
    Tell Me Something True with Laura McKowen

    Tell Me Something True is for people who want to fall in love with the mystery of life again. Practical, fun, and provocative conversations that use the lenses of psychology, philosophy, creativity, science, and spirituality to help us discover the surprising things that make life meaningful. Laura McKowen, the host, is the best-selling author of We Are The Luckiest, a "raw, deep and hopeful" memoir. Laura brings hard-won life experience, a searing curiosity, and deep passion for others to every conversation.
    enTell Me Something True68 Episodes

    Episodes (68)

    Laura on Why We're Wrapping TMST

    Laura on Why We're Wrapping TMST

    As we announced last week, this is the last episode of Tell Me Something True. Today, Laura walks through why we made this decision (it’s all fine, nothing is wrong!) 

    A thing worth celebrating is that, over 67 episodes, nearly a quarter of a million adventurous, curious people said YES and pressed play over 600,000 times. Holy cow…that’s A LOT!!!!! 

    The numbers only matter because they’re the mirror of how much YOU - and thousands of folks like you - said yes to falling in love with the mystery of life again. With every episode we asked, “how can this help someone to have a better next week?” We’re so grateful that you have been interested in going on this adventure with us. All of the episodes will stay up and we hope you’ll share them and return to these shows as you’re looking for inspiration, comfort, new tools, and new ideas. 

    And we hope you’ll lease keep in touch! 

    If you have a passionate idea for a show, or a message that absolutely MUST be heard, give Mikel a holler here: https://www.liminahouse.com/

    Laura’s site (https://www.lauramckowen.com/) and her IG are the best way to say hey (https://www.instagram.com/laura_mckowen/) and pre-orders for her new book, Push Off From Here are happening! (https://www.lauramckowen.com/books/push-off-from-here)

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/67-laura-mckowen-on-why-we-are-wrapping-tmst

    Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/07kXA2JZj7QaprV563Wfvj

    Here’s the transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/laura-on-why-were-wrapping-tmst-BVRgiJfS/transcript

    TMST Members - We will take care of canceling the membership program and you will not see any new charges. It’s impossible to say how much we appreciate your support of the show. You made a difference and we are forever grateful.

    Melissa Urban on How Boundaries Will Set You Free

    Melissa Urban on How Boundaries Will Set You Free

    Melissa Urban is one of the few people we’ve asked back to the show and there’s a reason for that. She’s got such a unique, magnetic energy and this strong, no-nonsense, yet compassionate way of showing up in the world. 

    And now, she’s written The Book of Boundaries: Set the Limits That Will Set You Free and, can we get a hell yes? We need this in our lives.

    Melissa walks us through why boundaries are one of the most important life skills one can have, common pitfalls, why she wrote a specific section for mother-in-laws, and so much more. Friends, we are not overstating it when we say it’s hands-down the best book on boundaries EVER.

    Also, we have an announcement: we’ve decided to bring TMST to a close, and this episode will be our second to last. Laura will have a lot to say about what went into this decision next week, in her final solo episode. 

    Melissa Urban’s site: https://www.melissau.com/

    Melissa’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/melissau/

    The Book of Boundaries: https://www.melissau.com/boundaries-book/


    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/66-melissa-urban-on-how-boundaries-will-set-you-free 

    Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5fhCRmsIQewGFB5b1Qz9fd

    Here’s the transcript: 



    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Support TMST: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Jennifer Moss on The Burnout Epidemic

    Jennifer Moss on The Burnout Epidemic

    Tell the truth - how many times does the phrase “I’m so burned out?” show up around you?

    Burnout is both more than we think it is, and much more insidious. Burnout has been defined by the World Health Organization as a workplace-centered phenomenon, and they calculate that it’s killing +750,000 people a year!

    Jennifer Moss has dedicated a large part of her career to researching, writing about, and educating people on burnout. She is going to get us on the same page so we can understand EXASCTLY what it is, how it’s measured, and its real-world impacts. 

    Jennifer is a journalist, former start-up founder, and brilliant thinker on how our workplaces and our society is failing us. Her book, The Burnout Epidemic, is an excellent deep dive into the topic and, like so many of us, she came to this topic through her own experience of burning out.

    Jennifer Moss’ site: https://www.jennifer-moss.com/

    The Burnout Epidemic: https://www.jennifer-moss.com/books

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/65-jennifer-moss-on-the-burnout-epidemic

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: 


    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.

    Support TMST and keep it ad-free: 


    Ali Shapiro on Healing our Relationship to Food, Weight, and Body Image

    Ali Shapiro on Healing our Relationship to Food, Weight, and Body Image

    Ali Shapiro arrives with a mountain of good news!

    We don't have to evade our relationship with food.  We don't have to be ruled by stories that shame us and keep us stuck. Most importantly, those stories don't have to contribute to hating ourselves.

    Ali is the creator of the Truce with Food Program, which combines how we think - and feel about - food and the stories we tell ourselves. She’s bridging psychology and behavioral change so we can break all the absurd, dangerous and shaming ways we approach food and our bodies. 

    Ali’s a holistic nutritionist, integrated health coach and a total straight-shooter who’s not afraid to call BS on the insanity of diet culture. Her approach is truly a breath of fresh air; she’s one of the only people we'd have this kind of conversation with.

    Ali’s site: https://alishapiro.com/courses/truce-with-food/

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/64-ali-shapiro-healing-our-relationship-to-food-weight-and-body-image

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/ali-shapiro-on-healing-our-relationship-to-food-weight-and-body-image/transcript 

    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.

    Support TMST and keep it ad-free: 


    Larissa May and Our Journey to Digital Wellness

    Larissa May and Our Journey to Digital Wellness

    On TMST we’ve been open about our conflicted relationship with technology and social media. And you’ve heard many of our guests recount their mixed feelings, as well.

    Today’s guest takes all of that and turns it up to 11.

    In 2018, Larissa May (who goes by Larz) spoke out about her struggle with depression on social media. The post and hashtag that emerged around it was called #HalfTheStory - and it sparked a global conversation about the relationship between technology and emotional wellbeing. 

    Having just turned 28, Larz holds a unique place in our culture. She’s a part of society that has had their adulthood defined by social media AND, she’s also just about as old as you can be and still be able to talk to Gen Z as something like a peer. She’s doing that through workshops, and creating screenless experiences, and nature immersions. 

    Today, Larissa is asking us to consider what we get out of being the guinea pigs in Mark Zuckerberg’s experiments in the metaverse. 

    Or getting us to become aware of how prevalent the drug trade is on the social platforms - and how they’re not doing a whole lot to crack down. 

    She’s is exactly the kind of person who we love to welcome to Tell Me Something True and we’re excited for you to meet her today.

    Larissa’s site:  https://www.livinlikelarz.com/

    Larissa’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/livinlikelarz/

    #HalfThe Story: https://www.instagram.com/halfthestory/

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/63-larissa-may-and-our-journey-to-digital-wellness

    Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1T8Wqk3beLx3f8BTaIAtXx

    Here’s the transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/larissa-may-and-our-journey-to-digital-wellness/transcript

    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.

    Support TMST and keep it ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Erin Lane on the Scripts That Hurt Mothers (and non-mothers, too!)

    Erin Lane on the Scripts That Hurt Mothers (and non-mothers, too!)

    We don’t like to admit it, but there are a hell of a lot of scripts that run us. They’re the “shoulds” - ideas so woven into our lives that we don’t even know they exist.

    For virtually all women - the scripts around motherhood are the most pernicious. They load us down with self-doubt, bake in unattainable expectations, and set us up for a life where we’re always defined in relationship to others, our kids, or lack of kids.

    Erin Lane has spent most of her life challenging these scripts. Her latest book, “Someone Other Than a Mother” tears up the shaming social scripts that are bad for moms and non-moms alike. When we hear things like “Motherhood is the toughest job…” or  "You don't know love until you become a mother" we’re encountering the social scripting that defines what’s “normal” for the majority of American women.

    This conversation with Erin is equal parts liberating and bracing. She’s cracking something that we need to discuss in specific, urgent ways and we’re thrilled to have her as our guest on Tell Me Something True.


    Erin’s site:  https://www.erinslane.com/

    Her book - Someone Other Than a Mother

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: 

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: 

    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.

    Support TMST and keep it ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    erin s. lane, mother hunger, adoption, motherhood, parenting, codependency, christianity, biblical womanhood, someone other than a mother, laura mckowen, we are the luckiest

    Jeff & Debra Jay on Intervention & Family Recovery

    Jeff & Debra Jay on Intervention & Family Recovery

    It’s a familiar, but true, saying: recovery is about breaking cycles. 

    Jeff and Debra Jay know this better than most. Together, they’ve been doing pioneering work in the areas of family recovery and intervention for decades. 

    Their book, Love First is the essential work on the family recovery dynamic. It’s now in its third printing and it’s a powerful roadmap for harnessing the power of family and friends to help a loved one accept treatment.

    Debra’s book, It Takes a Family, is a ground-breaking introduction to Structured Family Recovery®. In it, she demonstrates the interconnectedness of addiction inside a family structure, and provides mountains of good news and hope - both for the person who is suffering - and the people around them. 

    Jeff and Debra Jay also happen to be married - and they’ve made the family health and recovery their life’s work. This is one of those episodes that NEEDS to be shared with the people you know who are at their wits end. Jeff and Debra are the real deal and we’re so glad to welcome them to Tell Me Something True. 


    Love First - Jeff & Debra Jay’s site

    Structured Family Recovery

    Books by Jeff & Debra Jay (with several free samples to download and share)

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/61-jeff-and-debra-jay-on-intervention-and-family-recovery

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: 


    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.

    Support TMST and keep it ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Anne Helen Petersen on Burnout and The Myth of “Having it All

    Anne Helen Petersen on Burnout and The Myth of “Having it All

    “Rachel Hollis is a manifestation of a larger ideology about women's place in society. That if you just try hard enough, all of these structural issues that are making your life really, really hard can be solved if you just wash your face. .” - Anne Helen Petersen

    Anne Helen Petersen is one of our most essential cultural observers. Her work at Buzzfeed culminated in her 2020 book, Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation. Now she’s using Culture Study, her Substack newsletter, to explore everything from The Unified Theory of Peloton to how to make friends.   

    In the episode, Laura and Anne unpack the faux empowerment of Rachel Hollis, the ways we sell quick fixes to systemic problems (like how a bath bomb will overcome the ways our society devalues women, and, particularly mothers) and the myth of “having it all.”

    More than ever, this is one to share with your favorite people!

    Readings mentioned in the show:

    Culture Study - AHP’s newsletter and community. 

    Towards A Unified Theory of Peloton by Anne Helen Petersen

    How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Petersen

    “Girl, Wash Your Face” Is A Massive Best-Seller With A Dark Message by Laura Turner

    A Quick Explainer On Why People Aren’t Happy With Rachel Hollis

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/60-anne-helen-petersen-on-burnout-and-the-myth-of-having-it-all

    Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/56aVWMg3xGWSWGCXZzlVa3

    Here’s the transcript: 


    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews and help keep TMST ad-free.

    Support TMST and keep it ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Branden Collinsworth on Lessons Learned from 1,000 Books

    Branden Collinsworth on Lessons Learned from 1,000 Books

    It’s great to love books and the written word and seeing new worlds open up through a writer’s work is thrilling. We know our lives can be transformed through a good book.

    Friends - meet Branden Collinsworth, someone who has taken those ideas, and turned them up to eleven. 

    Branden Collinsworth is a Nike Master Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Human Performance Coach and Humanitarian. He describes his life as a journey “from the streets to the skies.” He comes from a seriously tough upbringing, and also emanates a thrilling love of life and service for others.

    One of the major things he credits as shaping his life is his love of reading. So much so he took on a challenge to read 1,000 books because he knew it would help him unlock a world beyond the streets and generational trauma. 

    Branden’s journey of curiosity has shaped him into a man of extraordinary empathy and joy for life and it comes through in our conversation. There is something in the way he talks about his mother - the clarity of his presence that makes us so excited to welcome him to Tell Me Something True.

    If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/59-branden-collinsworth-on-lessons-learned-from-1000-books

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: 


    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club.  Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Mary Laura Philpott on the Joy & Dread of Being Human

    Mary Laura Philpott on the Joy & Dread of Being Human

    People tell Mary Laura Philpott that her writing is like having a conversation with her. 

    We can say that is 100% true. She’s an utterly captivating writer AND conversationalist.

    You may have first heard about Mary Laura Philpott through her first book, “I Miss You When I Blink.” Her new memoir in essays is “Bomb Shelter: Love, Time, and Other Explosives.” It was named an Editor’s Choice by the New York Times Book Review and one of the Best Books of 2022 by NPR. 

    “Bomb Shelter” had Laura laughing and crying and nodding her head as another woman (and mother) who is solidly in mid-life.

    There are almost no places left where contemporary authors can sit down and discuss their work. It’s really important to me, and everyone, at TMST that we hold this space. If you care about these kinds of conversations, we hope you’ll become a TMST Plus member.  

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/58-mary-laura-philpott-on-the-joy-and-dread-of-being-human

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/mary-laura-philpott-on-the-joy-dread-of-being-human/transcript

    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Chris Marshall on How Connection Can Save Your Life

    Chris Marshall on How Connection Can Save Your Life

    Being human means sometimes we feel deeply alone. Cut off from other people. For most people, it passes quickly.

    For others, especially those who also suffer from addiction, that feeling of isolation is persistent. It’s a low hum that follows a person everywhere. Part of the reason why some drink is to numb that feeling and turn down the voices that whisper why we’re alone.

    Chris Marshall knows these feelings well and he’s here today to share how listening to those voices have almost killed him on several occasions. And how he’s developed a support network to make them less loud. Chris learned how powerful the experience of connection can be and it, literally, helped to save his life. It led him to create Sans Bar, a community connection space that specializes in serving extravagantly amazing, zero alcohol cocktails.

    You may know Chris if you’re a member of The Luckiest Club, the sobriety support community Laura founded where he’s one of the meeting leaders.

    BONUS: Chris and Laura recorded some material just for TMST Plus members. Become a TMST Plus member to hear some of his top tips and secrets for creating an inclusive space, his favorite drink for the hottest summer day and the TWO WORD genius answer to “Do you want a drink?” and “Why aren’t you drinking?”

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/57-chrismarshall-on-how-connection-can-save-your-life

    Spotify playlist for this episode: 

    Here’s the transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/chris-marshall-on-how-connection-can-save-your-life/transcript

    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Marissa Moss on Not Getting Chicked

    Marissa Moss on Not Getting Chicked

    HANDS UP if knowing what you want, and standing up for it, has not always been welcome.

    Imagine being hit with that - and you’re America’s top-selling female group of all time!

    Marissa Moss has a lot to say about powerful women, making their own rules, and finding solidarity when the world is pitting them against each other. This TMST is a  conversation about how women are being true to themselves and reshaping culture, while building huge, diverse audiences. 

    In the book, “Her Country: How the Women of Country Music Became the Success They Never Were Supposed to Be,” Moss weaves together The Chicks, Shania and Loretta, and the new generation like Maren Morris, Kacey Musgraves and Mickey Guyton.

    The stories she shares in our conversation are gripping, and gut churning. And…. she’s going to explain to us the veiled threat that still exists today - you don’t want to get Chicked, do ya?

    Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/56-marissa-moss-on-not-getting-chicked

    Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0hJwhPHQzuqT9OgiAnpAhQ

    Here’s the transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/marissa-moss-on-not-getting-chicked/transcript

    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Laura McKowen on Jealousy & Envy

    Laura McKowen on Jealousy & Envy

    When was the last time you got real about jealousy or envy?

    In this episode, Laura brings the heat, digging into how jealousy and envy have shown up in her life. She explores the ways they’re different and the ways we use them to blow ourselves up.

    This is no trail of tears, though! We’ll take a look at what social psychologists and researchers have identified as the purpose of these emotions. And then we explore ways to help work through these feelings when they rise up and want to take charge of our lives.

    If you’re a TMST Plus member, the members-only episode features a bonus conversation Laura had with her friend Christie Tate, the NY Times Bestselling author of Group, which was about her experience in group therapy. The two of them have spent a lot of time delving into these gross, uncomfortable feelings, and you can be a fly on the wall as they explore it.

    SUPPORT: Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    You can find the transcript for this episode here.

    Dr. Kate Pate on Vets, First Responders and why “Being Triggered” is More Complicated Than You Think

    Dr. Kate Pate on Vets, First Responders and why “Being Triggered” is More Complicated Than You Think

    We are never more than one connection away from a veteran or first responder.

    They are the ULTRA helping professions. During the pandemic, many were the first line of protection and care. Over 20 years of The Global War of Terror, many have experienced repeated deployments with an anodyne “thank you for your service” and a bad country music song as their only Thank You.

    But how many of us have asked how we can be part of THEIR solution network?

    Meet Dr. Kate Pate, a neurophysiologist who is looking at the ways our brains impact our bodies, and how we heal both in harmony. Kate is laser-focused on the health and healing needs of our veterans and first responders, which means she’s focused on matters that impact our entire society.

    Her perspective is grounded in healing and is relevant to all of us because we’re connected to these folks or need similar healing. She gets the role recovery plays in the equation and she brings true illumination to things like, “what’s a trigger?” and “is this PTSD?”

    Dr. Kate Pate is one of the most impressive and insightful people we’ve ever met and you are going to love her.


    Dr Kate Pate’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/doc.pate/

    Episode link:  https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/54-dr-kate-pate-vets-first-responders-being-triggered

    Transcript: https://tell-me-something-true.simplecast.com/episodes/dr-kate-pate-on-vets-first-responders-and-why-being-triggered-is-more-complicated-than-you-think/transcript

    Spotify playlist for this episode:


    Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Veronica Valli on The Promise of Emotional Sobriety for TMST’s 1st Birthday

    Veronica Valli on The Promise of Emotional Sobriety for TMST’s 1st Birthday

    Rollercoasters are a fun diversion, but they’re no way to live. That’s why the whipsaw experience of being on an emotional rollercoaster is one of the things folks are most happy to see leave their life. Those radical highs and lows aren’t confined to the times when people are using - they often extend well into sobriety. Usually driven by hyper-sensitivity and, to be honest, a lot of self-absorption.

    And that’s where today’s guest comes in…. As we mark the beginning of Year Two for Tell Me Something True, we’re revisiting a conversation with Veronica Valli on emotional sobriety.

    We get into how emotional sobriety does and doesn’t relate to abstinence from substance or process addictions. What emotional sobriety actually means, why it’s something everyone has to do (not just people in recovery) if they want healthy relationships, because no matter what, “the hardest thing any human being has to do is deal with other people.”

    In addition to being a dear friend, Veronica is a woman in long-term recovery, a therapist, a sobriety coach, founder of the Soberful program, a co-host of the Soberful podcast, and the author of three books, the most recent of which, Soberful: Uncover a Sustainable, Fulfilling Life Free of Alcohol.

    Veronica has genuine encouragement to share about the comfort and relief that comes from living an integrated life. As happens every time we talk, after this conversation, we felt more grounded, clear, and hopeful, and hope this has the same effect for you, too.

    SUPPORT: Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free.


    TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Brianna Madia on Surviving the Lie That Was Killing Her

    Brianna Madia on Surviving the Lie That Was Killing Her
    Brianna Madia’s journey as a vagabond lifestyle influencer was extraordinary. It was her, her van, her dogs and, for a time, her husband. And according to her it was really good. Until it wasn’t. And then, it got really scary. Brianna takes us behind the curtain of the IG influencer life - and then we go 100 levels deeper. While the world was fixed on her very attractive-appearing life, she was living with a slow, gnawing truth that was killing her. When she came clean, the geyser of vitriol was horrific. The extreme shaming she received after admitting that she made some, admittedly, desperate life choices - was topped only by the brutality she inflicted on herself. A brutality that had her considering some irrevocable actions. Brianna is able to talk about some big truths and hard things - and yet it never feels like trauma porn. There’s no voyeuristic charge to her story, so you’re left being able to see where we’ve all made choices we wouldn’t want to repeat - and where we go from there. Brianna’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/briannamadia/ Brianna’s site: https://www.briannamadia.com/ Her book, Nowhere For Very Long: https://www.briannamadia.com/nowhereforverylong Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/52-brianna-madia-on-surviving-the-lie-that-was-killing-her Spotify playlist for this episode: Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Support TMST today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Kelly McDaniel on Mother Hunger

    Kelly McDaniel on Mother Hunger
    An insatiable need for romantic attention and love. Periods of overeating or starving. Using alcohol, food, or over-working to numb out. A pattern of unstable and painful relationships. Does this sound painfully familiar? Kelly McDaniel is a trauma therapist who saw these traits over and over in clients who felt trapped in cycles of harmful behaviors and were unable to stop. In 2008, she coined the term Mother Hunger as a way to describe this pattern and has since helped countless women. In this conversation, Kelly and Laura talk about: – What Mother Hunger is – How Mother Hunger shows up in our relationship to food – The three critical elements of mothering and what happens when those needs aren’t met – What Mother Hunger looks like in other relationships, like friendships and at work – The link between food and unstable relationship patterns – The concept of “frozen grief” – The double-bind women face when it comes to sexual expression – How to begin to heal Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/51-kelly-mcdaniel-on-mother-hunger Show notes: Ready to Heal book Mother Hunger book Kelly’s website: https://kellymcdanieltherapy.com/ Kelly’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellymcdanieltherapy/ Spotify playlist for this episode: Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Become a TMST member today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free. ==== TMST is hosted by Laura McKowen, the bestselling author of We Are The Luckiest and founder of The Luckiest Club. Follow the show and Laura on Instagram.

    Michael Slepian on Knowing the Difference Between Secrets, Lies & Privacy

    Michael Slepian on Knowing the Difference Between Secrets, Lies & Privacy
    What could be heavier than the secrets we carry? The constant vigilance and concealment can be exhausting. But can you tell the difference between what’s a secret and what’s being kept private? Michael Slepian does and he can back it up with research. Slepian studies the psychology of secrets and, as he’s discovered, the real problem with keeping a secret is not that you have to hide it, but that you have to live with it, and think about it. But here’s the trick - we confuse secrets, lies and privacy all the time! And we hurt ourselves in the process. Slepian helps us figure out where we’re hurting ourselves -and where we can give ourselves a break, drop the guilt and free up some mental space! Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/50-michael-slepian-knowing-difference-between-secrets-lies-privacy Spotify playlist for this episode: Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Support TMST today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Laura on Protecting Your Energy using “Energy Dollars”

    Laura on Protecting Your Energy using “Energy Dollars”
    Every day, every hour, every minute, there’s a request. More time. More attention. More engagement. More space in our brains and our lives. Laura feels the pinch like everyone and she frequently fields questions on how she allocates her time, attention and life passion. In this solo episode, Laura shares how she found inspiration in the way the comic Whitney Cummings thinks about it - ENERGY DOLLARS. We aren’t infinite people (no matter what society and our conditioning tells us.) For all the things that energize us and fill our tank, we also have to come to terms with how much each demand, activity, and engagement asks us to spend our energy dollars. Laura brings her experiences as a mom with an increasingly independent kid, who is facing a new summer rhythm. A creative person who has to feed that glorious beast. And as… a human, who values her sobriety relationships and sense of peace and is making choices every day, every hour, every minute, just like you, to make it work as well as she can. Whitney Cummings on Energy Dollars: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CdvxYFuFbZY/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/49-laura-mckowen-protecting-your-energy-using-energy-dollars Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jmNE9jae75RGE48ClC6tb?si=676137eadeac4017 Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Support TMST today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/

    Shauna Niequist on Thriving After Life Goes in the Blender

    Shauna Niequist on Thriving After Life Goes in the Blender
    Everyone has a day, or week, go sideways. What happens when life hits the blender - and it goes on for years? Shauna Niequist has a lot to offer because she’s lived it. Her latest book, I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet, covers a time in her life when Every. Single. Thing. was, as she says, tossed in the blender. Family. Vocation. Faith. Sense of belonging. And then, also… menopause. Shanua has the rare gift of being able to inspire while never getting saccharine, to be honest without overexposing, to impart wisdom without being preachy. She came ready to talk and even if you feel like you know her through her previous books, Cold Tangerines, Bittersweet, Bread & Wine, Savor, and Present Over Perfect, we promise you - you are going to discover a whole new side to the amazing Shauna Niequist Shauna’s site: https://www.shaunaniequist.com/ Shauna’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/sniequist/ Episode link: https://www.tmstpod.com/episodes/48-shauna-niequist-thriving-after-life-goes-in-the-blender Spotify playlist for this episode: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6uFlQPrp0NvBiJkmw6DpXl Tell Me Something True is a 100% independent podcast. There are no corporations or advertisers backing this community. We are 100% funded by the TMST community. Support TMST today so you can hear the uncut interviews, attend private events with Laura and help keep TMST ad-free: https://tmst.supercast.com/