
    About this Episode

    The more conversations I have about the book sacred strides and dig into the themes in the stories, the more I find myself going back to some of my own source material, which is not to say the stories I wrote about my own life, but the words and the reflections and the teachings of the people who informed that life again, it's not experience that we learn from it is a reflection upon experience. And some of the people I've read over the course of the last 15-20 years had been very, very helpful in clarifying and helping me to learn from my experience, maybe none more, quite as profoundly as Parker Palmer, when it comes to vocation, you may or may not have read the book, let your life speak is really a book about vocation. It's about how we do what we do and who we are in it. In that book, he writes about self-care. And it's linked to service, which is a conversation I end up having, specifically with pastors, but with pastors and artists in my coaching context, but also, again, in the conversations I'm having on the other side of releasing the book sacred strides in a chapter called selfhood, society, and service, he writes this self-care is never a selfish act. It is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer. Anytime we can listen to the true self and give it the care it requires. We do so not only for ourselves but for the many others whose lives we will touch. There are at least two ways to understand the link between selfhood and service. One is offered by the poet Rumi in this piercing observation. If you are here faithfully with us, you're causing terrible damage. And then what Palmer does is he writes his own rendition of that same line, and I like this better. He says if we are unfaithful to our true selves, we will extract a price from others. Friends, I don't make massive sweeping cultural analyses all that often. But I'm somewhat comfortable saying that some of what we're seeing in the disarray of religious life, organized, institutionalized religious life, is not because organized religion is bad. It's not because institutionalizing things that matter; that's not negative in and of itself. Some of what we're seeing in the disarray of organized, institutionalized religious practice in America has to do with the number of false self-actors who are organizing and leading religious spaces, spaces that promise a pathway to the true self. So folks like you and I are showing up in institutionalized, organized religious spaces, hoping, dreaming, and wanting a pathway to wholeness and to belovedness. And those spaces, far too many of them, are being led by persons who are not living out of or even truly pursuing their own wholeness. They have given themselves over to this utilitarian mindset that basically convinces folks like myself when I was living in the pastorate that I can't bring my whole self to the table because it's not what these people want. These people do not want a person who is still in process; they want me to have answers. They want me to have strength all the time. They don't want me to have limits; they want me to be available all the time. That the requirements of the job, the demands of the job, the expectations that people come to that job with and for actually invite me into something more like a divided life. I cannot give you my whole self. I don't really want to, and I don't think you want me to either, but I will give you the best of my false self. Meanwhile, that's going to cost everybody in the long run. And that's part of what we're noticing now is we're going to witness and are witnessing the dissolving of the disintegration of persons and religious leadership. These are not on the whole persons that showed up with corrupted mindsets with ulterior motives. These are oftentimes women and men who showed up to serve in ministry positions. As pastors and caretakers of a place of love. They wanted to do the work itself, and then the demands of the culture and sometimes the demands of the person showing up in the seats in front of them or in the boardroom. asked of them something very different than homeless they asked for a mechanism. They asked for utility. They demanded that their limitations be cast aside. They demanded, in fact, that they not be full people but just be as useful as they can be in the quote, "role of pastor or minister" One of the reasons I wrote the book sacred strides is, well, it's one of the reasons I push my pastor friends, my minister clients towards a regular practice of rest, not because the work itself is corruptive, but because in order to do it well, I have to remember why I showed up. And that comes with time. And that comes with practice. Because the noise of doing things right, the noise of doing things effectively, will drown out the desire and the passion in me to do things well and wisely. And from a place of love. It actually means doing things more slowly so that I can enjoy what I'm doing. And here's the real trick. When I mention false self-actors, running and organizing institutionalized religious spaces, I'm not talking about people who showed up to act; I'm talking about people who no longer believe that it's valuable for them to enjoy their own work. One of the ways we move out of a posture of utility and acting and performance is that we look into our own souls, we pay attention to what's going on in our guts, and we decide it is not just okay, it is, in fact, necessary, that I am fully present to this job. And the surest metric of full presence is joy. What if Joy was a primary metric for success? In order to get there, I have to know what brings me joy. So I have to take regular stops along the way in my work to look back over the last week, last month, last year and say, Where was I most fully alive? Where am I least fully alive? And how do I build my Ellenville vocational practices in the direction of life, not just so I can enjoy this thing, but because I know if I'm experiencing joy, then I am more present? And if I am more present, I'm giving the best of the gift I have, which is my whole self, including my limitations.

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    Recent Episodes from At Sea with Justin McRoberts

    Sacred Strides Chapter 9 - Running Hurt

    Sacred Strides Chapter 9 - Running Hurt

    Dan and I have been walking through my most recent book, Sacred Strides. We're going chapter by chapter providing some insights into the stories and some add-ons.

    You know, kind of not quite behind the scenes of the making of it per se, but more like, what are the themes and why are they important? And do I still believe the things I said when I published this book. This week we go through Chapter 9. 

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    Sacred Strides Chapter 8 - Taking a Breather

    Sacred Strides Chapter 8 - Taking a Breather

    Today, we're embarking on a unique exploration not just of what's written, but of the stories and insights that lie beneath the surface of each chapter. Joining me on this adventure is none other than Dan Portnoy, a dear friend, and producer.

    Dan's perspective on my work is truly one-of-a-kind. He's been by my side through the highs and lows, understanding not just the essence of my writing, but the passion and purpose that drive it. Today, we're not just revisiting the chapters of 'Sacred Strides,' but we're also delving into the layers underneath—the thoughts, the motivations, and the untold stories that have shaped this book.

    And let me tell you, having Dan here isn't just about having a fan in the room; it's about sharing this space with someone who genuinely cares about the work, appreciates the craft of writing, and, most importantly, isn't afraid to dive deep into the discussion, challenging and enriching our journey through 'Sacred Strides.'

    So, whether you've been a part of our story from the beginning or are just joining us, we're thrilled to have you with us. Let's peel back the layers together, uncovering the heart and soul behind 'Sacred Strides.' Check it out.

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    Sacred Strides Chapter 7 - Tripping Over Myself

    Sacred Strides Chapter 7 - Tripping Over Myself

    We are walking through the book Sacred Strides. Dan is asking questions, and we're re-narrating this book because it's cool. And I'd like to get it in your life somehow, shape, or form. So Dan has known me for a very long time; we've been partners for, goodness gracious, like a couple of decades, and we've done many different works together. And so he has a unique take on my work and what I'm doing with it. And it's been fun to walk through these chapters, have Dan point stuff out, and show me where the work could have made this a better project. - What a terrible podcast! I'm kidding. Join us as we go over the lessons and stories of Chapter 7.

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    Sacred Strides Chapter 6 - Running With Others

    Sacred Strides Chapter 6 - Running With Others

    This week we take a look at Chapter 6 of Sacred Strides. There's a turn in this chapter and it has to do with value. I get a glimmer of what it is to work hard on something and to do that with friends, true friends. It's been a minute as the holidays and all kinds of stuff happened. I turned 50 this month and in this episode, we explored a bunch - Check it out.

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    Sacred Strides Chapter 5 - Pacing Myself

    Sacred Strides Chapter 5 - Pacing Myself

    Welcome to the odd, like a spiral, like a downward spiral of information and conversation that has become this podcast because, in essence, I am the host, and I am hosting Dan Portnoy, who is playing host to me.  Let's start calling a media company, Meta. There are lots of triggers going off right now. Some of them are justified, but not all of them. Today, Dan and I walk through the book Sacred Strides, digging into the story and talking about the themes, giving you an opportunity if you liked book, which I think you did, if I'm honest. And give you an opportunity to dig a little bit deeper and hear more about it. And if you have not come across the book or giving it a shot, giving you all kinds of reasons to to do it. This is a chapter chapter five. That is entitled, Pacing Myself or Coffee, College, and knowing my limits. Dan, welcome back to the show.

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    Sacred Strides Chapter 4 - Finding My Stride

    Sacred Strides Chapter 4 - Finding My Stride

    We are marching back through the book Sacred Strides, looking at different chapters, chapter by chapter. We're on Chapter Four, digging into elements of the book that will just kind of follow the arrows that the book provides. Because when I write, and I wrote this book, I never really intended for a book to be a whole thing. I intend for a book to point to other stuff and you are in the culture around you. So we're following those arrows and having the conversations around him. So welcome.


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    Sacred Strides Chapter 3 - Staying In My Lane

    Sacred Strides Chapter 3 - Staying In My Lane

    Another episode with producer, Dan Portnoy, marching through the book Sacred Strides. We're going to dive into Chapter 3 today - Staying In My Lane. This is a chapter about limitations - something we love to talk about. 


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    At Sea with Justin McRoberts
    en-usNovember 16, 2023

    Sacred Strides - A False Start

    Sacred Strides - A False Start

    We are doing a series in and by which we're digging back into and through the book Sacred Strides - chapter by chapter talking about the dominant themes in the book or extras on top of the book what you know what it looks like to apply some of the things that I get to in the book. Dan, who's been a friend for a long time and has produced this podcast from its beginning, has a really unique perspective on my work and on me as a worker. And so it's fun to talk about my stuff and have Dan poke around a little bit at, "Hey, what's behind this or underneath this? What's after this?" And so we've enjoyed doing this podcast series up to this point and we expect to continue to, and we think you are as well, judging by the numbers, the metrics. So this is chapter two of the book Sacred Strides, and will you please welcome Dan Portnoy to the microphone? Let's dig in.

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    Sacred Strides - Getting Off on the Right Foot

    Sacred Strides - Getting Off on the Right Foot

    Dan and I are doing a series of podcasts focused on my book. Reintroducing folks to the book Sacred Strides. We began last week with an overview of the book before it got into the introduction. And like why I wrote the book and some surrounding themes. This week, we will dive into Chapter One and talk about it. Dan is going to draw some stuff out. One of the things that's great about Dan and my partnership with Dan is that Dan has a unique perspective on the work I'm doing. Working more collaboratively with people is an enjoyable part of being an artist. So, welcome to this episode of The @Sea Podcast and interview with me, conducted by producer Dan Portnoy, centered on the book Sacred Strides. Here We Go.


    Summary The book "Sacred Strides" with Justin McRoberts and Dan Portnoy. 0:07 

    Balance and prioritization in life and work. 1:15 

    Work-life balance and prioritizing projects. 5:43 

    Work-life balance and self-care. 9:39 

    Creativity, passion projects, and work-life balance. 14:24 

    Creativity, identity, and disillusionment. 19:38 

    Balancing work and family life as a creative professional. 24:09 

    Vulnerability and parenting with a focus on emotional connection. 30:23 

    Observing the Sabbath in modern times. 33:32 

    Scheduling and organization strategies. 42:04 

    Creative coaching and planning. 45:09 

    Creativity, work ethic, and entrepreneurship. 48:42 

    Identity and relationship with God. 53:12 

    Belovedness and rest for a deeper understanding of oneself. 57:08

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    Introduction to Sacred Strides

    Introduction to Sacred Strides

    Welcome specifically to this new series. It's going to be a deeper dive into the book Sacred Strides, which I released earlier in the year. And I get to spend some time talking with my friend Dan Portnoy, who is also the producer of this show. So if you've been around the @Sea podcast for any amount of time you have benefited from and enjoy Dan Portnoy his work, I deeply value him as a friend and really value him also as a work partner. So what's gonna happen is instead of me just talking about the book, or trying to interview myself in some sort of like, like comedic Monty Python style, although that was, that was an that was an idea entertained. Dan's gonna ask me some questions beginning with this first episode, talking about some of the history leading up to the release of the book, why it was important and what I was hoping to do with it.


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