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    Focused Intensity Over Time Will Move the Needle

    en-usNovember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Couple planning seminary education seeks debt eliminationFocus on increasing income and eliminating debt before starting costly education to ensure financial stability and confidence in the future

      A couple, Lydia and her husband, are planning to eliminate as much debt as possible before starting seminary education, which will last for three years and won't cover their living expenses. They currently have credit card debt of $9,000 and student loans of $30,000, and her husband's income is not sufficient to cover their expenses. The speaker on the Ramsey Show advises them to focus on increasing their income and paying off their debt before starting the seminary, as it will give them more confidence and financial stability in the future. The show also promotes a new book, "Breaking Free from Broke," offering bonus items for pre-orders.

    • Consider financial implications before major decisionsBefore making significant life choices, pay off debts and ensure a solid financial foundation to set yourself up for success. Understand the financial realities of career choices and be aware of the true purpose of financial management tools.

      Before making a major decision like attending seminary and potentially living without income for several years, it's important to consider the financial implications and ensure a solid financial foundation. In the case discussed, the couple had been living frugally and had debt to pay off before starting seminary. The speaker advised against rushing into this decision and instead suggested paying off debts first to set themselves up for success. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of understanding the financial realities of a career choice, such as the salary of a priest. The sudden announcement that budgeting app Mint would be shutting down and users encouraged to migrate to Credit Karma sparked concern, as Credit Karma is not a budgeting app but rather focuses on debt and credit products. It's crucial to be aware of the true purpose and capabilities of the tools we use to manage our finances.

    • EveryDollar: A Budgeting App with a Focus on Financial EducationEveryDollar is a budgeting app that prioritizes financial education and offers a debt-free plan, unlike Mint. It's free from debt services and data selling, and provides a training session to help users create financial margin.

      There is a budgeting app called EveryDollar, which goes beyond just tracking expenses and offers guidance and education to help users make a plan for their money and get out of debt. The app, created by Ramsey Solutions, is different from Mint as it focuses on financial education and principles. Additionally, the app does not sell users' information or offer debt services. For those interested, a free training session is being offered to help break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and create financial margin. The Ramsey Solutions Store also has gifts on sale for Christmas, including best-selling books and conversation cards. For someone with significant debt, the first step is to focus on eliminating debt except for the mortgage, and familiarity with the teaching can be increased through the baby steps outlined in the app.

    • Pay off debts to achieve financial freedomPrioritize debt repayment, use snowball method, live below means, pay off debts faster, resume investing with larger contribution, debt-free life, buy a house early, discipline and focus leads to financial success

      Prioritizing debt repayment and living below your means can lead to financial freedom at a young age. The speaker suggested using the debt snowball method to pay off debts, starting with the smallest one, while temporarily pausing retirement contributions to free up extra cash. By living on a smaller income and applying the extra funds towards debt, one can pay off debts faster and eventually resume investing with a larger contribution. This approach can lead to a debt-free life and the ability to buy a house early, even for those in their twenties or thirties. It's important to remember that financial success requires discipline and focus, but the rewards can be significant.

    • Creating a financial plan for unexpected health issuesPrepare for the unknown by creating a detailed budget, projecting future expenses, and consulting a financial professional for peace of mind.

      Having a financial plan in place, especially when dealing with unexpected health issues, is crucial. Eileen, a caller on The Ramsay Show, shared her husband's recent diagnosis of early onset dementia and their concerns about long-term care and insurance. While they have a substantial nest egg, they are both still working and unsure of what the future holds. The experts on the show advised Eileen to consider long-term care insurance, but due to her husband's diagnosis, they may not qualify. They suggested creating a detailed budget, projecting future expenses, and consulting a financial professional for peace of mind. Even though they feel uneasy about their situation, they have set themselves up financially to weather the storm. It's essential to prepare for the unknown and have a solid financial plan to provide security and peace of mind.

    • Consider debt, future goals before splitting retirement contributionsDebt-free and goal-oriented individuals should consider increasing retirement contributions and starting a Roth account for long-term savings benefits

      Understanding your retirement savings options and making informed decisions based on your financial situation can bring peace of mind. The caller, Jake, was unsure about splitting his contributions between a traditional and Roth 401k. The financial experts advised him to consider his current debt-free status and future financial goals before making a choice. Jake was encouraged to increase his contributions to 15% and start contributing to a Roth account, as he was already debt-free and had an emergency fund in place. The experts emphasized that the extra contributions, though seemingly insignificant at the moment, would significantly increase his retirement savings over the long term. They also advised him to consider his comfort level with risk and the importance of not letting fear prevent him from making beneficial financial decisions.

    • Exploring the value of therapy for personal growth and inheritance planningTherapy can aid personal growth and inheritance planning involves creating opportunities for future generations

      Therapy, whether you've experienced trauma or not, can be an effective tool for personal growth and self-improvement. BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, offers flexibility, affordability, and the ability to switch therapists at any time. Chris, a listener, shared his story of receiving an inheritance and seeking advice on how to use it wisely for himself and his children. After a difficult summer losing loved ones, he emphasized the importance of generational wealth and creating meaningful opportunities for his kids. With a half million dollar inheritance and limited debt, Chris considered purchasing real estate as a long-term investment for his family. Despite his modest income, he was encouraged to explore options for a down payment or even buying a property outright. Overall, the discussion highlighted the value of therapy for personal growth and the potential benefits of thoughtful inheritance planning.

    • Prioritize financial stability over large expensesSet aside money for emergencies, invest, and spend wisely to achieve financial freedom and save for retirement, even without a dream home or farm.

      Despite the high costs of real estate and the desire to provide for the next generation, it's important for individuals to prioritize their financial stability by saving and eliminating large expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments. This can be achieved by setting aside money in a high-yield savings account, investing, giving to charity, and spending wisely. Even if one cannot afford their dream home or farm, getting rid of a large expense can lead to financial freedom and the ability to save for retirement. The speaker encourages setting aside a cushion for emergencies and taking deliberate steps towards financial security.

    • Evaluating Priorities and Understanding Full Financial PictureConsider priorities and evaluate full financial situation before making significant decisions, having a solid budget and clear understanding of income and expenses is crucial.

      Barb, a 69-year-old caller, struggled with the decision to invest in a kitchen remodel using her savings, despite having no debt and a substantial nest egg. She had enough money from her social security and part-time job to live comfortably, but was unsure if she had enough for the remodel without sacrificing other savings. Chris, the financial expert, reassured her that it was okay to use some of her savings for a desire like this, as long as she had a solid budget and understood her financial situation. Barb's situation highlights the importance of evaluating priorities and understanding the full financial picture before making significant financial decisions. It also emphasizes the importance of having a solid budget and a clear understanding of income and expenses.

    • Focus on minimum payments and maintaining savings during financial hardshipsMaintain savings and prioritize minimum payments during financial hardships to ensure flexibility and peace of mind. Explore options for debt consolidation or settlement before making hasty decisions.

      During financial hardships, it's essential to focus on making minimum payments and not depleting savings, while actively seeking new sources of income. In the case discussed, the individual was facing unexpected expenses and a recent job loss. Instead of using all available savings for a kitchen remodel or paying off debt in full, it's recommended to maintain savings and prioritize making minimum payments. This approach allows for financial flexibility and peace of mind during uncertain times. Additionally, it's crucial to explore all options, such as debt consolidation or settlement, before making hasty decisions.

    • Managing Debt: Increase Income and Stable Job FirstFocus on income growth and job stability before aggressively paying off debts. Negotiate with creditors or use budgeting apps for effective debt repayment, avoiding debt consolidation services.

      When it comes to managing debt, focusing on increasing income and maintaining a stable job is crucial before attempting to pay off debts aggressively. Debt consolidation, while it may seem like a solution, often doesn't change the behavior that led to the debt and can even make things more difficult by masking the progress being made. Instead, negotiating with creditors directly or using tools like the Every Dollar budgeting app can help pay off debts more effectively without the added cost of a debt consolidation service. Additionally, buying land as an investment should be carefully considered, especially when it comes to having enough cash on hand and not sacrificing long-term financial stability for a short-term gain.

    • Consider debts, income, and affordability before buying more landBefore buying more land, pay off debts, focus on household income, and ensure affordability. Prioritize mortgage payments over new land purchases.

      Before making a significant financial decision like buying more land, it's important to consider current debts, household income, and affordability. The speaker advises against using retirement funds unless absolutely necessary, and instead suggests focusing on paying off existing debts and saving up for the land. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having life insurance to protect one's family in case of unexpected events. In this specific situation, since the listeners have a mortgage and no consumer debt, the speaker recommends prioritizing paying off the mortgage before buying more land.

    • Managing Multiple Financial Obligations with Family MembersCommunicate clearly and plan carefully when managing multiple financial obligations with family members to avoid complex situations. Consider having each family member have their own car to reduce financial entanglements.

      Managing multiple financial obligations, especially those involving family members, can lead to complex situations. In the discussed scenario, the speaker is currently responsible for several financial commitments, including a car loan for a vehicle they share with their mother, who no longer drives. The speaker expressed a desire to transfer the car's ownership to their daughter, who is currently using a different car with a smaller loan. However, they are hesitant to leave their mother without a car since she is still working. The ideal solution, according to the financial expert, would be for everyone to have their own cars, with the speaker's daughter purchasing one and the speaker regaining possession of the car they originally owned. The speaker acknowledged the financial risks they currently face and the need to make a plan to get their financial house in order. The expert suggested setting a timeline for the daughter to save up for a car and selling the shared car to reduce financial obligations. The conversation highlighted the importance of clear communication and careful planning when managing multiple financial commitments.

    • Focus on stopping debt accumulation and creating a budgetTo get out of debt and achieve financial stability, prioritize stopping debt accumulation, create a budget, and tackle debts in order from smallest to largest.

      Prioritizing debt repayment and creating a budget can help individuals get out of debt and achieve financial stability. During the discussion, it was recommended to focus on stopping the accumulation of debt first, and then tackling it in order from smallest to largest. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a clear financial goal and using tools like EveryDollar to help create and stick to a budget. The conversation also touched on the importance of addressing larger debts, such as tax debt, with intensity to get rid of them as soon as possible. Overall, the message was that with determination and a clear plan, anyone can work towards becoming debt-free.

    • Struggling with finances despite high incomeSocietal pressures and desire for certain lifestyle can lead high-income individuals to financial strain, emphasizing the importance of financial education and responsible money management.

      Despite earning a substantial income, many individuals, including high-earning politicians like Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, can still struggle with managing their finances and living paycheck to paycheck. This is due to societal pressures and the desire to maintain a certain lifestyle, even as income increases. The more money one makes, the greater the potential for these pressures and the resulting financial strain. It's important to remember that financial education and responsible money management are essential, regardless of income level. The Speaker of the House, or anyone else, is welcome to reach out for help in improving their financial situation. Our team is here to provide guidance and resources to help individuals get on the path to financial freedom.

    • Considering Marriage for Business and Financial ReasonsMarriage offers emotional and protective benefits, tax advantages, and legal protections for business partners. Commitment, safety, and potential risks should be considered before making a decision.

      While there are financial benefits to getting married when owning a business together, it's important to consider the emotional and protective aspects of marriage as well. During the show, George and Jade discussed a listener's question about the benefits of getting married for business and financial reasons. While there are tax advantages, it's essential to consider the commitment and safety that marriage provides. The speaker emphasized that if the couple is already committed to each other and their business, getting married could be the next logical step. They also mentioned the potential risks and the importance of having the legal protections that come with marriage. In other news, in honor of Veterans Day, Ramsey Solutions is offering Financial Peace University for free to 10,000 veterans. The show ended on a positive note, encouraging veterans to take advantage of this opportunity to improve their financial situation.

    • Pausing 401k contributions during debt repaymentTo pay off debt faster, temporarily pausing 401k contributions can be an option. This decision should be reevaluated post-debt repayment, considering the potential loss of company match. Long-term focus and commitment are essential for making up the lost ground and continuing investment growth.

      During the debt repayment phase of the debt snowball method, it might be necessary to pause contributions to a 401k in order to free up income for faster debt repayment. This decision is temporary and should be reevaluated once the debt is paid off. Although it means giving up a company match, the long-term benefits of becoming debt-free and increasing your investment contributions later on outweigh the short-term loss. This approach requires a strong commitment and the belief that you will make up the lost ground and then some in the future. It's important to remember that the goal is to pay off debt as quickly as possible and focus on long-term wealth building.

    • Using retirement funds as an emergency fundAvoid using retirement investments as an emergency fund due to fees and penalties. Prioritize debt repayment and building an emergency fund before investing.

      Investing before paying off debt and not having an emergency fund can lead to using retirement investments as an emergency fund, resulting in fees and penalties. It's important to prioritize getting out of debt and having an emergency fund before investing. Borrowing from a 401k or other retirement accounts may seem like a shortcut, but it can lead to financial regret. Instead, create a budget and use tools like EveryDollar to help manage your spending and ensure every dollar has a purpose. Avoid taking shortcuts and focus on building a strong financial foundation.

    • Making housing decisions involves careful planning and communicationConsider all variables, communicate openly, negotiate, and weigh pros and cons before making housing decisions

      Making a decision about housing, especially when considering a move due to a relationship or other circumstances, requires careful planning and communication. The speaker in this conversation is trying to decide whether to renew her lease on her apartment or move in with her boyfriend, who owns a home. She's considering various options, such as signing a six-month lease or living with a friend temporarily. However, she's also aware of the potential costs and complications, including higher rent for a shorter lease and the possibility of breaking her lease early. The conversation underscores the importance of considering all the variables and having open and honest discussions with all parties involved. Additionally, the speaker suggests that being friendly and open with apartment complexes can lead to negotiation and potential cost savings. Another topic that comes up is the decision the other caller, JB, faces about whether to renovate his grandmother's house or pay off his car. This conversation highlights the importance of considering multiple options and weighing the pros and cons of each before making a decision. Overall, these conversations illustrate the importance of careful planning, communication, and negotiation when it comes to housing decisions.

    • JB and Kayla's Journey to Financial ResponsibilityPay off debts, create an emergency fund, and manage larger households responsibly to secure a financially stable future.

      JB, after inheriting a house from his grandmother, is determined to pay off his debts, create an emergency fund, and renovate the house using the cash flow from his full-time job and online education. He plans to eventually move in with his girlfriend and potentially rent out the other rooms. Kayla, a caller, recently emerged from a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and is unsure of her next steps, having paid off her debts and received a refund. She and her husband have adopted eight children and acknowledge their past financial mismanagement. Both JB and Kayla's stories illustrate the importance of financial responsibility, whether it's paying off debts, creating a safety net, or managing a larger household.

    • Creating a Solid Financial FoundationBuild an emergency fund of 3-6 months expenses, stick to a budget, and avoid debt to ensure financial stability.

      Having a solid budget and emergency fund are crucial steps to avoiding financial hardships. A couple, who combined earn $240,000 a year, discussed their current financial situation and their goals to build an emergency fund and eventually buy a house. They have no debt except for rent and have a combined income of $240,000 a year. They currently have $25,000 saved but it's only enough for two months of expenses. The expert advised them to create a budget, start with an emergency fund of three to six months of expenses, and then work towards buying a house. They agreed to follow these steps and the expert offered them a year of the "Every Dollar" budgeting tool and a budgeting webinar to help them get started. The expert emphasized the importance of sticking to a budget and avoiding debt to ensure financial stability. The couple expressed their fear of repeating past financial mistakes and their openness to following a plan. They had not gone through Financial Peace University, so the expert offered them a gift of the program to use together as a family.

    • Why Prioritize Life Insurance Over Debt?Secure life insurance early for financial security, prioritize term life insurance, and don't let fear hinder financial growth.

      It's essential to prioritize securing life insurance as soon as possible, even before debt is paid off. Daniel's question about getting life insurance while on Baby Step 2 inspired a discussion on the importance of having life insurance to replace income for dependents and ensure financial security. The experts recommended term life insurance, which is more cost-effective than whole life insurance, and encouraged listeners to contact Zander Insurance for coverage. The conversation also touched on the importance of not letting fear hold us back from taking financial steps towards security and wealth accumulation, as highlighted in 2 Timothy 1:7 and Thomas Stanley's observation that millionaires are risk takers who become wealthy through patience.

    • Focus on employer matches before considering other retirement investmentsPrioritize employer matches, pay off debt, then contribute to Roth and traditional retirement accounts

      Managing retirement savings involves careful consideration of various investment options and prioritizing employer matches. A listener, who is a teacher, was discussing her pension situation and wanting to invest the remaining 8% of her salary. She was considering a Roth IRA, but was unsure about the contribution limit. Her husband, who is a pastor, also had retirement options through his job. The experts advised focusing on employer matches first, then contributing to Roth accounts, and finally traditional accounts if necessary. They also suggested paying off debt before investing to ensure financial stability. The listener was close to being debt-free and planned to resume investing once that goal was achieved. The experts emphasized the importance of understanding the different retirement account types and their advantages.

    • Considering a new income opportunity?Think carefully about costs, potential returns, and personal financial situation before making a decision. Seek advice and validation from trusted sources.

      While it may be tempting to explore new income opportunities, it's important to carefully consider the costs, potential returns, and personal financial situation before making a decision. In the discussion, a retiree was considering adding a rental unit to their property but was advised against taking on a large loan for the project due to potential risks and the long-term return on investment not justifying the upfront cost. It's crucial to have a clear understanding of expenses, potential income, and personal financial goals before making a move. Additionally, seeking advice and validation from trusted sources can help ensure sound decision-making.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    No One Gets Peace From Disorganized Chaos

    No One Gets Peace From Disorganized Chaos
    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "How can I help my girlfriend deal with her ex-husband," "What do we need to know to sell our business?" "Should we pause the Baby Steps to buy a storm shelter?" "How do I budget extra money every month?" "Getting a spouse on board with the Baby Steps," "We disagree about selling our rental," "Is giving excessively the same as over spending?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp Zander Insurance Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📈 Get Dave's personal playbook on investing and real estate. 👕The NEW Ramsey Merch is here! Shop Yetis, sweatshirts, hats and more! These 6 new arrivals are exclusively available only at the Ramsey Store. 💰 Enter the $3,000 Ramsey Cash Giveaway today! Enter daily to increase your chances of winning weekly $500 prizes or the $3,000 grand prize.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usMay 21, 2024

    Quit Trying To Calculate Your Way out of Debt!

    Quit Trying To Calculate Your Way out of Debt!
    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: Why "passive rental income" isn't so passive after all, How to get your masters degree paid for, Getting out of a toxic housing situation, "How can I build wealth by myself?" "Is it okay to move into a nicer home now?" "My wife wants to go into debt for a remodel?" Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite BetterHelp Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🏦 Take Your 3-Minute Money Assessment - Get a personalized money plan! 👕The NEW Ramsey Merch is here! Shop Yetis, sweatshirts, hats and more! These 6 new arrivals are exclusively available only at the Ramsey Store. 📈 Dave Ramsey's personal playbook on investing and real estate. 💰 Enter the $3,000 Ramsey Cash Giveaway today! Enter daily to increase your chances of winning weekly $500 prizes or the $3,000 grand prize.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

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    Buy her book Rich AF: The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life 

    Listen to her podcast Networth and Chill Pod

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to recognize warning signs of a potential layoff and take proactive steps to protect your career and financial stability.
    • Whether everyone possesses the potential to achieve financial wealth and the key factors that contribute to financial success.
    • Practical strategies for increasing your income and improving your financial health, even if you're currently facing financial challenges.
    • Insights on achieving financial comfort without placing excessive emphasis on money itself, focusing on balance and fulfillment.
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    More SOG money-themed episodes we think you’ll love:

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    Young, gifted and broke — navigating the cost of living crisis

    Young, gifted and broke — navigating the cost of living crisis

    How to invest when you’re cash-strapped? What to do if you think your landlord is unfairly demanding more rent? Could moving out of the city save money? Host Claer Barrett and a panel of personal finance experts field questions at the ‘Young, Gifted and Broke: how to navigate the cost of living crisis’ event, organised by the FT Financial Literacy and Inclusion Campaign. With expert tips on renting, investing and budgeting from Margot de Broglie, founder of Your Juno app, Dan Wilson Craw, deputy director at Generation Rent, Timi Merriman-Johnson aka Mr MoneyJar, and Jason Butler, FT columnist and former financial advisor.

    For more free money-mastering resources, check out FT Flic or watch the full recording back here.

    Money Clinic would like to hear from you. If you have an episode idea or want to get in touch, please email us at money@FT.com or DM Claer on social media. She is @ClaerB on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. 

    Presented by Claer Barrett. Produced by Persis Love. Our executive producer is Manuela Saragosa. Sound design is by Breen Turner, with original music from Metaphor Music.

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Check out these fun things:

    Patreon: ⁠https://www.patreon.com/calebhammer⁠ 

    My socials: ⁠https://linktr.ee/calebhammer⁠ 

    Do you want to be in a Financial Audit and you're in the Austin area? Email castingcalebhammer@gmail.com

    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:08 SOFI 07:24 Did you really need this? 11:15 Spend spend Spend 16:21 That must be rough 19:17 You need to budget 27:06 Please just do this 31:57 Clean up this mess 37:00 Absolutely not! 40:54 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

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