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    What The Fuck Am I Doing?

    A podcast created for and hosted by millennial women who still don’t feel like they have it all figured out, What The Fuck Am I Doing explores and discusses the thorniest facets of our lives in an effort to ease our collective anxiety about “doing it right.” Be it professional woes, personal triumphs or anything in between, hosts Maddie and SB openly tackle subject matter that feels more suitable for a cocktail-fueled vent session than an unfiltered, public listening forum. Delivering candidness and honesty in regards to our highest highs and [more commonly] lowest lows, WTFAID levels the playing field, cutting through the curated, social-media-filtered lives we project, to instead reveal the cold, hard truth of what it’s like to be a 30-something woman in 21st Century America.

    en-usMaddie Teren Adams and Sarah Buchanan11 Episodes

    Episodes (11)



    What the fuck am I doing with my exes? For most of hers, SB is maintaining a healthy relationship in which she and her former partners can easily coexist and continue to live their lives as good friends. Way to go, SB! Maddie on the other hand (who isn't so sure she even has any romantic "exes" anymore, being in a dedicated partnership for nearly a decade now) talks about how a former friend who suddenly became an ex-friend impacted her sense of self — and how that "breakup" caused ramifications she still feels to this day, nearly 15 years after the fact.



    What the fuck am I doing when it comes to sex??? If we had to guess, there are many more women asking themselves this question than there are women willing to admit they're asking themselves this question. But SB and Maddie are taking on the subject matter head-on. They discuss their first memories of sex, how they were brought up to think about it in both their childhood homes and in American society, and of course explore their individual relationships with sex as a result of it all. It's titillating stuff!



    What the fuck am I doing to make it through life's inevitable losses? Piggybacking on the final episode of Season 1 — heartbreak — Maddie and SB  kick off Season 2 with a discussion on loss. Be it the loss of a relationship or a lifestyle, the loss of a friendship or loved ones, loss comes in various shapes and sizes, but every single one is downright hard. How do we heal from the various losses that make such an impact on the course of our lives? Listen to find out.

    WTFAID Season 1 Recap and Updates!

    WTFAID Season 1 Recap and Updates!

    What The Fuck Am I Doing after Season 1? Giving an update on all the things, that's what! After taking a break from podcasting following the release of six riveting episodes (and the birth of one very cute baby boy), Maddie and SB are back on the mic and ready to share the most important updates regarding everything they discussed in those first six episodes — and have new updates to share, to boot. 



    What The Fuck Am I Doing with my money? Maddie and SB get real personal in this episode, discussing their relationship to money and delving into their own finances: how much they currently make, how much they want to make, how much they save, and how they generally approach money in everyday lives and their relationships. 

    Having Children

    Having Children

    What The Fuck Am I Doing about kids?! Maddie, a mom of now two, and SB, a self-proclaimed dog mom, discuss the challenges associated with the choice of whether or not to have children -- particularly as 33-year-old women who are in their "prime childbearing years." 



    What The Fuck Am I Doing, thinking about beauty so much? SB and Maddie dissect that question and alongside society's obsession with looks for a meaningful conversation around a subject they initially thought would be rather frivolous. 

    Drugs & Alcohol

    Drugs & Alcohol

    What The Fuck Am I Doing with drugs and alcohol? Maddie and SB discuss society's obsession with villainizing drugs and alcohol and try to come to a comfortable understanding regarding their own relationships with these illicit substances.   

    What The Fuck Am I Doing?
    en-usAugust 18, 2023

    WTFAID Intro and Teaser!

    WTFAID Intro and Teaser!

    What the Fuck Am I Doing starting a podcast? That's exactly what Maddie and Sarah are going to explain in this quick, 10-minute teaser episode introducing their podcast, which premiers Friday, August 18th, 2023. 

    What The Fuck Am I Doing?
    en-usAugust 10, 2023