
    Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life

    Are you ready to end the war with food, discover total confidence in your body, AND achieve your health goals? If your answer is “yes” but you’re a tad skeptical, then you’re in the exact right place. 

    A rising leader in the industry, Beth Basham MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Liberated Body Coach. Beth helps women bridge food freedom with optimal health using principles of intuitive eating, emotional mastery, functional medicine, neuroscience, and dashes of spirituality. If you’re ready to break-free of the yo-yo diet cycle and elevate your physical and mental health to the optimal level from the inside out, now is the time and Beth can lead you there. 

    Every week you’ll learn new ways to break-free of chronic dieting, restrictive or binge eating, body hatred, and the overall madness of diet culture so you can start living your best and healthiest life in total confidence. If you’d like to work with Beth directly, visit bethbasham.com. 

    en-usBeth Basham26 Episodes

    Episodes (26)

    24. 3 Steps for Releasing the Fear of Weight Gain

    24. 3 Steps for Releasing the Fear of Weight Gain

    The most common fear of releasing diet culture and ending the madness around food is what will happen to my weight?! Fear is a built in response to the unknown and if we've been dieting most of our lives to maintain or lose weight, it makes sense that we would be afraid of changes if we loosen our grip. In this episode we navigate 3 steps for releasing this common fear, and embracing a new journey with ease and confidence.  See you inside the episode! 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    23. Exposing the "war on childhood obesity" with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun

    23. Exposing the "war on childhood obesity" with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun

    We're exposing the “war on childhood obesity” with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun,' an esteemed clinical psychologist and certified intuitive eating counselor.  In this deep and enlightening conversation we delve into the contentious topic of childhood obesity, challenging traditional perceptions and the stigma surrounding body weight. Dr. Rathbun shares her expert insights on why the 'war on obesity' is misguided, focusing instead on the significance of emotional well-being, stress, nutrition, and lifestyle as crucial factors in a child's overall health. This conversation aims to empower parents and practitioners alike to redefine health on their own terms and to offer support to the next generation without shaming their bodies.

    About Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun: Dr. Rathbun has over 20 years of clinical experience in various mental health service agencies as a therapist. A clinical psychologist, she began her private practice in 2015 and has an office in New Haven, CT and also conducts individual and group therapy via telehealth. She is a certified Intuitive Eating counselor and a certified Eating Disorder specialist (CEDS), designated by IAEDP. Dr. Rathbun teaches intuitive eating and mindfulness classes at Yale University and does related consultant work for different agencies.  She is also trained in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and EMDR and works from a trauma informed and HAES perspective. Her specific clinical interests include evaluation and treatment of disordered eating and trauma, and helping people find peace with food, weight, and their bodies.

    Connect more with Elizabeth:
    Website: www.therapywithelizabeth.webs.com  
    IG: @pause.process.peace


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    22. The 5 stages of becoming an intuitive eater

    22. The 5 stages of becoming an intuitive eater

    Discover what the 5 stages of becoming an Intuitive Eater are and why you should know about them. Beth elucidates the often difficult exploration stage, where one tackles the emotional challenge of feeling out of control with food and the temptation to view the body as a faulty machine. Find out how deep thought and somatic work, along with the support of weight-neutral healthcare providers, can transition you to the subsequent stages with grace and ease. Don't miss out on this empowering episode, and consider joining our free supportive Facebook group to continue the discussion!


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    21. Using the body (not the mind) to achieve food freedom and body acceptance

    21. Using the body (not the mind) to achieve food freedom and body acceptance

    Use the body, not the mind, to achieve food freedom and body acceptance. Want to know how?  In this episode we explore how our emotions impact our physical well-being and why our bodies are crucial in processing and regulating emotional states. Beth shares invaluable insights into the role of the nervous system in resisting change, advocating for an embodied approach to transform our relationship with food and our bodies.  Learn how to sense into your body and process emotions using body intelligence to build true liberation, peace, and self-love. This episode isn't just about thoughtful reflection but a real experiential dive into enhancing our emotional capacity for a sustainable path to food freedom. Don't miss this transformative session that might just be the key to unlocking a healthier, happier you.


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    20. How Heather went from burnout to food and body freedom

    20. How Heather went from burnout to food and body freedom

    Discover how Heather went from complete burnout with all things exercise and restrictive eating to complete and total liberation.  She learned how to ditch the scale, embrace body trust, and create a positive impact on her family—especially teaching her young daughter to foster a healthy relationship with food. Beth reflects on the pervasive impacts of pursuing an unrealistic body ideal, highlighting her own story and the fallacy of excessive exercise for health. Join us as we delve into the significance of mental and emotional well-being in our overall health. For those eager to embark on a similar journey, Beth's acclaimed Peace of Food and Soul™ coaching program offers a safe haven for individuals to gain confidence in their food choices and body image. Tune in this episode for a conversation filled with empathy, empowerment, and practical wisdom.

    Heather is a certified Master Life Coach and founder of Love and Solace Coaching and host of Healing After Trauma podcast. She helps spiritual women learn to love and respect themselves, despite the childhood and domestic trauma they have experienced. By focusing on their strengths and building a positive mindset, they will begin to see themselves in a new light and will find purpose in their pain.


    Listen to the podcast Healing After Trauma




    FB: https://www.facebook.com/Heather.J.Baldwin13?mibextid=7cd5pb

    IG: https://instagram.com/love_and_solace_coach_heather?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

    Website: www.loveandsolace.live


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    19. An unlikely mantra that will change your relationship to your body

    19. An unlikely mantra that will change your relationship to your body

    Could one powerful mantra revolutionize your relationship with food and your body? With a focus on self-compassion and validation, Beth introduces the unlikely mantra  as a tool to shift the inner dialogue and cultivate a sense of compassion for oneself and others. Through personal anecdotes and actionable steps, Beth explores the transformative impact of this mantra and how it can lead to self-acceptance and true health from the inside out. Join Beth as she guides you through the practice of using this mantra and offers insights on how to integrate it into your daily life. Whether you're new to intuitive eating or seeking to deepen your connection with your body, this episode offers a simple yet profound practice to support your journey towards food and body liberation.


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    18. How to talk to the men in your life about intuitive eating with Jeff Ash

    18. How to talk to the men in your life about intuitive eating with Jeff Ash

    If you've ever had a hard time explaining intuitive eating or the non-diet approach to the men in your life, this show is for you. In an interview with Jeff Ash, we explore this question from the male perspective. So whether your partner doesn't quite understand intuitive eating or it doesn't feel like they are fully supportive, you'll gain some insight by listening in so you can embark on your own food freedom journey with less resistance from your partner.   

    Jeff is a nutritionist, Intuitive Eating Coach, personal trainer, and host of the Men's Intuition Podcast. In his work, he is passionate about helping other men transform their relationship with food, exercise, and body all without restriction, guilt, or shame. Jeff has also recently developed a brand new app called the Non-Diet Companion designed to help support those taking a non-diet and/or Intuitive Eating approach to caring for their body.

    Links from the show:
    Help without Harm Webinar (for partners wanting to learn more about IE)
    Non-Diet Companion App
    Jeff's IG Handle: @intuitive.eating.men
    Jeff's Website


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    17. When nutrition matters on the food freedom journey

    17. When nutrition matters on the food freedom journey

    In episode 17 of Beyond Intuitive Eating, host Beth Basham delves into the intricate dance between food freedom and nutritional sensibility. Titled 'When Nutrition Matters on the Food Freedom Journey,' the episode offers listeners practical insights into balancing the intuitive eating principles with individual dietary needs. Beth, a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, explores the effects of blood sugar stabilization on our food choices, illustrating how to enhance meals with protein and fiber without sacrificing enjoyment. She underscores the power of mindset and emotional states in our relationship with food, advocating for moderation and a departure from forbidden food concepts. With a focus on 'gentle nutrition,' the final principle of the intuitive eating framework, Beth guides listeners towards integrating health into their food freedom journey, emphasizing the importance of noticing how food impacts one's body without judgment. She shares her expertise to help listeners navigate the evolving food environment and encourages forming a neutral, curious approach towards eating habits. Drawing on personal experiences and professional coaching, Beth offers a compassionate perspective for those seeking to blend optimal health with the principles of intuitive eating. Tune in for valuable strategies and Beth's announcement of her group coaching program, 'Peace with Food and Soul,' designed to foster confidence and harmony in one's food and body image journey.


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    16. Journaling for food and body transformation with Tammy Lantz, RD, LD

    16. Journaling for food and body transformation with Tammy Lantz, RD, LD

    If you've ever struggled with negative thoughts about your body or food, or if you're just curious about journaling as a tool for inner transformation, this episode is for you. We're going to explore the powerful tool of journaling and how it can help us develop gratitude, trust our intuition, and ultimately find freedom in the way we eat and live.

    Joining us is Tammy Lantz, a seasoned dietitian with over two decades of experience, and the creator of Your Intuitive Life journal. Tammy's personal health challenges led her to the world of journaling, where she discovered how writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can calm the mind and heal the heart.

    We'll dive into the "already" approach in journal prompts that fosters a futuristic mindset, and discuss how shaping our to-do lists can be a form of constructive journaling. Tammy will guide us through the practices that make journaling simple, adaptable, and deeply beneficial to our health journey. Plus, we'll uncover the power of intentional gratitude for our bodies, and see how Tammy combined various journaling elements into a comprehensive tool for those seeking food freedom and optimal health.

    Want to connect more with Tammy or snag the Your Intuitive Life Journal? Clickable links below!

    Tammy's Website
    Your Intuitive Life Journal


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    15. Why dropping the pursuit of weight loss will make you healthier in 2024

    15. Why dropping the pursuit of weight loss will make you healthier in 2024

    In this thought-provoking discussion, we unpack the myths surrounding the dieting cycle and its detrimental impact on our body's set point of weight. Beth delves into the deep roots of diet culture, with its links to racism and discrimination, and sheds light on the historical and cultural forces that have shaped our current food environment. Discover why conventional strategies like medications and diets fall short in addressing the deeper issues tied to overeating, body image, and the so-called obesity epidemic. Learn about the role of exercise beyond the weight loss narrative and its importance in supporting overall health, regardless of weight or body measurements. Beth challenges us to reexamine our traditional approaches to health, emphasizing the significance of emotional well-being and the often-overlooked 'vitamin P' - pleasure. Through her personal experiences and professional insights, Beth reveals how societal stigma surrounding emotions can lead to detrimental health behaviors. This episode confronts the misconception of weight issues as solely an emotional problem and proposes a revolutionary caretaking solution. As a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, Beth invites us to rediscover our innate worth, trust in our bodies, and resist the fear-based messages propagated by society. Her message is clear: it's time to embrace a new paradigm for health in 2024, which treasures stabilizing weight healthily over the illusory chase of weight loss. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    14. Your Liberated Body Meditation - A GIFT FOR YOU!

    14. Your Liberated Body Meditation - A GIFT FOR YOU!

    If you're ready to go from body hatred to body acceptance and love, this FREE meditation is for you. In this episode I am gifting my listeners with a powerful meditation to help you move the negative emotions you've been having about your body so you can experience liberation, love, and acceptance from the inside. 

    My coaching program, Peace with Food & Soul has officially been RELAUNCHED and begins in 2024.  Will you join us? Find the details here: https://www.bethbasham.com/peacewithfoodandsoulgroupcoaching/ 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    13. How to stay connected to your friends still obsessed with dieting

    13. How to stay connected to your friends still obsessed with dieting

    You've decided to shift how you approach health and your body, but your bestie is still OBSESSED with diet talk, the pursuit of weight loss, and changing her body. While you understand her, you're no longer in the same place but you want to continue being her friend. How do you cope when diet talk comes up? I reveal some powerful ways to maintain your relationship with her while also tending to your own unique needs. Tune in! 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    12. The #1 thing the health industry doesn't want you to know - the myth of FAST healing

    12. The #1 thing the health industry doesn't want you to know - the myth of FAST healing

    If you don't like the truth, don't listen to this episode. But if you want some truth that also has the ability to set you FREE on this journey of total food and body confidence, then tune in. I plan to reveal the thing that health care professionals and marketers DON'T want to tell you because, well, it doesn't sell very well.  You deserve to know and I share it here. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    11. How to stop poking your thighs and tummy in disguist

    11. How to stop poking your thighs and tummy in disguist

    What thoughts go through your head when you look at yourself naked in the mirror? The truth is, most women are either riddled with negative thoughts about how their body “should” be smaller, more toned, less flabby, have less cellulite, or fewer age spots. When I survey how women feel about their bodies the most common words I hear are disappointed, disgusted, and ashamed. It’s no wonder so many of us poking at our imperfect parts then start desperately seeking out ways to change those parts because we fall prey to this belief that if we change our body then we will, of course, be relieved of all that disappointment, disgust and shame… maybe even feel more confident, proud, and happy if we do, right? Listen in to learn how to shift this today. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    10. The KEY to unlocking your greatest health potential

    10. The KEY to unlocking your greatest health potential

    Do you desire to “fix” or shrink your body as a means to feeling better, more confident, and healthier? There is an entire industry dedicated to exploiting that desire for profit-- it's called diet culture. But, here’s the thing, regardless if the eating plan, exercise plan, or pill works, very few people are actually willing to look under the surface and explore exactly what drives the obsession with food and body. In this episode, you get REAL talk about something that DRIVES your unhealthy relationship with food, your obsession with shrinking your body, rediscover how to live in your highest potential. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    9. How to overcome triggering food & people during the holidays - PART 3 - The People

    9. How to overcome triggering food & people during the holidays - PART 3 - The People

    There is NOTHING worse than attending an event this holiday season only to overhear comments about your body or other people's bodies… “Oh honey it looks like you’ve put some weight on this year!” or “Have you seen your Uncle John, he’s getting pretty big, he must not be taking good care of himself.”  While all of your well-intentioned family and friends mean no harm by making such comments, they can easily rub us the wrong way if we are feeling sensitive about our bodies or are becoming more aware of how these comment affect us. This episode was made to support you and give you some tips about how to navigate the uncomfortable comments and conversations this year. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    8. How to overcome triggering food and people during the holidays - PART 2 - The Food

    8. How to overcome triggering food and people during the holidays - PART 2 - The Food

    Do you feel unsafe or out-of-control with holiday foods? This time of year is  celebrated with more foods that might be viewed as highly delicious but has also been labeled as "forbidden" leading us to feel out-of-control with these fancy dishes. This is the second episode of a 3-part podcast series designed to help you navigate the holidays with more peace as you encounter triggering situations with food or people that might otherwise deplete you. 



    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    7. How to overcome triggering food and people during the holidays - PART 1

    7. How to overcome triggering food and people during the holidays - PART 1

    The holidays are right around the corner and our exposure to diet talk with friends and family is likely to increase with more holiday gatherings and parties. This time of year is also celebrated with more foods that might be viewed as highly delicious but has also been labeled as "forbidden" leading us to feel unsafe or out-of-control with these fancy foods. This 3-part podcast series was design to help you navigate the holidays with more peace as you encounter triggering situations with food or people that might otherwise deplete you.  


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    BONUS: How to deal with extra Halloween candy for yourself and your kids

    BONUS: How to deal with extra Halloween candy for yourself and your kids

    This is an impromptu bonus episode I provided to my Facebook community in response to some concerns about how to deal with all the extra sugar in the house around Halloween. The audio comes from a live recording so might feel a bit different than my other episodes but I promise the information is just as juicy! If you're feeling a bit anxious or out-of-control with candy or are concerned about your kids exposure to all this sugar, this episode is going to be a good one. Please note, you don't have to have kids in the house to benefit from the information inside. 

    If you want to join the free FB group, use the link below. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...

    6. The ugly truth about weight loss

    6. The ugly truth about weight loss

    The diet industry has over simplified what actually causes the body to gain or lose weight and you deserve to know the TRUTH about how your body's weight may change as you make changes to your food, exercise routine, etc. I explore this topic from a completely weight neutral perspective, but honor your deepest desires when it comes to changing your body. Tune in to gain perspective and get connected to what drives your desire to be in a smaller body. 


    Loving the podcast?

    You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even deeper support and transformation, totally understandable! Here is how to find what you are looking for…

    Join Peace with Food & Soul, the life-changing group coaching program designed to help you shed food and body guilt for GOOD.

    Join the free BEYOND INTUITIVE EATING Facebook group

    Work with Beth 1:1


    Website: www.bethbasham.com


    If you found value in this episode, please follow and leave me a review on whatever platform you're listening through. My mission is to help women end the war with their body and food so they can discover total body confidence from the inside out. When you leave a positive review, mor...