
    About this Episode

    Jae Kim, associate professor of industrial and systems engineering at the University of San Diego, joined the "At the Edge of it All" podcast to discuss the future of electric vehicles and the challenges consumers face when purchasing and owning electric vehicles.

    Recent Episodes from At the Edge of it All

    Dirt and Soil: Where Science Meets Culture

    Dirt and Soil: Where Science Meets Culture
    Dig a little deeper and you’ll find there’s much more to dirt than meets the eye. Claudia Avila, assistant professor of environmental and ocean sciences, joined “At the Edge of It All” to talk about her research on soil and how it goes beyond science. She talks about the unique cultural perspective she brings to the field, coming from a family of farmworkers. She talks about how their experience and her heritage inform her work, how she fell in love with soil and gardening to begin with, and how she’s trying to ignite that passion in future generations.

    A Professor’s Journey From Shrimp Expert to Sustainability Champion

    A Professor’s Journey From Shrimp Expert to Sustainability Champion
    This week, “At the Edge of It All” was joined by Michel Boudrias, associate professor of ocean and environmental sciences. The discussion was a journey in itself, charting Boudrias’ course from being a young fan of Jacques Cousteau to diving to the depths of the ocean himself and studying how shrimp swim. He also talked about what drove him from a niche scientific passion to becoming a champion of sustainability and environmental justice.

    Providing a Path to Higher Ed for the Formerly Incarcerated

    Providing a Path to Higher Ed for the Formerly Incarcerated
    This week, "At the Edge of It All" was joined by Austin Galy and Janelle Brown-Peters, co-founders of USD's Torero Urban Scholars. "We are all greater than the sum of our worst decisions," Galy told us, as the two explained the program which aims to improve access to higher education for people who were formerly incarcerated or have been impacted by the justice system. They talked about why the program's mission is personal for them, some of the obstacles their students face, and the duo's advice for those students or people in their shoes.

    How to Use Your Cultural Capital, or Personal Story, to Succeed in Work, School and Life

    How to Use Your Cultural Capital, or Personal Story, to Succeed in Work, School and Life
    This week, “At the Edge of It All” was joined by Rhonda Harley, Assistant Dean of Student Engagement and Inclusive Excellence at USD’s Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering. Harley explains her philosophy behind “cultural capital” — how everyone can use their personal background, their advantages, and even perceived disadvantages, to achieve success in the classroom or workplace.

    USD President on Leading a University in 2024

    USD President on Leading a University in 2024
    James T. Harris III, DEd, president of the University of San Diego, joined “At the Edge of it All” to discuss his journey as an educator and give a glimpse into his role as a university leader helping to shape future generations. Harris talked about what drives him and what he believes is the reason for an increase in enrollment at faith-based institutions. He also shared personal anecdotes that have shaped the man he is today, including a small but memorable piece of advice from his grandmother — “remember what it feels like to be invisible.”

    Nadia Abdala comparte su trayectoria como entrenadora en USD y su pasión por ayudar a otras latinas en este deporte

    Nadia Abdala comparte su trayectoria como entrenadora en USD y su pasión por ayudar a otras latinas en este deporte
    Nadia Abdala, entrenadora del equipo de tenis femenino de USD, se unió al podcast "Al Borde de Todo" para hablar sobre cómo el tenis ha sido parte de su vida desde que le dieron su primera raqueta a los 3 años, cómo ha navegado industria del tenis como latina y las formas en que asesora a sus atletas con los que trabaja para que tengan éxito tanto dentro como fuera de la cancha.

    From Professional Tennis to Coaching: Nadia Abdala Shares Her Journey to Coaching at USD & Her Passion to Uplift Other Latinas in the Sport

    From Professional Tennis to Coaching: Nadia Abdala Shares Her Journey to Coaching at USD & Her Passion to Uplift Other Latinas in the Sport
    Nadia Abdala, USD's head coach for the women's tennis team, joined the "At the Edge of it All" podcast to talk about how tennis has been a part of her life since she got her first racket at 3 years old, how she's navigated the tennis industry as a Latina and ways she's mentoring the student-athletes she works with to succeed both on and off the court.

    A Professor's Research on Journalism's Role in Our Lives Today and How it is Rapidly Changing

    A Professor's Research on Journalism's Role in Our Lives Today and How it is Rapidly Changing
    Nikki Usher, associate professor of communication, studies journalism, politics and technology and how they all intersect. Usher joined the "At the Edge of it All" podcast to discuss journalism's current role in our lives as new technologies emerge, the role of nonprofit journalism in helping to keep politicians accountable and how people can find reliable, trustworthy journalism sites for local and national news.

    Abogado lucha por aquellos que han sido condenados injustamente

    Abogado lucha por aquellos que han sido condenados injustamente
    Justin Brooks, profesor de práctica en USD, se unió a “Al Borde de Todo” para hablar sobre su histórica carrera luchando por personas que han sido condenadas injustamente, incluso por que duró décadas su primer caso. Además habla sobre lo que lo llevó a dedicarse a la abogacía, cómo desarrolló una pasión que generó la fundación del Proyecto Inocencia de California y por qué está centrando el próximo capítulo de su carrera en mejorar el sistema de justicia en América Latina.

    A Lawyer's Fight for Those Who are Wrongfully Convicted

    A Lawyer's Fight for Those Who are Wrongfully Convicted
    Justin Brooks, professor of practice at USD, joined “At the Edge of it All” to talk about his storied career fighting for people who have been wrongfully convicted, including his first innocence case to exonerate an innocent woman, which lasted for decades. He discusses what got him into law, how he developed a passion that spawned the founding of the California Innocence Project and why he is focusing his next career chapter on improving the justice system in Latin America.

    You can learn more about Justin’s book and how to volunteer here: https://www.youmightgotoprison.com/