
    106: Supporting Women In The (F)Arts w/ Hannah Berner

    enFebruary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A night of partying and regretsThe speaker regretted not having someone to take care of them after a late night launch, admired Eddie Murphy's ability to disappear from the spotlight, and felt most comfortable performing in front of an audience.

      The speaker had an exciting night launching their project, Obsessed, and ended up partying late into the night. Despite feeling under the weather the next day, they regretted not having someone to take care of them. The conversation then shifted to a discussion about Eddie Murphy and his career, with the speaker expressing her admiration for his ability to disappear from the spotlight once he'd achieved success. The speaker also revealed that she feels most comfortable performing in front of an audience and gets anxious in social situations where she's not in control. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing her desire to make every interaction with others a memorable experience.

    • Hosting a comedy show: A character-building experienceHosting a comedy show challenges you to engage with the audience, handle highs and lows, and develop better communication skills.

      Hosting a comedy show can be draining but also builds character. The experience of hosting requires putting yourself out there, engaging with the audience, and dealing with the highs and lows of performing. It's like trying to convince a toddler that they like you all over again every time you come back on stage. While it can be challenging, it ultimately makes you a better comic and adds depth to your character. However, some people might find the constant need for attention and interaction exhausting, preferring to listen and contribute less frequently in conversations. It's essential to remember that effective communication involves give and take, and both parties should make an effort to create a balanced dialogue.

    • Misunderstandings and Assumptions based on AppearancesPeople's behaviors and appearances can be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings and assumptions. It's essential to look beyond appearances and recognize the complexities of people's behaviors and motivations.

      People's behaviors and appearances can sometimes be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings and assumptions. In the conversation, the speakers joked about a friend's lack of self-care and his seemingly contradictory actions. They also discussed how people perceive them and how they are often labeled based on their looks. The friend was described as a "monster," "lovable monster," "boss baby monster," and even a "dangerous man," highlighting the thin line between affection and disdain. The speakers also shared their experiences with being labeled in articles and forums, and how they felt about being categorized based on their appearance. The conversation ended with the speakers expressing their appreciation for each other and acknowledging their unique qualities. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of looking beyond appearances and recognizing the complexities of people's behaviors and motivations.

    • A candid conversation between two Gen Z individuals about age, honesty, and farting in publicGen Z individuals prioritize experience and forward-thinking attitudes over age, and believe in the importance of honesty, even if it means farting in public, but only when it doesn't affect others or performance.

      During a conversation, two individuals discussed various topics including age, honesty, and personal experiences. The conversation revealed that they both identified as Gen Z and shared similar perspectives on age and experience. They also discussed the topic of farting in public and how it's not always necessary to announce it. The conversation took an unexpected turn when one person shared a childhood story about farting in computer class. Despite the awkward topic, they continued to engage in a lighthearted and open conversation. Another key takeaway is that they both agreed that age doesn't necessarily define one's qualifications or worth, and that experience and forward-thinking attitudes are more important. They also acknowledged the importance of honesty, even if it means farting in public, but only when it doesn't affect performance or others. Overall, the conversation showcased a comfortable and open dynamic between the two individuals.

    • Sharing embarrassing experiences and their impactEmbrace embarrassing moments as natural, identify the source instead of blaming, and find support and humor in shared experiences.

      Everyone experiences embarrassing moments, and it's important to remember that they are a natural part of life. The speaker shared two such incidents from her past - one in a classroom setting and the other during a geometry test. In both instances, she was unable to continue her focus until she identified the person responsible for the embarrassing event. The speaker also discussed the concept of gaslighting, which she believed originated from these experiences. She noted that it's essential to avoid blaming others and instead focus on the shared human experience of embarrassment. The speaker ended the discussion by acknowledging the importance of supporting each other and finding humor in our shared experiences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience in the face of embarrassment.

    • Creating and releasing content takes patience and a willingness to evolvePatience is key in content creation, starting from scratch after releasing material, sharing unfinished work, embracing new platforms, and staying authentic.

      Creating and releasing content, especially in the comedy industry, is a complex process that requires patience and a willingness to evolve. Hannah Burner shared her experience of having a Netflix special deal but not yet filmed, emphasizing that once the material is out, it's essential to start from scratch. She also highlighted the importance of sharing unfinished work and not being overly concerned with perfection, as people remember the emotions evoked rather than the exact words. Furthermore, Burner discussed the importance of embracing new platforms like TikTok to reach audiences and the value of being authentic and true to oneself, even if it goes against traditional expectations.

    • Building rapport with audience through crowd workCrowd work allows comedians to connect with their audience, earnestly care about their experiences, and learn something new. It's about creating a positive vibe and being loose and confident.

      Comedian's connection with their audience through crowd work is a valuable skill that requires patience, practice, and a willingness to be uncomfortable. They shared that crowd work allows comedians to build a rapport with the audience, earnestly care about their experiences, and even learn something new. It's not about having a perfect punchline but rather connecting with the crowd and making them feel comfortable. The comedian also mentioned that getting better at crowd work involves putting oneself in uncomfortable situations and letting go of perfectionism. They emphasized that the best moments often come when comedians are loose and confident, creating a positive vibe for the audience.

    • Engaging in genuine conversation with the audience for crowd workEffective crowd work involves authentic conversations, asking questions, and creating fresh bits based on audience responses. Embrace the unexpected and let go of control for a genuine and lively performance.

      Effective crowd work in comedy involves engaging with the audience through genuine conversation and asking questions to discover new material. The conversation can lead to unexpected directions, allowing the comedian to create fresh bits based on the audience's responses. This approach not only keeps the performance lively but also encourages authenticity and connection with the crowd. Additionally, it's essential to remember that crowd work is about being yourself and letting go of control, even if it means embracing the awkward moments. As Hunter Bell put it, "It's all just a mess chilling for mentally ill people."

    • The Power of Authenticity in Stand-Up ComedyConfidence in personality and honesty are essential in comedy. Women can overcome intimidation by utilizing online platforms and building stage time. Experience and practice are crucial.

      Having confidence in your personality and authenticity is crucial in stand-up comedy. Both nervousness and honesty can be sources of humor. For women, the intimidation of traditional stand-up comedy clubs and late-night performances can be overcome by utilizing online platforms and building up stage time. Comedy legend Tim Dillon encouraged the speaker to stop reading books and just go out and do it, emphasizing that experience and practice are essential. Additionally, Flying Embers Hard Seltzer was mentioned as a sponsor, and the speakers shared their experiences with the beverage.

    • Confidence and unexpected outcomesFeeling unprepared or unsure doesn't always hinder growth. Embrace opportunities, be open-minded, and trust yourself.

      Confidence and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected outcomes, even if you feel unprepared or unsure of yourself. The speaker shares an experience of being encouraged to perform on stage despite feeling inadequate, leading to a moment of connection and growth. The conversation then shifts to the importance of being open-minded and non-judgmental, as demonstrated by their interaction with a stranger who shared philosophical insights. The conversation also touches on the complexity of relationships and the challenges of navigating ethical dilemmas. Ultimately, the speakers emphasize the importance of trusting yourself and making decisions based on what feels right for you, rather than societal expectations or external pressures.

    • Respecting boundaries and effective communication in sensitive situationsConsider the potential harm before sharing others' information. Communicate openly and respectfully when dealing with sensitive issues, expressing the need for respect and compensation if necessary.

      It's important to respect others' boundaries and communicate effectively in sensitive situations. In the first part of the discussion, the speakers addressed a situation where a man might be sharing information about his girlfriend to others without her consent. They emphasized that it's crucial to consider the potential harm this could cause and only share information when necessary. In the second part, the speakers talked about a friend's dilemma regarding a guy who broke her shower and hasn't paid her back. They advised her to communicate openly with him about the issue, expressing her need for the money and the importance of respecting her property. They also suggested that she might consider asking him directly for the payment, using a lighthearted approach if appropriate. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of clear communication, respect, and empathy in navigating complex social situations.

    • Navigating personal boundaries and professional responsibilitiesBe aware of power dynamics and potential consequences when setting personal boundaries in professional and personal situations. Consider the unique circumstances of each situation before making a decision.

      Personal boundaries and professional responsibilities can be challenging to navigate, especially when they intersect in unexpected ways. In the discussed scenario, a woman is faced with an uncomfortable situation where a potential employer, a 58-year-old man, makes an unwanted advance towards her. The situation raises questions about ethics, power dynamics, and potential consequences. One piece of advice given is for the woman to take the job and use the situation to her advantage. However, it's important to note that every situation is unique, and there are risks and potential negative consequences to consider. For instance, if the woman is in a PR role or has a public image to maintain, the kiss could potentially harm her reputation. Another scenario discussed involved a new girlfriend trying to pressure a man into calling her "stepmommy" after only one month of dating. In this situation, the woman's behavior was seen as inappropriate and potentially harmful to the child's well-being. The advice given was for the man to remove his child from the situation as soon as possible and consider waiting longer before integrating his new partner into his family. Overall, the discussions highlight the importance of setting and maintaining personal boundaries, being aware of power dynamics, and considering the potential consequences of our actions. It's also important to remember that every situation is unique and requires careful consideration and decision-making.

    • Age gaps in relationships and power dynamicsConsider potential power imbalances and ethical implications when navigating age gaps in relationships, especially when one partner holds a position of power.

      Age gaps in relationships can be complex and come with potential challenges, especially when one partner is significantly older and in a position of power, such as a boss or a judge. The discussion touched upon various situations where age differences led to ethical dilemmas and potential power imbalances. For instance, a 19-year-old's relationship with a 31-year-old coworker raised concerns about manipulation and the potential for exploitation. Similarly, the possibility of a judge's involvement in a family matter due to a large age gap could lead to legal complications. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the potential power dynamics and ethical implications when navigating age gaps in relationships.

    • Navigating Complicated Teenage RelationshipsTeenage relationships can be intense and form deep connections, but it's important to prioritize self-worth and move on from unhealthy ones. Research and take time to find the right partner.

      Relationships in our teenage years can be complicated and form deep connections, even if they don't last. The speaker in this conversation shared her experiences with a past relationship, expressing conflicting emotions towards her ex-boyfriend. She acknowledged that he knew her well, but ultimately decided to end the relationship due to various issues, including his treatment of her and the disapproval of her friends. The speaker also shared her past experiences with subtweeting and texting her ex-boyfriend, revealing the intensity of emotions and obsession that can come with young love. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of self-worth and moving on from unhealthy relationships. She encouraged doing research and taking time to find the right partner. The conversation also touched on the topic of having a pet and the challenges that come with it.

    • Subtweeting: A Petty and Unproductive Form of Social Media CommentaryInstead of subtweeting, focus on expressing ourselves in a direct and respectful manner. Share inspirational quotes or messages for positivity, and if self-subtweeting, do it on your own terms.

      Subtweeting, or making veiled social media comments about someone else, can often stem from negative emotions and a desire to "win" an argument or fight. However, it's important to remember that subtweeting can come across as petty and unproductive, and may not be worth the potential negative consequences. Instead, it's better to focus on expressing ourselves in a direct and respectful manner when dealing with conflicts. Additionally, using social media to share inspirational quotes or messages can provide a sense of hope and positivity during difficult times. And, if you feel the need to subtweet yourself as a form of self-empowerment, that's okay too, as long as it's done on your own terms and not for the validation of others.

    • Instagram's automated responses to suicide threatsInstagram's automated responses can sometimes misinterpret sarcasm, leading to unnecessary interventions, while Hannah Berner's quick wit and engaging personality left listeners entertained.

      Social media platforms like Instagram have automated responses to potential suicide threats, but they don't fully understand the context of the situation. Hannah Berner shared an experience where she received such a response after someone made a sarcastic comment about her chewing with her mouth open during a video. She found the situation amusing but also acknowledged the seriousness of the issue. Berner also talked about her upcoming Netflix special and her excitement about performing in her hometown of Philadelphia. Throughout the conversation, she showcased her quick wit and engaging personality, leaving the listeners entertained and looking forward to more of her content.

    • Exclusive videos require sign-upBe cautious when signing up for exclusive content, assess risks and benefits before proceeding.

      There are exclusive videos available, but they can only be accessed by signing up on tmgstudios.tv. The speaker uses intrigue and a hint of risk to encourage the audience to take action. However, it's important to note that this is a marketing tactic, and the actual content and value of the videos should be considered before making a decision. It's essential to be cautious and ensure that any online sign-ups are secure and reputable. Additionally, understanding the terms and conditions of the website is crucial to avoid any potential risks. Overall, the speaker's message is to entice the audience to explore further and potentially discover new content, but it's up to each individual to assess the risks and benefits before proceeding.

    Recent Episodes from Brooke and Connor Make A Podcast

    130: Mold Kills A Lot Of People But Okay

    130: Mold Kills A Lot Of People But Okay
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    This week, Brooke and Connor have got the magic in them as they dress up as Harry Potter and he who should not be named. The two discuss Connor’s mold situation, navigating life with one nostril, and the power of Glen Powell. 

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    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Hi My Love! 
    1:40 Intro
    2:00 I’ve Got The Magic In Me
    4:30 Ben SPLATT
    5:45 Megan Knees
    7:00 Mouth Breathers vs Nose Breathers
    10:58 Armra 
    12:17 Lucid Dreaming
    16:52 Brooke’s New Nails
    18:08 Dirty Ball Pits
    20:06 Fear Mongering Your Kids
    21:55 Santa’s Packages
    23:41 BetterHelp
    24:55 Trump’s Ear
    27:22 Mold Kills A Lot Of People But Okay
    30:15 Brooke’s Harmful Fumes
    33:09 State Farm
    34:24 The National Anthem Performance
    40:08 Glen Powell Power
    43:05 Glen Powell Goes Back To School
    44:57 GP’s Family
    45:30 Understanding DNA Strands
    47:26 Skims
    49:05 Chill Celebrity Obsessions
    51:30 Weenus Williams
    54:25 The Pregnant DJ
    55:59 Connor’s Secret Plans
    57:48 Melatonin Nightmares
    59:07 The Worst Airplane Snack
    1:03:23 Pronouncing Names Wrong
    1:06:10 Mold Reveal
    1:10:15 See You In Bonus!!!

    129: Life Could Be Dream

    129: Life Could Be Dream
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    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor break down how life could be a dream if they didn’t get annoyed, plus the struggle of dealing with the collections office. Connor also gets emotional while fighting back tears.  

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Connor’s Drunk
    1:12 Intro
    1:32 Alcoholic Mocktails 
    3:29 Fluff and Fold Struggles
    5:25 Ruining A Crisp White Shirt
    8:30 Virtual Smells
    9:30 Connor’s Late Arrival
    11:20 The Farmer’s Dog
    13:19 Driving to the Airport
    15:49 X-rays are IN
    17:48 Disposable Clothes
    19:51 Seaside Florida
    22:18 Acorns
    23:12 Displaced in the Airport
    28:19 Dry Ass Skin
    30:19 Fleeing from Diarrhea
    34:04 The McDonald’s App
    35:48 Spider Propaganda
    39:51 Empathy for Spiders
    43:17 Feeling Old
    45:45 Squarespace
    46:54 Saving Lives with Magnets
    50:15 Entitled Truck Driver
    52:14 Max’s Late Night Surprise
    55:39 Food off the Car Floor
    58:17 Drunk Storytelling
    59:29 Justice for Gypsy’s Ex
    1:03:06 Show Recs
    1:07:00 Nice Try Diddy
    1:10:03 Andrew Garfield's Filmography 
    1:14:26 See You In Bonus!!!

    128: It’s Heat Rash Season

    128: It’s Heat Rash Season
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    This week, Brooke and Connor are getting cozy on the couch together to celebrate reaching the halfway point of the year (heat rash and all)! Plus, Brooke talks about her experience moving into a new place, while Connor shows off his new obsession: the TikTok shop.

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    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

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    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Slurping vs Sipping
    3:18 Intro
    3:38 Alexa Fights Back
    5:13 America's True Patriot
    9:02 Connor's Book Shelf
    11:32 ZBiotics 
    13:18 Celine Dion's Power
    18:00 Worst Fears 
    22:13 State Farm
    23:43 Brooke's Book Review
    26:30 Dangers of Romanticizing 
    30:06 Brooke's Movers
    32:06 Quirky Landlords
    34:51 Halfway Through The Year!
    36:21 Factor Meals
    37:44 Raising A Timid Son
    42:14 Heat Rash Season
    43:39 Quote Masters
    45:20 Political Memes
    49:37 BetterHelp
    50:40 Brooke's New Apartment 
    54:09 Reddit Therapy Session
    59:30 Brooke's DMs
    1:02:43 Gatekeeping Los Angeles
    1:04:46 Ringing Out Our Brains
    1:08:33 Connor's Local Celebrity 
    1:12:03 Real Bros of Simi Valley With Connor!! 
    1:14:48 See You In Bonus!!!

    127: The Need To Yap

    127: The Need To Yap
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

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    This week, Brooke and Connor are here to yap about popping their TikTok shop cherries, hydrating with edibles, and their dream bed rotting rotation. Plus, Brooke breaks down Donald Duck’s 90th Birthday Rager, while Connor struggles at the DMV. 

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    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 We're OK
    2:40 Intro
    3:00 Jonathan Groff Makes History
    7:06 Donald vs Daffy Duck
    9:52 Quince
    11:13 Mickey's Clubhouse vs Looney Tunes
    14:20 Age Isn't Real
    16:40 Ex TikTok Shop Virgin
    20:12 Brooke's Favorite Bar
    21:00 Lume 
    22:30 New York Discomfort
    25:05 Brooke's Manifestations
    26:33 Connor's Golfing Fit
    29:30 Hydrating Edibles
    33:50 Clout Chasing Willy Wonka
    34:20 State Farm
    35:46 Willy Wonka Is A Freak
    38:51 Dream Bed Rot Rotation
    41:03 Navigating Cannes Festivals
    42:41 Connor's New Pillow
    44:55 Fruits Wearing Wigs
    47:39 Tune into Obsessed! 
    49:50 Paris Poop Protest
    53:23 New Shrek & Donkey Movies
    55:30 The Rock's Shampoo & Eyebags
    59:30 Exploring Sea Life
    1:04:20 Connor Goes To The DMV
    1:09:25 Reading Hate Comments
    1:13:50 Car Wash BBQ
    1:15:07 See You In Bonus!!!

    126: LadyEfron Reborn

    126: LadyEfron Reborn
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

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    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, it’s Brooke's birthday episode! Connor surprises Brooke with decorations, cake, and a birthday hot take. Plus, Brooke talks about her LadyEfron rebirth, while Connor breaks down his hometown comedy show featuring his parents x party bus collab. 

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    When you need help protecting the things that matter most, like a good neighbor State Farm is there.

    Support your gut this summer with Seed’s DS-01 Daily Synbiotic. Go to https://Seed.com/BANDC and use code 25BANDC to get 25% off your first month.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Surprise!!!!
    1:11 Intro
    1:31 Birthday Presents
    6:21 Birthday Pranks
    7:40 Family Affair Movie Premiere 
    10:40 BetterHelp
    12:00 LadyEfron Is Reborn
    15:08 Brooke Has Grown
    18:25 Nicole Kidman’s Face
    20:07 Maxton Hall Review
    23:45 ZocDoc
    25:22 Getting Unverified on TikTok
    27:37 Becoming A Fictosexual
    31:58 Connor’s Hometown Show
    35:37 State Farm
    37:03 Connor’s Fall Tour
    42:10 Please Please Please Takeover
    45:30 Shark Deep Dive
    48:04 Seed
    49:43 iOS Updates
    53:23 Celebrating Donald Duck’s Birthday 
    55:08 Partying At The Airport Bar
    56:23 Our Pet Peeves
    1:09:15 Connor’s Car Update
    1:12:17 Bear vs Man
    1:13:29 See You In Bonus!!!

    125: Your Hidden Mickey Is Showing… w/ Kat Wellington

    125: Your Hidden Mickey Is Showing… w/ Kat Wellington
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor have a very special guest in the studio: Kat Wellington! Connor and Kat talk about almost getting arrested together while Brooke shows off her California driver’s ed knowledge. Plus, they review your drama Thursday submissions! 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Get every cut for your butt from MeUndies.  Get 20% off your first order, plus free shipping, at https://MeUndies.com/bandc

    State Farm is there with the coverage you need for your car, your home, and other things that matter to you because like a good neighbor State Farm is there.

    Shop the SKIMS T-Shirt at https://SKIMS.com. Now available in sizes XXS - 4X. After you place your order, select “podcast” in the survey and choose our show in the dropdown menu!

    Turn your ordinary water into extraordinary hydration with Liquid I.V. Get 20% off your first order when you go to https://liquidiv.com and use code BANDC at checkout.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 We Have New Merch!!!
    03:38 Intro
    03:57 Hidden Mickeys
    05:08 Welcome Kat!!
    08:17 Hinging on iPads
    10:14 Pre-Sleep Thoughts
    11:47 MeUndies
    13:18 Rubbing Your Own Back
    14:10 Weed Drinks
    15:26 Secret Bodega Menus
    17:00 Almost Arrests
    20:39 Fake Plates
    22:40 Good Cop vs Bad Cops
    25:03 State Farm
    26:14 Safety at the Air BnB
    28:09 DMV Tips
    30:42 Driving Tests
    32:40 Scratching your Cornea 
    34:31 Nausea
    36:27 Riding at Dawn
    38:00 Skims
    39:02 Surviving Jail 
    41:50 Drama Thursdays
    43:43 Reese Witherspoon 
    47:00 Other People's Families
    48:33 Boy Moms
    51:00 Doing Bits for the Fam
    54:50 Liquid IV
    56:40 Sprints on a First Date
    57:45 Gym Class Games
    59:15 and MORE Drama Thursdays
    1:01:02 Living Alone
    1:02:50 Cheating Scandals
    1:06:04 Ignorance is Bliss
    1:10:47 Grandma Names
    1:12:58 Assaulting Connor
    1:14:56 See You In Bonus!!!

    124: Welcome To The Bozo Bar

    124: Welcome To The Bozo Bar
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor discuss why New York is maybe better than LA, how to match each other’s freak, and the ultimate dating icks.Plus, Brooke shows off her brand new toy, while Connor gives his top feminist takes for his presidential campaign. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

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    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    Get the dog DNA test that is trusted by millions. Go to https://Embarkvet.com to get free shipping and save $50 with promo code BANDC. 
    Max’s results: https://my.embarkvet.com/dog/max10357 

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Drinking Canns
    2:01 Intro
    2:22 Taking Over The FYP
    5:00 Brooke's Cortisol Levels
    6:04 Frankie PSA
    8:32 Apartment Content
    10:24 Factor
    11:50 Making A Home A HOME
    13:34 Hello Shark Vacuum 
    15:52 Connor's Task Rabbit
    19:37 Doggy Libido 
    21:41 Squarespace
    22:24 Doggy Blue Chew
    25:00 Taking The CA Driver's Test
    28:15 Subleasing In NY
    31:13 Stealing Hat Mode
    33:19 Brooke's Crush Nightmare
    33:50 BetterHelp
    35:20 Fib's Feminist Takes
    40:20 Gum To The Fact
    42:00 Getting Carbon Monoxide Poisioning
    45:00 Smoked Salmon Eyeballs
    45:43 Embark
    48:15 Sucking Eyeballs
    50:03 The Truth About Charlotte
    52:24 Brittany's Royal Court
    53:57 Brooke's Unique Life
    56:10 Consuming Old Content
    58:15 Have You Seen...
    1:02:05 Sold Out Shows!!! Kinda
    1:03:10 Bali Belly
    1:05:10 Fully Body Scams
    1:07:21 Ew. Ew. Ew.
    1:10:01 New Psychotic Studies
    1:13:39 See You In Bonus!!!

    123: We’re So Back

    123:  We’re So Back
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor are back in the studio after two weeks of studying abroad (going to Europe and Texas). Brooke breaks down her Euro trip and how she powered through the toughest moments, while Connor talks about busting down at weddings and appearing at EDC. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Go to https://HelloFresh.com/bandcsweet for FREE dessert for life! 

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    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    00:00 Welcome back Brooke!
    01:02 Intro
    01:23 No complaints here
    02:50 Hair in food
    05:54 Washing fruit
    07:32 Merry pranksters
    09:45 European vacations aren’t chill
    10:53 HelloFresh
    11:54 Brookes Europe trip
    13:48 Learning a language
    16:51 Hilary Duff
    18:54 Italy review
    22:13 Kleenex
    23:12 DOMS survivor 
    28:36 Eating slop
    29:47 London review
    31:40 Shroom chocolates
    34:21 Connor’s weekend
    36:06 Lume
    37:33 Canceled shows  
    40:12 Travel delays from Hell 
    43:35 Eating shit on a boat
    45:18 MORE shroom chocolates
    48:33 The Farmer’s Dog
    50:09 Instagram carousel dumps
    52:16 “I Have Purse” 
    54:33 Making deals
    56:23 Getting royalties
    58:20 Wicked 
    1:02:00 AI is dumb
    1:03:08 iPads rule
    1:04:43 Cheilitis
    1:05:27 Cat evolution
    1:09:00 Ask Hank
    1:11:19 The London countryside
    1:12:46 See you in Bonus!!!

    122: The Shrek Ick

    122: The Shrek Ick
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, Brooke and Connor are coming to you live from 2 weeks ago in a special Schrödinger episode. They debate the proper use of vestibules, break down the perfect flight routine, and review some of your hottest takes. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Trust your gut with Seed’s DS-01® Daily Synbiotic. Go to http://Seed.com/BANDC and use code 25BANDC to get 25% off your first month.

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at http://betterhelp.com/bandc and get on your way to being your best self.

    Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH!

    Get warm weather ready with Quince! Go to http://Quince.com/bandc for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 Flight Upgrades
    1:26 Intro
    1:46 Luxury Flying
    3:34 Signing Up For Canyon Ranch
    4:55 Drinking A Pound of Spinach
    7:29 The Schrödinger Episode
    9:58 ABF’s Manifestation
    11:15 Seed
    12:54 Checking In On Our Manifestations
    14:30 Brooke’s Urgent Care Trip
    16:55 Partying In The Urgent Care
    17:25 Burbank Shoutout!
    19:19 Connor’s Confession
    22:48 BetterHelp
    24:00 Vestibule To The Butt
    27:37 Her Truth vs The Truth
    28:40 Max’s New BMs
    34:01 Cleaning For The Maid
    35:29 Booking.com
    36:31 The Shrek Ick
    40:40 Cartoon Character Doppelgangers
    42:34 Audible Books vs Real Books
    45:30 Firework Enthusiasts
    48:54 Quince
    50:14 Being Scared of Needles
    52:26 Is Bohemian Rhapsody Overrated?
    55:05 A Hot Take…
    55:31 Where’s Your Limb?
    57:14 Intense Celebrity Crushes 
    58:59 Finding Your Professor On Grindr
    1:00:19 26 and Still Sucking Thumb
    1:01:50 Bitchy Roommates
    1:03:36 Incest?
    1:05:42 President Smokeshow
    1:07:18 Getting Kicked Out of Connor’s Show
    1:07:40 Threesomes!
    1:08:00 Stealing Money From Fundraisers
    1:09:29 Cap Age Gaps
    1:13:12 See You In Bonus!!! 

    121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane

    121: Alone Together w/ Jake Shane
    SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW BNC CHANNEL: https://bit.ly/45Pspyl  

    Ad Free & Bonus Episodes: https://bit.ly/3OZxwpr

    NEW MERCH: https://shoptmgstudios.com 

    This week, while Brooke is jet setting in Europe, Connor calls in the big puss: Jake Shane! Jake and Connor discuss their favorite dystopian movies, how technology is hacking into our brains, and debate when SSB is allowed. Plus, Jake breaks down why Planet of the Apes is the best movie franchise to exist. 

    Join our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5356639204457124/ 

    Get the dog DNA test that is trusted by millions. Go to http://Embarkvet.com to get free shipping and save $50 with promo code BANDC.

    Head to http://acorns.com/bandc or download the Acorns app to start saving and
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    Whether it’s in-person, or on the phone with your local agent, or on http://statefarm.com, you know someone is there to help you choose the coverage you need.

    B+C IG: https://www.instagram.com/bncmap/
    B+C Twitter: https://twitter.com/bncmap

    TMG Studios YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/tinymeatgang

    TMG Studios IG: https://www.instagram.com/realtmgstudios/

    TMG Studios Twitter: https://twitter.com/realtmgstudios

    BROOKE https://www.instagram.com/brookeaverick https://twitter.com/ladyefron https://www.tiktok.com/@ladyefron 

    CONNOR https://www.instagram.com/fibula/ https://twitter.com/fibulaa https://www.tiktok.com/@fibulaa

    Hosted by Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, Created by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood, and Produced by TMG Studios, Brooke Averick & Connor Wood.

    0:00 HAWTJNCMAP!
    0:34 Intro
    0:55 Jake Shane Is Here!!! 
    4:20 Crashing Weddings
    7:15 Just Virgo Things
    8:00 The Driving Rule of Thumb
    10:53 Embark
    12:49 Cruising On A City Bike
    13:50 Responding To Insta Stories Drunk
    15:45 Jake Is The Best Podcaster
    16:38 Technology Is Listening To Us
    19:45 Scary Middle School Books
    22:15 What Would YOU Do?
    24:02 Acorns 
    25:52 Reality TV Drama
    28:13 Locking Phones At Comedy Shows
    32:49 Connor's Fear of Sharks
    35:10 Connor's Shark Diving Trip
    38:23 State Farm
    39:56 Jake's First Live Show
    41:29 Performing at Colleges
    43:07 Quitting Your Job For Social Media
    45:09 Getting Words Stuck In Your Head
    45:45 Ducks Getting Wet For Food
    47:25 The Blue/Gold Dress Divide
    48:35 Spending The Weekend Together
    50:16 Hangover Cures
    51:23 Eating Is Like Your Birthday
    52:56 Jake's Weed Origins 
    53:49 State Farm
    55:43 The House Plant Event
    57:43 Drinking Canns
    58:57 Breaking Down Planet of the Apes
    1:07:50 James Cameron's Timeline
    1:10:57 Debating SSBs
    1:13:47 The Nudist Cruise
    1:17:01 The New York/Dublin Portal
    1:18:37 Reclaiming Puss
    1:20:20 Thank You Jake!!!
    1:21:54 See You In Bonus!!!

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    Theme composed by Matt Harvey.

    Additional Themes produced for [By The Mummers] performances composed by Jason Purdy.

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    112: Welcome to The Real World Pt 1--Birth of Reality TV & Interview w/ Judd Winick

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