

    Explore "AVAX" with insightful episodes like "011: UGC, Why Build on AVAX and AI Game Dev ft: Don Norbury of Shrapnel", "2023/12/22|千億巨鯨Bitfinex CEO來台宮廟求財;美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,SOL、AVAX市值躍升", "2023/12/08|比特幣躋身「全球 10 大資產」之列,超越波克夏、特斯拉!Michael Jackson 登上區塊鏈", "Bringing the Metaverse to Avax Subnets | GoGoPool Podcast" and "How to Invest in Crypto Without Liquidation on AVAX | GoGoPool Podcast" from podcasts like ""Neo Tokyo Interlinked", "HOYA BIT NEWS", "HOYA BIT NEWS", "AVAX Ecosystem Space" and "AVAX Ecosystem Space"" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    011: UGC, Why Build on AVAX and AI Game Dev ft: Don Norbury of Shrapnel

    011: UGC, Why Build on AVAX and AI Game Dev ft: Don Norbury of Shrapnel

    On the eleventh episode of Interlinked, Ben, Jarred and Nick are Joined by Don Norbury the Head of Studio at Shrapnel & CTO of Neon. The episode kicks off with Don's background and a deep dive into Shrapnel. Key discussions include the legal side of UGC, Don's Microsoft experience and the future of the metaverse (multiverse.) 

    Citizens & Guests:
    Don Norbury - @DonNorbury - https://twitter.com/DonNorbury
    Ben - @BenPGothard - https://twitter.com/BenPGothard
    Nick - @Cryptoetheus - https://twitter.com/Cryptoetheus


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/playSHRAPNEL
    Website: https://www.shrapnel.com

    Playa3ull Games: 
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/PLAYA3ULL_GAMES
    Website: https://playa3ull.games
    NODE CODE: 657244f90d27382c08217fd9
    Neo Tokyo Merch Store:

    Join Neo Tokyo Here: https://neotokyo.codes/

    Follow Neo Tokyo Here: https://twitter.com/NeoTokyoCode

    Huge shoutouts to: 
    LeBoomington and the NT Video Team for their editing magic! 

    Photoshopped AF for his killer thumbnails!

    Hogsheadcheese and Lack of Vegetables for the next level Legal and Scheduling! 

    Listen and Subscribe to Neo Tokyo's AMA's: https://open.spotify.com/show/6A84dHEn1FTjUWwBVojmCv?si=kmaV1t0FSGCFWWTfFMHxAQ

    2023/12/22|千億巨鯨Bitfinex CEO來台宮廟求財;美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,SOL、AVAX市值躍升

    2023/12/22|千億巨鯨Bitfinex CEO來台宮廟求財;美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,SOL、AVAX市值躍升
    本集新聞重點 00:25-01:47 Coinbase:明年加密貨幣展望樂觀,法人資金仍持續流入比特幣 01:59-03:10 美股重挫,十大加密貨幣洗牌,Solana、Avalanche市值躍升 03:11-04:25 礦機概念股暴漲56%》銘文拉動比特幣挖礦利潤,礦企「猛開槓桿」搶買礦機 04:26-05:48 虛擬資產公會將成立,本周報送內政部 05:48-07:13 千億 USDT 巨鯨「來台灣宮廟求財」!Bitfinex/Tether 前 CEO 每年必點陽明山姜太公七星燈 本集資料來源 動區動趨、聯合新聞網、Anue鉅亨、鏈新聞 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Kandice Lucy 監製編審:Cathy

    2023/12/08|比特幣躋身「全球 10 大資產」之列,超越波克夏、特斯拉!Michael Jackson 登上區塊鏈

    2023/12/08|比特幣躋身「全球 10 大資產」之列,超越波克夏、特斯拉!Michael Jackson 登上區塊鏈
    本集新聞重點 00:25-01:58 還會漲?比特幣4.4萬美元高點震盪、以太坊力守2200;BTC選擇權未平倉合約再創新高 01:59-03:11 市值超越波克夏、特斯拉!比特幣躋身「全球 10 大資產」之列 03:12-03:57 狗狗幣十週年快樂!DOGE 漲超20%突破$0.1,重返第九大加密貨幣 03:58-05:28 流行樂之王Michael Jackson登上區塊鏈!12/7首次錄音Demo發布上鏈 05:29-07:44 與GPT-4較勁 Google發布史上最強AI模型「Gemini 」

    Bringing the Metaverse to Avax Subnets | GoGoPool Podcast

    Bringing the Metaverse to Avax Subnets | GoGoPool Podcast

    #GoGoPoolPodcast  #GoGoPoolTV 

    Host Breevie speaks with Heroes of NFT about their plans to bring the first Metaverse subnet to Avax.

    Follow Heroes of NFT: https://twitter.com/heroesofnft

    For more content like this hit like, subscribe, and bell notifications!

    Social Links:

    GoGoPool Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoGoPool_

    Breevie’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BreevieGotRekt

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCSKtINHixZbcuOyDxruXABg

    $GGP Blog: https://gogopool.medium.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/aNfvB9HV

    Community TG: https://t.me/GoGoPoolCommunity

    Announcement TG: https://t.me/GoGoPoolAnnouncements

    How to Invest in Crypto Without Liquidation on AVAX | GoGoPool Podcast

    How to Invest in Crypto Without Liquidation on AVAX  | GoGoPool Podcast

    #GoGoPoolPodcast  #GoGoPoolTV 

    Host Breevie speaks with the Savvy DeFi team about how they accomplished non-liquidating lines of credit on Avax.

    Follow Savvy DeFi: https://twitter.com/SavvyDefi

    For more content like this hit like, subscribe, and bell notifications!
    Social Links:
    GoGoPool Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoGoPool_
    Breevie’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/BreevieGotRekt
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCSKtINHixZbcuOyDxruXABg
    GGP Blog: https://gogopool.medium.com
    Discord: https://discord.gg/aNfvB9HV
    Community TG: https://t.me/GoGoPoolCommunity
    Announcement TG: https://t.me/GoGoPoolAnnouncements

    Luigi D'Onorio Demeo, Director of DeFi at AVA LABS (Avalanche) DeFine by StakeDAO Ep 1

    Luigi D'Onorio Demeo, Director of DeFi at AVA LABS (Avalanche) DeFine by StakeDAO Ep 1

    Welcome to the first episode of DeFine! The podcast making the most important projects in DeFi easy to understand and accessible to all. We are sitting down with a team who are trying to solve important issues of our modern society.

    Today, our guest is Luigi D'Onorio Demeo, Director of DeFi at Ava Labs - the team behind Avalanche (AVAX), the blockchain claiming to be the fastest smart contract platform with the aim to digitize all the world's assets.

    The interview was published on August 24th, 2021. 

    EP42 雪崩根本沒在崩,公鏈概念大噴發+有CryptoPunk才有身份地位呀 feat. 靈性導師謝董

    EP42 雪崩根本沒在崩,公鏈概念大噴發+有CryptoPunk才有身份地位呀 feat. 靈性導師謝董
    本集摘要 雪崩協議 (AVAX) 漲什麼,飆漲公鏈概念有何共通點? 尊絕不凡 CryptoPunk 給我們什麼 NFT 啟示? 謝謝你收聽《哥!我塊步行了》!不論你是看完文章或聽完 podcast 後有一些不懂的地方想要提問,或者是在幣圈覺得冷想要找人開槓,只要有關鏈圈幣圈的疑難雜症,都歡迎跟我們分享! ✍️你的問題將有機會出現在節目上被探討或解答喔 ✍️ https://forms.gle/tMjCMcD6cXTzPobT8 ⭐鏈新聞大平台:https://linktr.ee/abmedia.io 音樂來源: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/J_Blanked_On_This_Beat/Chill_Vibes/Cobie_Sample_1284 https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Ketsa/1-of-1/my-tribe