
    Apostolic and Prophetic Podcast

    Jesus is coming back and he will come not just to judge all unrightousness on the earth, but He will come for his bride, the glorious church. Before that, He restores the 5-fold ministry that will equipp and prepare the church to do the works of God on the earth. Without His revelation and power, we are not ready to go through the challenging times ahead. Core Scriptures: Ephesians 3:1-5 // 4:7-16 // 5:27 // 1.Samuel 17:40

    enApostle37 Episodes

    Episodes (37)

    Will there be a two state solution in Israel?

    Will there be a two state solution in Israel?

    Many nations of the world demand that Israel would accept a two state solution. They claim that this will "solve" the Middle East conflict and give lasting peace to the region. 
    If we know the Bible, we can see that this is a false hope in a false peace that will not last. 

    Are there any prophecies in the Bible that Israel will loose the Westbank and that indicate a coming two state solution. This and why Israel is opposing a two state solution, you will hear in today's episode.


    Music credit for podcast:

    Epic Cinematic Trailer | ELITE by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
     Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
     Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


    To whom belongs the land of Israel - to the Jews or to the Arabs?

    To whom belongs the land of Israel - to the Jews or to the Arabs?

    God is not just the God of Israel, he is also the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 
    In the Bible God is saying that the he is giving the Holy Land to the descendants of Abraham. But to whom exactly did he promise the land - to Isaac or to Ishmael? To the Jews or to the Arabs?

    This and what the scripture tells us about it, you will find out in today's episode.


    Music credit for podcast:

    Epic Cinematic Trailer | ELITE by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
     Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
     Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

    God is the God of Israel forever!

    God is the God of Israel forever!

    God is the God of Israel and the topic of Israel, Jacob and Jerusalem is mentioned so many times in the Bible, that we can't overlook it.

    In the past, some people argued and taught that the Church has replaced Israel and that God has rejected Israel for their disobediance. That theology is called replacement theology and was taught by Martin Luther and many others. 

    If we look into the Bible we can see that God did not reject the children of Israel and that he will not allow that they will be destroyed as a nation. He loves Israel and he will restore it.  But he also wants us to stand on the right side of history and to bless Israel and to know what will happen with Israel, a possible two-state solution and Jerusalem in the near future.


    Music credit for podcast:

    Epic Cinematic Trailer | ELITE by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/
     Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
     Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


    What is the meaning of the Jubilee Year?

    What is the meaning of the Jubilee Year?

    When Israel entered into the promised land, God commanded them to give rest to the land every 7th year. After 7x7 years God wanted that a release would be announced throughout the land, where slaves got released and debts were forgiven. 

    In this episode you will find out why the coming of Jesus is the fullfillment of the jubilee year and what it means for you and your life.  

    This episode is part two on the topic and part one was released in April 2023. The exact date of the jubilee year can not determined and therefore you should listen to both parts to get a better understanding of the topic. 


    Armenia, Turkey and the Caucasus in endtime prophecy.

    Armenia, Turkey and the Caucasus in endtime prophecy.

    The bible warns about the rise of an empire in the endtimes that will invade Israel.
    In the book of Hezekiel it is called Gog in the land of Magog. 

    Gog will be the ruler of Tubal and Mesech a region that is d´today known as Turkey and the Caucasus region, including Azerbaijan and Armenia. 

    What is happening at the moment between Armenia, Turkey and Azerbaijan is a forshaddow of the fulfillment of biblical end time prophecy. 

    What recent events in the Caucasus mean for us in the light of biblical prophecy, you will find out in this episode.


    Rightousness is the entry ticket into the kingdom of God

    Rightousness is the entry ticket into the kingdom of God

    Jesus came to a world where people were called rightous if they obeyed the law of Moses - the Thorah. In addition to that, the religous leaders of that time created a lot of extra rules that made peoples lives even more difficult.

    Jesus tells the people that they need an even better rightousness to enter God's kingdom. What this means and how you can obtain or receive this rightousness, you can find out in this episode. 

    (This is part 1 of 2 explaining Matthew 5:17-20.)


    Be the salt, not the sugar!!!

    Be the salt, not the sugar!!!

    Jesus was coming to bring light into the darkness and hope to the hopeless. 
    He came to bring change, where no change seems to be possible. 

    In the same way Jesus expects us to be the light and change in our times and the area of influence we are living in. It is our identity in Christ to be the light and the salt of the earth. 

    That means we can't be sugar and people pleasers, if we want to bring change and transformation. 

    More about that, you find out in this episode...


    Unshakable throughout the storms of life!

    Unshakable throughout the storms of life!

    God is giving us clear instructions to build our lifes on an unshakable foundation. 
    The sermon of the mount is God's masterplan to help us built happy and blessed lifes, even in the roughest circumstances. 

    Jesus is starting his longest sermon with a description of what the kingdom of God can do for you and how powerfull it can change your life.

    God bless you! Shalom! 

    How can the church reach the lost?

    How can the church reach the lost?

    God loves people and that's why he came to this earth to search, find and reach what is lost. We should also reach those who don't know him. 

    Unfortunately, in many churches people don't know how to reach out to the lost and usually just a few people share the gospel, often with little success. 

    Jesus was giving us the parable of the lost coin that explains us how we can reach the lost and bring people into the kingdom.

    May God bless you - Shalom!  

    God is blessing you through work.

    God is blessing you through work.

    (This episode is part of the series on faithfulness with finances.)

    God provided Manna for the children of Israel supernaturally, while they walked through the desert. As soon as they entered the promised land, the Manna stopped and he provided land where they should work to provide for their needs. 

    God wants us to be productive and to become independent of the financial help of others and the state. He will bless us abundantly if we are faithful with the things he is entrusting us.  

    God bless you. Shalom!

    God is calling his people out of the cities of the West

    God is calling his people out of the cities of the West

    Today's episode is related to the riots in France and prophetic words about the security developments in big European cities.

     What is happening in France the moment will happen in the near future in many parts of Western Europe and the multiculturalism will fail. God doesn't want us to be in places where these things happen and where our lifes and families could be affected of it. 

    What you need to do, you will find out in today's episode.  

    Why God wants you to have savings...

    Why God wants you to have savings...

    This episode is part of the series on faithfulness with finances. 

    Jesus said, that we should not store treasures on earth and he also said that it is easier for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to walk throughn the eye of a needle. 

    Does that mean that God is against savings and wealth in general?

    What Jesus actually meant with that and what it means for your personal life, you will find out in this week's episode. 


    Accept, when God says no!

    Accept, when God says no!

    This episode is part of the faithfullness with finances series. 

    Sometimes we want to have things our way and we compare ourselves with other people around us. 

    Even we pray: Your will shall be done, like in heaven so on earth, in reality Christians do it their way. It is because of a deep mistrust towards God and a lack of understanding of his perfect intentions for us. 

    How God can actally bless you if you listen to him, when he says no, you will find out in this episode. 
