
    Podcast Summary

    • Overcoming Adversity and Embracing Opportunities.Perseverance and flexibility can lead to extraordinary accomplishments. Multilingualism broadens horizons and fosters intelligence, while early language acquisition showcases innate language learning abilities in children.

      Perseverance and adaptability can lead to incredible achievements, even in the face of adversity. The example of Rick Allen, the drummer of Def Leppard, who lost his arm and learned to play without it, demonstrates the power of determination and resilience. Despite the challenges, Allen and the band continued to thrive and reach new heights. Additionally, the conversation highlights the significance of being multilingual, which is often perceived as a mark of intelligence and worldly knowledge. Learning multiple languages can expand one's horizons and open up new opportunities. Finally, the conversation touches on the remarkable ability of children to learn language at a young age, showcasing the innate nature of language acquisition.

    • Theories of Language Learning: Critical Period, Sponge Theory, and BehaviorismLanguage learning is not limited to a specific period, nor is it a passive process. It involves active learning, reinforcement, and reward, which contribute to a better understanding of language acquisition.

      There have been different theories about language learning, such as the critical period hypothesis, sponge theory, and behaviorism. The critical period hypothesis suggests that there is a specific period in a young person's life where language learning is easiest, while after that, it becomes more difficult. However, this theory has been disproven, as the brain can still be very plastic even after the critical period. The sponge theory, which believed that children passively absorb language like sponges, has also been discarded, as it underestimates the importance of active learning. Behaviorism, on the other hand, highlights the role of reinforcement and reward in language learning. In reality, a combination of these theories provides a more accurate understanding of language acquisition.

    • Theories of language acquisition and its impact on learning multiple languages.Language acquisition is influenced by various theories, including behaviorism and nativism. Children have a higher plasticity for learning languages, with an upper limit of simultaneously learning three languages due to time constraints.

      Language acquisition is influenced by various theories. Behaviorism suggests that language is learned through observation and trial and error, while nativism proposes that humans have an innate ability to acquire and use language. Noam Chomsky's concept of the language acquisition device emphasizes the inborn ability to speak languages. Babies start grasping phonemes, the basic sounds of their language, as early as six months old. Learning a second language (L2 acquisition) is generally easier for children than adults due to their higher plasticity. Bilingual children raised in bilingual households experience no learning delays and may even excel in problem-solving situations. However, practically speaking, the upper limit for simultaneously learning languages is suggested to be three due to time constraints.

    • The Importance of Exposure and Cultural Diversity in Fostering a Multilingual SocietyAmericans living in areas with a diverse language population are more likely to be multilingual, highlighting the importance of exposure and cultural diversity in language learning.

      Americans tend to be less multilingual compared to those living in big cities or areas with a diverse language population. This lack of exposure to foreign languages may result in less interest in learning additional languages. Additionally, some individuals still hold onto a mindset of only speaking a particular language and discourage learning others. However, it is suggested that studying languages near borders, such as the Mexican border or the Canadian border, may provide more opportunities to interact with bilingual individuals and make language learning easier. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of exposure and cultural diversity in fostering a multilingual society.

    • The Critical Period for Language Learning and Myths about Adult Language AcquisitionAdults can learn new languages, although it may be more challenging than during the critical period. Fluency, thinking in another language, and dreaming in that language are skills that can be developed with practice.

      There is a critical period in which it is easier for individuals to learn a new language. This critical period is estimated to end anywhere from five to the mid-teens, during which the brain is highly receptive to learning and forming new connections. However, it is not impossible for adults to learn a new language, but it does become more challenging. The idea that adults cannot achieve fluency in another language or think in that language is a misconception. Fluency and thinking in another language are learned skills that can be developed with practice. Additionally, the belief that dreaming in a different language is a sign of fluency is also incorrect. Basic knowledge of another language can lead to dreaming in that language. It is important to understand the nuances and limitations of language acquisition at different stages of life.

    • The Role of Inhibitory Neurons in Learning and Neurological DisordersInhibitory neurons play a critical role in determining the importance of new experiences and language learning, but with effort, adults can override their influence. The loss of these neurons can contribute to Alzheimer's disease.

      Inhibitory neurons play a crucial role in determining which new experiences and information are worth forming neural connections for. These neurons weigh the importance of novel inputs and decide whether to allow the creation of new connections or not. Inhibitory neurons also contribute to language learning, as they can prevent the activation of neural pathways for new languages if the pathways overlap too much with the native language. However, as adults, we have the ability to override these inhibitory neurons and actively learn new languages by engaging our brain's attention and focus. Additionally, the loss of inhibitory neurons in regions such as the hippocampus or hypothalamus may contribute to Alzheimer's disease and impact brain wave coordination and consciousness.

    • The Brain and Language AcquisitionDifferent regions of the brain are responsible for different aspects of language, and damage to these areas can lead to specific language impairments. Understanding these regions helps us understand how language is acquired and communicated.

      Language acquisition involves specific areas of the brain, namely Broca's area, Wernicke's area, and the angular gyrus. Broca's area is responsible for the creation of language, while Wernicke's area handles comprehension. The angular gyrus acts as a hub connecting these areas together. Damage to one region can result in different language impairments, such as Wernicke's aphasia, where speech is generated but lacks coherence due to comprehension impairment. It is fascinating to observe how distinct regions in the brain perform specific language functions. Additionally, it is interesting to note that two out of the three language areas are located on the left side of the brain. Understanding the intricate workings of these language regions helps shed light on the complexity of language acquisition and communication.

    • Understanding the complexity of language acquisition in childrenLanguage acquisition in children involves the activation of both hemispheres of the brain, highlighting their innate ability and desire to learn languages, and is a combination of observation and innate skills.

      Language acquisition in children involves both hemispheres of the brain and follows a general pattern. MRI scans have shown that when kids are learning language, both hemispheres of their brain are active. This highlights the innate ability and desire children have to learn languages. Language acquisition is crucial for survival, as it helps individuals understand and communicate in the world they are born into. The conversation also touches upon the debate between behaviorism and innate ability, suggesting that language learning is a combination of both observation and innate skills passed down through natural selection. Additionally, while vocabulary continues to grow throughout life, basic grammar and concepts are typically mastered by the age of eight.

    • Learning a new language: challenges and strategiesLearning a new language is challenging but achievable at any age. Immersion, active practice, vocabulary building, and creating a supportive learning environment are key strategies for success.

      Learning a new language can be challenging but not impossible, especially if you start at a younger age. While it may be more difficult to achieve native-like fluency after the age of 17 or 18, it is still achievable with concerted effort and study. Immersion in the language, whether through watching foreign language TV shows or movies, is helpful, but it is important to not just passively consume the language but also actively practice speaking and writing it. Building vocabulary is crucial, and while it may involve memorizing lists, breaking the learning process into manageable and interesting lessons is key to maintaining attention and motivation. Creating a non-threatening learning environment also aids in language acquisition. So, don't be afraid to take on the challenge of learning a new language and remember to approach it with patience, perseverance, and dedication.

    • Learning a language through children's stories and baby talk simplifies the process and creates a non-threatening environment for learners.Learning a new language through simplified speech and mimicry can improve pronunciation and make the process less intimidating. Bilingual individuals also exhibit more empathy, indicating personal growth benefits.

      Learning a language through children's stories can be more effective than traditional grammar lessons. The latter can be intimidating and may not create a non-threatening environment for learners. Native speakers often simplify their speech when talking to someone who is trying to speak their language, similar to baby talk. Mimicking the sounds of a language, even if not perfect, can help improve pronunciation over time. Learning a language as an adult has become easier with apps that break down the language into digestible sections. While some may learn a language to show off, studies have shown that bilingual individuals exhibit more empathy. This suggests that learning another language can have positive effects on personal growth beyond practical reasons.

    • The Cognitive and Social Benefits of Being BilingualLearning a new language not only improves cognitive abilities and conflict management, but also creates a perception of intelligence and superiority among others. Consider exploring the firsthand experience of being bilingual.

      Being bilingual has several cognitive benefits, including improved conflict management and cognitive abilities. Bilingual individuals tend to perform better on semantic conflict tests, indicating their ability to process conflicting information more effectively. Additionally, learning a new language later in life can provide a solid workout for the brain and may even delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. It is also noted that being bilingual can create a perception of intelligence and superiority among others. Overall, this conversation highlights the numerous advantages of being bilingual, both in terms of cognitive skills and social perception. So, if you're interested in reaping these benefits, consider learning another language and exploring the firsthand experience.

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    TEFL Interviews 47: Jean-Marc Dewaele on Multilingualism

    Welcome back to the TEFLology Podcast! A podcast all about teaching English as foreign language and related matters. 

    Today we are pleased to bring you an interview with Prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele. 

    Jean-Marc is a professor in Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism at Birkbeck, University of London. 

    His various research interests include multilingualism, multiculturalism, as well as individual differences in foreign language acquisition and production. 

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    Matthew got the chance to speak to Jean-Marc at the 3rd Psychology of Language Learning conference, held at Waseda University in Tokyo, in June of 2018. Matthew asked questions to Jean-Marc about topics related to multilingualism, such as raising multilingual children. We hope you enjoy the interview. 

    More information about Jean-Marc Dewaele can be found here.

    'Podcasting and Professional Development: A Guide for English Language Teachers' can be bought here.

    For other great titles, visit The Round.

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