
    better an Oops!

    better an Oops! is all about the messy journey of becoming in the “real world” (where the stakes aren’t as high as we think they are). Join Sam Sette for honest conversations on all things wellness, relationships, careers, college, health and more. It’s Sam’s hope for you to lean in, get uncomfortable and feel more connected with yourself after every episode.

    en-usSam Sette38 Episodes

    Episodes (38)

    questioning my relationship with alcohol

    questioning my relationship with alcohol

    In this episode, I share why I’m quitting alcohol. Although I never had a drinking problem, my relationship with alcohol has always been problematic. From health concerns to societal pressure and more, we’ll walk through factors that influence why we drink and dive into questions to help you better understand YOUR relationship with alcohol.

    Living in Alignment Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4xCkTPr7CHJhdwBHoYwgYg?si=71ba8731e9334496

    Drinking Games by Sarah Levy: https://amzn.to/44sN7mw 

    Tori DeSimone’s Alcohol Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1vKtyahAJ8l1w5zMBQcJLA?si=31d7dd0f5af14b6f 

    Andrew Huberman’s Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ebY3WNejLNbK47emgjd1E?si=9c3449a350b641ed&nd=1 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    living alone: what it’s like and how it’s going

    living alone: what it’s like and how it’s going

    Living on your own is hard. It’s lonely. It can also be liberating.

    In this episode, I share what it’s been like living alone—from the discomfort of finding your independence and making friends in a new city to financial woes and more. Consider this episode a look into the reality of living alone (mostly the messy side) and why I think it’s an experience we all ought to have at some point to really get to know ourselves.

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bysamsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    food guilt, overeating + how to bounce back after a binge

    food guilt, overeating + how to bounce back after a binge

    Why do we overeat? And where do feelings of guilt around food come from? In this episode, we unpack the raw and messy reality of what it's like to struggle with binge eating and real talk on how to break the cycle. Our relationship with food tells us something about our physical and mental state—and when it comes to disordered eating patterns, it’s rarely about the food. From dismissing food rules to seeking to understand ourselves better, I share experiences of my own in hopes to let you know that you CAN move forward and you are not alone <3 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bysamsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    why am i not happy? the ugly side of personal growth

    why am i not happy? the ugly side of personal growth

    So you’re dissatisfied with your life and feel like you should be happy? Here’s some tough love.

    This episode addresses how in trying to get ahead and become the highest version of ourselves, we can easily get lost and forget where we are. After having a mini-breakdown, I wanted to open a dialogue on the uglier side of personal growth as a reminder that it’s TOTALLY OKAY to not have everything figured out. None of us do. And we have to accept that in order to find peace, to be present, to be.

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bysamsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    7 signs you’re not ready for a relationship

    7 signs you’re not ready for a relationship

    When it comes to love, is the timing EVER right? 

    I recently learned that the short answer is yes and no. There’s a difference between being open to a relationship and actually seeking one. This episode is about the latter. We walk through 7 signs you’re not ready for a relationship. This is dating advice that I used myself to reflect and can hopefully help you avoid a head-over-heels mess of your own—although that is, after all, how we learn.

    the upside of being single: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7Ia6SdD0UwDabceC3UQjIv?si=a0735a3aae7246e9

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bysamsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    self-compassion + how to tame your inner critic

    self-compassion + how to tame your inner critic

    This one is for the girlies who are WAY too hard on themselves. 

    Self compassion is a practice that we can continuously improve on to tame our inner critic—which during periods of change and uncertainty can be all-encompassing. In this episode, we chat all about what it actually means to practice self compassion and walk through 6 tips that can assist you on your journey.

    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/91477825-sam-sette 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bysamsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    overcoming money anxiety + finding financial freedom

    overcoming money anxiety + finding financial freedom

    What does it mean to have a money mindset? In this episode, I share how moving forced me to confront an unhealthy relationship with money, plus everything I’ve learned thus far in the process. We chat about the similarities between financial anxiety and eating disorders, how limiting beliefs impact our ability to obtain wealth and actionable tips on how to be smart (not obsessive) with your finances and adapt a constructive money mindset.


    Rakuten: www.rakuten.com/r/SAMSET40 

    Acorns: https://share.acorns.com/sam.sette 

    You Are a Badass at Making Money: https://amzn.to/3XPDexr

    The Psychology of Money: https://amzn.to/3NSlf4M 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bysamsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    MOVING DAY! mistakes to avoid, first apartment tips + essential items to pack

    MOVING DAY! mistakes to avoid, first apartment tips + essential items to pack

    WE MADE IT!!!  In this episode, I recount the highs and lows and lessons learned while moving into my first apartment (let’s just say it’s been a week). It’s my hope that candidly sharing these move-in struggles will provide some useful tips and essential items to purchase, plus a generous dose of self-deprecating humor.

    SHOP MOVE-IN ESSENTIALS (Amazon Storefront): https://amzn.to/3pCSReZ 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    MOVING OUT: the importance of place, choosing where to live + preparing for change

    MOVING OUT: the importance of place, choosing where to live + preparing for change

    This episode is all about moving out and how to prepare for life in a new city all on your own. We chat about how our environment shapes us and the importance of choosing a place that aligns with your life stage, interests, non-negotiables and more. I then share all of my tips for setting yourself for a move—not an apartment guide (although stay tuned!) but advice on how to put yourself in a position physically and mentally so you can make the jump.

    This move has been a long time coming for me and I am ECSTATIC to bring you along for the ride.

    City Personality Map: https://creativeclass.com/whos-your-city/maps/#Personality_Maps

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    RECLAIM YOUR POWER: how to find your fire, quit living in the past and rewrite your narrative

    RECLAIM YOUR POWER: how to find your fire, quit living in the past and rewrite your narrative

    In this episode, we chat all about how to reclaim your personal power—that self-assured, inner confidence that liberates your thinking and has the capacity to instigate real change. I open up about my own struggles in this department and how the narrative I’ve been pushing forward isn’t in alignment with who I want to be. We chat about what contributes to this perceived powerlessness, the importance of letting go of the past and other strategies to become the person you set out to be.

    Podcast IG:
    https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    14 principles to live by

    14 principles to live by

    This episode is all about principles: those fundamental truths that we can use to build the foundation of our lives. We’ll walk through how to use your values to inform these guiding statements in an active journaling session. Then, I share my short list of principles to live by as inspiration to create your own. 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    the real reason you’re not healing and what to do about it

    the real reason you’re not healing and what to do about it

    If you’re looking to have a healing girl summer, this one’s for you.

    In this episode, I share everything I did wrong in my own journey to bring light to the real reasons why your “healing era” isn’t actually “working.” The healing mentality—or rather, aesthetic—often gives the wrong idea of what glowing up is really about. What is even meant by healing? And how do you start a healing journey? We answer these questions and more as I share those habits and tools that continue to guide me through a period of self-transformation. 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    9 reminders for when you’re feeling low

    9 reminders for when you’re feeling low

    This episode is dedicated to anyone going through difficult emotions. There is no need to label this as a period of lowness or hopelessness or even identify with it. We simply are. And we deserve space to feel these things as much as we need it to come out on the other side. Here are some affirming ideas that can help keep you afloat and remind you that you are not alone. 

    If you or someone you know is experiencing mental health issues, seek help:

    To contact the NAMI HelpLine, call 800-950-NAMI (6264).
    For crises, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (88255).

    As promised, my Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/samsette 

    Podcast IG: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal IG: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    Finding direction when you feel directionless | Career pivots, relationship struggles, choosing a new city and more

    Finding direction when you feel directionless | Career pivots, relationship struggles, choosing a new city and more

    This week we’re joined with one of my closest friends, Reese Fortier, who feels equally lost as I do despite being in a different season of life. We raise three big questions that tend to make us feel lost in life: What do I do? Who am I with? And where do I live? From there we chat about creative and professional uncertainties, outgrowing friendships, our dating lives, moving to a new city and other areas where it’s so easy to feel LOST (that’s ALL CAPS LOST). Truth is we’re all just figuring things out. Whether you feel stuck or consciously choose to be directionless in an area of your life, this episode is meant to be a reminder that it always works out, doesn’t it?

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    finding inner peace to become the highest version of yourself

    finding inner peace to become the highest version of yourself

    What do you do when the person you’re striving to become isn’t aligned with who you are?

    This episode is about personal discovery and coming home to ourselves. It’s raw and vulnerable. I share stories from the past where I received praise for who I wasn’t and felt embarrassed for who I really was. We chat about the importance of getting to know ourselves and how sometimes putting on a facade is necessary to figure out who we really are. 

    Because in order to become the highest version of yourself, you first have to find peace with who you are.

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    reflecting on my first year post-grad

    reflecting on my first year post-grad

    The first year post-grad is kind of like your freshman year of life: It’s messy, but it’s just the beginning. In this episode, we walk through 10 things I wish someone told me sooner about life after graduating college. From defining success on your own terms to establishing a fitness routine that restores your energy levels, there’s a whole lot to learn. Here’s some advice I picked up along the way. 

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    make this a summer of of stability, ease and growth

    make this a summer of of stability, ease and growth

    Think balanced girl summer, but on your own terms. In this episode, I share how I plan to manifest a summer of stability, ease and growth. We start with big picture intentions and priorities to set the vibe and guide the goals, activities and habits that define make up our everyday. Consider this episode as an inspirational guide—not an instruction manual—to gear up for a summer that serves you in your own way.

    The Third Plate by Dan Barber: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18667790-the-third-plate 

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    the upside of being single

    the upside of being single

    There’s never been a better time to be single.

    In this episode, we chat about the upside of being single. Whether you’re fresh out of a breakup or have been riding solo for a while, it’s tempting to spiral into loneliness and despair (been there). But living your best single life requires a mindset shift away from presumed scarcity and towards abundance. Because when you’re single, there’s a lot more energy to go around.

    It’s really about forming a foundation of who you are for future relationships, pursuits and, most importantly, yourself.

    Related episodes:

    a conversion on how to find love in your 20s

    my yoga teacher training experience: expectations + lessons learned

    i’m not doing enough (and other concerns)

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    5 reasons why you should travel in your 20s

    5 reasons why you should travel in your 20s

    We hear it from elders all the time: “I wish I traveled more.” “Travel while you’re young,” we’re told. But why now?

    In this episode, we walk through five reasons why you should travel in your 20s. Exploring the world adds value to our lives not just in the moment, but also in the long run. And after traveling more in the past year than I ever thought I would in my life, I understand why.

    Listen Now! The Post-Grad Trip: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7qQ0nUJ07LowN4BjbAoPra?si=75d5db98315c4e7c 

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)

    outgrowing a past version of yourself

    outgrowing a past version of yourself

    Are you on the verge of a shift? Time to lean into the discomfort because a new era of you just might be on the horizon.

    In this episode, we explore the sticky in-between phase of outgrowing a past version of ourselves.

     As a new era of our lives unravels, it’s normal to experience growing pains—feeling directionless, frustrated and jealous to name a few. After unpacking how these emotions show up in our lives, we learn how to recognize these indicators of growth and make room for necessary change.

    Let’s connect! Follow me on Instagram:

    Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/baopodcast (@baopodcast)

    Personal: https://www.instagram.com/sam.sette (@sam.sette)