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    2 Minute Disciple

    This daily podcast is a chapter a day approach to studying the Gospels to get a clear picture of Jesus and discover how to follow Him. We will read the chapter together and our host, Nick Oyler will give his 2 minute observations. This is a great way to get your day going by spending a few minutes going through the Gospels in community.
    en-usNick Oyler191 Episodes

    Episodes (191)

    Episode 191: What I am Learning From Jesus Is...How to pray, Jesus style

    Episode 191: What I am Learning From Jesus Is...How to pray, Jesus style
    Have you ever wanted to learn how to pray better? Jesus’ disciples wanted to know how to pray Jesus’ style and he taught them how to pray and his way of prayer can take us way past our feeble attempts at prayer. Luke 11:1–10 (CEB): Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” 2 Jesus told them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, uphold the holiness of your name. Bring in your kingdom. 3 Give us the bread we need for today. 4 Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who has wronged us. And don’t lead us into temptation.’ 5 He also said to them, “Imagine that one of you has a friend and you go to that friend in the middle of the night. Imagine saying, ‘Friend, loan me three loaves of bread 6 because a friend of mine on a journey has arrived and I have nothing to set before him.’ 7 Imagine further that he answers from within the house, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up to give you anything.’ 8 I assure you, even if he wouldn’t get up and help because of his friendship, he will get up and give his friend whatever he needs because of his friend’s brashness. 9 And I tell you: Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 Everyone who asks, receives. Whoever seeks, finds. To everyone who knocks, the door is opened.

    Episode 189: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is...Check my own heart before I dole out advice to others.

    Episode 189: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is...Check my own heart before I dole out advice to others.
    I hate unsolicited advice from others. If I wanted to know what you thought, I would have asked. However, I can jump right in and point out your faults before I look at my own log. This is the part of Jesus’ sermon where he is starting to meddle. If I’m honest with myself, I need his meddling and he is teaching me to check my heart before I dole out advice. Man, this learning from Jesus is a process and I’m a slow learner sometimes.

    Episode 188: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is...The Key to Life in God’s Kingdom is Obedience.

    Episode 188: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is...The Key to Life in God’s Kingdom is Obedience.
    I have to admit that I like to do stuff for God more than doing what he says, but I’m slowly learning to do what he says rather than just doing something for him. This podcast was an act of obedience to God. I was praying and asking God to help me find what was next in my career and he nudged me to lean into my podcast, so I was obedient. My why for 2 Minute Disciple, is to get to know Jesus and his words so that we can put them into practice.

    Episode 187: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is... Trust Jesus especially when everything is out of my control.

    Episode 187: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is... Trust Jesus especially when everything is out of my control.
    When we are anxious and panicked about our situation, we want someone else to be as anxious as we are. Jesus was calm, so calm that he was asleep and when he wakes up, he calmly tells the wind to stop. His words in that moment to the disciples are what speaks to me the most, “Why are you afraid, where is your faith?” I know, there is no need to fear, my God is in control. Easier said than done, but I’m learning.

    Episode 186: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is... Suffering and death are a part of life, but so is resurrection and life.

    Episode 186: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is... Suffering and death are a part of life, but so is resurrection and life.
    The longer that I live, the more I realize that life is painful and death is part of life. It’s not easy to loose someone close to you and grief can be overwhelming. It hurts so much that we can’t bear it and the if only game starts to play on repeat in our heads and sometimes comes out of our mouths. Jesus is teaching me that resurrection and life are also a part of our lives, when we believe in him we never die. We also know that our God cries with us, we are not alone in our pain, God is with us.

    Episode 185: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is...Forgiveness Is The Key To Faith In God

    Episode 185: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is...Forgiveness Is The Key To Faith In God
    This is interesting, if I want God to answer my prayers and if I want to receive things from God, then I need to offer forgiveness to receive forgiveness. I like holding things over people’s heads, I’m that Cardinal fan who still holds on to the angst of the bad call in the ‘85 World Series. I’m that Bears fan who can’t get past the double doink and I’m that crazy Illini fan that can’t get over Bruce Pearl ratting on our program and their recruiting practices. Some of you have no idea what I’m talking about, but that’s what unforgiveness is, hanging on to hurts that no one cares about anymore and you can’t change the outcome by holding on to them. Jesus is teaching me to let go of those hurts so that God can answer my prayers and give me true life. Sometimes, I don’t even realize that I’m hanging on to unforgiveness until something makes me remember and I have to let it go and ask for forgiveness as I am forgiving.

    Episode 184: What I am learning from Jesus is… I have to carve out time for prayer, especially when life is busy.

    Episode 184: What I am learning from Jesus is… I have to carve out time for prayer, especially when life is busy.
    Life is busy! Each day has a list of things that need to be accomplished for work and around the house as well as to keep up family relationships. We have enough things to keep ourselves busy 24/7. I can relate to the frenetic pace of Jesus’ ministry here in Mark’s gospel, however, Jesus shows us that our relationship with God needs time too. I am learning that I have to carve out time to be with God, it doesn’t just happen naturally, I have to intentionally carve out time to be alone with God. I meet with Him in the shower and and I listen to his word while I iron clothes. This is what works for me and what I’ve learned from Jesus is that if he could carve out time to be with the father, then so can I.

    Episode 183: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is… Humility is harder than it looks.

    Episode 183: What I Am Learning From Jesus Is… Humility is harder than it looks.
    I want to be great in God’s kingdom! I want to be known for preaching great sermons that lead thousands of people to Jesus. I want to be a household name and have numerous best selling books. I want people to like me and be an influencer like none other. I want to be famous for Jesus and the name people think of when they hear the word Christian. I want to heal people with the touch on my hand. I want to be the greatest Christian ever…however, those things are not what makes a person great in God’s kingdom. Greatness in God’s kingdom has more to do with humility and becoming like a child. That is hard to do, to check the ego at the door and be willing to be the lowest on the totem pole for God’s glory. My ego wants to fight back, but I’m learning to be humble a little at a time.

    Episode 182: What I'm Learning From Jesus Is...to see people with eyes of compassion.

    Episode 182: What I'm Learning From Jesus Is...to see people with eyes of compassion.
    Jesus is teaching me to listen to people and to speak the Gospel into their lives in the midst of a simple conversation. It’s not about beating people over the head with a Bible or being obnoxious by shouting through a bullhorn the four spiritual laws. It’s about being present and having compassion on the people in your path. When we do that, we are looking a lot like Jesus and making a dent on the harvest. The little things we do every day to show compassion like Jesus are just as important as the big things we do for Jesus.

    Episode 181: Luke Chapter 13

    Episode 181: Luke Chapter 13
    Jesus saw people, had concern for them and changed their story regardless of what was going on around him. The religious leaders, on the other hand were more concerned with keeping the rules than seeing the needs of people. If there is one thing that we can learn from Jesus here is that he has a genuine concern for people and their needs over the rules for the day.

    Episode 179: Luke Chapter 11

    Episode 179: Luke Chapter 11
    We don’t talk a lot about spiritual warfare, because if we can’t see it our touch it , we can’t understand it and if we can’t understand it, we dismiss it as not real. However, the more we hang out with Jesus, we realize that spiritual warfare is real and we need to be on guard against the spiritual forces that want to torment us. Jesus said that this is war and we need to choose our side and guard his word with our lives.

    Episode 178: Luke Chapter 10

    Episode 178: Luke Chapter 10
    What do you get worked up over? So many times, it’s the little stuff of life and we miss out on what Jesus wants us to focus on. I was reminded that before Jesus sent the disciples out to bring in the harvest, Jesus tells them to pray for harvest hands to get the message out about the Gospel. Before we get all worked up, we need to get on our knees and pray.

    Episode 177: Luke Chapter 9

    Episode 177: Luke Chapter 9
    Who is in the driver’s seat of your life? If we are going to follow Jesus, we have to get out of the driver’s seat and let him drive without being a backseat driver. That means that we let him take us where he wants and to enjoy the scenery. This is way easier said than done, but it is what Jesus is asking of us, so will we let him drive?

    Episode 176: Luke Chapter 8

    Episode 176: Luke Chapter 8
    What stuck me in the chapter is that obedience is thicker than blood and how trust and obedience go hand in hand. Trust leads to obedience and we see some examples of what trust looks like and doesn’t look like. Trust looks like some women who fund his ministry and a man who is relieved of demon possession and obeys Jesus by going home and proclaiming what Jesus had done for him. But, the disciples who had seen everything that Jesus had done didn’t trust him in the storm and began to panic. Trust and obey is the only way to live our lives for Jesus,

    Episode 174: Luke Chapter 6

    Episode 174: Luke Chapter 6
    There is so much teaching in this chapter and there are some great things that will make you think and what Jesus finishes the chapter with is what struck me. We need to work the words of Jesus into our lives and it will give us a firm foundation that will stand in the storms of life. If we don’t work Jesus’ words into our lives, we will fall flat in the storms of life. The words that I want to work into my life are from Luke 6:27–28 (The Message): “To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person. Instead of getting mad and fighting back, we can respond by praying for that person, it will do much more for them than my anger.

    Episode 173: Luke Chapter 5

    Episode 173: Luke Chapter 5
    In the story of the miraculous catch of fish it never quite dawned on me exactly how many fish that was and what that meant for those fishing families. To have two boats filled with fish, that was enough money that they would be set for life. They were able to walk away from their lively hood because their families were taken care of. They answered the call of Jesus to fish for people because of this miracle, they had been eking it out to that point but now God provided more than enough. I think ahead a little to the catch that Peter had at Pentecost of 3000 people saved that day. This story reminds me that when God calls you, he will provide for you.

    Episode 172: Luke Chapter 4

    Episode 172: Luke Chapter 4
    What stuck out to me in this chapter is the Holy Spirit’s role in Jesus’ ministry. It is the Spirit who led him to the wilderness and powered his ministry and teaching. I find it interesting that Luke picks up on how the Holy Spirit was involved in Jesus’ ministry as a template for us who are given the Holy Spirit as a gift when we believe in Jesus. We see the Spirit in the driver’s seat steering Jesus where he should go and also powering the engine of his ministry. How many of us who follow Jesus allow the Spirit to steer and power our lives? I do not yield control of my life to the Holy Spirit very well and unfortunately, I lack the power and direction that he wants to offer me. I want to follow Jesus’ example and allow the Holy Spirit access to steering wheel and to power my ministry engine. This is something worth praying about and pondering as we look for clues while reading through Luke.