make the best photos or video content?

    [10:45] My mind almost works more like a marketer 

    [11:06] I collect that information

    [11:32] How do I make my content have the biggest impact 

    [11:42] Are there any photographers or content creators that influenced you?

    [12:03] Alex LiquidVerve

    [13:42] There's so many opportunities for people to get creative

    [14:21] Now with Clubhouse… 

    [14:59] What advice can you give people who want to change their career path

    [15:33] You need to gain awareness for yourself

    [16:16] The best app right now is TikTok

    [17:07] Put in the work

    [18:14] See you guys in the next episode

    Power Quotes

    “I think the way to really elevate your success is to go all in, be super consistent, and create as much high quality content as you can possibly churn out, especially really right now because the ability to reach a broad audience  using platforms like TikTok and instagram reels is absolutely insane” - Alex Stemplewski 06:47

    “Aligning with influencers that understand how their products and services work, understand the platforms, what people like and don't like, is the true value” - Alex Quin 13:58

    “Step 1 is understanding where to post your content” - Alex Stemplewski 15:41

    “You have to just start, and once you start, you have to keep going” - Alex Stemplewski 17:22


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