
    #271 – Ariel Ekblaw: Space Colonization and Self-Assembling Space Megastructures

    enMarch 23, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • MIT Director's Passion for Autonomous Space ArchitectureAriel Ekblaw aims to create self-assembling space structures that can sustain human life, inspired by science fiction authors and a desire to democratize access to space for larger and grander architecture.

      Ariel Ekblaw, the director of MIT's Space Exploration Initiative, is passionate about creating autonomously self-assembling space architectures that can sustain human life. This means building giant space structures that can assemble themselves in space and then orbit Earth, the Moon, Mars, and other planets. Ekblaw's love for space exploration comes from her parents, who are both ex-Airforce pilots. Her goal is to build sustainable settlements on the Moon or even Mars. She is inspired by science fiction authors like Isaac Asimov and Neal Stephenson, who challenge her to make their visions of space exploration a reality. Ekblaw believes that we need to democratize access to space with bigger and grander architecture to scale humanity's presence in orbit.

    • Innovations Shaping the Future of Space ExplorationSpace exploration requires sustainable, long-term solutions beyond current rocket technology. By considering potential threats to humanity and embracing innovation, AI and robotics can create intelligent structures for space habitats with applications on Earth.

      The future of space exploration will require sustainable, long-term solutions, beyond the limitations of current rocket technology. This has led to the development of self-assembly and other models of in-space construction. However, it's also important to consider the threats to human civilization, such as climate change, pandemics, and nuclear war, and how space technology can be used to support a resilient future for humanity. The conditions of space provide a challenging environment that forces innovation and the development of new technologies, which can also have applications on Earth. One exciting prospect is the intermixing of AI and robotics in the form of swarm technology to create intelligent structures for future space habitats.

    • Using Swarm Robots to Repair Spacecrafts in SpaceAriel Ekblaw is exploring ways to create a distributed architecture for future space stations and habitats using autonomous self-assembling robots with sensors and magnets that can detect and correct errors. This could enhance safety and inspire awe in people in space.

      Ariel Ekblaw is working on using swarm robots for diagnosis and repair of spacecrafts in space. She envisions a distributed architecture for space stations and habitats that can provide redundancy and safety. Her PhD work involved exploring autonomously self-assembling space architecture using tiles that construct large structures like a Bucky ball. These tiles can autonomously dock using powerful magnets on their edges without human intervention. The tiles also have sensors that detect errors and self-correct. The tiles can be scaled up to build larger structures that are grander and inspire awe in people floating in space.

    • MIT Researchers Develop Self-Assembling Technology for Space StructuresMIT is using programmable tiles inspired by patterns of self-assembly on Earth to construct modular space architecture with interchangeable and scalable modules. The goal is to create impressive, organically-inspired space stations worth living in.

      MIT researchers are exploring the concept of self-assembly to construct space structures with programmable tiles. Inspired by patterns of self-assembly on Earth, this technology is a modular, reconfigurable algorithm for creating space architecture. The ultimate goal is to construct space stations that are worth living in and have an aesthetic appeal like that of Vegas or other impressive cities. Researchers are currently exploring designs for an organically inspired space station, such as a space cathedral or Nautilus-shaped structure created from pleaser coherence, aka space filling solids like cubes or truncated octahedrons. With the power of magnets, the modules can be interchangeable, self-assembled, and scaled to meet demands.

    • Modular Self-Assembling Space ArchitectureUsing modular nodes, reconfigurable space stations can be customized for different missions, while providing artistic and engineering opportunities, inspiring technological advancements.

      Modular self-assembling space architecture promises to allow space stations to be reconfigured for different missions or numbers of people. One possible approach is to use modular nodes that can be stacked and subdivided into different rooms or functions, such as sleeping quarters, greenhouses, or storage depots. This would allow space stations to be completely reconfigured rather than having to build a new one each time. These nodes could be made safe for human occupation and could also cater to artists and designers who would have a lot of opportunities to contribute under the combined requirements of engineering and aesthetics. Overall, the potential for reconfigurable space architecture is exciting and has the potential to inspire further technological advancements.

    • Maximizing Volume in Space: A Tiling Approach with Hexagonal Self-Assembling TilesIn microgravity, there is still gravity attraction between objects. Despite the physiological changes, weightlessness allows for free and unrestricted movement, and tiling approaches can help maximize space in different structures like ring worlds.

      Ariel Ekblaw discusses a tiling approach for maximizing volume in space, using hexagonal self-assembling tiles. This technique could potentially expand to other geometries and be applied to different structures like ring worlds. She also describes her experiences in microgravity, including floating in a parabolic plane and in orbit around Earth. While microgravity is often referred to as "zero gravity," there is always gravity attraction between objects. Despite the physiological changes that occur during long-duration space flight, experiencing weightlessness is a profound and novel experience that allows for free and unrestricted movement.

    • Challenges for Human Survival on Deep Duration Space MissionsRadiation and mental health pose significant challenges for future space missions. Fermented foods have potential as a food source while water recycling and ice deposits offer possible solutions for water scarcity.

      Deep duration space missions, such as traveling to Mars, pose significant challenges for human survival. Radiation and maintaining mental health are two critical challenges that need to be addressed. The lack of Earth's magnetosphere in outer space makes radiation a major concern. Mental health can also deteriorate due to the confined space, isolation, and lack of gravity. Freeze-dried food is the current standard for space meals, supplemented by the occasional fresh food. Fermented foods like beer, kimchi, and miso have potential as a food source for future long-duration space missions. Drinking water is recycled from urine and other waste, but water ice deposits on the Moon and Mars also offer a possible source of water.

    • The potential value of water on Mars for space exploration and the challenges of detecting life beyond carbon-based organisms.Water on Mars could be a crucial resource for propelling spacecraft and expanding exploration, but detecting life beyond carbon-based organisms presents challenges. The Fermi Paradox suggests a possibility of a "great filter" limiting the longevity of intelligent life.

      Space architecture researcher Ariel Ekblaw explains the potential value of finding water on Mars as a resource for propelling spacecraft and expanding exploration into the rest of the solar system. She also discusses her work on the astrobiology experiment Sherlock, which searches for signs of past habitability and organic compounds indicating potential for life on Mars. Ekblaw notes the challenges of detecting and identifying life beyond carbon-based organisms, but expresses excitement at the prospect of discovering microbial life in our solar system or even more advanced civilizations elsewhere. The Fermi Paradox raises the question of why we have not yet made contact with other civilizations, and suggests the possibility of a "great filter" limiting the longevity of intelligent life.

    • Sustaining Life in Long-Term Space TravelBy considering human nature, societal constructs, science, and engineering, we can work together to create new cultural artifacts optimized for space and adapt to a new environment, opening up exciting possibilities for space exploration.

      The possibility of life teeming beyond our planet raises questions about the "Great Filter" that may prevent civilizations from thriving. Human nature and societal constructs are important factors to consider in sustaining life during long-term space travel. Science and engineering can work together to create new cultural artifacts optimized for space, such as the "telemetry" musical instrument that reacts differently in microgravity. Adapting to the physics of a new environment takes the human brain only days or even hours, showcasing its remarkable plasticity. These elements provide exciting possibilities for creating new experiences in space exploration.

    • The Challenges of Long-Term Space Travel and the Search for SolutionsLong-term space travel presents health challenges such as bone density loss, muscle atrophy, and radiation exposure. Researchers are exploring artificial gravity as a solution and one G environment for pregnancy to aid fetal development.

      Long-term space travel poses several challenges for human health, including bone density loss, muscle atrophy, and changes to eyesight due to the shape of the eyeball altering. Nutrition and protection against radiation are significant issues beyond a year in space. Exposure to radiation also increases the likelihood of developing cancer at an earlier age. Artificial gravity could be a solution to help keep the body healthy on a long trip. A new MIT spinout company, Raylea Institute, is exploring next-generation space architecture with a focus on artificial gravity. Reproduction in space is still a largely unsolved problem, and giving humans a one G environment may be the answer during pregnancy to aid fetal development.

    • The Challenges of Colonizing Mars and the Impact on Human DevelopmentMars may be exciting to explore, but it's not a suitable replacement for Earth. Establishing settlements on its surface would be incredibly challenging, and the unique environment could have unforeseen impacts on human physical traits and societal dynamics.

      Early childhood development plays a significant role in shaping our mental model of physics, and being born in microgravity could hinder the ability to develop an intuition for earth-based, one G environments. While the idea of colonizing Mars is exciting, it's important to recognize that it's not a suitable replacement for Earth due to various challenges like the thin atmosphere, lack of suitable soil for crops, and the absence of a technological supply chain. Establishing small outposts is feasible, but creating a settlement for an entire human life would require a significant engineering investment that may be directed towards building large spaceships in microgravity instead of trying to establish settlements on the surface. Furthermore, alternative environments may lead to differences in physical traits and societal dynamics for humans.

    • Collaboration, Not Conflict: The Importance of Peaceful Space ExplorationCountries must come together to explore space peacefully, avoiding military conflict. Space exploration inspires hope and advances technological capabilities such as in-space manufacturing and swarm robots. MIT’s Space Exploration Initiative is focused on various projects, including extrusion in orbit and research collection on the moon. View space as a domain of human collaboration and compassion rather than war.

      The rise in geopolitical tensions has led to concerns about military conflict following humanity into space. However, collaboration is key to avoiding such conflicts. The International Space Station is a prime example of countries coming together for the peaceful exploration of space. Investing in space exploration not only inspires hope but can also lead to technological advancements such as in-space manufacturing and swarm robots. MIT's Space Exploration Initiative is focused on various projects such as extrusion in orbit and returning to the moon to collect important research data. Ultimately, it is important to view space as a domain of human collaboration and compassion rather than war.

    • MIT Sends Swarm Robots to Moon for Data CollectionMIT is testing swarm robots for lunar operations and plans to engage more people in the mission by releasing data and potentially allowing earth control. AI is also being used for early design decisions.

      MIT's initiative to send little swarm robots to the moon as part of a tech demonstration mission is aimed at directly supporting the human mission with data. The robots, equipped with four magnetic wheels, can attach to any magnetic surface and operate in any environment, making them perfect for lunar operations. The robots will be tested to see if it makes sense to operate them in a decentralized or centralized swarm. MIT is planning on engaging more people in the lunar mission by releasing the data openly or even allowing people on earth to control the robot through something like a Twitch plays Pokemon system. MIT is also using AI to put a mirror to humans and help make important technical design decisions early in the lifecycle of projects.

    • The Future of Human-Robot Interaction in SpaceNASA is testing scenarios for autonomous space stations and studying the importance of human-robot connection. The development of AI systems and advanced technology such as VR are essential for astronauts' happiness and well-being in space.

      NASA is exploring the future of human-robot interaction in space, and testing scenarios such as the Gateway space station, which will function autonomously for months at a time. There is a need to consider the level of control for humans versus robots and the development of AI systems to maintain the station when humans are away. The importance of human-robot friendship and connection is also being studied, with the potential for social robots to become teammates on future missions and alleviate loneliness. Additionally, ensuring the happiness and well-being of astronauts in space requires the development of habitats that provide a sense of home and balance, including technological interventions such as VR. The optimal psychological makeup of a crew is still under consideration.

    • The Impact of Civilian Space Missions on HumanityCommercializing space exploration can bring diverse perspectives to human dynamics research, improve habitat designs and invigorate the space sector.

      Ariel Ekblaw, a scientist at MIT, talks about how civilian crews going into space will provide insights into human dynamics that can be applied to everyday life. She also discusses the challenges of sending humans on a Mars mission and the importance of building robust habitats that do not depend on impeccably well-trained astronauts. Ekblaw is optimistic about commercial activity in space, which has empowered her program, allowing her to fundraise like a startup founder and buy direct access to space. She foresees a future where she can rent lab space in orbit, shifting the current paradigm of space research driven by government funding to commercial investment.

    • The democratization of space exploration through commercializationSpace exploration is becoming more accessible due to the commercialization of the industry, allowing for new and entrepreneurial projects to be explored.

      The cost of space exploration has dropped significantly, making it more accessible to a broader swath of humanity, not just large universities or consortia. This has been made possible through a commercial ecosystem empowered by NASA, allowing them to free up resources to push boundaries and explore further into space. This democratization has allowed for provocative next-generation research projects, such as a soft robotics tail designed to hold astronauts steady in space and air-powered agriculture projects. As the space industry continues to evolve, it is becoming more and more accessible to a wider range of individuals and organizations, allowing for new and exciting projects to be explored.

    • The Need for a Real-Life Starfleet Academy for Space CadetsTo inspire and educate the future generations about space exploration, there is a critical need for a real-life Starfleet academy that can provide engineering, scientific, and motivation solutions to the challenges of space exploration.

      The challenge of human space exploration requires not just engineering and scientific solutions, but also motivation from the entire human species. The trailblazers in space exploration, including SpaceX, NASA, and commercial space stations, are building the road to space, but the challenge is to get the rest of the public excited and educated. The raw and gritty nature of engineering, the beauty of failure, and the individuals behind these efforts are what inspire people, especially young people, to pursue space exploration. This is why there is a need for a real-life Starfleet academy, a place for space cadets to learn and engage in the future of space exploration.

    • Making Space Exploration More Diverse and InclusiveAnyone can contribute to space exploration, including artists and lawyers. Understanding the human condition is crucial in designing for space, and knowledge of physics helps humanity as a whole.

      Aerospace is no longer just for people with a background in math and science. There is a need for diversity in the industry, including space lawyers and artists like Grimes. The goal is to show that there is a place for everyone in space exploration. One of the most beautiful ideas about space exploration is the symmetry of the universe, which captivates physicist and space engineer Ariel Ekblaw. Ariel's liberal arts education helped her understand the human condition, a crucial factor in designing for space exploration as it involves questions of human connection, meaning in life, and happiness. The search for a theory of everything in physics may not have an immediate impact on engineering, but it is significant knowledge for humanity to obtain.

    • The Potential of Floating Cities in Space and the Need for Collaboration to Address Legal IssuesAs humanity ventures into space, it is crucial to consider the ethical and practical implications of our actions. Collaboration and compassion are needed to address common problems and legal issues in the development of floating cities in space.

      In a conversation between Lex Fridman and Ariel Ekblaw, they discuss the potential of floating cities in space and the challenges that come with their development, such as regulation and ownership. They contemplate whether independent governments will exist in these cities and the need for space lawyers to address legal issues that may arise. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of considering common problems faced by humanity as we venture into space and the need for collaboration and compassion to address them effectively. As we explore the possibilities of the universe, we must also consider the ethical and practical implications of our actions.

    • Being Responsible Citizens of Interplanetary CivilizationAs we expand our presence in space, it's important to establish a civilian representation and implement democracy. Collaboration and non-traditional roles like space art are necessary for tackling challenges, and increasing our meta awareness enhances our consciousness.

      As we enter a new era of interplanetary civilization, it's important to consider how we can be responsible stewards of our space commons. This includes creating a civilian representation of the greater effort and possibly implementing a democracy where people can vote. Young people should feel empowered to pursue their interests in space exploration, even if it's in non-traditional roles like space art. Collaboration and cross-disciplinary work are key to solving big challenges. Consciousness and our meta awareness of our own thoughts make us a remarkable species, and there's a worth to expanding our circles of awareness.

    • The Pursuit of Curiosity and Purpose in Achieving Intergalactic TravelAs individuals, we can find purpose by contributing to a greater cause, such as achieving intergalactic travel. The pursuit of curiosity and doing good for others can give meaning to our lives.

      As humans, we are becoming more aware of the fragility of Earth and how special it is. The opportunity to explore space is a profound gift for our curious minds. While becoming an intergalactic civilization is a long way down the line, we should focus on the propulsion challenges we need to overcome in order to achieve this. As individuals, we can find meaning and purpose at both a local and global level. Finding a purpose that is bigger than ourselves, such as working towards something that benefits humanity, is a beautiful way to give meaning to our lives. In the end, there may not be a single driving purpose for life, but rather the pursuit of curiosity and the desire to do good things for others.

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    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life

    #432 – Kevin Spacey: Power, Controversy, Betrayal, Truth & Love in Film and Life
    Kevin Spacey is a two-time Oscar-winning actor, who starred in Se7en, the Usual Suspects, American Beauty, and House of Cards, creating haunting performances of characters who often embody the dark side of human nature. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ExpressVPN: https://expressvpn.com/lexpod to get 3 months free - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - AG1: https://drinkag1.com/lex to get 1 month supply of fish oil EPISODE LINKS: Kevin's X: https://x.com/KevinSpacey Kevin's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinspacey Kevin's YouTube: https://youtube.com/kevinspacey Kevin's Website: https://kevinspacey.com/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:14) - Seven (13:54) - David Fincher (21:46) - Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman (27:15) - Acting (35:40) - Improve (44:24) - Al Pacino (48:07) - Jack Lemmon (57:25) - American Beauty (1:17:34) - Mortality (1:20:22) - Allegations (1:38:19) - House of Cards (1:56:55) - Jack Nicholson (1:59:57) - Mike Nichols (2:05:30) - Christopher Walken (2:12:38) - Father (2:21:30) - Future
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI

    #431 – Roman Yampolskiy: Dangers of Superintelligent AI
    Roman Yampolskiy is an AI safety researcher and author of a new book titled AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off EPISODE LINKS: Roman's X: https://twitter.com/romanyam Roman's Website: http://cecs.louisville.edu/ry Roman's AI book: https://amzn.to/4aFZuPb PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (09:12) - Existential risk of AGI (15:25) - Ikigai risk (23:37) - Suffering risk (27:12) - Timeline to AGI (31:44) - AGI turing test (37:06) - Yann LeCun and open source AI (49:58) - AI control (52:26) - Social engineering (54:59) - Fearmongering (1:04:49) - AI deception (1:11:23) - Verification (1:18:22) - Self-improving AI (1:30:34) - Pausing AI development (1:36:51) - AI Safety (1:46:35) - Current AI (1:51:58) - Simulation (1:59:16) - Aliens (2:00:50) - Human mind (2:07:10) - Neuralink (2:16:15) - Hope for the future (2:20:11) - Meaning of life
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enJune 02, 2024

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories

    #430 – Charan Ranganath: Human Memory, Imagination, Deja Vu, and False Memories
    Charan Ranganath is a psychologist and neuroscientist at UC Davis, specializing in human memory. He is the author of a new book titled Why We Remember. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - Riverside: https://creators.riverside.fm/LEX and use code LEX to get 30% off - ZipRecruiter: https://ziprecruiter.com/lex - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - MasterClass: https://masterclass.com/lexpod to get 15% off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - LMNT: https://drinkLMNT.com/lex to get free sample pack Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/charan-ranganath-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Charan's X: https://x.com/CharanRanganath Charan's Instagram: https://instagram.com/thememorydoc Charan's Website: https://charanranganath.com Why We Remember (book): https://amzn.to/3WzUF6x Charan's Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ptWkt1wAAAAJ Dynamic Memory Lab: https://dml.ucdavis.edu/ PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (10:18) - Experiencing self vs remembering self (23:59) - Creating memories (33:31) - Why we forget (41:08) - Training memory (51:37) - Memory hacks (1:03:26) - Imagination vs memory (1:12:44) - Memory competitions (1:22:33) - Science of memory (1:37:48) - Discoveries (1:48:52) - Deja vu (1:54:09) - False memories (2:14:14) - False confessions (2:18:00) - Heartbreak (2:25:34) - Nature of time (2:33:15) - Brain–computer interface (BCI) (2:47:19) - AI and memory (2:57:33) - ADHD (3:04:30) - Music (3:14:15) - Human mind
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 25, 2024

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God

    #429 – Paul Rosolie: Jungle, Apex Predators, Aliens, Uncontacted Tribes, and God
    Paul Rosolie is a naturalist, explorer, author, and founder of Junglekeepers, dedicating his life to protecting the Amazon rainforest. Support his efforts at https://junglekeepers.org Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - ShipStation: https://shipstation.com/lex and use code LEX to get 60-day free trial - Yahoo Finance: https://yahoofinance.com - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour - Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/lex to get $350 off - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/paul-rosolie-2-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Paul's Instagram: https://instagram.com/paulrosolie Junglekeepers: https://junglekeepers.org Paul's Website: https://paulrosolie.com Mother of God (book): https://amzn.to/3ww2ob1 PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (12:29) - Amazon jungle (14:47) - Bushmaster snakes (26:13) - Black caiman (44:33) - Rhinos (47:47) - Anacondas (1:18:04) - Mammals (1:30:10) - Piranhas (1:41:00) - Aliens (1:58:45) - Elephants (2:10:02) - Origin of life (2:23:21) - Explorers (2:36:38) - Ayahuasca (2:45:03) - Deep jungle expedition (2:59:09) - Jane Goodall (3:01:41) - Theodore Roosevelt (3:12:36) - Alone show (3:22:23) - Protecting the rainforest (3:38:36) - Snake makes appearance (3:46:47) - Uncontacted tribes (4:00:11) - Mortality (4:01:39) - Steve Irwin (4:09:18) - God
    Lex Fridman Podcast
    enMay 15, 2024

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens

    #428 – Sean Carroll: General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Black Holes & Aliens
    Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, author, and host of Mindscape podcast. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - HiddenLayer: https://hiddenlayer.com/lex - Cloaked: https://cloaked.com/lex and use code LexPod to get 25% off - Notion: https://notion.com/lex - Shopify: https://shopify.com/lex to get $1 per month trial - NetSuite: http://netsuite.com/lex to get free product tour Transcript: https://lexfridman.com/sean-carroll-3-transcript EPISODE LINKS: Sean's Website: https://preposterousuniverse.com Mindscape Podcast: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/ Sean's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@seancarroll Sean's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Twitter: https://twitter.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Instagram: https://instagram.com/seanmcarroll Sean's Papers: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Lfifrv8AAAAJ Sean's Books: https://amzn.to/3W7yT9N PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (00:00) - Introduction (11:03) - General relativity (23:22) - Black holes (28:11) - Hawking radiation (32:19) - Aliens (41:15) - Holographic principle (1:05:38) - Dark energy (1:11:38) - Dark matter (1:20:34) - Quantum mechanics (1:41:56) - Simulation (1:44:18) - AGI (1:58:42) - Complexity (2:11:25) - Consciousness (2:20:32) - Naturalism (2:24:49) - Limits of science (2:29:34) - Mindscape podcast (2:39:29) - Einstein

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    Chris Mason is a professor of genomics, physiology, and biophysics at Cornell, doing research on the long-term effects of space on the human body. He is the author of The Next 500 Years: Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: - BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lex to get 10% off - Grammarly: https://grammarly.com/lex to get 20% off premium - Magic Spoon: https://magicspoon.com/lex - Blinkist: https://blinkist.com/lex - Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/lex EPISODE LINKS: Chris's Twitter: https://twitter.com/mason_lab Chris's Website: http://masonlab.net/ Chris's Company: https://onegevity.com/ The Next 500 Years (book): https://amzn.to/3k9ab4S Reasons and Persons (book): https://amzn.to/3Lrm6a5 PODCAST INFO: Podcast website: https://lexfridman.com/podcast Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/2lwqZIr Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2nEwCF8 RSS: https://lexfridman.com/feed/podcast/ YouTube Full Episodes: https://youtube.com/lexfridman YouTube Clips: https://youtube.com/lexclips SUPPORT & CONNECT: - Check out the sponsors above, it's the best way to support this podcast - Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lexfridman - Twitter: https://twitter.com/lexfridman - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lexfridman - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lexfridman - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lexfridman - Medium: https://medium.com/@lexfridman OUTLINE: Here's the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time. (0:00) - Introduction (7:43) - Human extinction awareness (16:29) - Heat death of the universe (22:05) - Alone in the universe (25:41) - Aliens (33:50) - Entropy goggles (48:04) - Genetics (56:14) - Scott Kelly (1:02:12) - Adapting to space (1:12:13) - Sex in space (1:14:46) - Colonizing planets (1:21:25) - Culture on Mars (1:25:51) - Commercial space flights (1:33:09) - Podcast in space (1:40:43) - Axiom Space (1:42:59) - Designing space experiments (1:49:49) - Robots in space (1:52:30) - Space exploration (1:56:28) - War in space (2:00:05) - Launch toward the Second Sun (2:06:14) - Chlorohumans (2:11:50) - Extreme microbiome project (2:18:17) - Space travel breakthroughs (2:30:15) - Clones (2:36:08) - AI age prediction (2:41:38) - Advice for young people (2:47:56) - Dark times (2:52:19) - Mortality (2:56:37) - Visiting ISS and deep space (2:57:46) - Meaning of life

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