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    Happiness Solved

    Welcome to Happiness Solved! I'm your host, Sandee Sgarlata. I've dedicated the last 34 years of my life to personal development. You see, 34 years ago my life was a hot mess and hitting rock bottom taught me a lot as I never dealt with the pain, grief, and multiple traumas I experienced as a child. The thought of anyone going through what I've dealt with in my life is the motivation and why I created this empowering podcast. The guests I interview are all experts in their respective fields and you can expect to hear inspiring stories, practical advice, and insights on how to cultivate joy and well-being in your life. Whether you're seeking to overcome challenges, improve relationships, or simply find more meaning and purpose in your life, this podcast will offer you a wealth of tools and strategies to help you achieve your goals. If this resonates with you, please rate, review and subscribe. Remember, happiness is a choice and the choice is yours! A little more about me: I've have been a certified life coach since 2004, a retired US National and International Figure Skating Coach, a gold medalist in ice dancing, a keynote speaker, two-time award winning and international best-selling author, and I've been inspiring others to create lasting happiness in their lives for over 20 years. Through my Peak Performance Mindset Academy, I offer group coaching programs and 1:1 coaching sessions. Visit www.sandeesgarlata.com for more information. Happiness, Self-Love, Inspiration, Trauma, Struggles, Depression, Anxiety, Joy, Peace, Love, Relationships, Happy, Gratitude, Miracles, Forgiveness, Unhappiness, Stress, Rebirth, Blissful, Delightful, Joyful, Rejoicing, Jubilant, Calm, Serenity, Acceptance, Serene, Relax, Grounding, Calm, Gentle, Kind, Kindness, Quiet, Loneliness, Purpose, Abundance, Health, Fitness, Eating Disorders
    enSandee Sgarlata291 Episodes

    Episodes (291)

    291. From Trauma to Transformation: How to Turn Your Greatest Challenges into Strengths with Michael Matucci

    291. From Trauma to Transformation: How to Turn Your Greatest Challenges into Strengths with Michael Matucci

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Michael Matucci. A human breakthrough artist, Dr. Michael Matucci has gone deep down the rabbit hole as both student and teacher of a plethora of self-development modalities so you don’t have to. During the tens of thousands of hours of dedication to Biology, fitness, nutrition, yoga, martial arts, meditation, sociology, multiple languages, and theatrical arts, in far-flung cities around the globe, he debunked assumptions about life and flipped over the table on society’s rules. Through these intense experiences, he decoded the rules of a Life Game which, with the proper tools, he feels that we can all play at ever increasing levels. Today, he sparks leaders, managers, coaches, and healers to vastly increase their poise, impact and abundance. He assists people in finding their purpose and actually walking it. He empowers men and women to build their own inner ability to guide, heal, and transform themselves. He and his team at the avant-garde transformational company Encompass Life share their Quantum Leap Technique™ (QLT) to help people lift themselves out of their challenges and create their own miracles. They are coach to coaches and trainer to trainers and have accredited masters track for those that choose to use their technique to complement their work or start new careers. An accomplished performer and storyteller, Michael also uses the medium of film to highlight the most outrageous stories of transformation. He uses media, coaching, as well as technology to further empower the journey of those transformers that escaped lives of slavery, violence, and exploitation.


    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com


    Connect with Michael: encompasslife.com/breakthrough 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    290. Celebrating Life's Chapters: Wisdom and Wonder After 50 with Suzy Rosenstein

    290. Celebrating Life's Chapters: Wisdom and Wonder After 50 with Suzy Rosenstein

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Suzy Rosenstein. Suzy Rosenstein, MA is a master certified life coach and host of the popular podcast for midlife women, Women in the Middle: Loving Life after 50. Suzy knows first hand that having the privilege to age is a gift. She helps women 50+ (including entrepreneurs) believe what’s actually possible, no matter their age, and find the meaning they’re looking for so they can be clear about what they want with the confidence, courage and commitment to have fun pursuing it!

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com


    Connect with Suzy: https://suzyrosenstein.com 



    Freebie: http://freepodcastbundle.com/ 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    289. I Was Checking All the Boxes Yet Felt Empty Inside: My Self-Love Awakening with Misty Laboy

    289. I Was Checking All the Boxes Yet Felt Empty Inside: My Self-Love Awakening with Misty Laboy

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Misty Laboy. Misty Laboy is a Master Makeup Artist, Weight Loss Advisor, and Self-Love Mentor. Herjourney began as an art student selling Cosmetics to put herself through college and support her family. Along the way, she discovered her passion for helping women transform inside and out. Despite achieving success in her career, she struggled with her weight until she found that diets don’t work, but lifestyle changes do. This realization led her to the top 2% of her company and a mission to help others shed pounds and gain confidence. However, her own journey toward self-love was the most profound transformation of all. In 2020, she hit a low point and embarked on a spiritual self-love journey, healing addiction and finding inner fulfillment. Now, she empowers women to discover their worth beyond appearances, as she did. Join her in embracing self-love and manifesting a life that exceeds your wildest dreams! 

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Misty: https://www.instagram.com/misty_laboy/ 



    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    288. The Power of Perspective: Choosing Empowering Stories with Sean Kanan

    288. The Power of Perspective: Choosing Empowering Stories with Sean Kanan

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Sean Kanan. Sean Kanan's career encompasses many facets of the entertainment world including actor, author, comedian, and producer. Early in his career, Kanan was chosen at an open call by Oscar-winning Director, John Avildsen from over 2000 hopefuls for the role of Mike Barnes in the Karate Kid III. He went on to create two iconic characters, AJ QUARTERMAINE (GH) and DEACON SHARP (B&B/Y&R). Kanan's popularity as DEACON in Italy and ability to speak fluent Italian landed him on the Italian version of the popular show Dancing with the Stars where he lasted 9 weeks. On the comedy stage, Kanan has performed at some of the countries leading clubs including the Laugh Factory, the Comedy Store, Dangerfield's, the Brokerage, Uncle Vinny's and other venues. On the theater stage, he has performed in Sam Shepard's True West twice, once at the Zephyr theater and once at the Palm Canyon Theater. Sean penned The Modern Gentleman; Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan (Dunham Books) and Secret of My Success. Kanan co-hosted a celebrity parenting radio talk show called Kanan's Rules, available for download on iTunes podcast. Sean Kanan spends his free time studying martial arts, writing scripts, cooking, performing his stand-up routine and further pursuing the study of the Italian, French, Mandarin, Russian and Japanese language. Sean also dedicates much of his time to numerous charitable and nonprofit endeavors including ASPCA, anti-bullying and the Red Cross.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Follow him on Instagram @sean.kanan and Twitter @seankanan  

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    287. The Art of Reinvention: Crafting Your Best Life After 40 with Kris Kendall

    287. The Art of Reinvention: Crafting Your Best Life After 40 with Kris Kendall

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Kris Kendall. Kris has a business (and podcast) called Fulfilled After Forty. She helps women over 40 reconnect with their dreams and help them create a plan to fulfill those dreams in this next season of their lives.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Kris: https://www.fulfilledafterforty.com/ 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    286. Understanding Stress Triggers and Learning to Respond Instead of React with Sara Nakamura

    286. Understanding Stress Triggers and Learning to Respond Instead of React with Sara Nakamura

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Sara Nakamura. Sara Nakamura is an international speaker, 2-time best-selling author, and Stress Relief Specialist. With nearly 3 decades of experience in the hospitality and wellness industries. She and her Stress”X”pert team specialize in stress-relief solutions made simple to help you simply smile again!. Sara’s best-selling book, “Stressed Out and Don’t Know what to do?” introduces 2-minutes stress relief techniques tailored for heart-centered leaders, to overcome exhaustion, overwhelm, and burnout. Guiding you to attain work-life integration and transition from DIS-ease to an inspired life of ease.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com


    Connect with Sara: www.StressXpert.com 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    285. Style Your Unique Essence: Image Coaching for Lasting Confidence with Patsy Sanders

    285. Style Your Unique Essence: Image Coaching for Lasting Confidence with Patsy Sanders

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Patsy Sanders. Patsy Sanders, International Image Stylist coach & Master Hairstylist and Speaker, is known as the total transformation specialist. Her clients' images reveal who they truly are from head to toe and from the inside out by teaching the unknown secrets of how to align with their essence. How you feel in your clothes is as important as how you look in your clothes! What you wear affects your income, whether you get that job/client, how easily you connect with others, your ability to attract an ideal partner, and even how you perceive yourself.

    Living in her element as a Fire has equally transformed her experience of showing up authentically in the world. She confidently walks through life graciously accepting compliments no matter what she is wearing. Patsy is on a mission to help other women discover the joy of living in harmony with their true authenticity by finding their own unique style through the element typing system!

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with  Patsy: https://embracingyouressence.coachesconsole.com/ 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    284. The Heart's True Calling: A Doctor's Journey from Academia to Spiritual Counsel with Dr. Karin Luise

    284. The Heart's True Calling: A Doctor's Journey from Academia to Spiritual Counsel with Dr. Karin Luise

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dr. Karin Luise. Dr. Karin Luise is an award-winning Author, Speaker, Master Life Coach, Soul Guide and Course Creator with a PhD in Counseling & Education. She blends 20 years of practice and research with her spiritual gifts as a Medium, Intuitive and Channel to guide people through mind-blowing transformations. She is obsessed with helping people release the programming of their past, remember who they are and tap into the power and purpose that they are here to enjoy in all levels of their lives – while having the time of their lives! Her retreats have brought healing and transformation to hundreds of men and women ready to live their purpose.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with  Dr. Karin: https://doctorkarin.com/

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    283. From Fashion Retail to Holistic Health: One Woman's Journey to Financial Wellness with Meghan O'Rourke

    283. From Fashion Retail to Holistic Health: One Woman's Journey to Financial Wellness with Meghan O'Rourke

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Meghan O'Rourke. Meghan is a certified holistic health coach through the world's leading health education platform, IIN. While working in finance during the day, Meghan's passion is to help people holistically, alongside her mindset to educate people about proper eating habits, confidence, wellness, and day to day activities. She wants to empower people to live each day to the fullest and with positive energy.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Meghan: https://www.instagram.com/themoneywai

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    282. From Nonverbal to Magna Cum Laude: One Woman's Incredible Academic Journey with Becca Engle

    282. From Nonverbal to Magna Cum Laude: One Woman's Incredible Academic Journey with Becca Engle

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Becca Engle. Becca’s diverse journey, from being an elected Precinct Chairwoman to her experiences in education and advocacy, in both the political and non profit world has shaped her deep passion for teaching and empowerment. Through roles in local government and as a student teacher, she developed leadership, communication, and educational skills. Her work with refugees, special needs students, and as a tutor has shown her the transformative power of education and the importance of inclusivity. These experiences, along with her involvement in community organizations, have fueled her commitment to championing th causes she believes in. Becca has been recognized for her advocacy efforts, including as a speaker and on podcasts. Her personal journey, filled with challenges and successes, has led her to her goal as a teacher. She aspires to create an inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive, drawing from her own experiences to inspire and empower others. Through education, she aims to uplift and support the next generation, just as she has been empowered on her journey.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Becca: https://www.facebook.com/Rebecrafts?locale=hi_IN 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    281. Unlocking Happiness and Healing Through Art: A Conversation with Karen DeLoach

    281. Unlocking Happiness and Healing Through Art: A Conversation with Karen DeLoach

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Karen DeLoach. As an artist/ art mento, actor and creativity specialist, Karen teaches art in college using textbooks that she has written. She also teaches online one on one classes to help older ones find their unique creative voice, whether they are artistic or not!

    They are helped to overcome negative mindsets, perfectionistic paralysis, painful past traumas and crushed right brain stagnation through a program called: Art as Self-Therapy: Wellness Through Creativity.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Karen : www.linkedin.com/in/karen-deloach-b212bb1a 


    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    280. Peace of Mind for Parents: How Kids Stream Provides Safe, Enriching Shows with Dean Koocher

    280. Peace of Mind for Parents: How Kids Stream Provides Safe, Enriching Shows with Dean Koocher

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dean Koocher. Dean Koocher - Co-Founder of Kidstream, the largest kids movie/TV streaming platform (aka the Netflix for Kids Shows) which has enriching, engaging, ad-free entertainment for kids with no violence or any other "bad/negative" stuff. 

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Found out more about Kid Stream : http://kidstream.tv 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    279. Oxygenation Revelation: Flooding the Body to Heal Itself with Fulvic Acid with Larry Puckett

    279. Oxygenation Revelation: Flooding the Body to Heal Itself with Fulvic Acid with Larry Puckett

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Larry Puckett. Larry Puckett is a venture capitalist, who has grown businesses from startups to multi-million-dollar organizations. He has a proven success record in sales and marketing, and excels at scaling companies. With over twenty years of experience and numerous business accolades, Lawrence is a sought after executive and investor. His extensive experience and connections in the financial, technological, and distribution industries create a solid foundation for his current health brand of products Theon Global. 

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Larry: http://theonglobal.com 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    278. If You're Not Growing, You're Dying: The Importance of Continual Evolution as an Entrepreneur with Aoife Roche

    278. If You're Not Growing, You're Dying: The Importance of Continual Evolution as an Entrepreneur with Aoife Roche

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Aoife Roche. Aoife is an author, pro fitness model, mindset coach & sales trainer.  She has won the overall Irish fitness model championship twice and once in the UK. She is a certified PT & Yoga instructor and also the first B.A.N.K business and Sales intelligence trainer in ireland & UK. Aoife left her 10-year corporate consultant career in 2018 to pursue her passions for travelling & fitness. Over the last 2 years she has been across all of southeast Asia, South America, America, South Africa and as far as Zimbabwe and Botswana. Her key passion however is around mindset as she believes success is a mindset.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Aoife: www.attentiongrabbersusa.com  

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    277. The Neuroscience of Addiction: Why We Can't Just Stop Drinking with Dr. Robb Kelly

    277. The Neuroscience of Addiction: Why We Can't Just Stop Drinking with Dr. Robb Kelly

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dr. Robb Kelly. Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a sought-after recovery expert who believes in treating the causes of addiction and not the symptoms. Dr. Kelly has appeared on such shows as The Doctors, Eye Opener, Good Morning Texas, and Kens5 morning news.  A frequent contributor to radio and print interviews including The Jim Bohannon show, Miracles in Recovery, USA Today, and participated in McLean Hospital’s (Harvard Medical School) study on the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Kelly hosted Sober Celebs show on KLIF radio in Dallas, and currently hosts the Breaking Through Addiction podcast featuring special guest discussing a variety of mental health issues. Dr. Kelly created Let’s Get Back to 98% Recovery DVDs used in prisons and recovery treatment centers throughout the US. He has lectured on addiction and trauma at high-profile universities, national conferences, treatment facilities, public schools, churches, business organizations and hospitals. Dr Kelly is currently the CEO of the Robb Kelly Recovery Group, an addiction and mental illness recovery coaching company he created based on extensive research and behaviour studies that he conducted over the past 20 years. Dr. Kelly shares his personal highs and lows as he struggled and overcame crippling alcoholism in the November 2019 release of the book “Daddy, Daddy Please Stop Drinking”.  

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Dr. Rob: 10X Coaching https://10xcoaching.online/ 


    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com






    276. From Burnout to Bliss: A Pediatric Critical Care Expert's Keys to Wellbeing with Dr. Greg Hammer

    276. From Burnout to Bliss: A Pediatric Critical Care Expert's Keys to Wellbeing with Dr. Greg Hammer

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dr. Greg Hammer. Greg Hammer, MD is a Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, pediatric intensive care physician, pediatric anesthesiologist, mindfulness expert, and the author of GAIN without Pain: The Happiness Handbook for Health Care Professionals (May 15, 2020).

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Dr. Greg: www.GregHammerMD.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greghammermd/  

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greghammermd/ 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-hammer-02b20422/ 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    275. Shift Your Mind, Change Your Life: Paths to Happiness with Dr. Joe Parent

    275. Shift Your Mind, Change Your Life: Paths to Happiness with Dr. Joe Parent

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dr. Joe Parent. Dr. Joe Parent is the Best-Selling Author of ZEN GOLF: Mastering the Mental Game, ZEN TENNIS: Playing in the Zone, THE BEST DIET BOOK EVER: The Zen of Losing Weight, and A WALK IN THE WOOD: Meditations on Mindfulness with a Bear Named Pooh. He is a Performance Psychology and Applied Mindfulness expert who has coached athletes, actors, artists, and executives, as well as consulting with businesses and organizations for more than 30 years. Dr. Parent offers business keynotes, workshops, and executive coaching in Performance Psychology and Applied Mindfulness, as well as Zen Golf Lessons, at the Ojai Valley Inn and by video meeting for clients all over the world. For booking, please visit his website DrJoeParent.com. Dr. Joe also hosts regular ZOOM sessions, offering free teachings and guided instruction in the practices of mindfulness and compassion meditations to help people all over the world make it through these challenging times. You can also find him on YouTube, Instagram, FaceBook, and LinkedIn.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Dr. Joe : https://www.drjoeparent.com/services-1


    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    274. Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Woman's Guide to Building Wealth with Jessica Weaver

    274. Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Woman's Guide to Building Wealth with Jessica Weaver

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Jessica Weaver. Jessica Weaver, CFP, CDFA, CFS is a Wealth Advisor, Best Selling Author, and author of the blog: Not Your Father's Advisor. She is the founder of #pinkfix, a powerhouse community of women to grow their career, build wealth, and form lasting relationships. Her #1 best selling books include, "Confessions of a Money Queen", "Strong Woman Stronger Assets" and "Time to Refine: a strong woman's guide to retiring on her own terms."

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Jessica: 





     Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com





    273. Overcoming Expectations and Living Life on Your Own Terms with Dr. Frieda Birnbaum

    273. Overcoming Expectations and Living Life on Your Own Terms with Dr. Frieda Birnbaum

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dr. Frieda Birnbaum. Frieda Birnbaum, PhD, is a research psychologist and psychoanalytic therapist in Saddle River, New Jersey and the award-winning author of LIFE BEGINS AT 60: A New View of Motherhood, Marriage, and Reinventing Ourselves and WHAT PRICE POWER: An In-Depth Study of the Professional Woman in a Relationship. An expert on topics such as family dynamics, parenthood, relationships, addiction, anxiety and depression, Dr. Frieda is a seasoned media personality and commentator who is adept at discerning the psychological underpinnings of current issues and parsing the psychological profiles of various newsmakers- politicians, celebrities, criminals, etc. Notably, Dr Frieda is the oldest woman in America to give birth to twins. The mother of five, her youngest sons were born when she was 60, lending her a unique perspective on issues related to parenting and the empowerment of women at any age.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Dr. Frieda: https://drfrieda.com/ 

    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com






    272. Sugar Crush: A Doctor Blows the Lid Off the Industry's Deadly Sweet Secret with Dr. Richard Jacoby

    272. Sugar Crush: A Doctor Blows the Lid Off the Industry's Deadly Sweet Secret with Dr. Richard Jacoby

    Happiness Solved with Sandee Sgarlata. In this episode, Sandee interviews Dr. Richard Jacoby. Dr. Richard Jacoby DPM received his postgraduate education at Villanova University in Pennsylvania and attended medical school at Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine (now named Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia,) graduating in 1969. Dr. Jacoby has won the Phoenix Magazine Top Docs Award on four different occasions (2003, 2005, 2008, and 2010) and he is the coauthor of the book, Sugar Crush: How to Reduce Inflammation, Reverse Nerve Damage, and Reclaim Good Health. Dr. Jacoby is a past president of the Arizona Podiatry Association, as well as the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons. He specializes in the treatment of peripheral neuropathy and has been in practice since 1970.

    Sign up for the Happiness Solved Plus Exclusive Membership Site: http://HappinessSolved.Supercast.com

    Connect with Dr. Richard: www.extremityhealthcenters.com




    Connect with Sandee www.sandeesgarlata.com

    Podcast: www.happinesssolved.com


