
    #76 with James Altucher - Making and Losing Millions Over and Over Again

    enMay 20, 2020
    What key lessons has James Altucher learned from his failures?
    How did Altucher reinvent himself throughout his career?
    What does Altucher emphasize about selling a successful business?
    What role did the 9/11 attacks play in Altucher's life?
    How can effective negotiation skills impact business sales?

    Podcast Summary

    • Resilience, reinvention, and the power of sharing personal strugglesJames Altucher's unpredictable career and pattern of success and failure highlights the importance of resilience, creativity, and finding new avenues. His story reminds us that true friends and opportunities can emerge during challenging times.

      James Altucher has had a varied and unpredictable career, often experiencing extreme highs and lows. He has pursued multiple interests and built various businesses, only to lose everything and hit rock bottom. This pattern of success and failure has taught him valuable lessons about resilience, creativity, and finding ways to monetize his ideas. Despite his setbacks, he has constantly reinvented himself and explored new avenues, from software development and venture capitalism to writing and podcasting. Altucher's willingness to share personal struggles and unconventional experiences has surprised and even concerned those around him. However, his story serves as a reminder that true friends and opportunities can be revealed during the most challenging times.

    • The Power of Vulnerability and Uniqueness in Building a Successful CareerBy being open and authentic about personal struggles, embracing uniqueness, and making wise financial decisions, one can attract opportunities, grow their audience, and build a successful career.

      James Altucher's vulnerability and willingness to write about personal struggles and failures not only helped him grow as a writer but also expanded his audience significantly. By being unique and sharing what was unique to him, Altucher was able to attract more investment opportunities and eventually build a successful podcast and career. Additionally, Altucher's early success in web design and making websites for major companies allowed him to earn a substantial amount of money, around $15 million. Instead of holding onto paper stocks that could potentially go to zero, Altucher wisely cashed out at the peak of the dotcom boom, ensuring he had tangible cash in his checking account.

    • Learning from James Altucher's MisstepsSuccess in one area does not guarantee expertise in others; continuous learning and seeking guidance are vital when venturing into new fields.

      James Altucher's success in one venture doesn't guarantee expertise in all areas. After selling his internet business for a substantial amount, he believed he was knowledgeable about investing and started making risky choices. Despite being initially successful in poker and having the opportunity to continue, he shifted his focus to starting new companies and internet investments, which ultimately resulted in significant losses. Altucher admits that he lacked understanding of crucial aspects of investing, such as risk management and money management. This cautionary tale serves as a reminder that expertise in one field does not automatically transfer to others, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and seeking appropriate guidance when venturing into new areas.

    • James Altucher's journey from failures to successes and the lessons he learned along the way.Learning from failures and adapting to challenges are crucial for success. Recognizing the value in failure can lead to personal growth and new opportunities.

      James Altucher's life has been marked by both extreme successes and failures. From witnessing the 9/11 attacks firsthand to losing everything in the stock market, he faced numerous challenges. However, these setbacks pushed him to learn and evolve. Altucher developed a unique software for investing, which ultimately became successful in the early stages of quantitative investing. With his newfound knowledge, he ventured into writing about investing and started his hedge funds. He also experienced success from selling multiple companies and investing in various ventures. Through it all, Altucher emphasizes the importance of learning and adapting, as well as recognizing the valuable lessons that failure can provide.

    • Investing with Smarter Co-Investors: James Altucher's Strategy for SuccessPartnering with experienced investors who have already conducted thorough due diligence can greatly increase chances of success in investing, as they bring expertise and valuable networks to benefit the invested company. Additionally, Altucher shares insights on the crucial stages and process of selling a company.

      James Altucher believes that investing alongside someone smarter than him is a key strategy for success. He emphasizes the importance of having co-investors who have already done thorough due diligence and have the expertise to make informed decisions. Altucher trusts that these experienced investors have surrounded themselves with highly intelligent individuals and can leverage their networks to benefit the invested company. He asserts that following this strategy has resulted in a near-perfect success rate for him. Additionally, Altucher shares his insights on the challenging process of selling a company, highlighting the courtship-like nature of the initial stages and the necessary due diligence period.

    • Selling a Business Successfully: Sincerity, Alignment, and IntegrationSelling a business requires sincerity, addressing contradictions, surviving the waiting period, effective negotiation skills, understanding deal structures, and properly valuing the company through partnerships and analysis.

      Selling a business requires sincerity and a strong alignment of visions. To convince potential buyers, it's crucial to address the inherent contradiction of wanting to sell a successful business and explain how partnering with them will benefit both parties. Surviving the waiting period and successfully integrating the two companies is also essential, along with understanding deal structures to avoid being taken advantage of. Effective negotiation skills are crucial, as well as properly valuing the company. This can be done through standard industry multiples, but it's also important to consider the potential value created through partnerships or monetizing existing assets. Additionally, analyzing previously acquired companies in the same space can provide insights into valuation.

    • Valuing Tech Companies Beyond EarningsEvaluating a company's worth in the tech sector goes beyond profits, considering factors like potential and user base. Sustainable business models and innovation are crucial for success.

      Valuation in the tech sector is often based on factors other than earnings. Companies like Giphy may not have profitable earnings, yet they are still valued based on comparable deals and the potential of their products or services. This highlights the importance of considering various aspects when evaluating a company's worth, especially in industries where innovation and growth potential play a significant role. Additionally, the conversation touches on the difficulty of monetizing certain platforms, such as Bitly and Giphy, despite their significant user base. This emphasizes the need for sustainable business models and strategies that go beyond simply attracting users. Ultimately, maintaining physical, emotional, and creative health, and consistently generating new ideas can lead to personal and professional growth.

    • The Key to Happiness: Looking Inwards and Prioritizing Self-CareTrue happiness and fulfillment come from within and require a commitment to self-care and self-awareness. External factors like money or success can only provide temporary happiness.

      Our happiness and fulfillment are not solely dependent on external factors like money or success. James Altucher's journey from living in a studio apartment and struggling financially to making a substantial amount of money shows that while these external factors can provide temporary happiness, they don't guarantee long-term satisfaction. Additionally, Altucher's experiences with depression and suicidal thoughts highlight the importance of managing our own psychology and emotions. The key is to focus on our internal well-being and prioritize practices that support our physical health, such as eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Ultimately, true happiness comes from within and requires an ongoing commitment to self-care and self-awareness.

    • An Holistic Approach to Well-beingPrioritizing physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual health is essential for overall well-being and success. Focus on nutrition, sleep, exercise, creativity, and letting go of what you cannot control.

      Maintaining overall health is crucial for success and well-being. James Altucher emphasizes the importance of physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual health in his daily routine. By focusing on these four areas, he is able to stay healthy, content, and productive. He prioritizes proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, exercise, and spending time outdoors. He also emphasizes the need to assess the toxicity of the people around him for emotional well-being. Furthermore, he harnesses the power of creativity by consistently writing down ten ideas each day, which boosts dopamine levels. Lastly, he recognizes the significance of relinquishing control over things he cannot change for spiritual health. By attending to these aspects daily, Altucher creates a foundation of well-being for himself and prioritizes holistic health over fleeting happiness.

    • James Altucher: Successful Investor, Innovator, and Advocate for Positive Impact.Altucher highlights the importance of being involved in ventures that have a positive impact on society and encourages the generation of numerous ideas to expand and challenge one's thinking.

      James Altucher has had successful investments in various private and angel companies, such as Buddy Media and Ticketfly. He also mentions his involvement in a law enforcement company called RAP Technologies, which has developed a unique gun that can save lives by wrapping a Kevlar cable around a person tightly as they struggle. Altucher expresses his satisfaction in being a part of a venture that has a positive impact on society. Additionally, Altucher discusses his interest in monetizing content for creators who are not in the top 1% and exploring the creation of a derivative board game. He emphasizes the importance of generating a large number of ideas, even if many of them may be bad, in order to stretch and challenge the mind.

    • Finding innovative business ideas through "idea sex" and examining monetization strategies for growth and profitability.Look beyond obvious industries, combine concepts from unrelated sectors, and analyze monetization strategies to find opportunities for success. Subscription-based models can offer stability and reduce reliance on advertisers.

      To generate business ideas or improve existing ones, it's crucial to look beyond obvious industries and make connections between different sectors. This can be done through "idea sex," where concepts from unrelated industries are combined to create new and innovative solutions. By examining how monetization works in the bottom third of various sectors, valuable insights can be gained to find opportunities for growth and profitability. Companies like Square have successfully capitalized on monetizing the bottom third, leading to massive success. Additionally, when it comes to monetizing content, subscription-based models offer stability and sustainability, reducing reliance on advertisers. However, it's important to plan and create subscription products with value and engage consumers who are willing to pay for quality content.

    • Building an audience requires a unique perspective, expertise, and strategic platforms for visibility.Stand out by sharing your unique perspective, establish expertise through platforms like Quora and LinkedIn, and offer valuable content to engage with your audience.

      Building an audience requires a unique perspective and expertise in a particular field. Having something to say that stands out from others is essential. The example of the podcast "My First Million" demonstrates this point. Unlike most podcasts, the host has already achieved success and can provide a different perspective on how to reach that milestone. Additionally, establishing expertise through platforms like Quora, LinkedIn, and Facebook groups can help gain visibility and credibility. As one's authority grows, branching out to higher-profile sites like Forbes or TechCrunch can further enhance their reputation. Lastly, offering a free email newsletter is a valuable way to provide even more content and engage with the audience.

    • The Power of Content Creation in Building a Successful Online BusinessCreating valuable content, finding a unique perspective, building relationships with customers, and then monetizing can help transform your passion into a profitable online business.

      Creating content and providing value is the key to a successful online business. Whether it's through newsletters, online courses, or affiliate deals, content creation is in high demand and people are willing to pay for extra value. This can be seen through various examples, such as James Altucher's newsletter business and his friend's online course. The unique perspective is crucial in shaping the content and attracting an audience. Once you have that unique perspective, it's important to get your content out there for free, build a customer relationship, and then monetize it. By following this playbook, you can turn your passion into a profitable business.

    • The balance between effective advertising and genuine content.In a crowded marketplace, sometimes aggressive advertising tactics can help reach the desired audience, but it's important to maintain the quality of content to avoid questioning its authenticity.

      Advertising can be both a necessary and effective tool for getting your message across, even for those who have valuable insights or perspectives to share. James Altucher shares his experience of being an influential figure in the crypto industry but acknowledges that the aggressive advertising tactics used by his company often overshadowed his genuine content. This raises the question of how aggressive one should be with advertising. Altucher points out that in a crowded market, sometimes using Machiavellian tactics can help cut through the noise and reach the desired audience. However, it also comes with a cost, as the quality of the content can be questioned. Nonetheless, effective advertising can be a powerful tool to ensure that important messages are not drowned out by the competition.

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    My First Million
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Jack Smith On Biohacking, 2 Easy Business Ideas, PLUS Why Procrastination Is Good

    Jack Smith On Biohacking, 2 Easy Business Ideas, PLUS Why Procrastination Is Good
    Episode 621: Sam Parr ( https://x.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) talk to Jack Smith ( https://x.com/_jacksmith ) about his under-the-radar biohacking experiments plus 2 $1M dollar business ideas. — Show Notes: (0:00) Is reverse-aging a scam (3:23) The 1% of biohacking (12:28) Business idea: Mobile Dexa Scan (25:30) Business idea: Medical tourism brokers (32:06) Anti-beast mode (39:10) Why smart people have bad ideas (45:40) Hunt for the starving crowd (49:27) AppLovin origin story (54:20) Finding demand that feels like a landmine (56:03) Jack's book recommendation — Links: • Get our business idea database here https://clickhubspot.com/mfm • BodySpec - https://www.bodyspec.com/ • Prenuvo - https://www.prenuvo.com/ • Q Bio - https://www.q.bio/ • Aiwo - https://aiwo.com/ • “Why Smart People Have Bad Ideas” - https://paulgraham.com/bronze.html • Vungle - https://vungle.com/privacy/ • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - https://tinyurl.com/mwyf6spw • Jack on MFM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVwLEocqK0E — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 23, 2024

    How To Grow An Audience If You Have 0 Followers

    How To Grow An Audience If You Have 0 Followers
    Episode 620: Shaan Puri ( https://x.com/ShaanVP ) breaks down the 9 lessons he’s learned while building an audience.  — Show Notes:  (0:00) Intro (2:17) Forget the numbers (6:11) Find your inner nerd (9:57)Build a magnet (10:40) First, Last, Best, Worst, Weirdest (12:40) The thing I wish I knew earlier (15:53) No such thing as too long (16:18) A+ content with C- delivery (17:58) Create a binge bank (18:32) People don’t want information (19:55) Be so good they can’t ignore you — Get our business idea database here https://clickhubspot.com/mfm Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enAugust 21, 2024

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    Kevin Systrom (Instagram) - How Instagram Scaled

    Kevin Systrom, co-founder of Instagram, first spoke at ETL in 2011, just seven months after Instagram launched. Here, he returns to ETL nine years later to draw some new insights about the startup's rocket-like growth. In an interview with Stanford professor of the practice and STVP faculty director Tina Seelig, Systrom reflects on the lessons he’s learned during the course of that journey, and also talks about his work on Rt.live, a new platform that aims to model the COVID-19 pandemic.

    4 Challenges Facing Innovation

    4 Challenges Facing Innovation

    What can derail the innovation journey?  Recently, I finished a 3.5-day Innovation Bootcamp. In the end, I was asked an interesting question with a different look and perspective of innovation, now and in the future. The participant asked what challenges are facing innovation. After answering the question for the group, I put more thought into what I’ve seen in the past, is happening today and can persist in the future. In today’s show, I will examine in more detail what I see as the 4 challenges facing innovation that innovators need to pay close attention to and address.

    Ethics in Innovation

    Over the years, there have been many companies making promises and claims that were not true or half-truths. A number of them have been very high profile market players like Theranos. Poster child type companies that toe ethical lines and cross them creating innovation skepticism and pessimism in customers, investors, and markets. Whether you cross the ethical lines or have perceived to, the damage is done with confidence destroyed. This puts a negative perception on innovators/entrepreneurs as greedy people focused on making some quick money.

    Why are ethical lines crossed though? Many times it is driven by ridicule and fear of failure. as well as not gaining the full potential of what may be defined as success. We need to do something to change the nomenclature of fear of failure through our education system, society in general and organizations across industries. Why was it such a big deal when Theranos crossed the line? They had created a compelling story and marketed it with no slowing while assembling a Board of Directors of who’s who of the world. But the challenge with the Board was none of the members had real sophistication around the risks, challenges and how to execute for breakthrough innovations. They had no Innovation Sophistication where they had:

    • Been intimately involved in innovation lifecycles – personally experienced it hands-on
    • Understood challenges and risks with paths to address
    • Developed and launched breakthrough ideas/innovations
    • Dealt with unknowns and may have had to pivot

    Innovation sophistication doesn’t mean you took a company IPO or were sold for high multiple and big dollars.  It is the years of experience toiling in the innovation trenches where you build a sophistication, insights, and wisdom to navigate an innovation journey and have sustained success.

    Unrealistic Expectations for Innovation

    When you set unrealistic expectations people lose confidence and innovation outcomes diminish. In innovation many times we overstate and overpromise a capability creating an expectation bar that is hard to follow through on. We all have done it. If you underestimate you may not get the traction with the funders you need to gain appropriate funding. It is a fine balancing act of over and under-promising and setting ill-fated perceptions early on. For breakthrough innovations, it takes patience—law of patience. You have to have the intestinal fortitude to progress forward with expectation balance incorporating patience in an ecosystem that has very little patience.

    Many today use the ‘Rule of 18’ to manage the innovation journey. However, this diminishes breakthrough opportunities and creates short-sightedness inflating potential capabilities, timelines, and sales. It does have some value in setting expectations, securing incremental funding (especially for companies that normally would have not received funding), incremental progress, enhancements, and capabilities--but not the highest return breakouts—Killer Innovations. The best path is to set expectations early, with a balanced view of what is achievable while providing the highest potential for a breakthrough. Be careful not to cross the lines of expectations and lose credibility.

    Availability of Funding for Innovation

    Raising money has always been one of the hardest things to do and today it’s more competitive and demanding then it has ever been. If you’re not in the hot trend space of the day you start off with a huge disadvantage to overcome and need to be very precise in your targeting of the right fit investors. The characteristics of entrepreneurs range, but most are in the fast lane category stretching the limits to gain traction and quickly building and flipping their innovation. With the dynamics of the market, investors and innovators the ‘Rule of 18’ quickly become the default. A dangerous zone for innovators and markets as you limit the opportunity to gain breakthrough and killer innovations.

    Many innovators and investors fall into the ‘first to market’ mentality which time has proven to be rare, and not necessarily the most profitable path. Iconic names today like Google, Facebook and Apple weren’t first to market in their categories, they just made them better. As I always say the difference between a good idea and a great one isn’t about the idea, but almost always about the timing.

    Characteristics Investors Look For to Invest

    You have the full package and can demonstrate that you:

    • Can articulate a compelling story that makes it clear you know what you’re doing
    • Have a broad market view with a unique insight
    • Are plugged into the market, know the customers and sensitive to market timing
    • Know the challenges, risks and understand how to adjust
    • Envision the impacts of your product, service, and solution today and into the future
    • Manage expectations with balance—passionate, realistic, but also have an element of the BHAG

    Most importantly you need to be very clear on your execution.  As I always say, Ideas without execution is a hobby and I am not in the hobby business. Funding is not an easy path, just as you work to create that next innovation, you need to also approach your funding with creativity. Step out and apply creativity to your funding structures. Think through all the possibilities to make it work such as:

    • Customer or channel partner investing
    • Leveraging convertible debt
    • Seeking those interested in non-governance investments

    Spend some time learning your needs, financial structures that work for your innovation and company, who are the right investors and what are the market permissions that give the best chance to get funded.

    Government’s Role in Innovation

    I’ve been inspired since I was a child from the incredible innovations driven by the Government and long term focused private labs that reinforced my desire for inventing. From the Space Program to DARPA and the Internet. We need inventions and innovations that are a result of more long term projects. There must be a big stretch goal, coupled with patience and appropriate funding. Investing for discovery and global competition and not only financial gain. This emphasis has gone by the wayside and needs to be revitalized.

    Long-range innovation has declined drastically in the Government as well as in Corporate’s comparatively to the past. The government has outsourced more of that R&D and innovations to short term focused and profit-oriented organizations. This can have a more negative than the positive impact. Today, China R&D spending is off the scale. To get a competitive advantage, breakthroughs Government and Corporates need to build back that R&D and long term innovation backbone.

    Overcome the 4 Challenges to Innovation

    These 4 challenges change and impact progress, discouraging innovation and slowing it down or preventing it from ever happening. The short term ‘flip it’ approach won’t lead to true discovery. It will only drive the fear of failure with setting unrealistic expectations, lack of appropriate funding, bad investments, questionable behavior, and unethical actions. We need to work to change the game so we can create breakthrough innovations and discover things we never imagined possible.

    Let’s connect; I am on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter.  If we do connect, drop me a note and let me know.  The email address is feedback@philmckinney.com or you can go to PhilMcKinney.com and drop me a note there.  If you are looking for innovation support go to TheInnovators.Network or want to be challenged to develop the next big idea, check out our Disruptive Ideation Workshops.  Don’t forget to join our Innovators Community to enjoy more conversations around innovation.



    Stewart Butterfield (Slack) - Serendipity in Design and Entrepreneurship

    Stewart Butterfield (Slack) - Serendipity in Design and Entrepreneurship
    Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Slack and Flickr, shares lessons from his entrepreneurial journey from philosophy student to creator of hugely popular platforms for sharing and communicating, and how they began as minor features embedded in online games that were otherwise flops. Butterfield speaks with Andrew Braccia of the venture capital firm Accel Partners.

    Sarah Lamaison (Dioxycle) - Climate Tech Insights

    Sarah Lamaison (Dioxycle) - Climate Tech Insights

    Sarah Lamaison is the co-founder and CEO of Dioxycle, which is pioneering sustainable chemistry by building breakthrough technologies that convert industrial carbon emissions into everyday chemicals with unprecedented energy and cost efficiency. In this presentation, Lamaison explains how her company fits into the future of carbon-capture technology, then shares advice for tech founders — especially in the climate tech industry —who want to build successful companies.


    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.


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    eCorner Website: https://ecorner.stanford.edu/

    STVP Website: https://stvp.stanford.edu/

    Support our mission of providing students and educators around the world with free access to Stanford University’s network of entrepreneurial thought leaders: https://ecorner.stanford.edu/give.

    Adrian Rodriguez (Dreamlinks) - A Visually Impaired Founder’s Journey

    Adrian Rodriguez (Dreamlinks) - A Visually Impaired Founder’s Journey

    Adrian Rodriguez is the co-founder and CEO of Dreamlinks, a startup developing AI-powered building blocks that make creating virtual 3D worlds as fun as playing with LEGO bricks. Prior to founding Dreamlinks, Rodriguez taught game design at StreetCode Academy, created a web design course for blind programmers, and worked as the CTO of AMPAworks, a company that uses computer vision to automate inventory tracking in hospitals. In this presentation, Rodriguez shares his journey as an entrepreneur who is visually impaired, his dreams for helping other blind and visually impaired people with technology, and his lessons for other aspiring innovators.


    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ECorner 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/stanfordtechnologyventuresprogram/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StanfordTechnologyVenturesProgram/ 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ecorner 


    eCorner Website: https://ecorner.stanford.edu/

    STVP Website: https://stvp.stanford.edu/

    Support our mission of providing students and educators around the world with free access to Stanford University’s network of entrepreneurial thought leaders: https://ecorner.stanford.edu/give.


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