
    The MONEY Expert: The Simple Plan That Made Me A MILLIONAIRE (ANYONE Can Do THIS!) | George Kamel

    enJanuary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Millionaire Habits: Living Within Means and Delaying GratificationLiving within your means and delaying gratification are essential habits for building wealth and achieving financial goals in the long run.

      The habits of millionaires include living on less than they make and practicing delayed gratification. Many people feel the need to spend more than they actually make due to discontent and the availability of debt. However, millionaires understand the importance of living within their means and not relying on credit. Furthermore, they have the discipline to delay immediate gratification in favor of long-term goals and financial security. This mindset sets them apart from an instant gratification culture that seeks immediate satisfaction. By saving and investing for the future instead of spending now, millionaires can build wealth and achieve their financial goals.

    • Millionaires' Financial Priorities and Overcoming Financial ChallengesPrioritizing delayed gratification, taking proactive control over finances, and shifting emotional perspective are key to financial success and overcoming overwhelming situations.

      Millionaires prioritize delayed gratification and smart financial choices. They drive used cars instead of splurging on new ones because they understand that cars are depreciating assets. They also believe that they control their financial destiny, which empowers them to make proactive decisions. When it comes to overcoming overwhelming financial situations, the key is to choose hope over cynicism. People often feel hopeless and blame external circumstances, but it starts with an emotional shift and taking responsibility. While tactical steps like budgeting and debt reduction are important, it's crucial to cut out all the noise and distractions and follow a proven plan with focus and intensity. When individuals experience the freedom of being debt-free, they rarely go back to their old habits.

    • Embracing Delayed Gratification for Financial FreedomBy sacrificing now and finding joy in small victories, individuals can transform their mindset, embrace the joy of missing out, and focus on their own financial goals with the support of like-minded friends.

      Delayed gratification and sacrifice can lead to a much better life and financial freedom. Many people are willing to live in mediocrity for decades instead of sacrificing for a few years. By finding joy in small wins and being content with less, individuals can transform their mindset and lifestyle. It's important to embrace the joy of missing out and focus on running our own race rather than trying to keep up with others. Surrounding ourselves with supportive friends who understand our goals is crucial. To gain control over our money, we must confront and overcome our past financial traumas and believe that we have the power to change our family's financial future. Realizing that we are not alone in our struggles can also provide encouragement and motivation.

    • Achieving Financial Success Through Small Steps and IntentionalityTake small steps towards your financial goals, surround yourself with supportive people, celebrate small wins, create a budget, track your transactions, and be intentional with your money.

      Financial success is achievable for anyone who is intentional and takes small steps towards their goals. It's important to surround yourself with supportive people and cut out toxic friendships that hinder your progress. Celebrate the small wins along the way, as they build hope, momentum, and motivation. Creating a budget and sticking to it is essential, regardless of your financial situation. It's about telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. By being conscious of your spending habits and tracking your transactions regularly, you gain control over your financial decisions and avoid overspending. Remember, it's about being intentional with your money and making a plan for every dollar.

    • The Reality of Credit Card Rewards: Not as Lucrative as They SeemCredit card rewards may not make a significant difference in the lives of financially secure individuals, and the high interest rates and psychological tactics involved may not be worth the minimal cash back rewards. Using cash or a debit card can help us be more mindful and ultimately spend less.

      Credit card rewards may not be as lucrative as they seem. While some people argue that they benefit from points and perks, the reality is that those who can truly make meaningful rewards are already financially secure enough that the rewards don't make a significant difference in their lives. Moreover, credit card companies often use psychological tactics to confuse consumers and encourage excessive spending. The average credit card interest rate is high, and chasing after minimal cash back rewards may not be worth the financial risk. By using cash or a debit card, we add friction back into our spending habits, which can help us be more mindful and ultimately spend less. Removing the ease of swiping a credit card can actually save us money.

    • Taking Control of Your Finances for Peace and EmpowermentTrue financial peace and empowerment come from focusing on what we can control: our own spending and saving habits, eliminating debt, building emergency funds, and prioritizing long-term goals. Avoid letting external factors dictate our financial happiness.

      Financial stress often stems from fear of the unknown and external factors that are beyond our control. However, true financial peace and empowerment come from focusing on what we can control: our own spending and saving habits. Instead of getting caught up in the noise of economic uncertainty and pointing fingers at external forces, it is important to take responsibility for our own financial well-being. By eliminating debt, building a solid emergency fund, and focusing on long-term goals, we can have confidence in our financial plan and find contentment in our current state. Simplifying our lives and avoiding the constant desire for material possessions also contribute to a sense of financial peace. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize financial independence and avoid letting external factors dictate our financial happiness.

    • Shifting Attitudes Towards Debt and WealthFind a balance between celebrating financial success and removing the shame surrounding money by having open and empowering conversations about wealth and following a simple plan to achieve financial freedom.

      There is a shift in cultural attitudes towards debt and wealth. In the past, owing money was considered shameful, but now there are videos on social media celebrating being millions of dollars in debt. On the other hand, there is shame associated with having wealth and openly discussing it, as it can make others feel small or inadequate. This comparison culture and mentality of fairness and inequality fuel these feelings of shame. However, it is important to find a balance. While it may not be appropriate to boast about wealth in certain contexts, it is also crucial to remove the shame surrounding money and have open and empowering conversations about it. Building wealth and financial freedom is possible for everyone, regardless of their background or career choices. The key is following a simple plan and believing in one's ability to achieve it.

    • Achieving Financial Freedom in MarriageStarting a marriage debt-free and aligning financial goals can lead to long-term financial stability and wealth accumulation. Open communication and understanding each other's financial backgrounds are crucial steps towards avoiding conflicts and achieving financial freedom.

      Starting off a marriage debt-free can be a life hack for future financial success. By aligning goals, investing for the future, and having an emergency fund, couples can set themselves up for financial stability and freedom. Paying off a mortgage early and consistently investing in retirement accounts can lead to significant wealth accumulation over time. While the timeline may vary for each individual, getting intentional, following a plan like the Ramsey baby steps, and focusing on building wealth can yield results quicker than expected. It's important to have open conversations about views on debt and values around money before getting married to ensure alignment and avoid potential conflicts in the future. By understanding each other's financial backgrounds and goals, couples can work together towards financial freedom and avoid common causes of divorce like money fights and problems.

    • The Importance of Financial Compatibility and Communication in RelationshipsOpenly discussing and addressing financial differences, avoiding financial infidelity, and working together as a team are key to maintaining a healthy and lasting relationship.

      Financial compatibility and open communication are crucial for a healthy and lasting relationship. Opposing views on money can lead to significant conflict and strain in a marriage. While it is possible to have different spending habits or financial roles, such as a saver and a spender, it becomes challenging when one partner is unwilling to address debt and overspending. Financial infidelity, where one partner hides purchases or money, erodes trust and can be as damaging as cheating. Repairing a relationship after financial infidelity requires counseling, honest communication, and transparency. Combining bank accounts and having shared financial goals promote trust and unity, while keeping personal allowances for independence and self-care. It is essential to approach money as a team and tackle financial challenges together.

    • Navigating Financial Struggles in RelationshipsLove and commitment can triumph over financial challenges when couples communicate, align values, and work towards shared goals, leading to personal growth and a stronger partnership.

      Financial struggles can put a strain on relationships, but they can also strengthen them. When couples face large debts or financial mistakes, it can create resentment and challenges. However, love and commitment can overcome these obstacles if there is a strong partnership and shared goals. It's important to communicate, align values, and work towards a common vision for the future. Debt and financial challenges may require sacrifices and lifestyle changes, but they can also lead to personal growth and transformation in other areas of life. Ultimately, it's about taking control of your financial destiny and being willing to support and uplift each other through the challenges.

    • Taking Responsibility for Financial Well-beingBreaking free from a victim mentality and achieving financial success requires taking responsibility for our own financial well-being by living within our means, avoiding unnecessary debt, and taking control of our finances.

      Taking responsibility for our financial well-being is key to breaking free from a victim mentality and achieving financial success. While it's not all our fault, it is our responsibility to move forward. Waiting for someone else to fix our financial problems or relying on promises from politicians is not the answer. The root of financial overwhelm often lies in lifestyle creep, where we constantly upgrade our expenses as our income increases. This leads to a lack of margin and an inability to save for the future. It's important to live within our means and avoid accumulating unnecessary debt. By breaking free from societal norms and ditching credit cards, we can take control of our finances and create a more prosperous future for ourselves.

    • The Student Loan Crisis in America: A Growing Problem in Need of SolutionsHigher education costs are rising while post-graduate job prospects and salaries may not justify the high student loan debt. Consider affordability and explore alternative education options.

      The student loan crisis in America is a real problem that needs to be addressed. With 43 million Americans carrying a total of 1.6 trillion in student loans, the average debt per borrower is almost $40,000. This translates to a payment of about $393 a month for 20 years, resulting in a total payment of over $94,000 on a loan that was originally $40,000. The rising cost of college tuition, which has increased by 400%, is not met with a corresponding increase in salaries. As a result, degrees are not all rated equally and the return on investment may not be as high as it used to be. It's important for individuals to carefully consider the affordability of their chosen school and consider alternatives such as community college or online learning. Parents should also be cautious about taking on debt in their name and ensure that their children have a realistic understanding of post-graduate job prospects and salaries.

    • Rethinking the Path to Success: Beyond Traditional EducationSuccess is not limited to a college degree; practical skills, real-life experiences, and passion play a crucial role in achieving financial success and fulfillment.

      The traditional path of going to college and getting a degree may not always lead to financial success. Many people today are burdened with heavy student loan debt, only to find that their degree doesn't guarantee a high-paying job. The American Dream of graduating college, buying a house, and having a comfortable life is often an illusion. Instead, successful individuals have found that education goes beyond the classroom. They have discovered the importance of practical skills, real-life experiences, and finding their passion. The School of Greatness, created by Lewis Howes, emphasizes the value of learning from the world's smartest people and applying that knowledge to make a difference. Today, there are countless opportunities for success outside of the traditional college route, and younger generations are becoming more aware of this reality.

    • Smart financial decisions for a secure futureConsider the true cost of education, avoid unnecessary debt, and focus on saving and investing for long-term growth to achieve financial security.

      Making smart financial decisions early on can lead to less stress and more options in the long run. It's important to consider the true cost of education and avoid taking on unnecessary debt. Going to expensive schools may not always be the best choice if it means accumulating a significant amount of debt. Similarly, car loans can be a major wealth killer. Instead of focusing on monthly payments, it's better to save and invest that money for long-term growth. Making wise financial choices and avoiding the trap of comparing oneself to others can lead to a more secure and fulfilling financial future.

    • The Benefits of Buying a Car with CashBuying a car with cash saves you from future financial troubles by avoiding interest payments, preventing being underwater on a loan, and providing financial freedom for other investments.

      Buying a car with cash instead of taking out a loan can save you from financial trouble in the long run. George Kamel explains that when you finance a car, you not only pay interest on a depreciating asset, but you may also end up owing more on the loan than the car is worth. This can leave you underwater and in a difficult financial situation. On the other hand, if you buy a car with cash, you have full ownership and avoid the burden of monthly payments and interest. This allows you to make smarter financial decisions, save money, and invest in other areas of your life, leading to greater financial freedom and peace of mind.

    • Financial readiness is key to buying a homeBefore buying a home, focus on becoming debt-free, building an emergency fund, saving for a down payment, and choosing a manageable mortgage payment based on your income.

      The decision to buy a home should be based on your financial readiness rather than external factors like home prices or interest rates. Before considering homeownership, it's essential to become debt-free of consumer debt, build a fully funded emergency fund, and save up a down payment. Additionally, opt for a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage with a payment that is no more than a quarter of your after-tax income. While it may be challenging in today's market, adjusting your expectations and making different decisions can help you achieve this goal. It's crucial to avoid succumbing to societal pressures or rushing into homeownership, as it can lead to financial instability and turn a blessing into a burden. Timing and preparation are key factors in making this major financial decision.

    • Prioritizing Consumer Debt Payment Before HomeownershipPaying off consumer debt should take precedence over homeownership to avoid financial burden and stress. Be patient and cautious with debt to protect your income and mental well-being.

      It's crucial to prioritize paying off consumer debt before becoming a homeowner. Owning a home can bring added stress and expenses, such as maintenance and repairs, which can compound the financial burden. Renting offers the advantage of flexibility and the convenience of having someone else take care of repairs. It's important to build the patience muscle and not succumb to societal pressure of homeownership before being truly ready. There is no such thing as good debt versus bad debt, as debt can ultimately be a thief of your income and hinder your wealth building journey. It's essential to be cautious of leveraging debt and to not become overly attached to it. High levels of debt can lead to severe emotional and mental stress, as seen in tragic cases like the real estate investor who took his own life due to overwhelming financial pressures.

    • The Perils of Money Mismanagement and the Importance of Education and Emotional ReadinessWise financial decisions, education, and emotional stability are essential for managing money effectively and avoiding the negative consequences of mismanagement. Additionally, choosing hope can improve quality of life, irrespective of financial circumstances.

      Money doesn't always bring peace or happiness. It can actually create more stress and chaos in your life if you're not emotionally stable or educated about managing it. Having more money doesn't guarantee wise decisions or financial security. We see this with lottery winners who often blow through their winnings in a short period of time. It's important to be cautious with debt and make wise financial decisions. Dave Ramsey's story of bankruptcy and his conservative approach to debt is a powerful example of this. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize education, emotional readiness, and responsible financial practices to avoid the negative consequences of money mismanagement. Additionally, choosing hope over cynicism can greatly improve the quality of life, regardless of financial circumstances.

    • The Power of Kindness and Not Caring About Others' OpinionsBeing unreasonably kind and not worrying about others' opinions can lead to personal growth, success, and a positive mindset.

      Kindness is an underrated superpower in today's world. It has the ability to diffuse bad attitudes and is the best form of revenge. Regardless of what's happening, being unreasonably kind to people is a cool thing to do. Another takeaway is the importance of not caring about what other people think. This is especially relevant in a world influenced by social media, where comparisons and self-image can be detrimental. By raising a confident, kind, and self-assured daughter, one can instill the mentality of not comparing oneself to others and doing their own thing. This mindset, combined with financial principles like delaying gratification, patience, and hard work, can lead to long-lasting success built on integrity and optimism.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1643

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you saved your seats at Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    I'm excited to sit down with Dan Martell, a renowned entrepreneur and author. We dive deep into the core principles of building wealth and optimizing time. Dan shares powerful insights from his new book, highlighting the importance of understanding the value of time and how to reclaim it effectively.

    We discuss common mistakes that entrepreneurs often make, such as overloading their schedules and failing to delegate effectively. Dan introduces the "buyback loop," a fantastic framework designed to help you audit your time, transfer tasks, and continuously develop your skills to increase your value.

    This episode is packed with actionable advice on achieving greater efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, leading a more fulfilling life. Don't miss it!

    Buy his new book for yourself and a friend – Buy Back Your Time: Get Unstuck, Reclaim Your Freedom, and Build Your Empire

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    • The importance of shifting your money mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs.
    • Strategies for becoming more valuable and increasing your worth in the market.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1642

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you saved your seats at Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1641

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you locked in your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1640

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

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    • The challenges and pressures of maintaining success in the entertainment industry.
    • The importance of gratitude and living in the moment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1639

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Listen to PART 1 of Sadia and Matthew’s discussion.

    Welcome back! Today, we dive into the second part of a fascinating and eye-opening conversation with two incredible relationship experts, Sadia Khan and Matthew Hussey. If you missed the first part, I highly recommend you go back and listen to it, as it lays the groundwork for what we’re discussing today. In this episode, we explore the reasons why people lead double lives, the root causes of cheating, and the importance of having honest and courageous conversations in our relationships. We also debate the roles of self-compassion and self-respect in building and maintaining healthy connections. Get ready for a lively and insightful discussion that will challenge your perspectives on love, trust, and commitment.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The psychological reasons behind cheating and leading double lives.
    • The importance of honest communication in relationships.
    • How self-compassion and self-respect influence relationship dynamics.
    • Strategies for selecting a compatible partner.
    • The significance of addressing past traumas and wounds before entering a relationship.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1638

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet? What’s holding you back?! lewishowes.com/tickets

    In this episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes hosts an inspiring discussion with Muniba Mazari, Jay Shetty, and Gabby Bernstein, focusing on mental strength, self-love, and overcoming trauma. Muniba Mazari shares her journey of finding gratitude and self-acceptance despite her physical challenges, emphasizing the importance of not comparing oneself to others on social media. Jay Shetty discusses mindfulness and the intentional design of life, stressing how sights, sounds, and scents can positively influence our daily experiences. Gabby Bernstein delves into coping mechanisms and the internal family systems therapy, explaining how we can heal from past traumas by acknowledging and understanding our protective behaviors. Together, they offer powerful practices to help listeners achieve mental peace and strength.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of social media on self-esteem and how to navigate it mindfully.
    • Practical ways to incorporate mindfulness into daily life through intentional exposure to sights, sounds, and scents.
    • The significance of self-acceptance and self-love in personal growth.
    • How to identify and overcome coping mechanisms that mask deeper emotional wounds.
    • Techniques to connect with your inner self and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1637

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Muniba Mazari – https://link.chtbl.com/1282-pod

    Gabby Bernstein – https://link.chtbl.com/1407-pod

    Jay Shetty – https://link.chtbl.com/1571-pod

    Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

    Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Today, Lewis welcomes Scott Galloway, a renowned professor and author, to discuss his book, "The Algebra of Wealth." Scott delves into the concept of an economic war on the young, explaining how policies over the past few decades have shifted wealth from younger to older generations. He emphasizes the importance of financial security, discussing strategies like finding your talent, exercising financial discipline, and understanding the value of time. Scott also touches on the emotional aspects of life, sharing personal experiences about fatherhood, emotional growth, and the importance of building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth. The conversation provides a deep understanding of the economic landscape and offers practical advice for achieving financial and personal well-being.

    Buy Scott’s new book, The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security for yourself and a friend!

    In this episode you will learn

    • how economic policies have shifted wealth from younger to older generations and how this impacts today's youth.
    • Scott Galloway's formula for achieving financial security, including the importance of finding your talent and developing financial discipline.
    • the impact of parenthood on financial priorities and how becoming a parent can drive greater financial focus and purpose.
    • the significance of emotional well-being and the benefits of seeking therapy and embracing emotions for a more harmonious life.
    • practical strategies for balancing financial security with personal fulfillment and building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1636

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    George Kamel – https://link.chtbl.com/1568-pod

    Rob Dial – https://link.chtbl.com/1597-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

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    Host: Gemma Bath

    With thanks to:

    Fabrizio Carmignani - Professor of Economics and Acting Pro Vice Chancellor of Business at Griffith Business School

    Dr Nicola Powell - Chief of Research and Economics at Domain

      Producer: Gemma Bath

      Executive Producer: Siobhán Moran-McFarlane

      Audio Producer: Thom Lion

      Subscribe to The Quicky at... https://mamamia.com.au/the-quicky/

      Mamamia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Land we have recorded this podcast on, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

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      From Worthiness to Wealth: Expert Advice for Tough Financial Times EP 1479

      From Worthiness to Wealth: Expert Advice for Tough Financial Times EP 1479

      The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

      Rachel Rodgers is the founder of Hello Seven, a multi-million dollar company that teaches you how to earn more money and build wealth. In this episode, we discuss how to feel worthy if you’re going through a difficult financial situation, how everyone can become a millionaire and the fastest way to do it, why it’s so difficult for people to be transparent about money.

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      Chris Hogan is a best-selling author and America’s leading voice on retirement, investing, and building wealth. His goal is to help as many people as possible avoid financial traps and set their families up for the future. For more than a decade Chris has served at Ramsey Solutions and spreads a message of hope to audiences across the country. 

      Grant Cardone is the author of eight business books, thirteen business programs, and is the CEO of seven privately held companies. Forbes calls him one of the top social media business influencers in the world. Seriously, this guy knows how to maximize growth and success.

      In this episode you will learn,

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      • How everyone can become a millionaire and the fastest way to do it.
      • Why it’s so difficult for people to be transparent about money.
      • The most important conversations to have around money.
      • The 3 things to know to develop a millionaire mindset.

      For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1479

      For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

      Rachel Rodgers full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1184-pod

      Ray Dalio’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1266-pod

      Chris Hogan’s full episode: https://lewishowes.com/podcast/become-an-everyday-millionaire-with-chris-hogan/

      Grant Cardone’s full episode: 


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         If you enjoy this episode of the Wiser Financial Advisor please let us know, and let everyone you can know which will help this podcast grow.  Please check out more about Keystone Financial Services at https://www.keystonefinancial.com/ 
      Thanks so much and have a great week! 

      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keystonefin/
      Twitter: https://twitter.com/Keystone_Fin?advisorid=33004651
      Contact Josh Nelson: https://www.keystonefinancial.com
      Contact Jeremy Busch: https//www.keystonefinancial.com
      Podcast Editing: Tim Leaman/info.primegen@gmail.com

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      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keystonefin/
      Twitter: https://twitter.com/Keystone_Fin?advisorid=33004651
      Contact Josh Nelson: https://www.keystonefinancial.com
      Contact Jeremy Busch: https//www.keystonefinancial.com
      Podcast Editing: Tim Leaman/info.primegen@gmail.com

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      For more information contact Brad Olson, Joe Wilson, Louie Randolph and the team at Olson & Wilson Private Capital at 866-724-6608 or visit owprivatecapital.com.

      For more information contact Brad Olson, Joe Wilson, Louie Randolph and the team at Olson & Wilson Private Capital at 866-724-6608 or visit owprivatecapital.com.

      Find Olson & Wilson Private Capital on Facebook.

      Olson & Wilson Private Capital YouTube Channel

      See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.