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    The ADHD Doctor: “I’ve Scanned 250,000 Brains” You (Steven Bartlett) Have ADHD! & Coffee Is Damaging Your Brain!!! Dr Daniel Amen

    enOctober 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Brain Health for a Better LifeTaking care of your brain health through diet, exercise, sleep, and addressing environmental toxins can lead to improved cognitive performance, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

      Taking care of your brain health is crucial for overall well-being and success in life. The brain plays a role in everything we do, from our thoughts and emotions to our actions and relationships. By prioritizing brain health, we can experience 10 extra years of cognitive performance, as well as improvements in love, wealth, and physical well-being. It's important to recognize that mental health disorders are actually brain disorders and that addressing the underlying causes, such as diet, exercise, sleep, and environmental toxins, is essential. By creating a revolution in brain health and focusing on prevention, we can significantly reduce the incidence of mental health disorders and improve overall quality of life.

    • Taking proactive steps for optimal brain health and well-being.Understanding and caring for our brain is crucial for improved focus, temperament, and a healthier future. Seek medical guidance, adhere to treatments, and make lifestyle changes to nourish the brain for a vibrant life.

      Our brain health is significantly affected by various factors such as mercury levels, concussions, emotional trauma, and even environmental toxins like mold. It is crucial to pay attention to these factors and take proactive steps to address them for optimal brain function and overall well-being. Despite the brain being a vital organ, it is often overlooked and not thoroughly examined by professionals. Taking the time to understand and care for our brain can lead to improved focus, temperament, and a healthier future. It is essential to seek proper medical guidance, adhere to recommended treatments, and make lifestyle changes to repair and nourish our brains. By doing so, we can enjoy a vibrant and fulfilling life well into old age.

    • The impact of emotional trauma and stress on ADHD development and the importance of finding passion in career for success.Emotional trauma and a stressful upbringing can contribute to the development of ADHD, but finding passion in a career can lead to success for individuals with this condition.

      Emotional trauma and a stressful upbringing can have a significant impact on the development of ADHD. Growing up in a hostile environment where parents are constantly at war trains the brain to become hyperactive, always on the lookout for danger. Even after leaving such an environment, individuals may still have a heightened sense of vigilance, waiting for the next bad thing to happen. In this conversation, it is suggested that Steven Bartlett's mother may have had ADHD, based on certain traits such as irritability, scattered thinking, and messiness. Additionally, teachers' feedback and Steven's inability to stay focused on uninteresting subjects further point towards ADHD tendencies. However, it is important for individuals with ADHD to find a career or pursue a field that they are passionate about, as this can be key to their success and satisfaction. CEOs with ADHD often excel when they hire individuals who are organized and detail-oriented.

    • Enhancing Brain Health Through Awareness and CollaborationOur brain health is not fixed, and by being aware of its potential and collaborating with others, we can actively make positive changes towards improving it.

      Our brain health is not fixed and we have the power to improve it. Hiring people who have different strengths than us can help us in areas where we may be more vulnerable. Awareness of our brain and its potential is the first step, followed by the realization that we can actually make positive changes. Our brain is not static, and we can make it better or worse every day. Certain habits and substances, like consuming sugar and caffeine, can have negative effects on the brain, such as inflammation and decreased blood flow. On the other hand, exercise and certain foods, like beets and cinnamon, can increase blood flow and benefit brain health.

    • Factors Affecting Brain HealthMaintaining a balanced intake of caffeine, addressing sleep problems, improving blood flow through exercise and supplements, and addressing loneliness and inflammation are crucial for optimal brain health.

      There are several factors that can negatively impact brain health. Caffeine, when consumed in excessive amounts, can be detrimental and may have a connection to dementia. Sleep problems can also contribute to brain issues. Maintaining a balanced intake of caffeine, around 100 milligrams per day, is recommended. Additionally, it's important to be mindful of other brain-damaging substances such as sugar and marijuana. Blood flow is crucial for brain health, and issues like erectile dysfunction can indicate a broader problem. Exercise, ginkgo supplements, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help improve blood flow. Loneliness and inflammation are also linked to brain problems, so connecting with others and increasing omega three fatty acid levels through diet or supplements is essential. Head trauma, toxins, and mental health are other significant factors to consider. Reading product labels for potential toxins, addressing mental health issues, and treating psychiatric conditions can have a positive impact on brain health. Medication should be considered as a last resort.

    • Medication and ADHD: Weighing the OptionsThe decision to take medication for ADHD should be based on informed consent, individual choice, and weighing potential side effects versus the impact of living with untreated symptoms.

      Medication is not always necessary for every ailment or condition. Steven Bartlett, for example, rarely takes medication unless it is absolutely necessary, believing in his body's ability to heal itself. This mindset extends to his views on taking medication for ADHD or ADD. He questions the need for medication to address symptoms such as messiness or bad handwriting, seeing them as part of who he is. However, Dr. Daniel Amen emphasizes that the decision to take medication should be based on weighing the potential side effects versus the impact of living with untreated ADHD. He advocates for informed consent and individual choice, recognizing that medication can optimize brain function for some individuals. It is important to consider personal circumstances and goals when deciding whether or not medication is the right choice.

    • Understanding the Difference: Defects vs Differences in the BrainMedication can help activate and improve certain areas of the brain, highlighting that neurological differences are not flaws, but rather natural variations. Challenging negative thoughts can have a positive impact on mental health.

      There is a difference between defects and differences in the brain. Steven Bartlett asks Daniel Amen if taking medication, such as Ritalin, would affect the brain. Amen explains that it would activate certain areas of the brain, like the cerebellum and the prefrontal cortex, giving it better energy. He shares a personal story of a patient who had ADD and thought it was her fault, but scanning her brain revealed that it was a neurological difference, not a flaw. This discovery changed her life, improving her relationships and allowing her to finish college. The conversation also touches on the importance of managing negative thoughts and the impact they have on our mental health. Amen suggests a habit of challenging negative thoughts and questioning their truth.

    • The Power of Thoughts and Trauma on Brain HealthOur thoughts have a significant impact on our brain health and overall well-being. Examining and challenging negative beliefs can lead to accurate thinking with a positive spin, while repetitive positive thinking can have a positive impact. Chronic stress and traumatic experiences can shrink memory and learning centers in the brain, but psychological treatments like EMDR can effectively reduce their impact.

      Our thoughts have a significant impact on our brain and overall well-being. Daniel Amen emphasizes the importance of questioning our thoughts and examining their validity. By doing so, we can challenge negative beliefs and shift towards accurate thinking with a positive spin. Furthermore, repetitive negative thinking can actually change the shape of our brain, leading to decreased coordination and functioning. On the other hand, repetitive positive thinking can have a positive impact. Stress and trauma also play a crucial role in brain health. Chronic stress and traumatic experiences can shrink memory and learning centers in the brain, leading to difficulties in school and other areas. However, there are psychological treatments, such as EMDR, that can effectively calm and process trauma, ultimately reducing its impact on our lives.

    • Understanding the impact of trauma on the brain and ways to cope.Trauma, regardless of its strength, can have a profound impact on the brain. Factors such as brain reserve and post-traumatic growth play a role in how we respond to trauma. Taking care of our brain health is essential for coping with traumatic experiences.

      Trauma can come in various forms and can have a significant impact on the brain. It is not just limited to major traumas but can also include isolated incidents or events that affect one's sense of safety. The activity within the brain can change depending on the strength of the trauma. Additionally, the brain reserve, which refers to the health of the brain before the trauma, plays a crucial role in how a person responds to it. Factors such as prenatal experiences, diet, and chronic stress can affect this reserve. Furthermore, it is possible for some individuals to experience post-traumatic growth, while others suffer from post-traumatic stress. Taking care of our brain health and learning to manage negative thoughts can help us better cope with traumatic experiences.

    • The Importance of Brain Health and its Implications for Decision Making in Top PoliticiansPrioritizing brain health is crucial for individuals in positions of power and responsibility, as brain scans have revealed common patterns in troubled individuals. However, caution should be exercised to prevent discrimination based on brain health in job positions.

      Brain health plays a crucial role in our ability to make sound judgments and have impulse control. The brain scans conducted by Daniel Amen on murderers and other individuals reveal that low frontal lobe function and overall low brain activity are common in troubled individuals. This raises concerns about the brain health of top politicians, such as President Biden and former President Trump, who hold important decision-making positions. Amen argues that it is essential to know what their brains look like before entrusting them with the responsibility of making critical choices. However, the idea of scanning brains for job positions at lower levels may lead to brain discrimination or prejudice. Ultimately, understanding and prioritizing brain health can greatly impact our personal and professional lives.

    • The Power of Positive Habits and Mindset in Shaping Our Brain HealthBy consciously building positive highways in our brains through habits and mindset, and prioritizing brain health through proper nutrition and reducing negative influences, we can potentially improve our overall well-being and reduce the need for certain medications.

      Our brains are highly influenced by our thoughts, behaviors, and external environment. Daniel Amen emphasizes the importance of having a life plan and aligning our actions with our desired outcomes. He highlights that our brains have the tendency to shape themselves based on what we focus on, whether it be positive or negative. Hence, it is crucial to consciously build positive highways in our brains through habits and mindset. Additionally, the information we consume also plays a significant role in our brain health. Constant exposure to negative news can impact our mental well-being, while factors like vitamin D deficiency and infections can significantly affect our brain health. By prioritizing brain health and adopting preventative measures, such as maintaining proper nutrition and reducing exposure to negative influences, we can potentially reduce the need for certain medications and improve our overall well-being.

    • The Connection Between Emotional Health and Brain FunctionBy understanding and optimizing our brain health, we can address negative behaviors and mental health conditions, leading to personal growth and reducing dependence on medication.

      Our emotional and cognitive health are deeply connected to the health and functioning of our brain. When our emotional brain becomes overactive, as seen in cases like long covid, it can lead to a decrease in activity in the cortex, which can result in negative behaviors and mental health conditions such as depression, impulsivity, and even dementia. However, the key to addressing these issues lies in awareness, investigation, and optimization of our brain health. Rather than seeing ourselves as broken or mentally ill, we should focus on becoming the best versions of ourselves and finding ways to enhance our brain function. This approach not only benefits individuals but also has a positive impact on society as a whole, reducing reliance on long-term medication use for mental health conditions.

    • Importance of Sleep for Brain HealthGood sleep is essential for brain health as it allows the brain to remove toxins and harmful proteins. Lack of sleep and sleep apnea increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, but practicing good sleep hygiene and treating sleep apnea can improve brain health.

      Getting sufficient and quality sleep is crucial for brain health. Sleep allows the glymphatic system in the brain to open up, effectively cleaning and washing away toxins and harmful proteins like beta amyloid. Lack of good sleep can lead to a buildup of these toxins, increasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, sleep apnea, characterized by loud snoring and interrupted breathing during sleep, triples the risk of Alzheimer's disease and can cause oxygen deprivation to the brain. Taking care of sleep hygiene, treating sleep apnea, and practicing breath work and meditation can improve heart rate variability and overall brain health. Also, cutting down on alcohol consumption can positively impact sleep quality and brain function.

    • The Impact of Alcohol on the Body and BrainQuitting alcohol can lead to a healthier brain and better decision-making abilities.

      Alcohol can have a significant impact on our body and brain, even in small amounts. Steven Bartlett's experience with monitoring his heart rate variability showed that just a few glasses of wine caused his body to respond as if it were under extreme stress or sickness. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist, also highlighted the damaging effects of alcohol on the brain, particularly its disruption of white matter, which affects information transmission. Quitting alcohol can lead to a healthier brain and better decision-making abilities. This revelation is important for those who may have a casual relationship with alcohol and are unsure of the impact it may have on their overall health and well-being.

    • The Challenges of Quitting Alcohol and the Impact on Brain Health and Social InteractionsSociety's emphasis on alcohol as a social tool can make it difficult for individuals to quit or abstain. Understanding the long-term effects on the brain and prioritizing brain health is crucial for overall well-being.

      Our society places a significant emphasis on alcohol as a means of social interaction. This can make it incredibly challenging for individuals who choose to quit or abstain from drinking. Every social interaction seems to require alcohol, and saying no is often met with resistance or attempts to persuade otherwise. This pressure is reinforced by the strategic use of alcohol and certain foods in restaurants to increase spending and impulse-driven behavior. Furthermore, the long-term effects of alcohol consumption on the brain are evident, with decreased blood flow and changes in brain structure. This can lead to decreased impulse control, which can have negative consequences in various aspects of life, including relationships, parenting, and decision-making. Another important takeaway is that the brain plays a crucial role in sexual desire and function, with blood flow and brain health being major factors. Understanding and addressing the factors affecting one's brain can significantly improve sexual experiences and relationships. Ultimately, it is essential to recognize the influence of societal norms and prioritize our brain health in making decisions about alcohol consumption and sexual well-being.

    • Enhancing Relationships Through Understanding Gender Differences in Brain FunctionAcknowledging and adapting to the emotional differences between men and women can greatly improve communication and support, while prioritizing mental and emotional well-being benefits both genders.

      Understanding the differences in brain function between men and women can greatly improve relationships. By acknowledging that women's brains tend to be more emotionally driven, men can adjust their approach to communication and emotional support. This includes recognizing the best times to engage intimately, such as the two weeks before a woman's period. Additionally, women are more likely to seek help for mental health issues, whereas men may struggle with macho stereotypes and suffer in silence. It is crucial for both genders to prioritize mental and emotional well-being, whether it's through activities like saunas for brain health or regular exercise for longevity.

    • Lifestyle Choices and Brain HealthOur choices, such as exercise and screen time, can directly impact our brain health. Exercise boosts blood flow and neurochemicals, while excessive screen time and social media obsession can lead to mental health issues. Be mindful of the choices you make.

      Our lifestyle choices, such as exercise, cold plunges, and screen time, have a direct impact on our brain health. Exercise not only boosts blood flow but also increases neurochemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Similarly, cold plunges can be helpful for inflammation, pain, and depression, but should be avoided if you have heart problems. On the other hand, excessive screen time wears out our pleasure centers and increases the risk of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, addiction, obesity, and ADHD. Additionally, our society's obsession with social media and constant comparison is damaging to our self-esteem. It is crucial to be mindful of our choices and their effects on our brain health.

    • The Happiness Curve: Finding Contentment in the Journey of AgingAging brings greater contentment, but it's important to prioritize mental health and cultivate positive habits to maintain and enhance happiness. Our own well-being impacts those around us.

      As we age, our level of happiness follows a u-shape pattern. We start off happy, then experience a dip in the middle of our lives, and finally become happier again as we grow older. This can be attributed to the fact that as we age, we tend to be less striving and more satisfied with the nature of our lives. However, it's important to note that depression and dementia also increase with age. So, while aging may bring more contentment, it's crucial to address mental health and keep striving for happiness. Developing positive habits, such as practicing gratitude and finding joy in small moments, can help maintain and enhance happiness throughout life. It's also important to understand that our own happiness has a ripple effect on the people around us, making it a moral obligation to prioritize our own well-being.

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    The Glucose Expert: The Only Proven Way To Lose Weight Fast! Health Experts Are Wrong About Calorie Counting!

    The Glucose Expert: The Only Proven Way To Lose Weight Fast! Health Experts Are Wrong About Calorie Counting!
    Poison or guilty pleasure, the REAL truth about sugar.  Robert Lustig is a Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology and a public health expert on the impact of sugar on our health. He is the author of bestselling books such as, ‘Fat Chance’, ‘Metabolical’, and ‘The Hacking of the American Mind’.  In this conversation, Robert and Steven discuss topics such as, how nearly 75% of grocery items have added sugar, that obesity rates have doubled, the health impacts of childhood obesity and how calorie counting doesn’t help you to lose weight.  00:00 Intro 01:58 Our Minds Have Been Hacked! 05:03 What Dopamine Does to Your Brain 07:53 Sugar Is A Big Problem In Today’s Society 10:28 Why Sugar Is Poison To Our Bodies 11:08 The Difference Between Sugar and Fructose 14:53 This Is How Sugar Is Damaging Your Body 18:29 Damaging Effects on the Brain from Sugar Consumption 22:20 How the Food Industry Is Making You Eat Crazy Amounts of Sugar 25:05 Health Side Effects 27:12 Diet Coke, Saviour or Villain? 35:17 Sugar and the Impact on Our Organs 40:08 How Important Are Calories as a Way to Lose Weight? 43:47 Sugar Addiction, Stress, and Other Triggers 46:03 The Only Foods That Don't Contain Sugar 48:31 Food Labels Are Sending Wrong and Inaccurate Messages 50:16 Babies Are Born Fatter Than Before 51:30 Research on Children's Obesity 54:20 Insulin Resistance 56:00 Can We Reverse Diabetes? 58:34 What Is Leptin & How It’s Involved In Weight Loss 01:02:23 What Are Obesogens & How They Impact Our Health 01:03:31 The 3 Different Types of Fat You Should Be Worried About 01:09:34 Fruit Consumption… Good or Bad? 01:11:45 Environmental Chemicals That Make Us Fat 01:14:16 What Is an Endocrine Disruptor & How Can We Deal with Them? 01:17:11 How To Identify Real Food 01:22:20 The Importance of Fibre in Food 01:27:02 Personal Responsibility 01:34:50 Should the Government Get Involved? 01:39:40 Are We Being Lied To? 01:42:09 The Four C's for Contentment 01:47:19 What Is the Cause of All Our Health Problems? 01:49:46 Last Question   You can purchase Robert’s book, ‘Metabolical’ here: https://amzn.to/4acaseZ  Follow Robert: Twitter - https://bit.ly/4brlsG9  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands Of 1 Person! If Nuclear War Starts, Go To This Country!

    Nuclear War Expert: 72 Minutes To Wipe Out 60% Of Humans, In The Hands Of 1 Person! If Nuclear War Starts, Go To This Country!
    The world could end in 72 minutes, see how the apocalypse plays out Annie Jacobsen is an investigative journalist, New York Times bestselling author, and a 2016 Pulitzer Prize finalist. Her books include, ‘Area 51’, ‘Operation Paperclip’, and ‘The Pentagon’s Brain’. In this conversation Annie and Steven discuss topics such as, how one person could cause the end of the world, what country would survive WW3, how close we are to nuclear war, and the strategic deception of the CIA. 00:00 Intro 01:59 Why Write This Book Now? 06:30 Are We Getting Closer to Nuclear War? 08:05 Who Is in Charge of the Nuclear Button? 12:23 The Evolution of Nuclear Weapons 16:16 Who Has Nuclear Weapons? 21:32 What Is the Football and Why Is Near the President 24/7? 24:30 How Important Is Picking the Right Leader? 28:17 What If the President Is Dead? 29:28 The Biggest Mistakes in Nuclear Detection 32:16 Nuclear War Games and Strategies 38:09 How Do the Decision Makers Cope? 40:32 How Would We Know Where the Nuclear Bomb Got Launched From? 46:02 What Happens After the First Minutes? 51:46 What Happens if the President Dies 53:23 The Aftermath 01:01:59 What Would Happen to a Country After It's Struck by Nuclear Bomb 01:06:51 How Many People Will Die? 01:07:35 Where Is Safe? 01:10:07 What Is the Solution? 01:14:02 How Did Annie's Feelings Change? 01:15:53 Conspiracy or Real? 01:26:55 The Role of the CIA 01:30:36 AI and the War Machine 01:40:55 Is Annie Optimistic? 01:43:37 The Origin of War 01:46:24 The Most Important Takeaway from Annie's Books 01:50:25 The People on Both Sides of Nuclear 01:59:18 The Impact of Your Books on You 02:00:46 Survivors of Nuclear Bomb 02:02:28 Conversations with Her Husband 02:06:18 What Have You Changed Your Mind About? You purchase Annie’s most recent book, ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’, here: https://amzn.to/44yEoRe Follow Annie: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3UNNZQO Instagram - https://bit.ly/3UPDgp5 Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Uber: https://p.uber.com/creditsterms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 161: The Surprising Link Between Your Gut And Your Brain: Gary Brecka

    Moment 161: The Surprising Link Between Your Gut And Your Brain: Gary Brecka
    In this moment, world-leading wellness expert Gary Brecka explains the fundamental relationship between our mental and our gut health. For years people have thought that their anxiety and depression are either all in their head or a product of their environment, however, Gary says the gut is the crucial hub for mental well-being. He believes that our gut functions like an assembly line. If anything disrupts its pace or workings, the wider factory of our body and mind is at risk. As a result, Gary believes that it’s crucial, before anything else, to find out how your gut is working to ensure optimal mental and physical health. Listen to the full episode here: Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/hCYEqDGAsJb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/gcrWn8IAsJb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Gary Brecka: https://www.garybrecka.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Fertility Expert: Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Children & Reducing Your Chances Of Parenthood By 90%! Masturbation Reduces Cancer Risk!

    The Fertility Expert: Delaying Having Kids Is Impacting Your Future Children & Reducing Your Chances Of Parenthood By 90%! Masturbation Reduces Cancer Risk!
    The simplest lifestyle choices are impacting the biggest decisions in a man’s life; entering fatherhood. Dr Michael Eisenberg is a Professor of Urology at Stanford University, and is a male fertility and sexual function specialist In this conversation Michael and Steven discuss topics such as, what is ruining men’s sperm count, the reasons for hair loss, what is causing erectile dysfunction, and the truth about testosterone therapy. (02:02) Why do you do what you do? (02:58) What does reproductive health encapsulate? (04:27) Fertility health is growing (06:14) Researching on fertility issues (06:46) Why are we seeing more infertility? (07:18) Are you concerned about society's fertility issues? (11:14) What chemicals are reducing our sperm count? (13:50) Society measures (14:59) Sperm Quality (20:37) micro plastics affecting sperm count (23:57) Technology and heat fertility damage (30:07) Countries with biggest fertility problems (32:41) Does sitting for long periods affect our sperm count? (33:53) Fertility issues caused by OBESITY (34:46) Alcohol consumption and sperm count (36:32) What you can do to give yourself the best chances of conceiving (39:08) Man or woman, who has the most issues? (40:06) Male testosterone decline (41:31) The impact of exercise on our sperm count (43:04) What does Testosterone do? (45:23) side effects of taking testosterone (48:18) Common symptoms of testosterone use (51:01) Female fertility (51:57) How is Testosterone therapy given? (54:15) Exercise and health impact on testosterone (55:04) Penis average size increasing (57:24) Erectile dysfunction treatments (01:03:58) Pelvic floor strength (01:05:31) What causes cancer in the reproductive system (01:14:20) other male issues Dr Michael is being asked about (01:15:47) Best diets for better fertility (01:24:41) What's next for Dr Michael (01:26:04) biggest concerns (01:27:14) Advice to men who are struggling (01:03:11) Does shock wave therapy work for erectile dysfunction? Follow Michael: Twitter - https://bit.ly/4bazMmQ Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - gives you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices