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    Welcome to FaithfulFin Talk, the heart-centered podcast where faith and finance coverage for a purpose-driven life. I'm Juantrell Lovette, your host and fellow believer in the transformative power of aligning your spiritual value with our financial decisions.

    At FaithfulFin Talk, we embark on a unique journey, delving into the timeless wisdom of the Bible and extracting practical insights to navigate the complex world of personal finance. Through engaging conversation, thought-provoking interviews, and reflective solo episodes, we explore the intersections of faith, money, and the pursuit of purposeful existence. 

    Join me on this adventure as we encounter the profound wisdom within the pages of the Bible and apply it to our everyday financial decisions. FaithfulFin Talk is not just a podcast; it's a community united in faith, empowered by financial wisdom, and committed to living a life of significance. Together, let's navigate the journey to financial well-being with faith as our compass.

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    enJuantrell Lovette179 Episodes

    Episodes (179)

    Acts 8 Class 49: Cracking the Code of Early Christian Expansion/ Conversions spread outside the Jewish community

    Acts 8 Class 49: Cracking the Code of Early Christian Expansion/ Conversions spread outside the Jewish community

    Prepare to step back in time as we navigate the early days of the Christian church during intense persecution. We're taking you through a riveting journey of faith, unfolding the narrative of Acts chapter 8, featuring Philip's missionary journey to Samaria and his encounter with an Ethiopian official that shattered racial barriers. 

    We promise a close look into Simon the Sorcerer's transformation from a man of enchantment to an adherer to the Gospel. The tale doesn't end there. We'll also shed light on how Christianity morphed from a Jewish sect to a faith that crossed borders, reaching as far as Ethiopia and Antioch. We'll tackle the tricky transition of the disciples from their deep-rooted Jewish conventions and Peter's justification for inducting non-Jews into the church. Prepare for a fascinating exploration into the early Christian church's evolving identity and the challenges it overcame. You're in for a treat!

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    John 10 Class 48:The Journey to Understanding the Good Shepherd: Growing Closer to Jesus and God

    John 10 Class 48:The Journey to Understanding the Good Shepherd: Growing Closer to Jesus and God

    Are you ready to uncover the meaning behind the Good Shepherd and His sheep? Join us in this enriching episode as we explore John, Chapter 10, and learn how our relationship with Jesus and God is vital for everyday life. Discover how scripture helps us understand the messages God is trying to convey and how the spiritual world and God's ever-present guidance are evident in our lives.

    We dive into Jesus' teachings about the Good Shepherd, His sacrifice, and how to learn from Him to become better people and shepherds ourselves. Hear about modern-day examples of shepherds and the lessons they teach us about Jesus' guidance. Plus, learn to trust in God for peace, understanding, and personal growth by putting Him first and nurturing a one-on-one relationship with Him. Don't miss this insightful conversation that will elevate your spiritual journey!

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    John 3 Class 47: Unraveling the Mysteries of Being Born Again: A Journey through

    John 3 Class 47: Unraveling the Mysteries of Being Born Again: A Journey through

    Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be born again and how it can transform your relationship with God? Join me, your cousin in Christ, as we embark on a  journey to uncover the profound insights hidden within the story of Nicodemus. We'll dive into John, chapter 3, to explore Jesus' teachings on being born again spiritually and by water.

    As we journey through this episode, we'll discuss the life-changing concept of being born again and its impact on our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. Together, we'll learn how to articulate this transformative experience to others and grasp the importance of believing in Jesus, God's son, as our savior and the key to eternal life. So, grab your Bible, and let's embark on this enlightening journey, growing closer to God and becoming the vessels He desires us to be in this world.

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Luke 15/Class 46 Three stories about Gods' Love

    Luke 15/Class 46 Three stories about Gods' Love

    The three stories in chapter 15 stir feelings for the lost and the loser. In a few brief sentences, Jesus' parables tug at feelings of loss and remorse that lie buried beneath the surface in all of us.

    When did you lose something important and then find it again?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Isaiah 53/Class 45 The role of the suffering servant

    Isaiah 53/Class 45 The role of the suffering servant

    The only description of Jesus in the Bible was not a beautiful one but a servant who suffered for the transgressors of our world, people like you and me. A role fit for a true King, the one who poured out his life to death, for he bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors

    Who needs to hear about Jesus, the Messiah prophesied about in Isaiah? 

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Isaiah 52/Class 44 Salvation Prophesied

    Isaiah 52/Class 44 Salvation Prophesied

    The author of Isaiah explains how God will redeem Jerusalem by introducing the mysterious figure of the suffering servant whose appearance is disfigured beyond that of any human being (52:14). Who is this suffering servant? And how will such a weakened person achieve a great victory, even bringing light to all nations? Jewish scholars puzzled over these passages for centuries. Many considered them the most significant part of the Hebrew Scriptures, yet they could not agree on precisely what the prophet meant. 

    If you had been a jew in Jesus' day, would you have been disappointed in the messiah? Why did Jesus choose to come as a suffering servant rather than as perhaps a triumphant army general?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Genesis 3/Class 43 The first sin creates a need

    Genesis 3/Class 43 The first sin creates a need

    You can have the world at your fingertips and the universe as your world to explore, but would that be enough to satisfy the human cravings of wanting more? The one tree in the Garden of Eden was forbidden to touch, but a deceitful messenger caused havoc in paradise, which caused Adam and Eve to lose the place they once called home. 

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed or stifled by one of God's commands? How have you responded to this feeling?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Amos 4/Class 42 A prophets' stern warning

    Amos 4/Class 42 A prophets' stern warning

    As Amos, a street-corner prophet, warns, God's people cannot forever push God into a small corner of their lives to be brought out like a magic charm whenever they need him.

    What parallels do you see between Amos's time and our own?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Daniel 6/Class 41 Daniel and the lions

    Daniel 6/Class 41 Daniel and the lions

    When the hating doesn't work, stay true to your faith and watch your God work on your behalf. Not even death should scare you away from prayer and worship.

    Has God ever rescued you or made sure you were untouched by harm?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Isaiah 40/Class 40 Words of comfort from God

    Isaiah 40/Class 40 Words of comfort from God

    Not feeling worthy of God's comfort when he's already wrapped his around you makes you think, whos the crazy one for not knowing it's available to you at all times?

    Verse 31: Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Do you believe this scripture?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Psalm 51/Class 39 A classic confession

    Psalm 51/Class 39 A classic confession

    David showed great sorrow for his behavior after committing such horrible acts. But we all fall short and fail so that we can learn with a broken heart; there's a master who can create un us something new. 

    Isn't it wonderful that we cannot fall far enough where The Lord can't catch us?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Job 38/Class 38 God's answer to Job

    Job 38/Class 38 God's answer to Job

    The questions we all have for The Lord are in our hearts. The blockage we have to receive depends on our relationship with the creator.

    If you had 24 hours with God to ask whatever you wanted, what kind of answers would you like?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    1 King 18/Class 37 Elijah and the prophets of Baal

    1 King 18/Class 37 Elijah and the prophets of Baal

    To be exposed or not to be told was the problem here. Many fakes amongst us, but who will reveal the accurate word of our Lord as written in scripture?

    Have you ever been confronted and put to shame because you were living a lie?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    2 Samuel 12/Class 36 Nathan rebukes king David

    2 Samuel 12/Class 36 Nathan rebukes king David

    To get a word from our Lord, you have to be receptive. To receive the holy message, you must confess your sins no matter how it comes.

    How do you instinctively react when someone confronts you over your wrongdoings?

     I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    2 Samuel 11/Class 35 David and Bathsheba

    2 Samuel 11/Class 35 David and Bathsheba

    I guess being sleazy to get what you want has no limits to make you think before love gets you killed. One will call them friends, but even then, you can fall victim to a backstabber.

    Have you ever been "caught in the act" and tried to deceive your way out of your predicament 

    I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    1 Samuel 17/Class 34 David and Goliath

    1 Samuel 17/Class 34 David and Goliath

    It was One shot to the head with a stone and a slingshot. David had the confidence of the Lord to help him win the battle that no one stood on the battle line to do. 

    Are you facing any great fear or danger? Is God telling you to rely utterly on him?

    I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Exodus 20/Class 33 The gift of the ten commandments

    Exodus 20/Class 33 The gift of the ten commandments

    God gave us rules because his law is the perfect structure. But who am I to convince you of the commandments given to the people who love his plans? We live and learn and die every day; let today be the day you make way with our creator.  

    I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Exodus 3/Class 32 Moses' encounter with God

    Exodus 3/Class 32 Moses' encounter with God

    A burning bush that speaks and the Lord who gives qualifying positions to the ones who feel unqualified makes you wonder what opportunities you let pass by for not trusting God's timing.

    I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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    Genesis 3/Class 30 The Origin of Sin

    Genesis 3/Class 30 The Origin of Sin

    Not even with everything handed to us did we have the skills to follow the rules; why did we still disobey the Lord's First commandment? How being weak to flesh could cause you to lose everything?

    I'm so glad you're here. It's a pleasure to study with you.

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    Instagram: @Bleesed2bs/ @Legion_love
    Facebook: Boujeebiblestudies

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