
    Defense Against Ideological Possession

    enJanuary 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Our Biases and IgnoranceRecognize biases, be aware of ignorance, strive to learn, and resist simplifying the world through ideological lenses to avoid ideological possession and incomplete understanding of reality.

      Peterson emphasizes that we are naturally biased and ignorant, making us susceptible to being trapped by our own perspectives. Ideologies, he explains, can hijack parts of religious or comprehensive worldviews, simplifying them to the point of distortion. The consequence of ideological possession is a narrow and incomplete understanding of reality. To avoid this, Peterson suggests the importance of recognizing our biases, being aware of our ignorance, and striving to learn as much as we can about the world. Additionally, he encourages us to consider the complexity of the world and resist the temptation to simplify it through ideological lenses.

    • Recognizing and addressing blind spotsIgnoring blind spots can lead to negative consequences, but acknowledging and addressing them can lead to growth and improvement.

      Having blind spots in our understanding of the world can lead to negative consequences. These blind spots can cause us to miss important information or realities, leading us to make incorrect assumptions or decisions. The speaker uses the metaphor of a white van approaching from the left as an example of a potential blind spot. By ignoring or dismissing certain aspects of reality, we may keep encountering the same problems and feel helpless or misunderstanding why they keep happening. However, recognizing and addressing our blind spots can lead to growth and improvement, making it an optimistic perspective. The speaker also emphasizes that we all have areas where we could be doing better, and identifying and working on them can lead to positive changes.

    • Confronting difficult issues is necessary for growthEmbrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, even if uncomfortable, for personal development.

      It's essential to confront and address the difficult issues in our lives, even if it means facing discomfort or uncertainty. According to the speaker, if we sense that something is wrong, even if no one else points it out, we have a responsibility to investigate and make things right. This process can be challenging, as it may involve introspection, self-reflection, and potentially confronting uncomfortable truths. The speaker emphasizes that this is a necessary part of growth and development, and that the things we most need to learn are often the things we resist the most. The idea of facing what's difficult is not a new one, and the speaker references historical examples like the knights of the round table, who were known for their courage and willingness to engage in physical and emotional battles. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to approach life with an optimistic and proactive mindset, recognizing that the challenges we face are opportunities for growth and learning.

    • Recognizing and acknowledging our imperfectionsAcknowledging our mistakes and ignorance is crucial for personal growth and improvement, both anatomically, neurochemically, behaviorally, and mythologically.

      Recognizing and acknowledging our ignorance and mistakes is essential for personal growth and improvement. This idea holds up when examined from various perspectives, including anatomically, neurochemically, behaviorally, and even mythologically or dramatically. The human condition involves falling short of our potential, and it's essential to recognize this reality while also acknowledging our remarkable ability to overcome our shortcomings. This perspective can help us navigate the darkness of our own imperfections and the challenges of the world, ultimately leading to a more optimistic outlook.

    • The transformative power of facing reality's challengesEmbrace the unknown and confront life's harsh realities for personal growth and societal progress.

      Fear and unwillingness to face the harsh realities of life can hinder personal growth and the ability to make positive changes in the world. Instead, it's essential to confront the darkest aspects of reality with the faith that true light can be found in those places. This idea is reflected in the legend of the Holy Grail, which represents the transformative substance or ideal that can be found in the most unexpected and challenging places. The quest for the Holy Grail serves as a reminder that what we need most may be hidden in the places we least want to look, but it's worth the effort to search for it. The legend also highlights the importance of having a shared ideal or consensus of what is good and admirable, which is necessary for society to function.

    • The complexities of the human conditionWe're all works in progress, recognizing our shortcomings leads to growth, and striving to be our best selves is essential.

      Life can be challenging and filled with hardships, but it's also a miracle that we exist and have the ability to shape our own destinies. We may not be utilizing all of our potential, and there is more to us than we realize. The human condition is complex, and we face both internal and external struggles. It's important to acknowledge the harsh realities of life, but also to recognize the incredible resilience and indomitability of life itself. We are all works in progress, and there is always room for growth and improvement. The fundamental question is how much of ourselves we are truly utilizing, and we all have the capacity to thrive if we choose to. The belief that we are fundamentally perfect is an illusion, and it's essential to recognize and confront our shortcomings in order to grow and evolve. Ultimately, the rules and ideals we live by should guide us towards becoming the best versions of ourselves.

    • Understanding the limitations of rulesRules can provide structure, but they have limitations and may not be applicable in all situations. Recognizing their limitations can help us navigate complexities and appreciate their value.

      While rules can be helpful, they have their limitations. The world is too complex to be fully understood or governed by a set of rules alone. Rules can conflict with one another, and they may not be applicable in all situations. This idea is illustrated in the narrative of Christianity, where people are released from the rules of their tyrannical situation in Egypt, only to find themselves lost and confused in the desert. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal relationships and societal structures. It's essential to recognize that jumping out of a familiar, albeit unsatisfying situation may not lead to an immediate or clear improvement, but rather a period of uncertainty and confusion. This understanding can help us navigate the complexities of life and appreciate the value of rules while also recognizing their limitations.

    • Navigating complex ethical situationsEffective leadership involves continuous adjudication between individuals' conflicts, shaping ethical principles from shared moral intuitions, and building societal structures on these foundations

      Effective leadership involves navigating complex ethical situations by extracting rules from them that align with the moral intuitions of those involved. This process of continuous adjudication between individuals' conflicts has led to the development of large-scale social structures, such as legal systems, which are built on our shared moral foundations. It's important to remember that ethical principles don't originate abstractly but rather emerge from our intuitions and experiences. Thus, rules and good behavior are interconnected, not a sequential process. This insight sheds light on the importance of understanding the role of moral intuitions in shaping our ethical representations and the societal structures that evolve from them.

    • Navigating challenges with mutual understanding and creativityEffective governance and societal progress require mutual understanding, creativity, and the ability to confront fears. Symbolic representations like the bronze snake can help us navigate complex moral paradoxes and build a society based on reciprocity and mutual understanding.

      Effective governance and societal progress rely on mutual understanding, reciprocity, and common moral intuitions. The story of Moses illustrates this concept, as Moses navigates the challenges of leading his people by seeking common ground and finding creative solutions to their problems. One such solution is the use of a bronze snake representation, which symbolizes facing and confronting fears rather than avoiding them. This fundamental human ability to represent and confront challenges is a powerful tool for overcoming adversity. The rules and principles that emerge from this process help establish a sense of fairness and justice, even if individuals may not fully understand what is fair. Ultimately, this approach fosters progress and civilization, allowing us to navigate complex moral paradoxes and build a society based on reciprocity and mutual understanding.

    • Seeking enlightenment from a wise guru on a mountainStrive towards an ideal for personal growth and wisdom, accountable to oneself, despite negative emotions, believing in continuous improvement and ambition

      Wisdom and personal growth come from striving towards an ideal, a higher perspective. This idea is encapsulated in the metaphor of going to a mountain to seek enlightenment from a wise guru. The rules and principles we follow in life serve as a pattern to help us become the best version of ourselves, a redemptive character. This process involves holding ourselves accountable to an ideal and working towards its manifestation, despite experiencing negative emotions like shame and guilt. The belief that we can always improve and strive for more is what drives us to ambition and growth.

    • Reflecting on one's actions and striving for personal growthIn the face of adversity, focus on personal growth and redemption instead of blaming external factors.

      Even in the most difficult and unfair circumstances, it's important to reflect on one's actions and strive for personal growth and redemption, rather than blaming external factors. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a Russian author who wrote the Gulag Archipelago after experiencing the Soviet labor camps, recognized this after observing the noble behavior of fellow inmates. He realized that there were worse fates than his own and that he could not rely on external factors like Hitler and Stalin to absolve him of responsibility for his actions. The human capacity for darkness and the potential for acts worse than death underscore the importance of self-reflection and striving for nobility, truth, and honesty.

    • The path to committing atrocities starts with small actionsReflect on actions, consider their impact, and make choices that align with values to avoid moral decay

      The path to committing atrocities doesn't happen all at once. It starts with small, seemingly insignificant actions, like rounding up Jewish men or following orders that go against one's conscience. Over time, individuals can become desensitized and even enjoy carrying out these acts, leading them down a darker path. However, there are also examples of moral resistance, where individuals refused to comply, even if it meant facing severe consequences. Solzhenitsyn, a writer who studied the human condition in extreme situations, emphasized the importance of standing firm in the face of adversity, no matter how difficult it may be. By reflecting on our own actions and considering how they make us feel, we can make choices that align with our values and avoid the slippery slope towards moral decay.

    • The Power of Authentic SpeechBeing true to yourself and speaking honestly can lead to increased strength, self-respect, and personal growth. It's important to recognize the value of honest introspection and the power of redemption through personal growth, even if we can't fix every mistake in our past.

      Being true to yourself and speaking strongly can lead to increased strength and self-respect. This doesn't mean being perfect or never making mistakes, but rather striving to make amends for past wrongs and learning from them to become a better person. Additionally, the power of truthful and forthright speech should not be underestimated, as it can help us navigate difficult situations and maintain our integrity. On the other hand, deceitful and weak speech is a second-rate alternative that ultimately does not serve us well. It's important to recognize the value of honest introspection and the power of redemption through personal growth. While it may be impossible to fix every mistake in our past, we can use our experiences to learn and improve ourselves, ultimately becoming stronger and more authentic versions of ourselves.

    • Embrace life's challenges and focus on personal growthEmbrace life's challenges, prioritize self-respect, and focus on personal growth for resilience and impact

      Life can be challenging and it's important to confront it head-on. Treat yourself with respect and value, and surround yourself with people who support and challenge you to be better. Don't compare yourself to others, but rather focus on personal growth and improvement. The ethos of this mindset, as expressed in Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," can lead to resilience and self-improvement. A notable example is Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who went through a process of confession and atonement to align himself with the good and make a significant impact on history. Life may bring hardships, such as aging and loss, but it's essential to stand up to them and treat yourself and those around you with respect and care.

    • Emphasize self-improvement and personal growthRecognize own advantages and disadvantages, strive to be better, avoid making others dislike us, and seek knowledge to avoid biases.

      Focusing on self-improvement and personal growth, rather than comparing oneself to others, is a more productive and less jealousing approach to life. Peterson emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's own advantages and disadvantages, and striving to be a better version of oneself. Additionally, he advises against allowing children to engage in behavior that makes others dislike them, as this could negatively impact their social development. Overall, the goal is to encourage pro-social behavior and create a positive impact on the world. Peterson also highlights the importance of being aware of one's own biases and ignorance, and the need to actively seek knowledge and understanding to avoid ideological possession.

    • Narrow perspectives can limit understandingAcknowledging blind spots and striving for openness to new ideas can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

      Our perspectives, be it religious or ideological, can limit our understanding of the complex world around us. These beliefs can provide a compelling narrative, but when we narrow our focus and ignore certain aspects, we risk encountering unexpected challenges. It's essential to acknowledge our blind spots and strive to broaden our horizons to avoid being "flattened" by reality. The possibility of our own ignorance causing a significant portion of our misery is both humbling and optimistic, as it suggests that expanding our knowledge and openness to new ideas could lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

    • Identifying and addressing personal shortcomingsRecognizing and addressing personal mistakes and shortcomings leads to positive change, including personal growth and improvement.

      We have the power to improve our circumstances by acknowledging and addressing our mistakes and shortcomings, rather than blaming external factors. We all have areas where we can put in more effort or change our behavior, and identifying and addressing these issues can lead to positive change. Additionally, recognizing and confronting our inner critic and addressing errors of conscience can be difficult but ultimately lead to personal growth and improvement. The human tendency to avoid confronting uncomfortable truths can make this process challenging, but it's important to remember that the things we don't want to learn are often the things we need to learn the most.

    • Embracing Ignorance and Striving for ImprovementRecognize our imperfections, focus on getting better, and embrace ideas as guidelines for action. Overcome common struggles like unclear targets, fear of success, and lack of necessary tools.

      Acknowledging our ignorance and past mistakes, and striving to improve, is a fundamental aspect of human life. We all fall short of our optimal selves, and it's important to recognize this reality instead of being contemptuous or unhappy about it. By focusing on getting better, we can make a positive impact on ourselves and those around us. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding ideas as guidelines for action, and encourages the examination of ideas from various perspectives to ensure their validity. He also introduces the concept of "sin" as missing the target in life, and highlights the common struggles of not having a clear target, not aiming, having a vague target, not having the necessary tools, and being afraid of success. Ultimately, the goal is to find solid ground in the form of ideas that help us move forward in the world, despite our inherent ignorance and imperfections.

    • The potential for light and optimism amidst darknessThrough facing the darkness, we can transform ourselves and improve the world, embodying ideals for intelligent and wise hope

      Despite the darkness and negativity that exists in the world and in ourselves, there is always the potential for light and optimism. This idea, which can be traced back to ancient beliefs about the Holy Grail, suggests that by ingesting or embodying ideals, we can transform ourselves and improve the world around us. It's important to face the darkness rather than turning away from it, as this can help us develop the capability to deal with the world as it is and move beyond its current state. The search for this transformative light can be a source of intelligent and wise hope, even in the face of great adversity.

    • The complexities of life and self-discoveryDespite challenges, we have the capacity to shape our destinies, discover new aspects of ourselves, and tap into our untapped potential.

      Life can be full of challenges and hardships, and the things we most need or desire may be found in unexpected or difficult places. The human condition is complex, and we are faced with both great adversity and incredible resilience. It's easy to become complacent or pessimistic, but it's important to remember that we have the capacity to shape our own destinies and discover new aspects of ourselves. The journey to self-discovery may lead us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities, but it's also a testament to the indomitable spirit of life and the potential for growth and transformation. Ultimately, we all have untapped potential within us, and the fundamental religious question may be to ask how much of that potential we are truly utilizing.

    • Navigating the Confusion Between Rules and Personal GrowthRules have limitations and cannot fully capture the complexity of the world. Personal growth requires leaving restrictive situations and embracing the confusion that follows.

      While rules can be helpful in guiding behavior, they have limitations and cannot fully capture the complexity of the world. The speaker argues that people are not fundamentally perfect, and the idea that one can be content with their current state is a fallacy. The rules that we follow often conflict with one another, and trying to map out the world with rules alone is an inadequate approach. The speaker uses the narrative of Christianity as an example, highlighting how the Old Testament depicts people behaving poorly without clear rules, and how Moses led the people out of this confusion to receive the Ten Commandments. This process of leaving a restrictive situation and navigating the confusion that follows is a universal experience, whether it's a social tyranny like a job or a personal struggle. The speaker encourages self-reflection on this theme, asking individuals to consider if they are truly content with their current situation or if they are longing for something more.

    • Uncertainty and chaos in the absence of clear rules or authorityEven in uncertain times, good judgments can be made through careful consideration and understanding of all perspectives.

      Making radical changes in life or society can lead to uncertainty and chaos, as people struggle to adapt and find their way in the absence of clear rules or authority. This was the experience of the Israelites in the desert after leaving Egypt, who were surrounded by constant arguments and the generation of false idols. This situation can be compared to the modern world, where the absence of a clear moral authority has led to an overwhelming number of choices and conflicting values. However, even in the midst of chaos, it is possible to make good judgments and find solutions that take into account the interests of all parties involved, leading to a more peaceful resolution. This process requires careful consideration and a willingness to listen to and understand the perspectives of others. Ultimately, the journey through the desert, filled with uncertainty and conflict, can lead to valuable lessons and growth.

    • Understanding ethical representations through moral intuitionsEffective governance relies on mutual understanding and agreement of ethical behavior, which emerges from our moral intuitions and is facilitated by representation and dialogue.

      Our moral and ethical systems are built on common moral intuitions and the ability to find common ground through dialogue and representation. This process of extracting general principles from individual conflicts and creating rules based on those principles is what allows us to build civilizations. It's important to remember that ethical representations emerge from our moral intuitions, not the other way around. Effective governance requires a reciprocal understanding and agreement on ethical behavior. The story of Moses illustrates this concept through the use of a bronze snake representation to help people confront and overcome their fears. This fundamental rule of human learning, to represent and confront our fears, is a powerful tool for growth and development, even in the face of adversity. The story also highlights the importance of understanding the distinction between God's actions and human weakness and ingratitude.

    • Rules as a guide to personal growthRules help us strive towards becoming the best version of ourselves, providing a sense of fairness and reciprocity, even if we don't fully understand the underlying principles.

      Rules serve as a foundation for guiding our behavior and shaping our character. They provide a sense of fairness and reciprocity, even if we don't fully understand the underlying principles or the ideal we're striving towards. The rules themselves may not be easy to follow, but the ultimate goal is to become the best version of ourselves, which can bring redemption and personal growth. The idea is not limited to religious contexts, but can be applied to our everyday lives as we navigate the complexities of human behavior and morality. Ultimately, the rules help us to hold ourselves accountable to an ideal, even if we may not always fully understand it, and the striving towards that ideal can lead to personal growth and improvement.

    • The power of personal growth and transformationEven under challenging circumstances, people can act nobly and truthfully, leading to personal growth and redemption

      Our sense of self-worth and the desire to improve ourselves are deeply ingrained in human nature. The feeling of not being everything we could be can be a source of shame and guilt, but it can also be a powerful motivator for personal growth and transformation. Solzhenitsyn's experience in the work camps showed him that even under the most challenging circumstances, people could still act nobly and truthfully. This realization shook him to his core and led him to question his own actions and motivations. Ultimately, the idea that we can manifest abstract principles to redeem ourselves and atone for our shortcomings is a powerful one, and it's a reminder that there is always room for growth and improvement, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be.

    • The Power of Small Steps Down a Morally Compromised PathEven seemingly ordinary people can become complicit in horrific acts when they allow themselves to take small steps that go against their conscience.

      The book "Ordinary Men" serves as a stark reminder of how people can be pushed to commit unspeakable acts when they take small steps down a morally compromised path. The story follows a group of German policemen who were tasked with rounding up and deporting Jews during World War II. At first, they resisted, but as the demands from their commanders grew more extreme, some of the men began to participate willingly. Others were ostracized for refusing. This book illustrates how even seemingly ordinary people can become complicit in horrific acts when they allow themselves to take small steps that go against their conscience. It's a cautionary tale about the importance of standing firm in the face of moral dilemmas, no matter how difficult it may be.

    • The power of our wordsBecoming aware of our words and aligning them with positive emotions and actions can lead to personal growth, increased confidence, and resilience.

      Becoming aware of and taking control of our words can lead to personal growth and strength. By listening to ourselves and considering how we feel when we speak, we can begin to align our words with positive emotions and actions. Practicing this can lead to increased confidence and resilience, allowing us to face challenges and obstacles with greater ease. Additionally, reflecting on past mistakes and making amends can help us atone for our errors and become better versions of ourselves. Ultimately, the power of our words lies in our ability to use them to build ourselves up rather than tear ourselves down.

    • Embrace challenges and work on self-improvementFocus on understanding and fixing root causes, value yourself, surround yourself with supportive people, and continuously strive for self-improvement

      Life can be difficult and filled with challenges, but it's important to confront those challenges head-on and strive for self-improvement. Instead of making frivolous wishes, focus on understanding and fixing the root causes of your problems. Treat yourself with respect and value, recognizing your potential to make a positive impact on the world. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your abilities and help you grow. Remember, the ethos of life is to stand up straight, confront the world, and continuously work on becoming the best version of yourself.

    • Focus on self-improvement and treating yourself with respectPrioritize self-improvement, respect yourself, raise children with pro-social behavior, maintain a clean moral compass, follow your instinct for meaning, assume others know something, and foster open-mindedness.

      It's important to treat yourself with respect and focus on self-improvement, rather than comparing yourself unfavorably to others or seeking radical acceptance from friends. Additionally, raising children with pro-social behavior and maintaining a clean moral compass are crucial for personal development and positive interactions with the world. Another key point is the importance of honesty and following your instinct for meaning, as these principles guide us towards making better decisions and living authentic lives. Finally, assuming that the person you're listening to knows something you don't can help foster open-mindedness and productive conversations.

    • Engaging in meaningful conversations with unusual individuals can be like reading a captivating novelCuriosity, resilience, and precision are essential in life. Engage in meaningful conversations, set clear goals, and allow children to take risks to grow. Endure uncontrollable circumstances and find beauty in the journey.

      Engaging in meaningful conversations with unusual or seemingly improbable individuals can lead to fascinating discoveries and new perspectives. These conversations can be compared to reading a captivating novel, as they often reveal unique experiences and knowledge that we may not have encountered otherwise. Moreover, being precise in our speech and setting clear goals can help us focus and increase our chances of achieving what we desire. It's essential to remember that life carries risks, and we may not always get what we want, but we must continue to strive towards our goals and appreciate the small victories along the way. Additionally, allowing children to take risks and confront challenges can help them grow and prepare for adulthood. Lastly, when faced with uncontrollable circumstances, enduring and staying focused on the present moment can help us navigate through difficult times and find beauty in the journey. Overall, these rules emphasize the importance of curiosity, resilience, and precision in our lives.

    • Building our 'arc' and making good decisionsJordan Peterson encourages us to make good decisions to improve ourselves and the world, emphasizing the power of each choice to change the world. Despite challenges, he believes in the light and encourages open communication and taking risks.

      We're at a pivotal point in our psychological and technological development where we need to be more self-aware and prepared for the complex decisions we'll face. We don't always know what these decisions will be, but we must be ready. Jordan Peterson encourages us to build our "arc" and make good decisions to improve ourselves and the world. He believes that people are remarkable and capable of great things, and that each decision we make has the power to change the world. Despite the challenges, he emphasizes that the light outweighs the dark, and encourages open communication and taking risks. Even in relationships, differences can be difficult, but good will and similarities can help overcome them. Ultimately, we have the power to change the world with every decision we make.

    • Effective Communication and Negotiation in RelationshipsUnderstanding each other's needs and finding mutually beneficial solutions are key to maintaining healthy relationships. Negotiation requires active listening, empathy, and compromise.

      Effective communication and negotiation are crucial for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. This includes understanding each other's needs, desires, and sources of frustration, and finding mutually beneficial solutions to address them. The importance of negotiation extends beyond romantic relationships, as it can also help prevent conflicts from escalating into larger issues. However, negotiation can be challenging due to the complexity of human emotions and motivations. It requires active listening, empathy, and a willingness to compromise. Despite the difficulties, the alternative to negotiation can lead to unhappiness, conflict, or even abuse. As the speaker emphasized, it's important to remember that ongoing communication and negotiation are essential for building and maintaining strong relationships.

    • Understanding the Complexity of ForgivenessForgiveness involves acknowledging past mistakes, understanding reasons, making amends, and preventing future occurrences. Balance mercy and justice, and use discernment.

      Forgiveness is a complex process involving acknowledgement of past mistakes, understanding the reasons behind them, making amends, and preventing future occurrences. It's not about excusing bad behavior or ignoring the consequences, but rather about allowing for redemption and growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of balance between mercy and justice, and the need for discernment in forgiving. Additionally, people may resist the truth because it can be painful and challenging to accept, leading them to deny or attack those who bring it to light.

    • The truth can be painful but necessary for growthFacing the truth, even if difficult, is essential for personal growth and living a meaningful life

      The truth can be painful and difficult to face, but it's necessary for personal growth and redemption. The human tendency to avoid the truth can lead to accumulation of falsehoods and eventual destruction. The truth, much like a sword, can cut away what's not useful, but the alternative - avoiding it - can lead to slow, painful decay. The neural response to the truth being revealed is akin to a living thing dying, which can be painful and daunting. However, it's essential to face the truth, even if it's hard, as it's the only way to move forward and live a meaningful life.

    • Embrace the challenges of lifeLife isn't about seeking impulsive pleasures, but rather an adventure with challenges that push us to our limits. Embrace these challenges for growth and self-discovery.

      Life isn't about having fun or seeking impulsive pleasures, but rather an adventure that challenges us and pushes us to our limits. Using the story of Abraham as an example, the speaker emphasizes that we are not meant to live our lives in our father's tent, but rather to go out and experience the world, even if it comes with hardships and obstacles. We are tough and capable beings, and our lives are meant for something more significant than mere amusement. The speaker encourages listeners to read Jordan Peterson's books, such as "12 Rules for Life" and "Maps of Meaning," for a deeper exploration of these ideas. Overall, the message is to embrace the challenges of life and view them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

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    - Links -


    For Premier Danielle Smith:


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DanielleSmithAB/


    LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/abdaniellesmith


    Info Page: https://www.alberta.ca/premier.aspx

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    - Links -


    For J. D. Haltigan:


    On X https://x.com/jdhaltigan?lang=en


    Website https://www.jdhaltigan.com/


    Substack https://substack.com/@jdhaltigan 

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    - Links -


    For David Kipping


    On X https://x.com/david_kipping?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Cool Worlds on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@CoolWorldsLab

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    - Links -


    For Tommy Robinson:


    On X https://x.com/TRobinsonNewEra?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor 

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    - Links -


    Buy Tickets to “Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot”  https://www.angel.com/tickets/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot?utm_source=google-ads&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkJm0BhBxEiwAwT1AXNLKBwIwZgec8P6mId1nHLkQiJLyUWRUSU6RfngcU_rdJtWuStXtgxoCTpAQAvD_BwE


    “Sound of Hope” website https://www.angel.com/movies/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot


    Press and Cast information https://www.angel.com/press/sound-of-hope-the-story-of-possum-trot 

    Conservative Failings and the Reform UK Party | Nigel Farage

    Conservative Failings and the Reform UK Party | Nigel Farage

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage. They discuss his ongoing campaign to lead the country, the failings and false promises of the UK Conservative Party, the importance of self-sovereignty for a nation to thrive, why Farage is being called a populist, and why the Western world is swinging back to the Right.


    - Links -


    For Nigel Farage:


    On X https://x.com/Nigel_Farage?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Reform UK https://www.reformparty.uk/ 

    460. AI, Internet Scams, and the Balance of Freedom | Chris Olson

    460. AI, Internet Scams, and the Balance of Freedom | Chris Olson

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with cybercrime expert and CEO of The Media Trust, Chris Olson. They discuss the key targets for cybercrime, dating and other online scams, what legislative measures for internet safety might look like, and the necessary sacrifice major companies need to make for a better digital ecosystem.


    Chris Olson is the CEO of The Media Trust, a company founded with the goal of transforming the internet experience by helping technology and digital media companies create a safer internet for people. Under his leadership, the company invented the world's first digital data compliance, Children's Online Privacy (COPPA) and website/mobile-app malware scanning technologies. Through infrastructure in 120 countries, The Media Trust protects billions of people every month from digital attacks. Fortune 10 to hundreds of small and medium-sized tech and digital media companies leverage The Media Trust to protect their customers from digital harm and unwanted data collection.



    - Links -


    For Chris Olson:


    Website https://mediatrust.com/


    The Media Trust Social Media


    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-media-trust/


    X https://x.com/TheMediaTrust


    Chris’ Social Media


    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisolsondigitaltrustandsafety/

    X https://x.com/3pc_chrisolson?lang=en 

    459. Texas Children's Hospital Exposed for Illegal Gender Affirming Care | Dr. Eithan Haim

    459. Texas Children's Hospital Exposed for Illegal Gender Affirming Care | Dr. Eithan Haim

    Dr. Jordan Peterson sits down with trauma surgeon and whistleblower, Dr. Eithan Haim. They discuss the Texas Children’s Hospital, their illegal continuation of gender affirming care, the pathology and lies attached to the treatments, and why Dr. Haim blew the whistle when so many in his field remain silent (or worse, lie).

    Dr. Haim is a General and Trauma Surgeon in Greenville, Texas. He recently finished his general surgery training at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, where he was a resident from 2018 to 2023. During this time, he helped expose Texas Children’s Hospital, the largest children’s hospital in the world, for lying to the public about the existence of their pediatric sex change program.


    - Links -

    For Dr. Eithan Haim:

    Legal defense fund via GiveSendGo - https://www.givesendgo.com/texas_whistleblower


    458. Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh

    458. Strictness Absent Tyranny Leads to a Great Education | Katharine Birbalsingh

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with the headmistress of the Michaela Community School, Katharine Birbalsingh. They discuss the importance of K-12 education, why it matters more than the universities in regard to the formation of thinking minds, how children can pursue both excellence and a life of dignity, and why strictness, absent tyranny, is the best form of education.


    Katharine Birbalsingh is Headmistress and co-founder of Michaela Community School and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commission. She is known as “Britain’s Strictest Headmistress”, following the ITV documentary about Michaela. Michaela’s Progress 8 score placed the school top in the country the last two years. In 2023, OFSTED graded the school as “Outstanding” in every category. Birbalsingh read “Philosophy & Modern Languages” at the University of Oxford and has always taught in inner London. She has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and podcasts and has written for several publications. Birbalsingh has also written two books and edited another two, the last of which is “The Power of Culture,” which is about Michaela.  Birbalsingh was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2020 and Honorary Fellow of New College, Oxford in 2021.


    This episode was recorded on June 15th, 2024



    - Links -


    For Katharine Birbalsingh:


    On X https://x.com/miss_snuffy


    Documentary on the Michaela school  www.strictestheadmistress.com


    Website for the Michaela Community school in Wembley, London. Here you can sign up for a visit www.michaela.education 

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    457. God, Marxism, and the Fall of the West | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. They discuss the subversion of the West, how the pursuit of truth has become the ownership of it, the corruptive nature of the oppressor/oppressed power narrative, the importance of Christian ideals, and why a push for restoration is more necessary than ever before.


    Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, a Senior Fellow with the Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at The Harvard Kennedy School, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the bestselling author of “Infidel” (2007) and “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now” (2015). Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, Hirsi Ali strove to live as a devout Muslim during her early life, but in 1992, fled to the Netherlands to escape a forced marriage. She became a citizen and went on to study at the University of Leiden. From 2003 to 2006, Hirsi Ali served as an elected member of the Dutch parliament and then moved to the U.S., where she founded the AHA Foundation to protect and defend the rights of women from harmful traditional practices. In 2024, Hirsi Ali founded Restorationbulletin.com, where she explores the forces of subversion plaguing Western society.



    - Links -


    For Ayaan Hirsi Ali:


    On X https://twitter.com/Ayaan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor


    Restoration Bulletin https://www.restorationbulletin.com/

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