
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Your Authenticity and Unleashing Your Unique PotentialEmbrace your uniqueness and explore your authentic self. By letting go of societal pressures and trends, you can gain self-confidence and unlock a fresh perspective on life.

      Establishing our own unique identity is an important task we face, especially in our twenties. While it may sometimes feel impossible on a planet with billions of people, each of us is a wonderfully unique pattern of experiences that sees the world differently. It is important to embrace and explore what makes us authentic and individual. We can unlearn the need to conform and follow trends, and instead focus on expressing our true selves. By embracing our uniqueness, we can unlock a new outlook on life and gain self-confidence. Striving for uniqueness and leaving a lasting impression on the world is a natural desire for human beings.

    • The Psychological and Social Factors Behind the Desire to be Unique and DifferentThe desire to be unique and different is driven by the need for self-expression, personal fulfillment, and the search for meaning in life. It is a trend that has emerged in recent generations, allowing for the celebration of diverse identities and nonconformity. In the stage of emerging adulthood, individuals navigate through the process of establishing a unique identity and self-discovery.

      The desire to be unique and different stems from psychological and social factors such as self-expression and social differentiation. It allows individuals to experience personal fulfillment, foster their own sense of self, and feel like their life has meaning. In recent generations, there has been a rising preoccupation and desire to be unique, which is a change from the era of social conformity in the past. The acceptance of different stories and identities has created a trend towards nonconformity and the celebration of being different. This process of establishing a unique identity is particularly important during emerging adulthood, from 18 to 29 years old. It involves navigating identity versus role confusion and striving to distinguish oneself from others. Trying on different identities is part of the self-exploration process needed for true self-discovery.

    • Cultivating Uniqueness Through Understanding and Embracing Our IdentityBy examining and embracing the core elements of our identity, we can create a genuine and unique sense of self, steering clear of imitation and allowing for organic growth.

      Understanding the core elements of our identity is crucial for cultivating our uniqueness. Our identity consists of various buckets, including personal history, values and beliefs, social identity, interpersonal relationships, personal goals and aspirations, traits and abilities, interests and hobbies, and accessories. Each individual's composition of these buckets is unique, creating our own distinct identity. To be truly unique, we must root ourselves in something organic and authentic rather than trying to copy and paste versions of others we see on social media. This requires taking a long look at ourselves and recentering by asking reflective questions. By understanding our identity and staying true to ourselves, we can cultivate our uniqueness and establish our identity in a natural and fulfilling way.

    • Embracing Authenticity: Breaking Free from the Expectations of OthersDon't lose your unique self by conforming to others' expectations. Reflect on what truly matters and avoid anyone or anything that shames your individuality. Challenge societal beliefs to cultivate an authentic version of yourself.

      We often conform and change ourselves to seek approval from others, which hinders our authenticity and individuality. When we constantly seek the opinions of others, we shift our behavior and expression to fit their expectations, losing touch with what makes us unique. It is important to reflect on what part of our existence would no longer be relevant if we were seeking the opinions of those around us. In order to maintain our sense of self, it is crucial to avoid anything or anyone that shames us for our individuality and to hold ourselves accountable. Additionally, we should challenge our socially ingrained beliefs and break out of our epistemic bubble to cultivate a better, unique, and authentic version of ourselves.

    • Embracing Unconventional Thinking for Individuality and AuthenticityEmbrace and question societal norms to discover your unique self. Explore different perspectives, avoid conformity, and focus on personal comfort and style rather than seeking social approval through material possessions.

      Embracing unconventional thinking and questioning societal norms leads to individuality and authenticity. It is important to explore thoughts and beliefs on topics like religion, beauty, happiness, success, and politics, as this creates a tapestry of unique experiences. The twenties are an ideal time for this exploration, as it becomes increasingly difficult to accept new perspectives with age. To foster uniqueness, expose yourself to new ideas through podcasts, books, articles, and social media accounts that offer different perspectives. It is also crucial to unfollow individuals who promote conformity and trends that hinder self-expression. Trends and consumerism can create social hierarchies and limit individuality. Rather than seeking social approval through material possessions, focus on what truly makes you comfortable and reflects your own personal style.

    • Cultivating Authenticity and Identity through Nature and CreativitySpending time in nature and pursuing creative activities helps us discover new aspects of our identity, express ourselves uniquely, and become more interesting individuals.

      Spending time in nature and engaging in creative activities are essential for cultivating our authentic selves and maintaining our sense of identity. Nature provides us with stimuli and experiences that help rewire our brains, allowing for contemplation and exposure to interesting stories and learning experiences. This, in turn, allows us to express ourselves differently and be unique. Similarly, engaging in creative activities allows us to enter a flow state where we can access hidden parts of ourselves and discover new facets of our identity. These activities do not require expertise, as the goal is to activate different parts of our brain and view information in novel ways. By prioritizing these experiences, we distinguish ourselves and become more interesting individuals.

    • Embracing Uniqueness and Self-Awareness in a World of Social MediaRemember to prioritize activities that showcase your individuality and allow you to build a unique identity. Embrace your uniqueness and understand your worth, avoiding the negation of others' individuality.

      Each individual possesses unique qualities that make them special and distinct from others. While social media and technology may offer addictive experiences, it is important to not lose sight of the activities that truly bring flavor and color to our lives. Finding that one thing that uplifts our imagination and allows us to build a unique identity is crucial. Self-awareness and uniqueness go hand in hand. We each have our own set of fingerprints, ear measurements, body odor, scars, moles, freckles, and pores that make us unlike anyone else in the world. Our thoughts and expressions of love are also indescribably individual. Embracing our uniqueness and understanding that we are walking miracles can serve as a valuable reminder of our worth and place in the world. Labeling others as "basic" is a way of negating their individuality and should be avoided.

    • Embracing Individuality: Finding Meaning and Purpose in AuthenticityEmbrace your true self, accept your uniqueness, and express it confidently. By living authentically, you can find new meaning in your life and contribute your unique contribution to the world.

      Embracing our uniqueness and individuality brings meaning and purpose to our lives. We often fear being seen as basic or like everyone else, especially in the age of social media where we are bombarded with countless reflections of ourselves. However, true uniqueness is not about trying to be something that we're not, but rather about accepting and expressing our authentic selves in a way that sets us apart. This journey towards being unique requires constant self-reflection, growth, and adaptation, and it's not something to be taken lightly. By living our lives as if we are the only version of ourselves, we can find new meaning and importance in our existence. So, let's embrace our individuality and confidently contribute our own unique tapestry to the world.

    Recent Episodes from The Psychology of your 20s

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    215. Are you living in survival mode?

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    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    214. The secret to love? Go SLOW ft. Therapist Moe Ari Brown

    214. The secret to love? Go SLOW ft. Therapist Moe Ari Brown

    We all want long lasting, passionate, meaningful love and in our 20s it can hard to figure out exactly how to find that. With so many 'rules' around what to do, pacing, when to become exclusive, when to say 'I love you', when to move in together, it seems the secret is to go slow and build emotional intimacy. In other words, embrace the power of the slow burn, the 'slowmance' and low pressure beginnings. 

    In this episode we are joined by Hinge's Love & Connection Expert, Moe Ari Brown as they discuss how to slow down and properly build a foundation for sustainable love, why we can often be overwhelmed by the need to speed things up and jump right in, ignoring intuition out of our fear of rejection, and where that can lead us. That and so (SO) much more. Listen now! 

    Follow Moe here: @loveoutproud

    View the new Hinge report: https://hinge.co/press/2024-GenZ-Report

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast here: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    213. Bring back adult playdates!

    213. Bring back adult playdates!

    Is the secret to a happier, less stressful, more connected life actually play? A lot of the research is telling us so! As we get older sometimes we lose a bit of our joy, awe and wonder, and the time we have for our friendships becomes more restricted by work, obligations, distance, commitment and seriousness. In today's episode, let's talk about why the solution to that may be to bring back adult playdates, including: 

    • The psychology behind why play is important
    • The loneliness epidemic 
    • Why our sense of connection has become disrupted 
    • Our 8 play personalities 
    • The power of parallel play 
    • Microhabits for creating playfulness and fun, and so much more! 

    Listen now! And don't forget to schedule your playdate!!

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    212. The psychology of self doubt

    212. The psychology of self doubt

    Our self doubts are what is keeping us in our own way. It is the foundation for our inner critic to tell us: you're not good enough, you're not talented enough, intelligent beautiful, hardworking to have the life and success you want. When we let our self doubts take control, it often means that we end up self handicapping or sabotaging before we get to the start line. In today's episode we are going to talk about the psychology of self doubt and how to silence those false beliefs, including: 

    • The origin of false beliefs in childhood experiences
    • The impact of bullying on adult identity 
    • Overcoming failure and setbacks 
    • Imposter syndrome + self sabotage 
    • The power of a persona + the batman effect 
    • Doubting your own doubts 
    • Asking 'why not you?', and so much more

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquires: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    211. The problem with 'toxic' positivity

    211. The problem with 'toxic' positivity

    Today on the podcast we are talking about toxic positivity and the problem with always being positive and putting a fluffy, warm, positive spin on things. Often our unrealistic optimism comes from a good place and our desire to be happy all the time but any person knows that isn't always possible. We break down: 

    • The reason we gravitate towards toxic positivity
    • What toxic positivity looks like
    • The impact of wellness and self help content
    • The consequences for our mental health 
    • The consequences for our emotional intelligence 
    • Why people who accept negative emotions are ACTUALLY happier
    • How to practice emotional acceptance and healthy positivity 

    All of that and so much more, listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    210. The 5 BIGGEST red flags for relationships in our 20s

    210. The 5 BIGGEST red flags for relationships in our 20s

    We all know what red flags are, they tend to be universal at any age, but there are some redflags that are specific to our 20s, certain features of a relationship during this decade to look out for even if they don't look concerning at first. On today's episode we talk about the five biggest red flags for relationships in our 20s, including: 

    1. Relationships that stop you from having experiences
    2. Relationships that cause emotional chaos 
    3. Relationships that don't celebrate or encourage you
    4. All or nothing relationships 
    5. Fatal attractor relationships 

    We also explore the psychology and of course the research behind why these can be so damaging to help us find more sustainable and healthy love during this decade. Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    209. Navigating post-graduation blues ft. Therapist Liz Kelly

    209. Navigating post-graduation blues ft. Therapist Liz Kelly

    The period after graduation can be really difficult, filled with emotions like grief, anxiety, worry about the future, loneliness and nostalgia as we leave the structure and comfort of college and university for the big, confusing real world. In today's episode we break down the psychology of the post-graduation blues, including: 

    • What defines this experience
    • How long does it last? 
    • The loss of friends as well as security and stability 
    • What triggers our unease
    • How we can embrace the fear and uncertainty 
    • Setting realistic goals for our first year post graduation 

    This and so much more, all with some amazing advice and wisdom from our guest, the therapist Liz Kelly, author of the book 'This Book Is Cheaper Than Therapy'. Listen now! 

    Buy Liz book here: https://www.amazon.com.au/This-Book-Cheaper-Than-Therapy/dp/1962305007 

    Follow Jemma here: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast here: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    Very few of us ever receive an education on coping. We are taught bad things happen, we are taught pointless math equations, we are taught to grin and bear it, but not effective psychological ways of integrating stressful, painful, frustrating experiences. In this episode, we break down the psychology of coping mechanisms, including: 

    • Problem focused vs. emotion focused coping
    • Maladaptive vs. adaptive coping 
    • Our most common defence mechanisms 
    • How to stop numbing ourselves to our experiences 
    • How to consciously deal with hard things in life 
    • Our coping statements 
    • Freud, Carl Jung and many more 

    Listen now for a comprehensive deep dive into coping in your 20s and beyond. 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    207. How to have better conversations

    207. How to have better conversations

    Conversations seem like they should be the easiest thing in the world, but we all know that sometimes that is not the case! Mental distractions, running out of things to talk about, feeling a bit off, all some of the roadblocks we face. In today's episode we break down FIVE tips to have better conversations: 

    1. The 2:1 question ratio
    2. The fast friends protocol 
    3. Story topping and bright siding 
    4. The 5 minute urge 
    5. The liking gap 

    Listen now for more so we can all be having better conversations in whatever area of life!

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    Love bombing has been a hot topic as of recent, but what does it ACTUALLY mean or entail? In today's episode we are breaking down all of the psychology of love bombing, including: 

    • The cultish origin of love bombing
    • The three stages of love bombing 
    • Why people love bomb?
    • The interaction between narcissism and love bombing 
    • Intensity addiction and love bombing 
    • The five questions for determining: is it love or lovebombing? 

    We also dive into why it can be so easy to get swept up by these individuals and behaviours, how to know it when you see it and the strength it takes to walk away. 

    Listen now! 

    For online help: https://whiteribbon.org.au/helplines/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Key takeaways to listen for

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    Resources mentioned in this episode


    About David Rendall

    During the last twenty years, David Rendall has spoken to audiences on every inhabited continent. His clients include the US Air Force, Australian Government, and Fortune 50 companies such as Microsoft, AT&T, United Health Group, Fannie Mae, and State Farm. Prior to becoming a Certified Speaking Professional, he was a leadership professor and stand-up comedian. 

    He also managed nonprofit enterprises that provided employment for people with disabilities. In between presentations, David competes in ultramarathons and Ironman triathlons. David has a doctor of management degree in organizational leadership, as well as a graduate degree in psychology. He is the author of four books: - The Four Factors of Effective Leadership - The Freak Factor - The Freak Factor for Kids - Pink Goldfish.

    Connect with David

    Website: David Rendall


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