
    About this Episode

    4th in a Series with Harry sharing with Cecilia Hector from Sweden on “What is healing from a spiritual-psychological perspective.” This 13-minute extract discusses our Connection to God, and Harry’s new direction in sharing with the 120,000 people of Nakivale Refugee Camp in Uganda.

    Recent Episodes from Addiction, Alcoholism & The 3 Principles

    Ep.97-Case Studies, Results & Healing

    Ep.97-Case Studies, Results & Healing

    This podcast is a 30-minute extract from a session of the recent WeRallOK Global Online Conference of Back to the Fitrah Mentoring Academy on CASE STUDIES, RESULTS AND RECOVERY. Members of the Addiction Department talk about Healing and sharing with clients + Creating support and awareness of family members.

    Full Video can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ag68CMh_4U

    Ep.96-Spiritual Solution to Addiction

    Ep.96-Spiritual Solution to Addiction
    Watch how Harry uses Sydney Banks 11-minute teaching at the beginning of this podcast to expand on HEALING IN ADDICTION. This powerful presentation called a Spiritual Solution to Addiction was part of the recent 4th Annual Global Conference of 2 days by Back to the Fitrah Mentoring Academy, which included 4 hours by the Addiction Department. If you want to uncover a spiritual-psychological answer or the Ultimate Answer to Addiction, this is the talk for you.
    Sydney Banks Video on Alcoholism is not a Disease https://youtu.be/uOUNCvol3UU
    Harry Derbitsky’s Video on A Spiritual Solution to Addiction -- https://youtu.be/QzzAF6sl6Ag



    Podcast 95 is an 8-minute excerpt from University OLLI class 3 - "Transforming Lives: Syd Banks", Sept 26 with Harry Derbitsky.  Questions on “When we have a connection to God, what is it about 3P that is transformative” and “How do we Participate with God.”

    Full video recording link: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ahev5UOBVIkEgeU-uVhbsm9OjESMbw?e=Zjef3E

     Full audio recording link:  https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahev5UOBVIkEgeU9GwX_so31igTihg?e=zIPMWh

    Ep.94-Fear of Sharing

    Ep.94-Fear of Sharing

    Podcast 94 is an excerpt on FEAR OF SHARING from the Addiction Department of Back to the Fitrah Mentoring Academy. The Fear to Share generally comes from the fear of the past and of challenging society’s wrongful norms. We must honor our responsibility to help people beyond this fear. We require courage to talk & not run away from God or the Oneness of Life. By participating with God and showing the power of “intent,” we unfasten the ego’s ability to trick our minds. This talk finishes with an example of the power of sharing by 3 healed alcoholic members of Nakivale.

    Ep.92-Zahara asks about "Love & Alcohol"

    Ep.92-Zahara asks about "Love & Alcohol"
    Podcast 92 is Chapter 4 of my unpublished book called ZAHARA asks “WHAT IS LOVE? Zahara and her grandmother Bibi are fictional characters, but Nehemia is a real person telling his true story of ALCOHOL, and he lives in Nakivale Refugee Camp, Uganda. Chapter is fully illustrated, along with Nehemia's writing of his story at https://www.acttraining.biz/post/ep-92-zahara-asks-about-love-alcohol  .

    Ep.50-Purity of the Principles-Part 1

    Ep.50-Purity of the Principles-Part 1
    Podcast 50 is an extract that is described as a perfect celebration of Sydney Banks 50th Anniversary of his enlightenment experience. Guest Dr. Dicken Bettinger illustrates a metaphor of spiritual and human experience where scientists state that which is visible in life measured by man's instruments is only 4%; while 96% is the fullness and invisible because it is full of creative potential. "People are waking up to the fact that they are more than my 4%--the human part." Dicken beautifully describes Sydney Banks experience of fully walking through the buzzing light and discovered God.

    Ep.91-Purity of the Principles--Part 2

    Ep.91-Purity of the Principles--Part 2

    Podcast 91 is an extract from a TAWHID WEBINAR that is described as a perfect celebration of Sydney Banks 50th Anniversary of his enlightenment experience. Guest Dr. Dicken Bettinger deals with the essence of all psychological experience through the questions of "Do you believe the field of psychology will ever embrace this 3 Principles understanding" and "The power of an Insight." He describes a wisdom based versus ego based world.

    Ep.90-Pornography & 3P

    Ep.90-Pornography & 3P
    Podcast 90 is a 23-minute extract from a 2-hour GROUP session with the Addiction Department of Back to The Fitrah Mentoring Academy on PORNOGRAPHY & 3P. It has been edited to only hear Harry’s sharing, although the session had great interaction and interest from the other members of the group. Harry has never taught on this topic before, and this session jumps back and forth answering questions between porn for the individual and when one is in a relationship with a partner who is into porn. The podcast ends with Harry reading excerpts from his unfinished book’s chapter titled Human Desires & Addiction.