

    Explore "hoax" with insightful episodes like "SC EP:958 Living Next Door To The Minnesota Iceman" and "359: Justin Ramsdell | How to Detect and Disarm Pseudoscience" from podcasts like ""Sasquatch Chronicles" and "The Jordan Harbinger Show"" and more!

    Episodes (2)

    SC EP:958 Living Next Door To The Minnesota Iceman

    SC EP:958 Living Next Door To The Minnesota Iceman

    Mike writes “I lived next to Capt Francis Hanson (owned the iceman) growing up. My parents and myself are still excited speak with you. My father is a retired sheriffs deputy and my mother retired from Mayo Clinic.”

    I spoke to the family and they have agreed to come on the show. Carl who is Mike’s father said “I will tell you why the Minnesota Iceman disappeared. The building Capt Hanson had this creature in burned down.” Carl and his brother worked part time on the Hanson farm.

    359: Justin Ramsdell | How to Detect and Disarm Pseudoscience

    359: Justin Ramsdell | How to Detect and Disarm Pseudoscience

    Justin Ramsdell is a clinical psychologist, an expert witness, an assistant professor of forensic psychology at George Mason University, and a veteran pseudoscience detector.

    What We Discuss with Justin Ramsdell:

    • Why stressed brains don't make great decisions (especially when there's no light visible at the end of the tunnel to indicate that there is an end).
    • How pseudoscience preys on our cognitive biases to give us the answers we want with the scantest of unprovable "evidence."
    • Why watching YouTube videos and ranting in Reddit threads doesn't count as "research" in the same way that work done by field-experienced scientists with doctorate degrees and peer-reviewed studies under their belts counts as research.
    • Be wary of intellectual trespassers -- who might very well be field-experienced scientists with doctorate degrees and peer-reviewed studies under their belts, but make wild, pseudoscientific claims about areas outside their expertise (e.g., a chiropractor who claims to cure COVID-19 with massage).
    • Why you don't have to be a field-experienced scientist with a doctorate degree and peer-reviewed studies under your belt to avoid being hoodwinked by pseudoscience charlatans.
    • And much more...

    Full show notes and resources can be found here: https://jordanharbinger.com/359

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