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    Hear God Every Day with Sara Whitten

    What is God saying to you right now? Join Sara Whitten as she shares practical life hacks for honing your ability to hear God in everyday life. Through candidly exploring her own experiences and diving deep into the Word, you will gain tools and truths to improve the consistency and accuracy with which you hear the Lord.
    enSara Whitten115 Episodes

    Episodes (115)

    113. Believe the Message

    113. Believe the Message

    A life of faith isn't about praying the right prayers, doing the right declarations, or prescriptive behaviors. So what does it mean to live a life of faith? What good messages from God are hard for you to really believe? Join me as we invite the Lord into these places.


    - God, what messages am I having a hard time believing?
    - What would it look like for me to really live like the Kingdom of God is here?

    111. Don't Get Horses From Egypt

    111. Don't Get Horses From Egypt

    God is always providing, but sometimes we're missing the new resources He's opening up because we're busy seeking fulfillment from the same place it came last season. Let's seek the Holy Spirit about what thinking patterns or habitual behaviors may need to change with our new season.


    -In what ways am I still getting horses from Egypt?
    - What new sources are you opening up for me in this new season?

    110. Turning Our Battles Into Bread

    110. Turning Our Battles Into Bread

    When the Bible says the Lord FIGHTS for us, that fighting doesn't mean the hand-to-hand combat we imagine. Learn how God designed us to fight, and find delight in the place of your pressure today.


    -What battle do I need to stop fighting and realize that you already won?
    - What does it look like to eat instead of fight in my season?
    - What works have you made for me to enjoy with you that the enemy is trying to distract me from?

    106. Trading Perfectionism for the Perfect One

    106. Trading Perfectionism for the Perfect One

    We tend to look for perfection in our circumstances, our responses, and our timelines. But what if the places of IMPERFECTION were the places we could be most poised for a move of God?

    1.) Where are areas of perfectionism in my own thinking?
    2.) Circumstances- How could this imperfect situation be setting the stage for a miracle?
    3.) Responses- How could my imperfect response or the imperfect response of another set the stage for a new revelation of Your perfect love?
    4.) Timeline- How could this imperfection in timing set the stage for a divine interruption?

    105. The Two Types of Growth

    105. The Two Types of Growth

    When we get a word about growth, often the first place we look for God's increase is in the place of last season's fruitfulness. But what if God is doing a different kind of growth? Be encouraged-- something is happening even when you haven't seen the growth!

    1.) What does Your growth look like on the inside this season? 
    2.) What does Your growth look like on the outside this season?

    104. Ten Minute Turn Around #3- Forget the Forecast

    104. Ten Minute Turn Around #3- Forget the Forecast

    Sometimes our own expectations or gaps in understanding can lead to delays in our follow-through. How can we forget the forecast and trust God's lead?

    1.) What are the "seeds" you want me to sow this season? 
    2.) What is the "harvest" you want me to gather in this season?
    3.) What "forecasts" of my own are keeping me from follow through? Open my eyes to see false forecasts for what they are. 

    103. Ten Minute Turn Around #2- Multiplying the Good

    103. Ten Minute Turn Around #2- Multiplying the Good

    Multiplication is good and essential to stewardship...but are we called to multiply everything? Let's look at Genesis 30 for a fresh encounter on strategic multiplication.

    1.) What are the strong sheep (things You want to multiply) in my life that you're calling me to multiply? 
    2.) What are the weak sheep (eat up too much time/effort/resources) in my life that you're calling me to multiply? 

    100. Getting Out of Survival Mode

    100. Getting Out of Survival Mode

    Survival mode can happen during busy seasons, seasons of trial, or even really slow seasons. When we focus our prayers, thoughts, time, and energy on just "getting through this" we miss the "more" that God is wanting to do in our season.

    1. What area or areas am I currently in survival mode?
    2. What would it look like for me to live like you've already taken care of it? What would my dreams be?

    98. "Mass"-ing vs Mentoring- How Does God Want to Use You?

    98. "Mass"-ing vs Mentoring- How Does God Want to Use You?

    Jesus set an example for us by both being a conduit of God's love, healing, and wisdom to the MASSES and to the twelve He chose to MENTOR. God has purposes to work through YOU both to reach masses and to mentor on a smaller scale. What does that look like for you?

    Real Life Discipleship by Jim Putman

    1.) What does it look like for You to use me to minister to the masses this season?
    2.) What does it look like for You to use me to mentor this season?
    3.) What small steps can I take in those directions in the upcoming weeks?

    97. Going All In

    97. Going All In

    Whether you're in the middle of a big decision or looking to reignite your passion in your walk with the Lord, here's some encouragement for going all in! Audio from Impact Christian Fellowship.

    1. What does it look like for you to be done with anything that would tempt you to go back?
    2. Who can you tell who will cheer you along and hold you accountable in the direction the Lord is calling you?
    3. Who will be fed by what you surrender?

    96. God's Doing It, But He Wants to Do It Right

    96. God's Doing It, But He Wants to Do It Right

    Are you in a waiting season? Or maybe things are just off to a slower start than you anticipated. Hear some encouragement from the Lord about how what seems like closed doors may actually be an invitation to more. 

    1.) Show me some of the wisdom from you that I need before taking more territory
    2.) What aspect(s) of Christ are you building on in me?

    95. Softening the Hard Places

    95. Softening the Hard Places

    Hard-heartedness doesn't always look like we think. It can be anxiety, depression, indecision or any other place we're letting ourselves be convinced in a direction other than acting on His Word. How do we notice God's tenderness in these areas of our lives and allow His softening grace to loosen the grip of hard-heartedness? 

    1.) Where are the areas of hard-heartedness in my life?
    2.) Would you pour out your grace right now in those areas and show me; what does listening in these areas look like?