

    Explore "Bitfinex" with insightful episodes like "2023/12/22|千億巨鯨Bitfinex CEO來台宮廟求財;美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,SOL、AVAX市值躍升", "Coinbase Gears Up For Public Launch of 'Base' Layer 2 Blockchain; Patreon Payout Concerns", "Understanding Bitcoin Lightning Network with Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Bitfinex -Ep. 58", "News: Ehemaliger TenX CEO Toby Hoenisch verantwortlich für den DAO Hack?" and "Bitcoin Thieves Finale: Brilliant or Bozos?" from podcasts like ""HOYA BIT NEWS", "The Hash", "CoinGecko Podcast - Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Insights", "Bitcoin, Fiat & Rock'n'Roll" and "Money Rehab with Nicole Lapin"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    2023/12/22|千億巨鯨Bitfinex CEO來台宮廟求財;美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,SOL、AVAX市值躍升

    2023/12/22|千億巨鯨Bitfinex CEO來台宮廟求財;美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,SOL、AVAX市值躍升
    本集新聞重點 00:25-01:47 Coinbase:明年加密貨幣展望樂觀,法人資金仍持續流入比特幣 01:59-03:10 美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,Solana、Avalanche市值躍升 03:11-04:25 礦機概念股暴漲56%》銘文拉動比特幣挖礦利潤,礦企「猛開槓桿」搶買礦機 04:26-05:48 虛擬資產公會將成立,本周報送內政部 05:48-07:13 千億 USDT 巨鯨「來台灣宮廟求財」!Bitfinex/Tether 前 CEO 每年必點陽明山姜太公七星燈 本集資料來源 動區動趨、聯合新聞網、Anue鉅亨、鏈新聞 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Kandice Lucy 監製編審:Cathy

    Coinbase Gears Up For Public Launch of 'Base' Layer 2 Blockchain; Patreon Payout Concerns

    Coinbase Gears Up For Public Launch of 'Base' Layer 2 Blockchain; Patreon Payout Concerns

    The most valuable crypto stories for Thursday, August 3, 2023.

    "The Hash" tackles today's hot topics, including Coinbase announcing that Base, its layer-2 blockchain built with Optimism's OP Stack, will open to the public on Aug. 9. Five tokens linked to Alameda were pumped by Twitter bots after FTX listed them, according to a research report. Patreon is investigating an issue with payouts. And, an update on the multi-million-dollar exploit of crypto exchange Bitfinex.

    See also:

    Coinbase Sets Public Launch of ‘Base’ Layer 2 Blockchain for Next Week

    Alameda-Linked Coins Pumped by Twitter Bots After FTX Listing, Report Shows

    Patreon, Platform for Creators, Disables Payouts After ‘Issue’ With Payoneer System

    New York Resident Ilya Lichtenstein Admits to Being Bitfinex Hacker in Court Appearance: CNBC

    This episode has been edited by senior producer Michele Musso and the executive producer is Jared Schwartz. Our theme song is “Neon Beach.”

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Understanding Bitcoin Lightning Network with Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Bitfinex -Ep. 58

    Understanding Bitcoin Lightning Network with Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Bitfinex -Ep. 58

    Paolo Ardoino, CTO of Bitfinex is here to to discuss about the exchange as well as all things bitcoin! You'll be filled in on the facts of the exchange itself, from upcoming Bitfinex products to its role in the Lightning Network.

    [01:30] Intro
    [05:14] What does your day-to-day look like at Bitfinex?
    [09:25] Could you share more on new BitFinex product innovations?
    [18:27] What development support is provided on the Lightning Network and why this network in particular?
    [29:43] Proof-of-Work has been commonly criticized due to energy consumption, how is this being addressed?
    [36:12] What are your thoughts on El Salvador’s “volcano token”?
    [40:13] How much progress do you think the industry is making as far as looking for alternative and more sustainable sources?
    [41:03] What are Bitfinex's plans for 2022?
    [44:47] Closing thoughts

    Watch the Podcast on Youtube


    Bitfinex: https://www.bitfinex.com/
    CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com

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    News: Ehemaliger TenX CEO Toby Hoenisch verantwortlich für den DAO Hack?

    News: Ehemaliger TenX CEO Toby Hoenisch verantwortlich für den DAO Hack?
    In einer neuen News-Episode von Bitcoin, Fiat & Rock’n’ Roll beschäftigen sich Alex, Michael, Jonas und Manuel ausführlich mit zwei Krypto-Hacks, die beide 2016 stattgefunden haben und zu denen es kürzlich brisante Neuigkeiten gab. Wer steckt hinter dem Bitfinex Hack in dem rund 120.000 Bitcoin gestohlen wurden? Und wie kam es nun zur Aufdeckung der beteiligten Personen? Und was hat TenX, das Unternehmen vom schillernden Deutschen Krypto-Unternehmer Julian Hosp, mit dem größten Ethereum-Hack aller Zeiten zu tun, der sogar zu einer Aufspaltung der Ethereum-Blockchain und der Entstehung von Bitcoin Classic zu tun? All das stellen wir im Krypto-Hack Deep-Dive dieser Episode dar. Was erwartet Euch darüber hinaus in der Episode? Unter anderem folgende Themen: Mehrere Initiativen von „institutionalisierten“ Stablecoins von Banken: Die größte japanische Bank plant einen Stablecoin als Settlement Asset für Ihre Digital Asset Börse zu erzeugen, Fnality führt mit Santander und Natwest einen PoC für ein Cross-Chain Delivery vs. Payment Prozess durch, Kooperation der Fntechs SETL und Digital Asset um Tokenisierung, Übertragung und Settlement von Bankverbindlichkeiten zu entwickeln. Binance platziert sich auf dem deutschen Markt: Binance, die größte Krypto-Börse der Welt, verstärkt seine Präsenz in Deutschland. Zudem strebt Binance eine Kryptoverwahrlizenz in Deutschland an und hat zuletzt einen neuen Europa-Direktor eingestellt, der sich im Kern um den deutschen Markt kümmern soll. e-CNY bei den Olympischen Winterspielen erfolgreich getestet: Die Chinesische CBDC stand den Athleten während der Spiele als Zahlungsalternative neben Bargeld und Visa-Zahlungen zur Verfügung. Von technischen Problemen von e-CNY-Zahlungen war nichts zu hören. Viel Spaß beim Hören dieser News-Episode!

    Bitcoin Thieves Finale: Brilliant or Bozos?

    Bitcoin Thieves Finale: Brilliant or Bozos?
    Last month, married couple Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan were arrested and charged with conspiracy to launder just under 120,000 bitcoins that were stolen in a 2016 hack. This is the story our Bitcoin Thieves deep dive has been building toward… it’s time to talk about Razzlekhan. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    #061 - The Rapper who Stole $4.5 Billion in Bitcoin | Risque Business News

    #061 - The Rapper who Stole $4.5 Billion in Bitcoin | Risque Business News

    Laura Sogar and Mae Planert break down the story of Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather "Razzlekhan" Morgan who are accused of stealing 220k bitcoins in the 2016 hack of Bitfinex. Unlike other billionaire robbers - these two did NOT lay low and instead ran active social media accounts and nurtured a rap career (?!) as "the Crocodile of Wall Street" all while trying to launder bitcoin. We can't make this stuff up folks!

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