

    Explore "Reshoring" with insightful episodes like "Stagflation in 2024 and the SEC's Crackdown on Binance & Coinbase", "Perspectives on: Lab Grown Diamonds", "Perspectives on: Reshoring", "«Made in Europe»? Dann lieber Asien!" and "Episode 60: Reshoring" from podcasts like ""Complete Intelligence", "ISM Perspectives on...", "ISM Perspectives on...", "NZZ Akzent" and "Augmented Ops"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    Stagflation in 2024 and the SEC's Crackdown on Binance & Coinbase

    Stagflation in 2024 and the SEC's Crackdown on Binance & Coinbase

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    In this episode of "The Week Ahead," Tony Nash hosts guests Doomberg and Albert Marko to discuss two key topics: stagflation in 2024 and the ongoing clash between Binance and the SEC. 

    Tony highlights the survey results showing significant concern among respondents regarding stagflation. Albert discusses the impact of economic and political policies on persistent inflation and believes that the stagflation argument may be more of a "stagflation light" scenario due to the resilience of the service industry and ongoing market rallies. Tony adds additional points, including the IBD economic optimism index remaining below expectations and signs of cracks in the middle-class economy. They acknowledge that inflationary pressures, rising prices, and elevated interest rates contribute to declining optimism and a challenging economic landscape. 

    Doomberg provides insights into the counterintuitive inflationary effects of rapid interest rate hikes and discusses potential impacts on oil prices due to changes in the US shale industry and rising housing costs. He suggests that global stagflation in regions like China and Europe could have a spill-over effect on the US economy. 

    The conversation also covers arguments against deflation, with Albert highlighting wage inflation as a factor preventing deflation. They discuss the challenges of US debt, the impact of inflation on household costs, and potential signs of deflation in the commercial real estate sector. 

    Shifting to the energy sector, they discuss the potential impact of stagflation on energy, mentioning challenges faced by the oil industry if prices fall below $65. They highlight the tight supply of oil and gasoline, contradicting claims of low demand, and discuss the role of electric vehicles and the divergence between physical and paper markets. 

    In the cryptocurrency industry segment, Tony and Doomberg address the legal issues surrounding Binance and Coinbase. They discuss accusations of unregistered securities and criminal activities by these platforms. They emphasize the potential consequences of disregarding rules in the cryptocurrency industry and the need for stronger regulatory action. 

    The discussion concludes with a focus on the recent actions of the SEC in relation to the cryptocurrency market. They discuss the challenges of regulation, the susceptibility of the regulatory apparatus to corruption and political forces, and the erosion of trust in the SEC. They also highlight the need to address pump-and-dump schemes and the potential expansion of investigations into the venture capital space. 

    Key themes: 

    1. Stagflation in 2024 
    2. Binance & the SEC 

    This is the 68th episode of The Week Ahead, where experts talk about the week that just happened and what will most likely happen in the coming week. 

    Follow The Week Ahead panel on Twitter: 

    Tony: https://twitter.com/TonyNashNerd
    Albert: https://twitter.com/amlivemon
    Doomberg: https://twitter.com/DoombergT

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/LExqD5pkSUI

    Perspectives on: Lab Grown Diamonds

    Perspectives on: Lab Grown Diamonds
    Dr. Stephan Hungeling ist CEO bei Deutschlands größter Juwelierskette CHRIST. In der aktuellen Episode spricht er mit uns über ein Produkt, das seit November ganz frisch im Portfolio von CHRIST zu finden ist, nämlich Lab Grown Diamonds – Diamanten also, die nicht aus Minen geschürft, sondern mittels technischer Innovation synthetisch im Labor hergestellt werden können. Im Gespräch zeigt sich, dass sich anhand dieses Produkts beinahe alle relevanten ökonomischen Phänomene der Gegenwart besprechen lassen: Der Trend zum Reshoring etwa, Fragen der unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeit, oder ganz generell das Thema der Materialität im Kontext neuerdings fragiler, globaler Lieferketten.

    Perspectives on: Reshoring

    Perspectives on: Reshoring
    Lange Zeit verfolgten Unternehmen unter dem Begriff "Offshoring" eine Strategie der umfassenden Auslagerung ihrer Produktion, um diese wirtschaftlicher und effizienter zu gestalten. Vor dem Hintergrund aktueller politischer Krisen in Europa und weltweit verliert diese Idee aber zunehmend an Plausibilität: Globale Lieferketten scheinen plötzlich ungemein fragil. Und auch soziale und Umweltstandards lassen sich in kleinteiligen und global organisierten Settings kaum transparent realisieren. Die Unternehmensberaterin Birgit Guhse beobachtet aktuell daher einen zunehmenden Gegentrend des "Reshorings", über den wir im Podcast mit ihr sprechen wollen.

    «Made in Europe»? Dann lieber Asien!

    «Made in Europe»? Dann lieber Asien!
    Die Pandemie hat offenbart, wie abhängig der Westen von Asien ist. Einige Unternehmen versuchten, die Produktion nach Europa zurück zu verlagern. Das Beispiel des österreichischen Veloherstellers Woom zeigt, dass ein solcher Plan nicht so leicht umzusetzen ist. Heutiger Gast: Daniel Imwinkelried Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/wirtschaft/europa-statt-asien-warum-der-fahrradhersteller-woom-beim-reshoring-eine-kehrtwende-vollzieht-ld.1698662 Hörerinnen und Hörer von «NZZ Akzent» lesen die NZZ online oder in gedruckter Form drei Monate lang zum Preis von einem Monat. Zum Angebot: nzz.ch/akzentabo

    Episode 60: Reshoring

    Episode 60: Reshoring
    Today's guest is Harry C. Moser, Founder and President, Reshoring Initiative (@reshorenow (https://twitter.com/reshorenow)) on episode 60 of Augmented Podcast (@AugmentedPod (https://twitter.com/AugmentedPod)). Augmented reveals the stories behind the new era of industrial operations, where technology will restore the agility of frontline workers. Technology is changing rapidly. What’s next in the digital factory? Who is leading the change? What are the key skills to learn? How to stay up to date on manufacturing and industry 4.0? Augmented is a podcast for industrial leaders, process engineers and shop floor operators, hosted by futurist Trond Arne Undheim (@trondau (https://twitter.com/trondau)), presented by Tulip (@tulipinterfaces (https://twitter.com/tulipinterfaces)), the frontline operations platform. In this conversation, we talked about what reshoring is, why it is important now, what data there is on it, what the Reshoring Initiative is, and what the future holds for manufacturing. Trond's takeaway: Reshoring remains a controversial topic. While the effects may be positive initially what does it mean for the cost and quality of existing supply chains? Is it even realistic to reshore big chunks of a globalized value chain? Which aspects are strategic and which are not? There are many questions, but the projections are alluring and domestically, in most traditional mass manufacturing states, it remains a popular topic and one would think the sustainability effects of more localized production would be a good thing. What's clear is that every nation, and particularly the US, depends on an educated workforce to be competitive. The real question might be: what does it take to create a more competitive world where opportunity exists on every shore? Thanks for listening. If you liked the show, subscribe at Augmentedpodcast.co or in your preferred podcast player, and rate us with five stars. If you liked this episode, you might also like episode 50, The Last Mile of Productivity, episode 49, Lean manufacturing in the USA, or episode 18, Transforming Foundational Industries. Hopefully, you'll find something awesome in these or other episodes. If so, do let us know by messaging us, we would love to share your thoughts with other listeners. The Augmented podcast is created in association with Tulip (@tulipinterfaces (https://twitter.com/tulipinterfaces)), the frontline operations platform that connects the people, machines, devices, and the systems used in a production or logistics process in a physical location. Tulip is democratizing technology and empowering those closest to operations to solve problems. Tulip is also hiring. You can find Tulip at Tulip.co. Please share this show with colleagues who care about where industry and especially industrial tech is heading. To find us on social media is easy, we are Augmented Pod on LinkedIn and Twitter, and Augmented Podcast on Facebook and YouTube: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/augmentedpod Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AugmentedPodcast/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AugmentedPod YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Y1gz66LxYvjJAMnN_f6PQ See you next time. Augmented--industrial conversations that matter. Special Guest: Harry C. Moser.

    Moving Manufacturing Out Of China - A Chat With The Reshoring Institute's Rosemary Coates

    Moving Manufacturing Out Of China - A Chat With The Reshoring Institute's Rosemary Coates

    One of the things the pandemic has highlighted (and continues to highlight) is the fragility of extended supply chains. Consequently, there is increased chatter around near-shoring, and home-shoring some manufacturing.

    To talk about some of these issues I invited Rosemary Coates to come on the podcast. Rosemary is a supply chain veteran as well as Founder and Executive Director of the Reshoring Institute, so no better person to give insights on this highly complex topic.

    We had a truly fascinating conversation about manufacturing, China, and the complexities involved in moving manufacturing operations out of China. And, as is often the case, I learned loads, I hope you do too...

    If you have any comments/suggestions or questions for the podcast - feel free to leave me a voice message over on my SpeakPipe page or just send it to me as a direct message on Twitter/LinkedIn. Audio messages will get played (unless you specifically ask me not to).

    If you want to learn more about how to juggle sustainability and efficiency mandates while recovering from pandemic-induced disruptions, meeting growth targets, and preparing for an uncertain future, check out our Oxford Economics research report here.

    And if you want to know more about any of SAP's Digital Supply Chain solutions, head on over to www.sap.com/digitalsupplychain, and if you liked this show, please don't forget to rate and/or review it. It makes a big difference to help new people discover it. Thanks.

    And remember, stay healthy, stay safe, stay sane! 

    Support the show

    Podcast supporters
    I'd like to sincerely thank this podcast's generous supporters:

    • Lorcan Sheehan
    • Krishna Kumar
    • Olivier Brusle
    • Alicia Farag
    • Joël VANDI
    • Luis Olavarria
    • Alvaro Aguilar

    And remember you too can Support the Podcast - it is really easy and hugely important as it will enable me to continue to create more excellent Digital Supply Chain episodes like this one.

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    If you have any comments/suggestions or questions for the podcast - feel free to just send me a direct message on Twitter/LinkedIn.

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    Thanks for listening.