
    Ep. 38: Habit Tune-Up: Daily vs. Weekly Planning, Supercharging Home Offices, and Taming Demanding Jobs

    For individuals with chronic pain or high hour demand jobs, having daily rituals and adjustable tasks can increase autonomy, progress, and efficiency.

    en-usOctober 22, 2020

    About this Episode

    In this mini-episode, I answer audio questions from listeners asking for advice about how best to tune-up their productivity and work habits in a moment of increased distraction and disruption.

    You can submit your own audio questions at speakpipe.com/calnewport.

    Here are the topics we cover: 

    * The difference between daily and weekly planning [10:08]
    * Fighting shallow work in medicine. [16:44]
    * On the value of taking off a work day each week. [24:14]
    * Maximizing home offices. [30:29]
    * Scheduling deep work with a chronic illness [43:08]
    * Taming jobs with large hour demands. [49:32]

    Special Offer Sponsor Links:
     - grammarly.com/DEEP
     - indeed.com/QUESTIONS
     - foursigmatic.com/DEEP

    Thanks to listener Jay Kerstens for the intro music.

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Exploring alternative methods like daily and weekly planning, scheduling for depth, and using analog tools can boost productivity and set boundaries.
    • Approach productivity holistically, consider human brain needs, use paper notebooks for deep work, and utilize Grammarly Premium for writing enhancement.
    • Weekly planning helps manage your time effectively by recognizing patterns, prioritizing tasks, and optimizing your schedule for the week, allowing for sustainable and balanced productivity.
    • Daily time blocking can help ensure task completion, weekly planning optimizes workload, protect time for deep work to increase productivity
    • Doctors should prioritize structured time for deep work and mental breaks to maintain well-being and productivity, leading to increased job satisfaction and improved patient care.
    • Use your day off to acquire a new skill or master a complex topic related to your industry, potentially accelerating your career trajectory
    • Creating a distinct home office environment can improve focus and productivity during deep work, achieved through painting walls, buying new furniture, or building a custom desk.
    • Investing in a distinct workspace and establishing a consistent routine can significantly improve productivity and focus.
    • Use a specialized coffee like Four Sigmatic's ground mushroom coffee for focus, and hire the right people for your business with Indeed.com's flexible hiring options
    • Optimize productivity daily based on current abilities, prioritize tasks, and adapt to changing circumstances for maximum progress towards goals.
    • For individuals with chronic pain or high hour demand jobs, having daily rituals and adjustable tasks can increase autonomy, progress, and efficiency.
    • Automate tasks, build a high-performing team, and focus on productivity systems to advance in finance and eventually achieve autonomy and financial success.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    Rediscovering Analog Methods for Deeper Focus

    In today's world of demanding jobs and disrupted work routines, it's essential to explore alternative methods to boost productivity and set boundaries. Cal Newport, in a recent podcast episode, discussed various strategies, including the importance of daily and weekly planning, and scheduling for depth. He also shared an interesting observation from his local coffee shop, where people are being forced to work without laptops due to outdoor seating limitations. This experiment has led to a rediscovery of analog methods, such as using notebooks and pens, which can help eliminate distractions and promote deeper focus. This natural experiment, along with others likely happening across the country, may lead to a positive long-term impact on our approach to productivity by exposing us to alternative ways of working and remembering their benefits.

    Maximizing Productivity through Mindful Tools and Techniques

    Productivity is not just about efficiently processing tasks, but also about considering the context, material, medium, situation, and other distractions that impact the human brain. Using simple tools like paper notebooks for deep work, such as reading and writing, can help maximize productivity and mental peace, despite seeming less optimized in a purely technical sense. The art of getting the messy human brain to produce clean, valuable results involves embracing the complexity of our minds and finding what works best for us as individuals. Additionally, Grammarly Premium can be a valuable tool for enhancing writing skills by providing suggestions for clarity, vocabulary, and editing to make prose more persuasive and professional sounding. By elevating our writing, we can make a significant impact on our careers. So, in summary, the key takeaway is to approach productivity holistically, considering the unique needs of the human brain, and to utilize tools and techniques, like paper notebooks and Grammarly Premium, that cater to those needs for optimal results.

    Identify patterns, prioritize tasks, and optimize schedule

    While daily planning is important for managing your schedule on a day-to-day basis, weekly planning offers additional benefits. By looking at your entire week, you can identify patterns, prioritize tasks, and optimize your schedule in a way that's not possible when focusing only on each day. Weekly planning also allows you to recognize unsustainable schedules and make necessary adjustments, such as canceling appointments or rescheduling meetings. Additionally, weekly planning enables you to establish temporary heuristics to help manage your time more effectively. Overall, incorporating both daily and weekly planning into your routine can lead to a more productive and balanced approach to managing your time.

    Maximize productivity with daily and weekly planning

    Effective time management involves a combination of daily and weekly planning. The speaker suggests that daily time blocking can help maximize productivity, while weekly planning allows for optimizing workload and setting heuristics for specific tasks. For instance, dedicating the first hour of each day to a particular task can help ensure its completion. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of protecting time for deep work, which can be scheduled like any other appointment or procedure. This approach can lead to increased productivity and the perception of having a "superpower." Doctors, in particular, can benefit from this strategy to manage their shallow work and make time for deep thinking and research.

    Scheduling deep work and mental breaks

    Creating structured time for deep work and prioritizing mental breaks, as well as implementing clear communication protocols, are essential for doctors to maintain their well-being and productivity. Scheduling deep work like other appointments, allowing for margin in the schedule, and establishing formal communication procedures can lead to increased job satisfaction and improved patient care, even if it means a slight reduction in earnings. In contrast, constantly maximizing time and flexibility without boundaries can lead to burnout and misery.

    Invest in personal and professional growth on your day off

    Taking a day off from work every week, especially if you have autonomy in your schedule, can be a valuable investment in your personal and professional growth. Instead of viewing it as a break that might hinder your progress, consider using the time to focus on acquiring a new skill or mastering a complex topic related to your industry. With the right mindset and intensity, you can make significant progress in a short amount of time, potentially even accelerating your career trajectory. This approach turns your day off into a personal university, where you are the only student, and you have the freedom to learn at your own pace and on your own terms. So, instead of just getting some extra rest or relaxation, use your day off to become an expert in your field and stand out from your peers.

    Designing a unique home office setup

    Creating a dedicated and distinctive home office setup can significantly enhance productivity and focus during deep work. Instead of settling for a bland and uninspiring workspace, making it unique and different from the rest of your home can help signal to yourself that it's time to work and produce value. This can be achieved through various means, such as painting the walls, buying new furniture, or building a custom desk. The more you can make your home office a separate and distinct environment, the easier it will be to enter that mindset and effectively differentiate between shallow and deep work.

    Creating a dedicated workspace

    Creating a distinct and intentional workspace can significantly improve productivity and focus. This can be achieved by investing in a dedicated workspace, whether it's a separate building like a shed or a converted garage, or a designated area in your home. The importance of this space goes beyond just functionality, as it also serves as a psychological signal to transition from home life to work life. Additionally, establishing a consistent ritual to begin and end your workday, such as taking a walk or visiting a coffee shop, can further enhance your focus and productivity. The key is to make your workspace and workday routine intentional and non-trivial, helping to create a clear separation between work and home life. It's important to remember that the physical space is just one aspect of productivity. Rituals, routines, and rules also play a crucial role in structuring your workday and maintaining focus. By investing time and resources into creating a dedicated workspace and establishing a consistent routine, you can make a significant impact on your productivity and overall work experience.

    Establishing work-from-home rituals for productivity and happiness

    Creating a clear separation between work and home life is crucial for productivity and happiness during this unusual period of remote work. This can be achieved through establishing rituals, such as using a specialized coffee like Four Sigmatic's ground mushroom coffee. This coffee, which includes productivity-boosting lion's mane mushroom and immune-supporting chaga mushroom, creates a unique physiological response and serves as a strong hook for focusing on work. Additionally, hiring the right people for your business is essential if you're in "hustle mode," and Indeed.com can help you do so with its flexible hiring options and high volume of job seekers.

    Daily time block planning for unpredictable conditions

    For individuals with unpredictable physical conditions that make deep work scheduling a challenge, focusing on daily time block planning can be more effective than weekly planning. This approach allows individuals to optimize their productivity based on their current physical and cognitive abilities each day, rather than trying to predict and plan for an entire week. By prioritizing what can be accomplished each day and adapting to changing circumstances, individuals can make the most of their available resources and still achieve significant progress towards their goals. Additionally, listeners of the Deep Questions podcast can take advantage of an exclusive offer from Sigmatic for their best-selling mushroom coffee, which provides better focus and productivity, with up to 40% off and free shipping by visiting for sigmatic.com/deep.

    Adopt a flexible approach to daily productivity and work routines

    For individuals dealing with chronic pain or high hour demand jobs, it's essential to adopt a flexible approach to daily productivity and work routines. Instead of focusing solely on weekly plans, having daily rituals or tasks that can be adjusted based on pain levels or work demands can provide a sense of autonomy and progress. Additionally, for those in high hour demand jobs, prioritizing productivity, mastering time management skills, and automating tasks can help increase efficiency and value per hour worked. Remember, the key is to find a balance that works for your unique situation and to remain strategic and focused on your goals.

    Productivity and Efficiency in Finance

    In the finance industry, building a foundation of productivity and efficiency is key to advancing your career and eventually achieving autonomy and financial success. This involves automating repetitive tasks, building a high-performing team, and focusing on productivity systems. Finance offers a unique combination of autonomy and financial reward, but it requires years of dedication and hard work to build the necessary career capital. The approach recommended is to prioritize productivity and efficiency, rather than working long hours unsustainably. By becoming a productivity "killer," one can build a successful career in finance and ultimately have the freedom to control one's schedule and priorities.

    Recent Episodes from Deep Questions with Cal Newport

    Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

    Ep. 298: Rethinking Attention

    We think of information as something neutral; a spotlight that helps illuminate the reality of the outside world. Accordingly, more information is better than less. In this episode, Cal pushes back on this model, arguing that the form in which information arrives can strongly impact the understanding we extract. We must therefore be more intentional about what and how we pay attention. He then answers reader questions and surveys some unusual but entertaining stories about slowness.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Rethinking attention [4:08]

    - What books should I read to help me develop a deep life? [34:35]
    - Does writing by hand have benefits for your brain? [38:40]
    - Should I get a brain scan to prove I have a low IQ? [43:46]
    - Should I use ChatGPT for book recommendations? [47:39]
    - How can I avoid wasting your gap year? [49:40]
    - CALL: Is “Slow Productivity” related to “The Burnout Society” by Buying-Chui Han? [55:32]

    CASE STUDY: Utilizing the phone foyer method [1:01:58]  

    FINAL SEGMENT: Slow news [1:10:58]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 297: The Deep Life Hardware

    Ep. 297: The Deep Life Hardware

    Why do you struggle with your grand attempts to escape distraction and aimlessness to make your life deeper? In this episode, Cal draws on an unexpected metaphor – Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, and the Analytical Engine – to help identify the subtle obstacle on your path to increase depth. With this new understanding in hand, he then details a specific gameplan to get around it. Later, he takes questions from the audience and reacts to the new AI Pin, a tool intended to render smartphones obsolete.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The Deep Life Hardware [4:09]

    - Does personal productivity make us anxious? [34:04]
    - How can I build skills without getting in the way of my existing work? [42:11]
    - How can I build a deeper life after years of neglect? [46:00]
    - How is Sam Sulek’s stripped down YouTube channel doing so well? [52:12]
    - How can I convince my husband that I’m not a time management snob? [1:02:38]
    - CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:06:04]

    CASE STUDY: Shifting a mindset to do more deep work [1:11:04] 

    CAL REACTS: Is the Al Pin the End of Smartphones? [1:17:46]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

    Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

    In the first ever live episode of Deep Questions, recorded at People’s Book in Takoma Park, MD, Cal extracts a modern productivity lesson from the tale of Jane Austen’s frustrated ambitions, before taking questions from the audience.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Jane Austen’s To-Do List [3:22]

    — Is Cal building his YouTube channel with social media tactics? [27:36]
    — How can I do less in such a busy world? [31:53]
    — How do I escape the flow state? [37:01]
    — How can someone become a star while obsessing over craft? [40:52]
    — How can I apply Slow Productivity to unrelated projects? [46:40]
    — How does Cal develop his writing frameworks? [50:20]
    — How can I apply Slow Productivity principles to a team? [52:48]
    — How can I avoid the Zoom apocalypse? [57:48]
    — Is there a conflict between working at a natural pace and obsessing over quality? [1:07:16]
    — How can a personal trainer build a wellness solution company? [1:09:46]
    — How can our team not get delayed with technical problems? [1:13:00]
    — How can a young lawyer manage peer relationships with teams? [1:16:38]         


    — Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    — Use this link to preorder a signed copy of “Slow Productivity”: peoplesbooktakoma.com/preorder-slow-productivity/
    — Cal’s Monthly Books directory: bramses.notion.site/059db2641def4a88988b4d2cee4657ba?v=448bf8afad0740d18f6b109b4bd40d51

    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    cozyearth.com  (Use promo code “Cal”)

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

    Ep. 295: Artists Revolt Against Social Media

    In this episode Cal takes a closer look at a growing trend of artists quitting social media and instead reverting to old-fashioned websites. Are these acts of principled sacrifice or a sustainable way to be creative online? Cal argues for the latter, showing how the internet without social media curation algorithms can be a place of rich discovery and audience building. He then takes questions on similar topics and ends by playing a few rounds of “deep or crazy” during the final segment.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: A Quiet Revolt Against Social Media [7:37]

    - Is my deep living too extreme? [45:06]
    - LinkedIn is getting toxic. Should I quit that too? [47:39]
    - Where do online articles fit into the life of a digital minimalist? [51:09]
    - Did Cal design the specifications for the hardcover copy of “Slow Productivity”? [54:04]
    - How do I not feel overwhelmed by online content after a Digital Declutter? [58:07]
    - CALL: Obsessing over quality [1:01:08]

    CASE STUDY: Applying lessons from “Digital Minimalism” [1:06:37]

    CAL REACTS: Deep or Crazy? [1:13:54]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 294: A Tactical Assault on Busyness

    Ep. 294: A Tactical Assault on Busyness

    One of the biggest problems afflicting knowledge workers in the digital age is frantic busyness; days filled with emails, chats, and meetings, without much to show for all the effort. In today’s episode, Cal dives into one of the most-discussed ideas from his new book, Slow Productivity, which offers a simple, tactical assault on this state of persistent busyness. He then answers listener questions about similar issues and lists the book he read in March.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  hyoutube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: A Tactical Assault on Busyness [3:47]

    - How can I stop chasing the “perfect” productivity system? [34:51]
    - How do I avoid losing my day to distraction? [39:08] 
    - How do I help my partner escape meeting quickstand? [42:31]
    - How do we design the perfect client/task/scheduling system? [48:59]
    - Can Apple Vision Pro help deep work? [54:46]

    The 5 Books Cal Read in March 2024 [1:06:43]

    A Short History of England (Simon Jenkins)
    Into the Impossible (Brian Keating)
    The Amen Effect (Sharon Brous)
    Sink the Bismark! (CS Forester)
    Hidden Potential (Adam Grant)

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow
    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/deepquestions

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 293: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox?

    Ep. 293: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox?

    Imagine a world in which AI could handle your email inbox on your behalf. No more checking for new messages every five minutes. No more worries that people need you. No more exhausting cognitive context shifts. In this episode, Cal explores how close cutting-edge AI models are to achieving this goal, including using ChatGPT to help him answer some real email. He then dives into his latest article for The New Yorker, which explains the key technical obstacle to fully automated email and how it might be solved. This is followed by reader questions and a look at something interesting.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link:

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Can A.I. Empty My Inbox? [4:33]
    - Should I continue to study programming if AI will eventually replace software jobs? [44:40]
    - Is it bad to use ChatGPT to assist with your writing? [49:22]
    - How do I reclaim my workspace for Deep Work? [55:24]
    - How do I decide what to do on my scheduled mini-breaks at work? [1:00:11]
    - CALL: Heidegger’s view on technology [1:02:48]
    - CALL: Seasonality with a partner and kids [1:09:11]

    CASE STUDY: A Silicon Valley Chief of Staff balancing work and ego [1:20:07]

    Something Interesting: General Grant’s Slow Productivity [1:30:08]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity”at calnewport.com/slow


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 292: Single-Purpose Notebooks

    Ep. 292: Single-Purpose Notebooks

    On his recent book tour, Cal found great success using a small notebook dedicated to developing a single idea. In this episode, he explores this “single-purpose notebook” strategy, identifying when it makes sense and why it works. He also takes listener questions about his new book, “Slow Productivity,” and reacts to a recent article about TikTok’s stumbles.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Single-Purpose Notebooks [5:02]

    - If “pseudo-productivity” isn’t effective, why is it so common? [27:07]
    - Can you explain the difference between limiting missions, projects, and daily goals? [34:59]
    - Should everyone buy a $50 notebook? [39:21]
    - How does “Slow Productivity” relate to mental models and first principles? [48:12]
    - Should I read your new book slowly? [52:44]
    - CALL: Does Cal ever stress about work? [55:24]

    CASE STUDY: Applying lifestyle-centric career planning [1:00:31]

    SOMETHING INTERESTING: TikTok Falters [1:08:56]

    Buy Cal’s latest book, “Slow Productivity” at calnewport.com/slow

    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 291: Do Better, Do Less

    Ep. 291: Do Better, Do Less

    What does the story of the rise of the singing superstar Jewel teach us about escaping busyness in our knowledge work jobs? In this episode, Cal makes the connection, extracting a key lesson about quality as an engine for slowness, and then providing concrete advice and examples for applying this lesson to your own professional life. Also: listener questions and the books Cal read in February.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: Doing Better, Do Less [5:00]

    - Is my job too hard? [38:25]
    - How do I sell myself better? [42:52]
    - How do I convince myself to do actual hard work? [45:42]
    - How do I find time to get better if I'm busy? [48:46]
    - What is the values plan? [53:23]

    The 5 books Cal read in February 2024 [1:01:45]

    The Sabbath (AJ Heschel)
    Making Movies (Sidney Lumet)
    Killer of the Flower Moon (David Grann)
    Orthodoxy (G.K. Chesterton)
    The Good Shepherd (CA Forestor)

    FREE download excerpt and 2 Bonuses for “Slow Productivity”:

    Thanks to our Sponsors:


    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 290: Financing the Deep Life (w/ Noah Kagan)

    Ep. 290: Financing the Deep Life (w/ Noah Kagan)

    One of the most common strategies for achieving a powerful ideal lifestyle vision is to leverage entrepreneurial activities to find a stable source of income that allows autonomy and flexibility. To help understand how to succeed in such ventures, Cal interviews the entrepreneur and author Noah Kagan about his new book, "The Million Dollar Weekend." Recording on the road as part of his book tour for "Slow Productivity," Cal also shares some lessons about what he's been observing.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    INTERVIEW: Marketing guru Noah Kagan [11:06]

    Use this link to preorder a signed copy of “Slow Productivity”:
    FREE download excerpt and 2 Bonuses for “Slow Productivity”:

    Thanks to our Sponsors:

    This show is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Ep. 289: The Email Catastrophe

    Ep. 289: The Email Catastrophe

    How did we end up tyrannized by our inboxes? How is this related to Tyrannosaurus? What was it like working at a high-tech company at the exact moment email was introduced? In this episode, Cal weaves together all these questions into a story about the unexpected ways technology impacts our lives and what we can do after the fact to make things better.

    Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). Get your questions answered by Cal! Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/3U3sTvo

    Video from today’s episode:  https://youtube.com/calnewportmedia

    Deep Dive: The Email Catastrophe [3:47]

    - How do I deal with email overload in a government job? [45:34]
    - How do I deal with an employer who demands constant responsiveness?[55:36]
    - How can I concentrate when coding when I need to use my web browser? [58:27]
    - How do I overcome my fear of missing important emails? [1:02:35]
    - CALL: Can slow productivity work for an academic? [1:06:38]

    CAL REACTS: Reader Comments on his NYT Op-Ed [1:17:47]


    Thanks to our Sponsors: 

    Thanks to Jesse Miller for production, Jay Kerstens for the intro music, Kieron Rees for slow productivity music, and Mark Miles for mastering.

    Deep Questions with Cal Newport
    en-usFebruary 26, 2024