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    Explore "traditions" with insightful episodes like "Sierra Leone : les droits fonciers des femmes faces aux traditions", "Voiles et Traditions", "Travis Talks About First-Generation Immigrants", "[L’top] 📚 Hanane Abdelli partage ses « Goûts d'Algérie »" and "REPOST: New Year’s Traditions (scottish fever)" from podcasts like ""S'informer avec Inter", "S'informer avec Inter", "A Kids Book About: The Podcast", "Allô 213" and "An Hour of Our Time"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Sierra Leone : les droits fonciers des femmes faces aux traditions

    Sierra Leone : les droits fonciers des femmes faces aux traditions
    durée : 00:04:13 - Le reportage d'un jour dans le monde - A la veille de la Journée Internationale des Droits des Femmes, le Bruit du monde nous emmène au Sierra Leone où, depuis un an, la loi donne aux femmes le droit de posséder des terres. Une avocate se bat pour le respect de ce droit précieux dans une société encore très patriarcale

    Travis Talks About First-Generation Immigrants

    Travis Talks About First-Generation Immigrants

    Travis Chen, author of A Kids Book About First-Generation Immigrants, talks about how, when you’re a first-generation immigrant, a lot of things feel different from what you know. 

    A Kids Book About First-Generation Immigrants (view book)

    Full Book Description:

    A new place to live, a new school, new foods, new smells, new noises—when you’re a first-generation immigrant, a lot of things feel different from what you know. This author immigrated to a new country with his family when he was a kid. He has been there, understands, and wants you to know that all the experiences that make you who you are…are amazing!

    About the Author:

    Travis Chen (he/him) is a Gen Z, Taiwanese American first-generation immigrant who was 3 years old when his family moved to the United States to pursue the American dream. Born in Taipei, Taiwan, and raised in Arcadia, California, Travis is recognized across the world as a tech entrepreneur and champion for mental health, and has been named to the LinkedIn Top Voice program and Forbes “30 Under 30” list.

    *If you want to be on a future episode of A Kids Book About: The Podcast or if you have a question you’d like us to consider, have a grownup email us at listen@akidsco.com and we’ll send you the details. 

    [L’top] 📚 Hanane Abdelli partage ses « Goûts d'Algérie »

    [L’top] 📚 Hanane Abdelli partage ses « Goûts d'Algérie »

    🍽🇩🇿 C’est vrai qu’on ne connaît pas vraiment la cuisine algérienne. Enfin, si ON la connaît mais eux, les autres non. Pourtant, à l’image du pays, c’est une gastronomie riche qui mériterait que l’on s’y attarde un peu plus. C’est ce que fait, Hanane Abdelli à travers son restaurant, Mama Nissa à Paris, et plus récemment avec son livre, Goût d’Algérie (aux éditions Mango), qu’elle a co-écrit avec sa maman, Anissa, avec de sublimes photos d'Aline Princet.

    ✨Dans ce livre, mère et fille partage 60 recettes qui couvrent l’ensemble des wilayas algériennes, allant de la rechta blanche, au sviti et en passant par les incontournables sardines à la darsa. Ce qui est beau avec ce livre c’est qu’elles inscrivent dans le marbre des décennies d'histoires et de secrets dit à l’oral. C'est finalement, la parfaite solution à l’habituel, 3nik misanak, ton œil est la balance, que nos mères nous lancent.

    🚨On s'excuse d'avance pour le problème de son !

    Bonne écoute ✨

    📧Pour nous envoyer des questions, écrivez-nous à allo213podcast@gmail.com ou par dm sur Instagram, @allo213podcast.

    Pour aller plus loin:

    👉 Marseille = cuisine algérienne? Un épisode de la série culinaire d'AJ+, La dalle, présentée par Yasmina Bennani.

    👉L'épisode "Le couscous à l'agneau de Yasmine", du podcast des Racines et des plats d'Ouest France.


    Allô 213 est un podcast original indépendant. Créatrice, réalisatrice et monteuse : Donia Ismail.


    -Bahdja Bidha, Dahmane El Harrachi

    -Les Héritières - Hanane (Mama Nissa), un reportage de Liiktv.

    -Demain, c'est B3ID (Live session), TIF

    Wofür gibt es Bräuche? | 17 | bräuche

    Wofür gibt es Bräuche? | 17 | bräuche
    Das neue Jahr steht vor der Tür und damit gehen oft neue Vorsätze einher. Bei euch auch? Fühlen wir! Genau darum geht es in dieser Folge, denn wir überlegen, welche Bräuche unsere Leben bisher prägten. Traditionen und Zugehörigkeit werden direkt groß als Gedanken, denn Bräuche sind nicht nur einend, sondern können auch ausgrenzen. Sind Bräuche etwas anderes als Rituale? Wenn ja, wo sind denn genau die Unterschiede? Braucht etwas einen spirituellen Touch, um zum Ritual zu werden? Oder sind es die Gesellschaften in denen wir aufwachsen, die uns über kulturelle Bräuche etwas versprechen? Erhofft man sich immer gezielte Konsequenzen von Ritualen? Sind Bräuche auch rational begründbar? Braucht eine Gemeinschaft Bräuche, um Ähnlichkeiten und ein Miteinander herzustellen? Und brauchen Rituale Bedeutungen, um sich davon abzuheben? Und wie schaut’s bei all diesen Themen und Gedanken eigentlich mit Weihnachten aus? Hört rein und fühlt, sprecht und diskutiert mit. Was fũr Bräuche oder Rituale setzt ihr immer wieder um? Wir freuen uns auf eure Eindrücke! Eure Aylin & Johanne 🍋 P.S.: Cover wurde mit AI erstellt.

    Christmas Traditions in Asia and the Pacific Islands

    Christmas Traditions in Asia and the Pacific Islands

    Filipino DecorationsWelcome to Season 3, Episode 49. Christmas is a holiday that can be celebrated in a religious or secular way. So how is it celebrated in Asia and the Pacific Islands? In this episode, we discuss some of the unique traditions and foods you might find in countries across Asia, Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Some of them are pretty interesting and fun.

    korean santa

    We spend a little more time talking about the Philippines because they LOVE Christmas! In our recurring segment, we introduce a new one called The AAHistory101 Holiday Gift Guide. Looking for that gift for a special someone that is also supporting the API community? In addition to streaming services that have API content like Max, AppleTV+, Netflix, and Disney+, we talk about some specific gifts including:

    shaka santa and tutu mele

    For previous episodes and information, please visit our site at https://asianamericanhistory101.libsyn.com or social media links at http://castpie.com/AAHistory101. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, email us at info@aahistory101.com.


    • 00:25 Do you celebrate Christmas?
    • 02:43 Christmas Traditions in Asia and the Pacific Islands
    • 30:28 The AAHistory101 Holiday Gift Guide

    tropical christmas tree

    Being Friends Ep 9 - JoBros Recap, Christmas Traditions, and Those Darn Elves

    Being Friends Ep 9 - JoBros Recap, Christmas Traditions, and Those Darn Elves

    After a week long hiatus, the girls are back with lots to discuss! They kick it off - no pun intended - with learning about Toni-ann's vacation injury, that they may or may not have manifested on a previous show. As it was said before, the things discussed usually end up happening the following week. Even though she was injured, that did not stop her from any fun or the Jonas Brothers concert the girls went to at the Prudential Center. They recap everything from the brothers and their glow-up, to the interesting people seated around them, and the even more interesting opening act. 
    The second half of the show, the girls talk all things Christmas, so make sure there are no little ones around while listening so we don't spoil the magic! From old traditions of struffoli making that Toni-ann has just gotten into in recent years, gift shopping and wrapping, and the newer traditions of the Elf on the Shelf. They cover it all, and BOY do they have opinions (especially about the last one). 

    Come laugh with us, and thanks for being our friend! 

    Orschwiller : Le château du Haut-Koenigsbourg se met à l’heure de Noël

    Orschwiller : Le château du Haut-Koenigsbourg se met à l’heure de Noël

    Un Noël hors du temps. A l’occasion des festivités de fin d’année, le château du Haut-Koenigsbourg, situé à Orschwiller, invite le public à revivre les différentes traditions de Noël perpétuées au fil des siècles. Décorations et expositions temporaires retraceront cette histoire. Des animations ont également été pensées. Saint-Nicolas sera notamment présent, accompagné de son cheval, le week-end du 02 et 03 décembre. Le samedi, il sera même possible de lui montrer des couronnes de l’Avent, confectionnées lors d’un atelier proposé à 10h et à 14h. Les familles seront également particulièrement conviées lors des vacances scolaires. Delphine Brunel, responsable de la programmation culturelle, était dans nos studios pour nous dévoiler ces activités. 

    Le lien vers notre article complet : https://www.azur-fm.com/news/orschwiller-le-chateau-du-haut-koenigsbourg-se-met-a-lheure-de-noel-1824 

    Ep 97: Christmas With Emily Hunter McGowin

    Ep 97: Christmas With Emily Hunter McGowin

    It's time for another Christmas episode! Dr. Emily Hunter McGowin is here to discuss her new book Christmas: The Season of Life and Light. The conversation ranges from the joy and challenges surrounding the holiday, to reclaiming old traditions even while developing new ones, to a lightning round of Emily's Christmas favorites. Her book is out now through InterVarsity Press wherever you purchase books.

    A Summary of our Journey into Human History so far

    A Summary of our Journey into Human History so far
    Knowing the past, the human story, has long been considered a mark of civilization, and its study has never been more important. The study of world history provides the skills necessary to meet global workforce needs while at the same time developing a sense of self and place in our global community. You will gain critical-thinking and analysis skills that will help you fulfill the role of a global citizen in our interconnected world. This text will help you approach history with an open mind, and it will engage you in meaningful ways, often highlighting content that remains relevant in today’s society.

    All images referenced in this podcast can be found at https://openstax.org/details/books/world-history-volume-1

    Welcome to A Journey into Human History.

    This podcast will attempt to tell the whole human story.

    The content contained in this podcast was produced by OpenStax and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

    Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/1-introduction

    Podcast produced by Miranda Casturo as a Creative Common Sense production.

    9/14/23 - The History Of Farming, A Gift From The Rockefellers

    9/14/23 - The History Of Farming, A Gift From The Rockefellers
    Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan www.eastleighfarm.com introduces us to Phillip Ranney, of Billings Farms & Museum. https://billingsfarm.org Owned and operated by The Woodstock Foundation, Inc., a non-profit educational institution founded by Laurance and Mary Rockefeller in 1968, Billings Farm & Museum was established in 1983 to preserve the historic Billings Farm as well as the character and heritage of rural Vermont. Billings Farm offers diverse, interactive programs that focus on rural life, work, and land stewardship as reflected in the traditions and values of 19th century farm families. The Foundation also owns the Woodstock Inn & Resort, a wholly-owned, for-profit subsidiary.

    The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages

    The Post-Roman West in the Early Middle Ages
    The early Middle Ages helped set the stage for a new society to emerge from Roman, Christian, and Germanic traditions, and for a revival of the classical world to influence the rise of Islamic culture. Kings, clergy, and scholars helped to preserve the classical past and maintain diplomatic and economic ties across western Afro-Eurasia. The growth of cultural and religious cohesion through western Europe and the crude but effective institutions of the feudal world laid the groundwork for a period of stability and growth to come in the High Middle Ages.

    All images referenced in this podcast can be found at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/13-1-the-post-roman-west-in-the-early-middle-ages

    Welcome to A Journey into Human History.

    This podcast will attempt to tell the whole human story.

    The content contained in this podcast was produced by OpenStax and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

    Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/1-introduction

    Podcast produced by Miranda Casturo as a Creative Common Sense production.

    Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan

    Border States: Sogdiana, Korea, and Japan
    Sogdiana was vital to the operation of the Silk Roads beginning in the fourth century CE. Over the course of some four hundred years, Sogdian city-states like Samarkand and Panjikent grew into key markets, and Sogdian trading communities were established in China. At its height, Sogdiana was the wealthiest region in central Asia.

    Like many other states in East Asia, Korea was greatly influenced by Chinese civilization. Korean students were educated in Confucian schools, and Korean culture took on the patriarchal character and traditions favored by Confucianism. China’s meritocratic civil service system was incorporated into Korea’s bureaucratic state system, and the Korean capital built by the Silla dynasty at Geumseong was modeled on the Tang capital at Chang’an.

    China likewise influesnced ancient Japan, though less directly. In the sixth and seventh centuries, countless Korean artisans and craftspeople emigrated to Japan, where their knowledge was put to use. Foreign relations with Korea introduced Buddhism to Japan in the sixth century, and Japanese contact with China brought Confucianism to the island chain, as well as Chinese-influenced written language. Still, unique cultural traditions emerged in Japan, from Shintoism and the development of obscure forms of Buddhism to the institutions of insei, the samurai, and the shogun.

    All images referenced in this podcast can be found at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/12-3-border-states-sogdiana-korea-and-japan

    Welcome to A Journey into Human History.

    This podcast will attempt to tell the whole human story.

    The content contained in this podcast was produced by OpenStax and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

    Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/1-introduction

    Podcast produced by Miranda Casturo as a Creative Common Sense production.

    Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas

    Early Cultures and Civilizations in the Americas
    The Olmec civilization formed around 1200 BCE and developed sophisticated religious traditions, a calendar system, and a ritual ball game. The Olmec influenced Mesoamerican cultures that followed, including the Zapotecs of Oaxaca, the Teotihuacanos of the Valley of Mexico, and the Maya of southern Mexico and Guatemala. By 300 BCE, Teotihuacán was among the largest cities in the world and controlled a vast trading network. By that time, a handful of powerful Maya city-states like Tikal, Calakmul, and El Mirador had grown to large urban centers and were using their own sophisticated writing and calendar system.

    In the Andes region of South America, Chavín culture began expanding around 900 BCE, spreading its distinctive artistic and religious traditions. In the wake of the Chavín collapse in 200 BCE, new states like the Moche, the Nazca, and the Tiwanaku emerged and thrived in the Andes.

    In North America, the complex societies of the Adena tradition emerged in the Ohio River valley around 1000 BCE and built a number of earthen burial mounds. This tradition was followed by other mound-building cultures like the Hopewell tradition. Very different traditions developed in the Southwest, where maize agriculture was incorporated into a largely hunter-gatherer existence as early as the third millennium BCE. But in this dry environment, settled and entirely agricultural communities did not begin to emerge until around 200 CE.

    All images referenced in this podcast can be found at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/8-2-early-cultures-and-civilizations-in-the-americas

    Welcome to A Journey into Human History.

    This podcast will attempt to tell the whole human story.

    The content contained in this podcast was produced by OpenStax and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.

    Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/world-history-volume-1/pages/1-introduction

    Podcast produced by Miranda Casturo as a Creative Common Sense production.

    Exploring the Power of Traditions: Rituals That Connect and Inspire

    Exploring the Power of Traditions: Rituals That Connect and Inspire

    What is your favorite tradition?  Hear others’ special traditions and get ideas for adding new ones to your life.

    Traditions, big or small, bring rhythm to our lives and tighten our bonds with those we hold dear. That's precisely what we're delving into in this episode. You'll find inspiration in these beautiful rituals that spark connections, help us treasure significant moments, and serve as poignant reminders of gratitude. Tune in to these heartwarming stories and you might just pick up some ideas to incorporate into your own life. Advice Column crowd-sources answers to give our listeners the opportunity to share their own traditions, adding to the richness of our shared human experience.

    Connect with the Panelists:

    Rebecca Whitman- https://www.rebeccaelizabethwhitman.com/

    Debbie Baisden-https://www.debbiewilkinsbaisden.com/

    Danielle Madrid- https://tbtifeellike.com/

    Michelle DeKeyser-https://connectingmamas.com/

    Anna McLaughlin- https://www.instagram.com/sheconsidersafield/

    Aliki Samone- https://www.conqueryoursummit.com/

    Roman Fischer- https://www.romanfischerofficial.com/

    Carina Lawson- https://ponderlily.com/

    Jen Hardy- https://jenhardy.net/

    Celinda Wilson-https://www.celindawilson.com/

    Connect with us at the Advice Column:

    Website: https://advicecolumn.com/
    Instagram: @advicecolumnpod
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAdviceColumnPodcast
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChYmoafMFOeL7HCNWrXPkJQ

    About Advice Column

    Advice Column (a program of Happiness Adventure) is a nonprofit, 501(C)3. All content is provided as a free service for the public good. Our mission is to create a platform for you and our community to share life-learning with one another. We believe sharing will help you accelerate your growth and remember you aren't alone. 

    Advice Column - Crowd-Sourced Ideas for Living with Intention. 

    Birthday Traditions and Superstitions

    Birthday Traditions and Superstitions
    Welcome back spooklings! On this week's episode Kathi is exploring the superstitions and traditions of the birthday celebration. Have you ever wondered why we blow candles out? Why are birthday cakes round? Why do you put candles on your cake? Kathi has all those answered plus more! Plus, in this week's news we cover the woman who was pronounced dead but woke up during her wake, and in shock therapy, Beau wields all the power.

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