
    Take Heart

    Take Heart is a podcast for special needs moms by special needs moms. It is a place for special needs moms to find authentic connection, fervent hope and inspiring stories.
    en-usAmy J Brown, Carrie Holt and Sara Clime169 Episodes

    Episodes (169)

    Navigating Transitions as a Caregiver

    Navigating Transitions as a Caregiver

    As caregivers, we are well acquainted with transitions, and very much so in regard to our children. In this collaborative, Amy, Sara, and Carrie discuss the difficulties of life transitions as parents. They talk about their personal experiences, including making medical decisions and educational changes. The challenges of balancing autonomy and outside influences, going against medical recommendations, and seeking guidance for decisions are all discussed. We hope this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for you!

    Key Moments:
    [2:20] 4 different types of transitions
    [7:59] Planned our son’s birth…but have learned our lesson
    [11:25] We don’t use ‘never’ when it comes to health
    [24:34] Comparing to others make transitions harder
    [35:30] Balancing hope and grief 


    Hospital Stay Guide by Carrie M. Holt: Listen to Episode 140, “Hospital Stay Survival: Spiritually & Practically.” You can access the transcript with links to her guide HERE

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    When Special Needs Moms Are Misunderstood

    When Special Needs Moms Are Misunderstood

    Being a parent to a child with special needs comes with its own unique set of challenges, and being misunderstood is a chief issue. As Amy, Carrie, and Sara share their personal experiences and insights, they provide valuable guidance on responding with grace and resilience when faced with misunderstandings…even though they don’t do it perfectly every time. They discuss the balance of speaking the truth and advocating for their children without being intentionally hurtful to others and not feeling the need to explain everything, instead using their child's trauma as an explanation only when necessary. Join us for a funny and truthful episode about real life. 

    Ep. 160; February 27, 2024

    Key Moments:
    [1:35] One thing we want to set straight about a misunderstanding
    [4:06] People ask the most inappropriate things, even those in medicine
    [13:40] The tension of mishandling comments and drawing boundaries around ourselves
    [21:00] Trying to understand others' intentions in church and beyond 
    [28:23] Why don’t more people understand trauma 

    The Place We Find Ourselves Podcast
    The Allender Center Podcast

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    5 Things I Wish Others Knew About Me As A Caregiver

    5 Things I Wish Others Knew About Me As A Caregiver

    Summary: Sara opens up about the challenges of feeling misunderstood as a mom and caregiver to a son with disabilities. Her top 5 instances when she has felt misunderstood touch on assumptions about strength, the perpetual feeling of needing to do more, finding a balance between identity and the constant impact of the diagnosis, and more. We know you’ll feel seen by listening to Sara’s honesty. So, grab a cup of coffee and prepare to dive into the heartfelt truth in this episode. 

    Key Moments:
    [1:54] “You’re so strong!” and “I couldn’t do what you are doing!”
    [7:02] Believing in God but having fear
    [8:05] We can be busy, never alone but not fulfilled
    [10:22] Life outside of our child’s diagnosis

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    Making Assumptions

    Making Assumptions

    As parents of special needs kids, we have felt the weight of being misunderstood. In this episode, Carrie shares her experience with people who have made assumptions about us or our children and how it affects us as parents. She explains three things she wishes people understood about her parenting journey and three ways to handle ourselves when we have been misunderstood. Experiencing this life can be lonely, and this episode will give you some practical ways to manage the complex feelings that come. 

    Ep.158: February 13, 2024
    Key Moments:
    [0:52} A hospital experience I’ll never forget
    [5:08] Our grief is just as heavy as losing someone
    [8:22] Is this assumption worth addressing?
    [9:58] Assume the best intent, ask questions before assuming
    [11:25] Our reaction may not be about the offender

    Scriptures mentioned: Exodus 14:14; Isaiah 53
    No Other King

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    Navigating Misunderstanding: Breaking Down Walls and Building Connections

    Navigating Misunderstanding: Breaking Down Walls and Building Connections

    Do you ever feel like people just don't get it? We've all had those experiences - whether it's strangers at the grocery store or even our closest friends not understanding our journey as special needs parents. Amy shares some practical things you can do to bridge the divide and navigate the challenges of being misunderstood. We don’t want to stay isolated because of other people’s lack of awareness. Amy encourages us to continue the quest for connection.

    Key Moments:

    [2:25] Comparing a difficult child to a dog?

    [4:39] Shifting our perspective

    [6:00] Let’s calm down, being a nonanxious person

    [8:30] Give them a glimpse into your life

    A Curious Pursuit of Christ: Jamie Harper 

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    How God Creates Purpose & Meaning From Our Pain

    How God Creates Purpose & Meaning From Our Pain

    Carrie welcomes her longtime friend, Erika Weise, a mother navigating the complexities of caring for a son with a trach and ventilator. Erika shares her personal insights on acceptance of this new life vs. living in denial, finding meaning in adversity, and creating a support network for families facing similar challenges. This down-to-earth discussion will inspire you with their stories of friendship and the unwavering belief that, even in the face of adversity, everything will be okay.

    Ep.156; January 30, 2024

    Key Moments:
    [3:17] Birth stories and diagnosis
    [15:51] Dealing with doctor's negative perspective
    [18:55] Parenting a 20-year-old vs. a child 
    [20:00] A friend who will walk with you
    [22:50] Using this to help someone else

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    The Power of Perspective: Amy, Carrie, and Sara Share Their Stories

    The Power of Perspective:  Amy, Carrie, and Sara Share Their Stories

     The Power of Perspective:  Amy, Carrie, and Sara Share Their Stories

    Summary:  Amy, Carrie and Sara look back at their early years of parenting. They share the stories from the days of early diagnosis and what they thought back then…noting with humor how ridiculous it seemed back then. But looking at the early days has helped them appreciate how far they’ve come, giving them perspective. They discuss the concept of advocating for their child, the desire for control (even though they didn’t have it!) and the worry that they carried. They have found that this life really does hold grief and gratitude at the same time. 

    Key Moments:

    [13:21] Not thinking through all the “what ifs”

    [16:16] Advocating for our child 

    [20:54] Looking back, need to give ourselves grace

    [34:43 ] Grief and gratitude

    Holding Grief and Gratitude as a Special Needs Mom: An Interview With Dr. Lynne M. Baab

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    Parenting and Caregiving Are Not The Same

    Parenting and Caregiving Are Not The Same

    Summary: There are real differences between parenting and caregiving. Sara shares about the dichotomies of the responsibilities that we have and how those play out in our daily lives when considering traveling, hiring a babysitter and even just going to the grocery store. Noticing the differences in the roles allows us to give ourselves grace for this road we are on. 

    Key Moments:

    [1:34] Parent diaper bag vs Caregiver care bag for a lifetime

    [2:19] Parent babysitting vs Caregiver child care accommodations

    [4:45] Parent to the grocery vs Caregiver grocery experience

    [5:43] Parent vs Caregiver Vacations with special needs children

    [9:14] Caregiving is tiresome and grace is needed

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    When You Doubt God's Presence

    When You Doubt God's Presence

    Do you have times when things are chaotic, and you wonder if God is even there? Looking back on her earlier parenting, Carrie discusses three things she wished she knew and fully understood as a mom to a medically fragile child: giving herself grace as she prioritized different things in life, releasing self-criticism, and living fully in the midst of life's chaos with the overarching theme of seeing God's presence in every circumstance and difficulty. Don't miss this episode.

    Ep.153; January 9, 2024
    Key Moments:
    [0:40] Somethings you have to experience to learn them
    [3:50] Balance in life is a myth
    [7:10] Waiting for life to be calm 
    [9:30] Look for Him in chaos

    Scriptures Mentioned: Job 23:8-10; Psalm 91:1-2
    The Bible Recap by Tara Leigh-Cobble
    Julian Consulting
    Episode 147: How Creativity Keeps Us Grounded & Present

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    What I Wish I Had Known: Four Lessons in Parenting

    What I Wish I Had Known: Four Lessons in Parenting

     Episode 152: January 2,2024

    Summary: Amy shares her top four things she wishes she could have done differently through her 31-year journey as a mom, particularly to her kids with invisible disabilities. Things like managing emergencies, acknowledging responsibility boundaries, and understanding the limitations of love are topics she touches on in this episode. Join the conversation and discover that you are a great mom as you walk your special needs journey!

    Key Moments:

    [2:45] Not everything is an emergency

    [4:45] Hurry is an inner condition that is fear based

    [7:50] Being present but not responsible

    [9:45] Loving my child in her way

    The Good and Beautiful God: James Bryant Smith

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    Intangible Gifts with Sara Clime (Replay)

    Intangible Gifts with Sara Clime (Replay)

    We often think of the three gifts the Wise Men gave to Jesus, but what about the intangible gifts of time, worship, and many others? Sara encourages us to consider the intangible gifts given to the Savior, and how we can offer these same ones to God and one another.

    This is a replay of Episode 66, which was originally aired on December 21, 2021. The original recording and transcript are available on our website HERE

    Key Moments:
    [0:59] Matthew 2:1-12
    [3:19]  The intangible gifts from the wise men
    [5:17} What we can learn from the wise men

    Scripture mentioned: Matthew 2:1-12

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    Take Heart
    en-usDecember 19, 2023

    Small Steps of Belief with Carrie M. Holt (Replay)

    Small Steps of Belief with Carrie M. Holt (Replay)

    In the struggles of daily life, it can be difficult to believe God, His Word, His will, and to relinquish control. In Advent, we see the example of Mary, who chose small steps of obedience and surrender while facing many obstacles. May we follow her pattern and choose belief in small ways each day.

    This is a replay of Episode 65, which was originally aired on December 14, 2021. The original recording and transcript are available on our website HERE

    Key Moments:
    [0:49]    Luke 1:26-30
    [1:52]    An announcement that changed life’s course
    [4:15]   When did Mary begin to believe?
    [6:20]   Struggle with surrender

    Scripture mentioned- Luke 1:26-30, 38, 78-79

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    Take Heart
    en-usDecember 12, 2023

    Embrace the Unknown with Amy J. Brown (Replay)

    Embrace the Unknown with Amy J. Brown (Replay)

    Mary, Jesus’ mother, had to embrace the unknown and the unfamiliar to welcome life.  Amy shares how saying yes to the unknown can draw us into the deeper meanings of this season and our relationship with God. 

    This is a replay of Episode 64, which was originally aired on December 7, 2021. The original recording and transcript are available on our website HERE

    Key Moments:
    [0:37]  Luke 2:8-19
    [2:17]    I can relate to pregnant Mary
    [3:35]    Mary kept saying yes to God
    [4:40}   God is with us

    Scripture-Luke 2:8-19

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    Take Heart
    en-usDecember 05, 2023

    Emotional Resilience as a Caregiver

    Emotional Resilience as a Caregiver

    In this collaborative episode, Amy, Sara, and Carrie talk about their own recent experiences and vulnerabilities- feelings of worthlessness, lack of control, and fear that often accompany these calmer seasons. They talk about how to recognize and process these emotions and offer practical advice and wisdom to help listeners navigate the unsettling emotions of transitions and change. They encourage you to welcome emotional resilience by inviting God into the depths of your emotions.

    Key Moments:
    [9:30] When our work becomes our worth
    [13:00] We grow too fond of our suffering
    [21:24] I didn’t want to think about how I feel
    [25:38] Know your triggers
    [40:47] Studies show only feel deep emotions for a short time

    The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
    Building A Resilient Life by Rebekah Lyons
    A PDF copy of Dr. Gloria Wilcox’s Feeling Wheel by www.positivephsychologyprogram.com
    Resilient by Jon Eldredge

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    Take Heart
    en-usNovember 28, 2023

    The Effort in Rest for Caregivers

    The Effort in Rest for Caregivers

    Finding rest as a caregiver can be just another thing on our to-do list, but it's a vital part of sustaining our long-term well-being. Host Sara Clime talks about the benefits of putting in the effort to make space for rest in our lives. Discover the 7 different types of rest and learn how to engage in restorative activities that suit your unique needs and lifestyle. From physical and mental rest to emotional and social rest, Sara offers tips and strategies to help you prioritize rest and find moments of rejuvenation.

    Episode 150: November 21, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [0:42 ] Rest isn’t intuitive or easy to plan but we need to practice!
    [4:11] No isn’t a dirty word
    [6:14] Sensory rest
    [8:19] Social rest: spend time with re-fueling people

    If you enjoyed the show:

    Find Sara at www.saraclime.com or on Instagram @saraclime

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    Where Do You Find Comfort?

    Where Do You Find Comfort?

    In this week's podcast episode, "Where Do You Find Comfort," Carrie shares the delicate balance between positive and negative emotions while exploring the need for comfort.  Carrie talks about the emotional journey of special needs parents, explains some essential truths about comfort and discusses the constant place we can go to find it. 

    Eps. 149; November 14, 2023

    Key Moments: 
    [02:33] Lessons from "Inside Out"
    [05:07] The Holy Spirit as the Comforter
    [08:11] Comfort through other believers
    [10:12] Identify the lies we are believing
    [12:19] A prayer for comfort

    Scriptures Mentioned: John 14:16-17a,c, 18; 
    II Corinthians 1:3-4; II Corinthians 7:6; 
    Psalm 119:76; Ephesians 3:14-19

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    How to be Content When Your Life Isn't Easy

    How to be Content When Your Life Isn't Easy

    Episode 148:: November 7, 2023
      How to Be Content When Your Life Isn’t Easy

    Summary: In this episode, Amy discusses the concept of contentment and how it can be challenging to achieve when life isn’t easy. Amy explores the impact of unmet expectations, "if only" thinking, and comparison that contribute to our discontent. She shares personal stories and offers practical steps to help you shift your perspective, find gratitude, and embrace delight in your life.

    Key Moments:

    [3:10] Three traps that lead to discontent

    [5:11] Endless "if onlys" suggest we're never enough

    [9:08] Delight doesn't fix what's broken, gives us fuel to press on

    [10:36] Noticing the good

    Is this what you expected? Lisa Qualls 

    On Delight and Why it Matters: Shauna Niequist 

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    How Creativity Keeps Us Grounded and Present with Jodie Gerling

    How Creativity Keeps Us Grounded and Present with Jodie Gerling

    Amy speaks with Jodie Gerling, an advocate for families facing medical challenges. They explore the transformative role of creativity in healing and processing emotions. Drawing from her personal experiences, Jody uses creativity as a tool for grounding herself, finding strength and the comfort of home even when she’s in the hospital and embracing gratitude. She has found that creativity leads her to present-moment living and noticing the little God moments in the stress of complicated things.

    Episode 147: October 31, 2023

    Key Moments:

    [1:51] Creativity does matter

    [5:14] Staying present is hard but necessary work.

    [9:48] Don’t have a creative bone in your body?

    [14:08] Pack something for ourselves when going to the hospital

    [21:32] Our past hospital memories can creep up and turn to fear

    Jodie’s Reading in Our Story Magazine 

    When God Made You 

    Finding Thanks

    The Coloring Book Project 

    Jodies Website.: Jodiegerling.com

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    Compassionate Care: Coming Alongside Suffering Friends

    Compassionate Care: Coming Alongside Suffering Friends

    In this collaborative episode, Carrie, Amy, and Sara discuss how best to support friends and family members who are going through difficult times. Speaking from personal experience, they talk about the blessings and difficulties of walking through suffering with others. This episode practically discusses how to provide compassionate care to others, alongside what is and isn’t helpful when walking through something difficult with friends. They share stories and insights on vulnerability, carrying other friends’ burdens, and navigating grief. 

    Ep.146; October 24, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [4:30] Empathetic listeners
    [7:50] Unhelpful platitudes 
    [11:54] Having different friends is important for different aspects of life 
    [17:42] Shying away from suffering
    [21:10] Being with people, not solving the difficult questions
    [24:36] How to support friends with “fewer” burdens

    And Life Comes Back by Tricia Lott Williford
    Every Moment Holy Volume II

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    Acknowledging Purpose in the Pain as a Disability Mom

    Acknowledging Purpose in the Pain as a Disability Mom

    In this episode, Sara shares stories from her personal journey of raising a child with disabilities, and how she found a deeper faith through her times of struggle. Through sharing her own experiences, she teaches a framework listeners can use to not only acknowledge pain but also shape it into fulfilling God’s purposes in their lives. Pain is inevitable. So we invite you to learn how to transform difficult circumstances into positive outcomes. This is an inspiring conversation that will leave you feeling encouraged to keep pressing forward.

    Episode 145: October 15, 2023
    Key Moments:

    [2:30] Connecting with God in times of grief and suffering
    [4:00] From a broken and bitter mother to positive and hopeful
    [6:46] How God's grace can transform suffering into purpose 
    [7:42] 4 ways to know whether suffering is constructive or destructive 


    If you enjoyed the show:

    Find Sara at www.saraclime.com or on Instagram @saraclime

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