
    How to Truly Work a Sales Pipeline

    en-usOctober 11, 2023

    About this Episode

    Join Phil and Brianna in the discussion of the Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel and how to manage it effectively.


    We discuss these topics:

    *Building a TRUE sales pipeline or Funnel

    *Create a language for you and your team to compare “apples to apples”

    *How to manage your sales team through the Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel

    *How to manage production through the Sales Pipeline

    *How much business do you REALLY need in the sales pipeline to meet your quota every month?


    Listen to this podcast to learn SALES basics. Join us as we share our experience and experiences designed to give you takeaways that could be implemented immediately into your business.


    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching|bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    Recent Episodes from Been There Sold That

    Your Fee Is Your Fee

    Your Fee Is Your Fee

    Have you ever had a great conversation with a potential client and you want to help them but you know, and they know, that they don’t WANT to afford you? 

    This Podcast is to help coaches and consultants understand the importance of charging their fee and the importance of the client investing in their service. 

    If you’re scared of charging your fee, you have to listen! 


    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    Presentation Skills

    Presentation Skills

    Join Phil and Brianna as they talk about Presentations. 

    Have you ever prepared an information packed PowerPoint presentation? Then as you’re presenting, the audience seemed bored and ready to high tail it out of there? 

    Here we’ll discuss the do’s and don’ts of a sales presentation, (if you’re presenting, you’re probably selling something), and what to do to ensure your audience will love what you have to say! 

    Thanks for listening!

    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    Are You Stuck?

    Are You Stuck?

    Have you and/or your business ever been in a time where you just could not seem to move forward?

    Sales have stalled, employees are becoming frustrated, and the economy related to your industry is not cooperating. You ask yourself, “What can I do.”  

    Phil and Brianna take on this challenging topic. Where no one answer is the solution for everyone or every situation. One broad-based solution is to break down your big situation into small bites. The solution and more great info will be shared.

    Thanks for listening!

    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com




    In sales, it’s What sets you apart from part from your competitors. To a business coach, we call this a unique selling proposition or USP. 

    Ultimately, it comes down to what you’re good at doing, what you want to be known for, and the guarantees you provide for your products and your services. It should be something based on your core values: speed, quality, freshness, etc. You can point back to your core values and it be evident to everyone who interacts with your company.

    During the sales process, you use differentiation to set you (as a salesperson) apart from others who sell the same service. It’s up to the salesperson to ask questions and learn about someone’s business. 

    As always, Phil asks the right questions at the right time: what did you like about what we talked about? What resonated with you? Why is this important to you? THAT is differentiation, asking the potential client what they liked and digging a little deeper. It becomes a tangible differentiator so the salesperson can tailor their presentation to the potential client. Makes perfect, logical sense!

    The outcome? You are building desire! This is getting you one step closer to your sale!
    Then ONE more differentiator…listen to the podcast to hear how you close the sale!


    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    Strategic Planning…do a SWOT Analysis

    Strategic Planning…do a SWOT Analysis

    Do you know where you want to be in 5-10 years?

    What does that look like? Think about it and that's how you begin…start with the End in Mind, but first, you need to know where you are.

    To do that, you need to do a SWOT Analysis.

    This episode walks through a SWOT Analysis that you can do to analyze your business and understand where you are now:

    1. What are your strengths?
    2. What are your weaknesses?
    3. What are your opportunities?
    4. What are the threats?
    5. What are the trends?

    Next analyze your business, what's working and what's not.  Need to figure this out before you figure out how to move forward.

    To get your SWOT worksheet, email bhendley@achievantcoaching.com


    To sign up for Brianna’s weekly newsletter go to www.achievantcoaching.com and subscribe at the bottom of the page. You can also join the GPS to Success Community and sign up for the Make Monday Awesome call, held every Monday from 12-1pm to get motivated and focused for the week ahead.

    To join Phil’s Sales Coaching hour, go to www.beentherecs.com and sign up. It’s held every Wednesday from 12-1pm. You don’t want to miss it!

    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    The  Rockefeller Habits

    The  Rockefeller Habits

    What are the Rockefeller Habits?  Vern Harnish explains them well in the book, “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits” and “Scaling Up”.  The Rockefeller Habits are designed to help businesses grow, scale, and succeed. They include:

    1. *Priorities: Identify and focus on the most important priorities for the
    2. organization. Ensure that everyone is aligned with these priorities.
    3. *Data: Use data and metrics to drive decision-making. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress and success.
    4. *Rhythm: Implement a regular meeting rhythm to keep everyone on the same page. This includes daily huddles, weekly team meetings, monthly strategic meetings, and quarterly planning sessions.
    5. *Customer Feedback: Continuously gather feedback from customers and use it to improve products or services.
    6. *Employee Feedback: Create a culture of open communication and feedback among employees. Regularly solicit input and ideas from the team.
    7. *Processes: Develop and document core processes to ensure consistency and efficiency in operations.
    8. *Accountability: Hold team members accountable for their responsibilities and performance. Ensure that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.
    9. *Goals: Set clear and measurable goals for the organization and individual team members. Monitor progress toward these goals.
    10. *Cascading: Cascade the company's goals and priorities down to all levels of the organization, so that everyone understands how their work contributes to the larger objectives.
    11. *Recognition and Rewards: Recognize and reward employees for their contributions and achievements.

    These habits are often used by businesses to create a framework for sustainable growth and effective management. They emphasize the importance of focus, data-driven decision-making, communication, and accountability in achieving long-term success. This podcast discusses how to apply these habits in your business.

    To sign up for Brianna’s weekly newsletter go to www.achievantcoaching.com and subscribe at the bottom of the page. You can also join the GPS to Success Community and sign up for the Make Monday Awesome call, held every Monday from 12-1pm to get motivated and focused for the week ahead.

    To join Phil’s Sales Coaching hour, go to www.beentherecs.com and sign up. It’s held every Wednesday from 12-1pm. You don’t want to miss it!

    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching| bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    Team Meeting Rhythm

    Team Meeting Rhythm
    What to do with a team that is not performing as well as you would like?  Set up a Team Meeting Rhythm. It allows you to communicate effectively, set expectations, and hold your team accountable!
    Here's what we'll discuss and the importance of each:
    1. Schedule time...and stick to it!
    2. Create a fixed format and structure for the meeting, there are times for quick and dirty and long and meaningful sessions.
    3. Assign Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 
    4. Explain why these meetings are happening 
    5. Be respectful
    6. Ensure the information shared is relevant
    7. Hold each other accountable
    If you're having trouble with your team, 9 out of 10 times it has to do with communication.  Implement this team meeting rhythm into your company and you'll be AMAZED with the results!
    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching|bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    Mastering Your Email Inbox

    Mastering Your Email Inbox
    Does your email inbox overwhelm you? Here’s a quick and easy way to get your emails from 7000+ down to 0! 
    *Add key folders and set up your system for emails
    *Dump items quickly into those folders that you want to save and need immediate action
    *Delete the things that you don't need
    *Create the disciple daily to keep your inbox clean.
    Let us know if you've tried these tips and how they are working for you! 

    Uncomfortable Topics

    Uncomfortable Topics

    Phil and Brianna discuss how to deal with demanding clients and employees and overcome overwhelm whether you are a business owner or a professional.


    We discuss these topics:

    *Handling conflict with co-workers, employees, and clients.

    *The ever-important creation of Policies, Procedures & SOP’s

    *Why everyone needs to learn Time Management

    *The ever-helpful Data Dump or Mind Dump that gets the anxiety out and welcome in the peace!


    Listen to this podcast to learn networking basics. Join us as we share our experience and experiences designed to give you takeaways which could be implemented immediately into your business.

    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching|bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com

    How to Truly Work a Sales Pipeline

    How to Truly Work a Sales Pipeline

    Join Phil and Brianna in the discussion of the Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel and how to manage it effectively.


    We discuss these topics:

    *Building a TRUE sales pipeline or Funnel

    *Create a language for you and your team to compare “apples to apples”

    *How to manage your sales team through the Sales Pipeline or Sales Funnel

    *How to manage production through the Sales Pipeline

    *How much business do you REALLY need in the sales pipeline to meet your quota every month?


    Listen to this podcast to learn SALES basics. Join us as we share our experience and experiences designed to give you takeaways that could be implemented immediately into your business.


    Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant Coaching|bhendley@achievantcoaching.com | www.achievantcoaching.com

    Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | phil@beentherecs.com | www.beentherecs.com