
    Awesome Marriage Podcast

    Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for 53 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40 years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20 years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.
    enDr. Kim Kimberling731 Episodes

    Episodes (731)

    4 Biblical Prayers to Grow You & Your Marriage | Ep. 600

    4 Biblical Prayers to Grow You & Your Marriage | Ep. 600

    When we pray, it can be tempting to make our prayers a wishlist. But praying in line with God’s word changes things, and today we’re talking about why that matters and how to pray biblically for your marriage. Today Dr. Kim shares 4 prayers that line up with Scripture that you can be praying daily to grow you, and your marriage! 

    Don’t miss this powerful episode. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include:  

    • Why it matters to pray biblically

    • What makes a prayer biblical

    • The risk involved in praying these things, and the reward they provide

    • How these prayers have impacted Dr. Kim and Nancy’s marriage 

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


    • We’ve probably all heard some things taught, or caught, that were not biblical. We’ve heard ideas like, 'If God loves you, He’ll make you happy,' or 'If you marry the right person, marriage will be easy,' that do not line up with Scripture.”- Lindsay Few 

    • “Trusting him may be the hardest first step for some of us, because we’re not sure what he’ll do.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “Sometimes the prayer we want answered is just the thing that’s easiest for us.” - Lindsay Few 

    • “He’s always good, even though we don’t see it at times.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “Each of us can be thankful that God knows not only what’s best for us, but for the whole world. We don’t have to be burdened with that. He’s got that.” - Lindsay Few 

    • “If you’re lining up with what God states in his word that He wants to have happen, that’s going to be really powerful.” - Lindsay Few 

    • “We can’t hide anything from God.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “Sexual desire is created for a reason. It’s not a secret from God.” - Lindsay Few 


    4 Prayers to Grow You and Your Marriage: 

    • Pray that God will help you love like Christ loved. 

    • Ask God to search you, know your heart, and reveal any offensive way.

    • Pray that your desire will be for your spouse only. 

    • Ask God to help you see your spouse as He does. 




    What Does It Mean to Find Intimacy with God? With Faith Eury Cho | Ep. 599

    What Does It Mean to Find Intimacy with God? With Faith Eury Cho | Ep. 599

    What does it look like to live in intimacy with God each day? We are delighted to have Faith Eury Cho with us today, sharing about what friendship with God means, even in the “wilderness” times in our lives. 

    Faith is the CEO and founder of the Honor Summit, a gospel preacher, and author of the new book, Experiencing Friendship with God: How the Wilderness Draws Us to His Presence. Faith does a great job de-mystifying this lofty topic, so you don’t want to miss this conversation. 

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 


    Episode highlights include:  

    • What does “friendship with God” actually mean? 

    • Practical ways to “practice God’s presence,” even if it seems out of reach 

    • How friendship with God impacts marriage

    • How to grow spiritually with your spouse

    • Ways to take these concepts into parenting / grandparenting 

    • How to navigate the wilderness seasons of our faith 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “Sometimes without even knowing, we believe so that God can give us a better life.” - Faith Eury Cho

    • “Friendship with God is just intimacy on a day to day level.” Faith Eury Cho

    • “We need to really redefine what experience actually means. Because if we go into any relationship, any - our spouse, our kids, our friends - having a set agenda of what experiencing that relationship should look like to us, it can be very unhealthy really quick.” -  Faith Eury Cho

    • “Start simple. Start with something that is a natural offshoot to your regular rhythms of life.”  - Faith Eury Cho

    • “I remember moments I would tell God, ‘I don’t have a prayer to pray, I don’t have a song to sing, but I’m here.’”  - Faith Eury Cho

    • “God cares about every little thing, and we want to give him the opportunity to show us that.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “Some of us are friends with fear, not the presence of God, and I think we’ve got to break up with our fear!” - Faith Eury Cho


    • What is one way you and your spouse like to worship God together? 

    • Have you seen God move during a ‘wilderness’ season? 



    How to Make Romance Realistic in Your Marriage | Ep. 598

    How to Make Romance Realistic in Your Marriage | Ep. 598

    How’s the romance in your marriage? How does it compare to when you were dating? (… and does that matter?)

    Romance can fall by the wayside in marriage because it seems like an “extra” that you’ll get around to when you have extra time or money, or if you feel inspired to make a grand gesture. 

    But today Dr. Kim shares several reasons NOT to let that be the case in your marriage. Listen to learn why you need to bring the romance back and HOW to realistically make that happen. 

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include:  

    • Dr. Kim shares specific ways romance benefits a marriage 

    • What does romance look like for men vs. for women? 

    • What to do if you’re just not feeling it 

    • Whose job is it to make sure the romance is good?  

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “Most people would say at some point it was there. So how do you get it back?” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “We kind of quit doing romantic things because we’re not feeling it. Sometimes we have to go ahead and do them, so that we feel it again.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “Marriage is a lot better when you’ve got romance in it.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “I think we’d like it to come naturally, like it does in the movies 

    • “It’s ok to have the conversation. We have to get past the mindset of, ‘If you really loved me, you’d know.’” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “Romance is a great way to show your spouse, I see you, I appreciate you, and I care about what you care about.” Lindsay Few 



    •  Have you talked about romance with your spouse? 

      • Ask them: What is sexy to you? What is romantic to you? 

      • Don’t judge their answers! 

      • Answers may change over time, so check in every now and then. 



    - The ❤️‍🔥Sexy Bundle❤️‍helps bring the romance riiight on home! Get all the details about this limited time Bundle HERE!

    Why Your Everyday Work Matters for Eternity with Jordan Raynor | Ep. 597

    Why Your Everyday Work Matters for Eternity with Jordan Raynor | Ep. 597

    Whether you love it or hate it, you spend the majority of your waking hours doing it. And as today’s guest tells us, it’s mentioned over 800 times in the Bible: We’re talking about work.  

    That’s why we’re so pleased to have Jordan Raynor join us on the podcast today to talk about how your work matters to God - today, every day of your life, and for eternity. This conversation will leave you inspired and encouraged to engage well with the word God is calling you to do, every single day. 

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include:  

    • 3 ways your everyday work matters for eternity 

    • Why Jordan advocates for making an “Anti-Bucket List”

    • The Biblical truths of Heaven & Eternity that NO ONE is talking about 

    • The “abridged Gospel” that most of us believe & the implications we miss if we do 

    • The practical ways these deep biblical truths will impact your marriage 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “When we understand what God’s word has to say about work, it frees us up to be exceptional both at work and at home.” - Jordan Raynor 

    • “While God’s word is clear that our labor in the Lord is not in vain, it also makes clear that GOd doesn’t need you or me - His purposes will not be thwarted. He does not need us, he wants us.” - Jordan Raynor  

    • “I can be at peace walking away from my work at the end of the day … because I know that if the things on my to - do list are on God’s to - do list, he’s going to complete them with or without me. That’s terrifically freeing.” - Jordan Raynor  

    • “Scripture mentions work more than 800 times. There’s no need to doubt whether or not God cares about your work.” - Jordan Raynor 

    • “When you understand that 100% of your time at home and at work matters to God, you become fully alive. And this world is desperate to see people that are fully alive.”  Jordan 

    • “I went to Christian school for 13 years. And I remember frequently sitting in chapel, and quietly dreading the thought of heaven.

    • “We are called to keep watch for Christ’s return, not by sitting on our hands and waiting for heaven to drop from the sky, but by working with our hands and joining him in cultivating heaven on earth today.” - Jordan Raynor 



    • How does the Biblical idea of stewarding your time change your daily work life?  


    Tips to Master Work - Life Balance in Your Marriage In The Home | Ep. 596

    Tips to Master Work - Life Balance in Your Marriage In The Home | Ep. 596

    Work - life balance is not limited to the workplace: It’s also the work of running a home, and it’s a challenge for most couples to share this load well. Today Dr. Kim is sharing some of his best tips for finding balance in the home. 

    The struggle to find work - life balance does not end when you get home in the evening. Taking care of a home and family is a huge portion of our workload that you can’t ignore. But you can find ways to handle it well – TOGETHER!

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.


    Episode highlights include:  

    • Tips for spouses who work outside the home 

    • Tips for those who work from home 

    • Tips for stay-at-home parents 

    • Signs you & your spouse need to work toward better balance 

    • The need for boundaries to help with balance; how to work on them together

    • What to do if you get stuck, or if you’ve tried to address things and it’s not working


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • Resolving conflict doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It takes work, but when you talk and listen well, you’ll find that most things, you can resolve. - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • At the end of your life,  you’re not going to look back and say, “I wish I’d looked at my phone a few more times.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  

    • If you get stuck, it’s ok to get help.  - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • The things that matter work themselves out in the very small details of life. - Lindsay Few

    • Maybe you think everyone else is doing it all, so you’re trying to do it all. I don’t think that’s realistic or healthy. - Lindsay Few 

    • It’s easy to fall in those traps and not really know that you’ve even fallen into them. - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • We have to make sure we’re saying what we mean and what we need instead of just hoping our spouse catches the hint. - Lindsay few 



    • Is the workload in your home balanced?  

    • Do you have a mentor couple in your life? 

    • Are your boundaries with tech (screentime, phones) working well? 

    • Talk with your spouse and rate how you’re doing with work / life balance together, on a scale of 1-10? 




    Mastering Work - Life Balance in the Workplace | Ep. 595

    Mastering Work - Life Balance in the Workplace | Ep. 595

    Practically speaking, balance is hard to find, and even harder to maintain. While work-life balance is a very common issue, it IS possible to alleviate unnecessary stress and find better balance. 


    In today’s episode Dr Kim will share practical tips to help you find that balance. Dr. Kim shares some of the common pain points that he sees couples facing, and some of the best ways he’s seen to deal with those. 


    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 


    Episode highlights include:  

    • Tips to help you handle the stress between spouses so that your marriage tension doesn’t add onto the stress of work-life balance 

    • Some early signs of burnout you cannot afford to ignore 

    • The importance of making peace with imperfection

    • Helpful perspective tips for both career and extracurricular commitments 

    • Practical tips for work-from-home balance 


    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode. When you sign up, you will get our 4 Week Connection Challenge for free! Plus you will get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox.


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “I was saying no to my family a lot because I was saying yes to all these other things.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “Figure out who you are, who you’re working for, what do you really want, and what do you need to get there. Sometimes we get on that treadmill and we just keep going.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “I think it is changing, but there’s still a culture that glorifies overwork, burnout and hustle. It can be hard to step out of that because it feels important to be in it.”  - Lindsay Few 

    • “We have a God that is bigger than my mistakes and imperfections. If I really think the world depends on me being perfect, then I’ve got a problem.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “You don’t just get balanced and stay balanced forever. It’s a constant work in progress.” - Lindsay Few

    • “We look around and everyone’s dealing with this, so we just think this is normal. If something has resonated with you, it’s okay to acknowledge that you want things to go better.” - Lindsay Few



    • 4 reflection questions to help you move forward: What worked, what do I want to do more of, what didn’t work, what do I want to do less of? 

      •  God wants you to thrive. Trust that when you seek these answers, He will answer.  




    How to Cultivate a Family Culture You Love to Live In with Don & Suzanne Manning | | Ep. 594

    How to Cultivate a Family Culture You Love to Live In with Don & Suzanne Manning | | Ep. 594

    Does your home echo with the sounds of sibling squabbles?

    Do you wish for more connection with your kids?

    If so, today’s episode is for you! Don & Suzanne Manning, the founders of Crazy Cool Family, are passionate about equipping Christian families with strategies to cultivate a family culture they ALL enjoy living with! 

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 


    Episode highlights include:  

    • Effective ways to protect kids from screen & tech temptations

    • Where to invest your time and energy for the best parenting outcomes - and where NOT to 

    • The goal of disciplining our kids and how to work toward it 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “Don’t look at the outside and all the fearful things - don't waste your time and energy there: You’re going after your kids’ heart.” - Suzanne Manning

    • “Kids are wired to want us on their team. They want our input. ”  - Suzanne Manning

    •  “Control is based in fear, and connection is based in love.” - Don Manning 

    • “Most people try to control, because we don’t know what to do. But it doesn’t work.” Dr Kim Kimberling  

    • “We never tell parents they need to work harder. They need to work differently. Becoming an encourager and being a listener are two ways to do that.” - Don Manning  

    • “Our children are going to go where the encouragement is.” - Suzanne Manning 

    • “Because of technology and culture, connection today is more important than it’s ever been.” - Don Manning 

    • “The goal of discipline is self-control. When situations come up, they are opportunities to build self control in my kids. Opportunities to build them up for the next stage of life.” - Don Manning 


    •  Do you lean more toward connection, or control?





    • Reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding of your spouse, AND strengthen your bond as a couple with THIS: Our 30-Day Communication Challenge

    • Need more communication help? Sign up here to save your spot for Dr. Kim’s FREE webinar,  “7 Common Communication Mistakes Couples Make”


    • Questions about gaslighting, narcissism and blame? Submit them anonymously HERE or DM us on Instagram. Dr. Kim will answer them in an upcoming episode 


    How Having a Healthier Body Image Makes Your Marriage Healthier with Brittany Braswell | Ep. 591

    How Having a Healthier Body Image Makes Your Marriage Healthier with Brittany Braswell | Ep. 591

    Are you uncertain with your  food choices or unhappy with your body? Is it possible to truly be at peace with food and your body? If you’re not comfortable with your body, this will spill over into your marriage. Gaining a biblical perspective with this will help you heal your relationship with your body and food choices, and in turn, your marriage. 


    Today we are delighted to have Brittany Braswell joining us to tackle these personal and often painful topics, and share hope, help, and Biblical perspective on these topics. Brittany is a Registered Dietician, Christian speaker and host of the Joy-Filled Eater Podcast, and a wealth of wisdom and encouragement on navigating these challenging topics.  


    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include:  

    • What does Scripture actually say about body image? 

    • How our view of our body impacts our marriage

    • Brittany’s 1st priority for her clients’ nutrition – this might surprise you!

    • Tips to handle food choices if you and your spouse are not on the same page  

    • Ways to support your spouse if they are struggling in this area

    • Ways to ask for your spouse’s support if you’re struggling in this area  


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “So much of it is our perception: If I see my body negatively, then I’m assuming my spouse does too.” - Brittany Braswell 

    • “So much of the conversation around body image is very me-centric, not Christ centric.”  - Brittany Braswell 
    • “The Lord blessed us with this variety of flavors and gave us taste buds to be able to enjoy them!” -  Brittany Braswell 

    • “It’s ok to ask for help. You don’t have to meet a certain criteria to deserve some support.”  -  Brittany Braswell 

    • “We can eat in a way that helps our bodies to thrive so that our bodies don’t become the thing that holds us back from fulfilling the calling and purpose God has placed on our lives.” -  Brittany Braswell  


    • If it’s hard for you to believe it when your spouse says they are attracted to you, dig a little deeper: Why is it hard to believe?  



    The Top 3 Communication Mistakes Couples Make & How to Avoid Them | Ep. 592

    The Top 3 Communication Mistakes Couples Make & How to Avoid Them | Ep. 592

    If you want to avoid communication breakdowns in your marriage, today’s episode is for you!

    Today, Dr. Kim is going to share 3 very common mistakes he sees as he counsels couples, so that you can avoid them! Whether you need a total overhaul or just a few friendly reminders, today’s episode has practical, actionable advice that will help you improve the communication in your marriage. 

    Are you making the same mistakes most couples make with communication? Dr. Kim has pretty much seen it all, and today he is going to help you avoid those mistakes, and build better communication instead. 


    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 


    Episode highlights include:  

    •  3 of the most common mistakes Dr. Kim sees over and over with couples he counsels: Blame, discounting, and distraction. 

    • The impact each of these mistakes has on a spouse and marriage

    • The practical steps to avoid each of these communication pitfalls 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • When you resolve conflict, both of you have to take responsibility for your part in it. I’ve never seen an issue where 1 person was 100% responsible. - Dr. Kim 

    • I think it’s easy for us to rationalize, fool ourselves, and take the time to think it through.  - Dr. Kim 

    • I’ve done it, I’ve seen it in other wives: It’s easy for us in parenting to discount our husband’s opinion. - Lindsay 

    • Listen in a way that you can let them know you heard what they said. - Dr. Kim 

    • As a parent with kids in the home, it’s great to have the reminder that they are benefitting from us putting boundaries that let us have an adult relationship with our spouse. As important as they are to us, we should value showing them that solid foundation and modeling marriage for them.  - Lindsay 

    • I identify with all three of these, I’ve done them all. I’ts not something you just get right then coast, you have to stay on top of it. - Dr. Kim  


    • Do you use “I” statements to communicate what you need with your spouse? 

      • For example: Instead of, “You always ignore me when I’m talking,” say, “I feel hurt when you scroll on your phone when I’m talking. I want to know that you care about what I have to say.” 



    • Need more communication help? Sign up here to save your spot for Dr. Kim’s FREE webinar,  “7 Common Communication Mistakes Couples Make”

    • Questions about gaslighting, narcissism and blame? Submit them anonymously HERE or DM us on Instagram. Dr. Kim will answer them in an upcoming episode 

    • Want to reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding of your spouse, OR just strengthen your bond as a couple? Our 30-Day Communication Challenge is for you! 

    • With Dr. Kim’s One Thing email, you’ll get one practical tip each weekday to build your marriage.

    • The Marriage Multiplier is a quick weekly email that gives you practical ways to be intentional to grow your marriage. Sign up HERE

    Andy and Sara's Marriage Recovery Story | Ep. 591

    Andy and Sara's Marriage Recovery Story | Ep. 591

    While their life appeared to be successful, fun and amazing, Andy and Sara’s marriage was at a breaking point. Their life was at a high point, but their relationship had reached a low. In today’s episode they share how their marriage recovered.

    Can a marriage survive the damage of gaslighting and blame? Today’s episode is proof it can. Dr. Kim got to witness a complete transformation in Andy and Sara’s marriage. Their story is full of grace and hope, and we are so thankful to them for sharing it with us today.

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include:  

    • How did things look good from the outside for as long as they did?

    • How Sara used waiting to grow closer to God 

    • The turning point that allowed Andy to start to change

    • The specific process that changed Andy from the inside out 

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “We lived this big, giant, amazing life. The problem was, I was getting wrapped more and more into my success, thinking I was this great gift to humanity.” - Andy  

    • “I felt like he didn’t know me. He didn’t know my heart.” - Sara

    • “I was searching for the world to fill that void in my chest that only God can fill.” - Andy  

    • “You need to meditate and delight in the word of God to change the trajectory of your life.” Pastor Mike (via Andy) 

    • “The Lord didn’t care about all my success. He wanted me broken at the foot of the cross.” - Andy 



    • How have you seen God show up in the midst of difficult times? 
    • What are the little things your spouse does that make you feel loved? 



    • Questions about gaslighting and blame? Submit them anonymously HERE or over on Instagram for Dr. Kim to answer in an upcoming episode 

    • Want to reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding of your spouse, OR just strengthen your bond as a couple? Our 30-Day Communication Challenge is for you! 


    Awesome Marriage Podcast
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    How to Handle Faith Disagreement in Marriage | Ep. 590

    How to Handle Faith Disagreement in Marriage | Ep. 590

    Your faith is a foundation for every aspect of life. So when you’re not on the same page with your spouse spiritually, it can make marriage more complicated.

    Dr. Kim has helped couples deal with this situation time and time again, and in today’s episode he shares valuable insight into how you can deal with spiritual disunity in your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include:  

    • Practical ways to pursue unity when you’re not unified on faith

    • The common mistakes Dr. Kim sees spouses make in this situation 

    • The major shift your marriage needs to start thriving

    • How to change your focus in order to enjoy your marriage 

     We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “God loves them, and knows them so much better than you do, and He knows what works and doesn’t work for that person.” Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “Just accepting your spouse and not trying to change them is essential. You can’t really have a thriving marriage until you make that shift.” - Lindsay Few 

    • “Growth hurts, but I’m glad I’m not the same as I was.” - Lindsay Few 

    • “My life is so much different and better because I married Nancy, even though some of it was so hard for both of us.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 



    • Have you let go of trying to change your spouse, and let God take over that job? 

    • Pray and ask God: How can I love my spouse well today? 



    • When your marriage is struggling, everything feels more overwhelming. We created  21 Prayers for Struggling Marriage to help make praying for your marriage less challenging. God is the one who can change your hearts and your marriage for the better, so inviting him to do those things is the best thing you can do for your marriage.

    • Do you want to reduce unnecessary arguments, decrease stress in your home, develop better understanding & connection with your spouse, or strengthen your bond as a couple? If you do, then our 30-Day Communication Challenge is for you! 


    How To NOT Fight With Your Spouse About Money with Julie Baumgardner | Ep. 589

    How To NOT Fight With Your Spouse About Money with Julie Baumgardner | Ep. 589

    No one loves talking finances, but we do think you’ll love today’s conversation with Julie Baumgardner! Julie shares how to get curious about what money means to your spouse, how two spouses’ separate financial backgrounds and “money stories” can stop being a source of tension, and start becoming a shared value. 

    Listen to this episode if you’re ready to get on the same page with your spouse about finances this season - without fighting about them! 


    Episode highlights include:  

    •  Questions to start a productive conversation about finances with your spouse

    • How to uncover the hidden money lessons you learned growing up, then to get on the same page with your spouse. 

    • What recent research says about the connection of money and marital happiness 

    • How to learn more about your spouse’s perspective about money 

    • Ways to work together toward shared values around money in your marriage

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “You have different perspectives about money. You don’t necessarily talk about what it means to you, how you think about it, therefore you argue about it.” - Julie Baumgardner  

    • “You can have conversations about money without having to be methodical about every single penny.” - Julie Baumgardner 

    • “If you can’t figure out how to live within your means with a little, it will be very complicated to figure out how to live within your means with a lot.” - Julie Baumgardner 

    • “It isn’t ‘You’re right, I’m wrong,’ you’re being curious. And in being curious, you’re learning.” - Julie Baumgardner 

    • “If you can tell that money is creating stress, what is it about money that’s stressful?” - Julie Baumgardner 

    • “Keep your eyes wide open for where God is calling you to join Him in his work. Be aware, and where you see a need, be a Kingdom builder. ” - Julie Baumgardner 



    • What matters most to the two of you when it comes to money? It’s never too late to define your core values around money in your marriage. 

    • What is it about money that’s stressful?  If it’s “what ifs," then name the what-ifs and talk through them. 



    Parenting Without Fear of the Teen Years with Kristen Hatton | Ep. 588

    Parenting Without Fear of the Teen Years with Kristen Hatton | Ep. 588

    Is it possible to parent without fear of the teen years? We say yes! So does today’s guest, Kristen Hatton. We are delighted to have Kristen on the podcast today to share how to prepare for some of the aspects of parenting teens that many parents find daunting. 


    Episode highlights include: 

    •  Kristen shares ways to know if your fears are becoming idols in parenting 

    • Proactive VS reactive parenting: Which one are you? 

    • The difference between overparenting and underparenting and how they affect your kids 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “Frequently parents are living in “reactive” mode, and often it’s because we’re just so busy.”  - Kristen Hatton 

    • “If I always say yes to my kids going in different directions with their friends, or being on a travel team, and we’re always just so busy, then all the sudden, church goes by the wayside. Family time goes by the wayside." - Kristen Hatton  

    • “Often, what children experience from their parents is how they view God. So I want them to know my unconditional love and acceptance, so that they see that that’s how God is too.” - Kristen Hatton 


    • To evaluate if something you love has become an idol: Are you holding it with an open palm, or a clenched fist? Can you be OK without it? 

    • Evaluate your emotions to help you see your idols. Ask: Why am I so angry? Why am I so irritable? Is something controlling me? What occupies my time, habits, thoughts, money, and conversations?

    • Talk with your spouse to decide: 

      • What do we want most for our family? How are we doing to get there?

      • What do we want to impart to our kids? 

      • What will we allow? What won’t we allow? 


    • Learn more from Kristen: 

    • Our FREE 16 Ways To Navigate the Teenage Years as a Team will help you keep your marriage strong during this season.

    • GIVEAWAY TIME! We are giving away a bundle of our TOP 3 RESOURCES of 2023: 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to info@awesomemarriage.com. Giveaway ends 12/15 10am CST. 

    • Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here! 

    • We want to help you make 2024 your best married year yet with 12 Marriage Resolutions for the New Year! Click though for all the details of this uplifting resource! 

    5 Ways To Prioritize Your Marriage During The Holiday Season | Ep. 587

    5 Ways To Prioritize Your Marriage During The Holiday Season | Ep. 587

    Holiday season is upon us, and with it all things festive! I’m guessing your schedule didn’t have much extra space to begin with, so now there’s a risk of becoming truly overbooked. How can your marriage be a priority, even with so much going on? 

    Today Dr. Kim is sharing several of his best tips for prioritizing your marriage, even in this busy season. 

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. 

    Episode highlights include: 

    • Ways to share the load of holiday tasks & preparation better 

    • How prioritizing your marriage this season can decrease your stress 

    • Dr. Kim’s 5 ways to prioritize your marriage this season 

    • How to implement this if you aren’t on the same page right now

    • Tips to de-stress your holiday gatherings and enjoy them more 

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here


    • “It doesn’t have to be a whole evening, it doesn’t even have to be a whole hour. It can be just 15 minutes, but you protect that time.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  

    • “I think quality time is one of the most important things we do in a marriage, and it also seems to be one of the easiest to bump.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “Make sure you're on the same page together, then enjoy it together.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “There’s so much unnecessary tension you can eliminate if you can start to use team language and work together.” - Lindsay Few  



     What is one favorite Christmas tradition you and your spouse have, just for the two of you? 



    • GIVEAWAY TIME! We are giving away a bundle of our Top 3 Resources of 2023: Our 44 Tips to Better Sex in Marriage, 21 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, and 21 Day Wife Appreciation Challenge! To enter just leave an honest review of the podcast wherever you listen, screenshot it, send in to info@awesomemarriage.com. Giveaway ends 12/15 10am EST. 

    • Dr. Kim’s newest book, Love, Intimacy and Sex in the Second Half is now available as an eBook! Grab your copy here! 

    • Related episode: “What is team Language? Ep. 501


    Mind Your Marriage: How To Create Margin In Marriage | Ep. 585

    Mind Your Marriage: How To Create Margin In Marriage | Ep. 585

    You can reduce the stress and conflict in your marriage simply by creating margin. Today’s episode unpacks several practical ways to create margin in your marriage. Scripture demonstrates how essential a healthy mindset is, so all month we’re getting practical about how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Tune into today’s episode to learn how to create margin in your marriage.  

    We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage! 


    Episode highlights include: 

    • The practice Dr. Kim recommends to help you build margin into your marriage and the free resource we offer to make this simple to do

    • Mindset shifts to help you find margin

    • Practical ways to prioritize your marriage 


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “It’s not just carving out more time for each other, it’s how you use that time.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “We talk about your home and marriage being a refuge. You want to create that.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “It’s worth the effort to get intentional about this and get on the same page, so you can tackle it as a team.” Lindsay Few 

    • “Learning to really listen makes a big difference. There’s so much value to feeling heard, and knowing that your spouse cares to really listen.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “One thing that really helped us is when we realized we were not each other’s enemy.”   - Dr. Kim Kimberling

    • “Be ok with being counter cultural if that’s what’s best for your family and your marriage.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling


    1. How can you and your spouse work together to create more margin in your marriage? 

    2. How can you work together to create a culture of grace in your marriage? 

    3. What do you really want for your marriage? What do you need to say no to in this season to make that happen? 



    • Contentment doesn’t come easily, but is more than worth the effort. Take the steps to grow your contentment with our 15-Day Contentment Challenge! It’s yours for a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! 

    • Dr. Kim highly recommends a Weekly Check In for every couple  – so to make this simple for you, we have created a Weekly Marriage Check In Guide. You can snag this resource for free when you sign up for the One Thing to Grow Your Marriage email series!

    • We really enjoyed the book “Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” mentioned in today’s episode

    Become a Better Gift-Giver This Christmas with Patrick Kucharson | Ep. 585

    Become a Better Gift-Giver This Christmas with Patrick Kucharson | Ep. 585

    Cut the stress out of gift giving this Christmas. If shopping for your spouse (and anyone else on your list) feels daunting, this episode is for you. In this episode Patrick Kucharson, the Better Gift Coach, shares how to give gifts that will resonate with their recipients, strategies to become a better gift-giver, and great gift tips for any budget (including free!).

    Tune in to learn more! 


    Episode highlights include: 

    • Simple strategies to know what they really want 

    • Why you need to make brainstorming gift ideas a team sport - and who to recruit to your team

    • The categories of not-so-good gifts you do not want to fall into this Christmas! 

    • Patrick’s Golden Rule of Gift-Giving


    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    “How much thought you put into a gift doesn’t necessarily translate into the value the gift recipient will assign to it.” - Patrick Kucharson 

    “Give gifts that you know they want to receive, over gifts that you want to give.” - Patrick Kucharson 

    “It’s showing that you appreciate them. You’re listening.”  - Patrick Kucharson 

    “A shortcut for gift-giving: Look around, take note of the negatives, and try to give gifts that will remove them.” - Patrick Kucharson 


    What’s your favorite gift you’ve given your spouse, and what made it great? 

    Who can you recruit to your “gift brainstorming team” this season? 



    • Patrick’s Better Gift Coach free weekly email is every bit as entertaining and insightful Patrick was on today’s podcast! Sign up HERE

    • You can also find him on Instagram

    • In the midst of all the gift talk, take time to look for something only God can give: Contentment. Grad our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with your donation of ANY amount and pursue true contentment.

    Mind Your Marriage: Harness The Power of Gratitude | Ep. 584

    Mind Your Marriage: Harness The Power of Gratitude | Ep. 584

    Gratitude is a powerful mindset – it affects our mind, our marriage, even our physical health! 

    Scripture is clear that our mindset is very important, so this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage.

    Today we’re talking about the power of gratitude. What makes this trait so important, and how can we cultivate it? Tune in for all the details! 

    Episode highlights include: 

    • Dr. Kim and Lindsay share how gratitude helped them each deal with depression

    • The way gratitude helps your marriage and your outlook on life

    • Why growing in gratitude actually ends up leading to – more gratitude!

    • Practical ways to cultivate gratitude in every day 

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • “I think we’re wired to give thanks and be grateful to God.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “When we acknowledge on a regular basis what we’re thankful for, we tend to be happier and less depressed.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “It’s looking at what’s actually happening in my life. What is God doing? What is here today? It brings you back into the present.”-  Lindsay Few 

    • “I think the more we acknowledge who He is in our lives and worship him for that, that goes a long way to changing our gratitude.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling 

    • “I don't think God put us together to grumble for 50 years. I think He put us together to grow, to learn, and to be grateful.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  

    • “I think it helps us to serve our spouse and serve our God better when our frame of mind is healthier. And I think gratitude makes it healthier.” -  Dr. Kim Kimberling  


    1. So many things in the world are out of our control, but God IS in control. What is 1 reason you are thankful that He is in control today? 

    2. When you think something good about your spouse, say it! What do you appreciate about your spouse? 

    3. What is 1 thing you can do to be more present with your spouse today?



    • Contentment doesn’t come easily, but is more than worth the effort! Grab our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! LEARN MORE HERE!

    • The 27 Scripture Prayer Cards resource is a beautiful way to remember scripture and to bring the power of prayer into your marriage each day!

    • It’s the perfect time to sign up for Dr. Kim’s daily One Thing to Grow Your Marriage email series, since this week’s emails give you simple ways to practice gratitude with your spouse

    Mind Your Marriage: Learn to Break Free From Blame | Ep. 583

    Mind Your Marriage: Learn to Break Free From Blame | Ep. 583

    Has blame crept into your marriage? If so, your marriage is certainly suffering its effects. But it does not have to stay that way! Today Dr. Kim helps you discover how to identify and remove this damaging habit from your marriage.  

    Scripture is clear that our mindset matters, and that we have the ability to change our minds! So this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Dig in today to start dismantling the blame.

    Episode highlights include: 

    • How to identify - and break - subtle blame patterns 

    • Why expecting each spouse to give their 50% share to the marriage just doesn’t add up 

    • Dr. Kim and Lindsay get real about how blame has impacted their marriages 

    • How to remove blame from our efforts to show our spouse love

    • How to address the issue healthily instead

     *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • Dr. Kim mentioned this article from Harvard Health in the episode

    • Contentment doesn’t come easily, but it’s SO worth the work! Get our 15-Day Contentment Challenge with a donation of ANY amount to the ministry of Awesome Marriage this Giving Tuesday! Learn more here!

    •  15 Daily Prayers Bundle 

    • More mindset resources: 


    Dealing Well With Deployment with Jen McDonald | Ep. 582

    Dealing Well With Deployment with Jen McDonald | Ep. 582

    Calling all military spouses AND frequent travelers: Do not miss this bonus episode! Today we’re thrilled to have Jen McDonald of Milspouse Matters join us on the podcast. Jen is full of wisdom and warmth as well as practical tips and advice on how to weather a marriage separated by distance and the unique challenges of military life. Tune in and be encouraged by her story!  


    Episode highlights include: 

    • The parts of military life that Jen was NOT prepared for 

    • The realities of deployment and reintegration 

    • Practical things that helped her marriage stay connected during deployment 

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    Military and Family Life Counseling Program (free!)

    Mind Your Marriage: "Reframing" Explained & How to Know If You Need It | Ep. 581

    Mind Your Marriage: "Reframing" Explained & How to Know If You Need It | Ep. 581

    What does  it mean to “reframe?” And how can you know if you need to do it? Reframing is a term Dr. Kim has used in past episodes, and today we learn exactly what it means and the practical steps to do it. 

    Scripture is clear that our mindset is very important, so this month we’re digging into how to cultivate a healthy mindset and a healthy marriage. Tune into today’s episode for the details! 

    Episode highlights include: 

    • The Biblical basis and Scripture to support the concept of reframing

    • Practical steps of the reframing process

    • What to do if your spouse frames you negatively

    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here



    • Dr. Kim’s Mind Craft Plan (I accidentally referred to it as Mind Your Marriage in the episode) is a great place to start! 

    • Caroline Leaf’s book, Switch On Your Brain includes the “21-Day Brain Detox” Dr. Kim mentioned in the episode 

    • The Weekly Marriage Check In is a great way to stay connected with your spouse, and you get this printable resource FREE when you sign up for the One Thing email! Get all the details here

    • Being self-aware is a gift to your marriage, yourself and everyone around you! Our Self Check In Guide is a tool to take you through the process of growing self-aware. 

    • Dr. Kim mentioned our Marriage Changers Membership, where he and Nancy share exclusive video content each month. Marriage Changers also get automatic access to each new monthly resource we create. Learn more here. 

    • Scripture references: 

      • Romans 12:2

      • Proverbs 4:23  

      • 1 Corinthians 2:16  

      • Romans 8:6