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    Explore "changeyourreality" with insightful episodes like "Believe. Manifest. Thrive", "Episode 145 - The Nature of The Mind" and "029: UPGRADE YOUR IDENTITY" from podcasts like ""Coffee o'clock Podcast", "Buddhism for Everyone with JoAnn Fox" and "High Performance Consciousness"" and more!

    Episodes (3)

    Believe. Manifest. Thrive

    Believe. Manifest. Thrive

    You manifest what you believe. 

    Maybe you have heard this a lot or maybe it’s the first time for you. 

    For some of you who’ve heard before and now are nodding your head into “yeah sure, of course, you don’t know my story, it doesn’t work for me, life is not that way…” I get it, everyone has their unique story and experiences in life. However, the Universal law works the same for all of us. 

    You attract what you believe. You experience what you feel. You create more of what you believe it’s true for you. 

    If you are already accepting that you are a failure or you will fail whatever project you’re working on, you will fail my friend. Because you are limiting yourself with what you believe it’s true. 

    In this episode, I shared a real life story that I hope it moves you to change your story!

    You can turn your story into something magical, into whatever you want it to be.

    You are the co-creator of your life and you can work with God and the Universe to manifest!

    Cheers to you!!

    If you want to grab a virtual coffee with me to talk about how I can support you, dm me or email me at burcu@joyyburcu.com.

    Look forward to connecting with you!

    Please share it with your people and leave me a review :) 

    Thank you!

    Episode 145 - The Nature of The Mind

    Episode 145 - The Nature of The Mind

    The word enlightenment is a translation of two Pali words that mean “awakened” and “freed from all fetters.” To become enlightened then means we wake to the true nature of reality, and we free our mind from all the shackles of the delusions, like ignorance, anger, and attachment. The basic nature of the mind is purity. No matter how troubled or deluded someone’s mind is currently, their basic nature is purity. In this episode, we try to get an understanding and an experience of the basic nature of the mind: purity, clarity, and awareness. 


    “The deep, peaceful clarity of our essential mind is in the nature of love, and in this calm atmosphere the disturbances of hatred and anger have no place. While absorbed in this deep state of awareness, there is no chance for a harmful thought to agitate us. It is not a question of consciously deciding to refrain from anger and behave virtuously; this loving, benevolent feeling arises spontaneously and effortlessly, from the depths of our being. 


    As this feeling of spaciousness grows and as we become closer to the correct view of nonconcrete non-self-existence, a sense of unity between ourselves and everything else will arise. Instead of feeling suffocated and oppressed by our surroundings — “It’s me against them” — we will feel as if there is room enough for everything in the world. There is space for everything. Within the clear space of nonduality, everything flows freely in a constant process of coming and going, growing and dying, arising and disappearing. Within this expanse of non-self-existent reality, all things function perfectly without obstructing one another. There is no conflict, no confusion, and no separation. Instead of feeling alienated from our environment, from others, or even from ourselves, we share in the experience of universal harmony.” —Lama Yeshe 


    Excellent are tamed mules,

    Thoroughbreds, horses of the Indus valley, Tusked elephants and great elephants. 

    But even more excellent 

    Are people who have tamed themselves. 


    Not by means of these animals could one go 

    To that place not gone to, 

    Where a self-tamed person goes 

    By means of a well-tamed, disciplined self. (322–323)*

    —Buddha, The Dhammapada 




    Buddha.The Dhammapada. Translated by Gil Fronsdale. (Kindie).Shambala, Boston and London, 2011.


    Yeshe, Thupten. Introduction to Tantra. (Kindle). Wisdom Publications, Somerville, 2014.

    Find us at the links below: 


    Join our private group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sanghatalk/





    You are not your identity. 

    Your identity is a mask. That mask that you wear performs a role. That role drives behaviour and that behaviour creates your results. 

    Ask yourself, what behaviour do you have in life or in your business? If you are thinking and feeling this way in your business, what behaviour is shown because of that? 

    In this episode, we delve into how you can move the needle on shifting realities faster than ever before by upgrading your identity. We clear up some of the thinking of our identity that we are fixed and trapped in time in the same identity therefore destined to experience the same results.

    If you want to change your reality, you have to change your personality to change your personal reality. Your personality is the sum total of how you think, act, and feel as habit, day in and day out. Therefore, to upgrade your reality, you have to observe what identity you are wearing. 

    Behaviour is not just action. It is how you act, think and feel. The state of being is the sum total of your thoughts, acts and feelings, which is your personality. You can change your personality by aligning your thoughts and feelings in the now moment.


    • We are not a fixed linear identity (2:50)
    • Identity drives behavior (3:29)
    • We have many identities (4:37)
    • What identity do you hold each day? (5:00)
    • De-personalize your attachment to identity (5:15)
    • Upgrade areas of your life by upgrading your identity (6:05)
    • What identity do you relate with? (7:05)
    • Why entrepreneurs quit just before they are about to win (11:49)
    • We can upgrade our brains (12:25)
    • What is the end result that you want for your business? (12:52)
    • Modelling and emulating mastery (13:22)
    • Learning through proven track records of others (13:50)
    • What is your identity in that successful environment? (14:20)
    • Moving your preferred identity in your behavior and action (15:09)
    • Wiring your brain to the desired end (15:44)
    • Tuning yourself to the frequency of your new identity (17:50)
    • You are not your identity (18:00)
    • Enrol yourself in your preferred identity into the future that exists right now (19:05)
    • Conscious mind is short term. Subconscious mind is long term (20:09)
    • Rinse and repeat 8 times (21:07)