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    Explore "reparations" with insightful episodes like "The Black Reparations Project Part 2", "Elimination of the Snakes - Show #721", "The Stolen Wealth of Slavery: A Case for Reparations", "A life-saving Rx for Skid Row? Methadone, harm reduction & reparations" and "DW AfricaLink — Story of the Week — 17 November 2023" from podcasts like ""Entrepreneurial Appetite", "Elimination of the Snakes", "Gaslit Nation", "Code WACK!" and "Africalink | Deutsche Welle"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    The Black Reparations Project Part 2

    The Black Reparations Project Part 2

    Join us for part two of this two-part series, where we continue our journey as we sit down with esteemed scholars William Sandy Darity and A Kirsten Mullen, the architects of the Black Reparations Project Handbook. Our conversation is a deep and transformative look into the heart of reparations for Black Americans, a topic that unravels the fabric of our nation's history. We traverse the could-have-been world of 40 acres land grants, dissect the insufficiencies of piecemeal local and state attempts at reparations, and scrutinize the controversial HR 40 legislation. It's a dialogue that promises to challenge your perceptions, offering a nuanced perspective on the moral imperative to right the wrongs of the past and the potential to heal a nation through a comprehensive federal reparations program.

    In a twist that reveals the power behind the scenes, we pull back the curtain on how media shapes our understanding and collective narrative about reparations. From the intricacies of determining who is eligible to receive reparations to the crucial role Hollywood plays in influencing public opinion, our discussion with Darity and Mullen is a masterclass in the interplay of media, identity, and history. We look at how representations of diverse relationships and social issues in the media can lead to widespread acceptance and change, pondering the possibility for this to pave the way for reparations discourse.

    Finally, we reflect on the burgeoning support for reparations among different demographics and discuss the critical support HBCUs need, and deserve, as pillars of education and progress. We talk about closing the racial wealth gap, the tax implications of reparations payments, and the need for unity in the face of a fragmented support system. As we set the stage for future dialogues and action, we close with a heartfelt call to listeners, inviting them to join in the global fight for reparations—a fight rooted in justice, solidarity, and the unyielding belief that together, we can forge a path toward rectifying historical injustices.

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    Elimination of the Snakes - Show #721

    Elimination of the Snakes - Show #721

    Life and political podcast. 

    Brought to you from The Divided States of America.

    Click on "Read More" for Videos of the Week.

    Shameless book plug...

    Words of wisdom from George Foreman...

    • Discussion of last weeks videos:

    Beau was back...

    Trump GoFundMe...

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr...

    David Feldman: It's not Bidens fault.

    • Fact or Crap:

    Dan: 1 of 2, John: 2 of 2.

    • Some interesting things:

    Dan's plans for a techno thriller...

    Vitamin C...

    Is coffee actually healthy for you?

    No alcohol beer - Mark Clausthaler Original is the best according to John.

    San Francisco grapples with racism and reparations...

    • Videos of the Week:

    'Pay up': MTG loses SCOTUS bid to overturn $100K in mask fines

    Trump set to take down his own party’s speaker

    Let's talk about the Wisconsin map story finally ending....

    Nex Benedict, Remember Their Name

    Joe Scarborough hangs up on Donald Trump live on air

    Fox host says Black people will back Trump because ‘they love sneakers’

    Let's talk about Trump reaching out to black voters....

    Speaker of the House

    Jim Jordan & James Comer use Russian disinformation to try to impeach Joe Biden. What happens now?

    Jamie Raskin delivers KNOCKOUT BLOW Republicans have dreaded

    AIR CONMAN | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update

    The Black Conservative Federation Pays Donald Trump To Further Insult and Offend Black People!!

    Gavin Newsom: “It’s because of his age, of his wisdom that he’s [Pres. Biden] been so successful”


    The Stolen Wealth of Slavery: A Case for Reparations

    The Stolen Wealth of Slavery: A Case for Reparations

    American taxpayers bailed out Citigroup, owners of Citibank, to the tune of $476.2 billion. This was the highest bailout by far for any bank during the 2008 Wall Street Crash, caused by Wall Street. Given the immense federal aid that saved Citibank, it should be no problem then for Citibank, built with the stolen wealth of slavery, to pay reparations, right?...Right?...


    In this important discussion, David Montero, author of the new book The Stolen Wealth of Slavery: A Case for Reparations, shares the latest research on how reparations for slavery would boost America’s economy, would further our collective healing, strengthen our democracy at a time of rampant and unchecked oligarchy, and force long overdue accountability. The movement for reparations has already begun, with important actions being taken by cities like Boston and New York. 


    Montero’s book is an eye-opening walking tour of New York City that will give you an all new look at how the North profited from slavery while at the same time serving as a hotbed of abolition–a polarized America much like today, with the moneyed elites on the side of the fascist machinery of the South, as long as it made them money. Listen to this interview and share it with your activist groups to help the movement for reparations grow. 


    And in honor of Aaron Bushnell, the 25-year-old Air Force service member who set himself on fire outside of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, with the last words “Free Palestine”, here is his final post on Facebook, written that day: 


    “Many of us like to ask ourselves, “What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?” 


    The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”


    The Washington Post has a thoughtful write-up on Bushnell, featured in the show notes below. Bushnell is the second person to set themselves on fire in protest of Netanayahu’s genocidal war, his latest destructive attempt to cling to power. 

    Show Notes: 


    The Stolen Wealth of Slavery: A Case for Reparations https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-stolen-wealth-of-slavery-a-case-for-reparations-david-montero/20163861?ean=9780306827174


    Citigroup Tops List of Banks Who Received Federal Aid



    Alabama Supreme Court justice cites scripture 'nearly two dozen times' in ruling on embryos



    Airman who set self on fire grew up on religious compound, had anarchist past



    Reuters Investigation: More than 100 Political Elite Have Family Connections to Slavery 



    Opening Clip: Jack Posobiec



    Clip: Steve Bannon at CPAC



    Clip: Donald Trump at a Fox News Townhall: https://twitter.com/MaryLTrump/status/1760882903397830876?t=4aqtc89iRcFpq818M58g1w&s=19


    A life-saving Rx for Skid Row? Methadone, harm reduction & reparations

    A life-saving Rx for Skid Row?  Methadone, harm reduction & reparations

    This time on Code WACK!


    What can be done about the fentanyl crisis on Los Angeles’ Skid Row that disproportionately affects Black residents? What policy solutions are needed? In light of the historical evidence of racial disparities in the criminal justice and healthcare systems, should reparations be considered?


    To find out, we spoke to Nyabingi Kuti, director of the LA Harm Reduction Network. Harm reduction, an evidence-based public health approach,  focuses on reducing harmful consequences of substance use. It meets people where they’re at and acknowledges that many people aren’t willing or able to stop using.  This is the second episode in a two-part series. 

    Check out the Show Notes and Transcript for more!


    DW AfricaLink — Story of the Week — 17 November 2023

    DW AfricaLink — Story of the Week —  17 November 2023
    More and more Africans are openly interrogating colonial-era narratives and asking themselves how the bitter legacies their countries are left with can be overcome. As debate swirls over the latest outpourings of remorse and apologies from ex-empires such as the Netherlands, Britain, Germany or Belgium, some Africans are starting to agitate harder for reparations.

    The History of Redress and Reparations with Special Guest Dr. Mitchell Maki

    The History of Redress and Reparations with Special Guest Dr. Mitchell Maki

    Mitchell MakiWelcome to Season 3, Episode 43! Whenever Veterans Day comes around, we think about the different veterans of Asian Pacific Islander descent. Naturally, we reflect on the Japanese Americans who fought for the freedom and ideals of our country during World War II despite the incarceration of so many Japanese Americans during that time. Veterans played a key role in attaining redress and reparations for the thousands of Japanese Americans impacted. This is a time that isn’t covered well (if at all) in school, so we’re glad that Dr. Mitchell Maki joins us for a very special conversation about the Redress and Reparations Movement that led to the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 signed by President Reagan. 

    Dr. Maki is the President and CEO of the Go For Broke National Education Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the legacy and lessons of the Nisei World War II veterans. As a leading scholar on the Japanese American redress movement, Dr. Maki speaks internationally on this topic and its relevance to contemporary socio-political issues. 

    He is also the lead author of the award-winning book, Achieving the Impossible Dream: How Japanese Americans Obtained Redress, which was a detailed case study of the 1988 Civil Liberties Act. The book documents the Redress Movement in detail from the seed of an idea during World War II to the formal introduction of the idea in the 1970s and all the way to the work with the legislative and executive branches of government in the 1980s and 1990s. 

    Reagan signing Civil Liberties Act of 1988In our conversation, we discuss the events and people who helped convince legislators and President Reagan to provide redress to Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War II, the importance of the Japanese American soldiers to the redress movement, the longer lasting impact of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, and so much more. Want to make an impact? Then please check out Go For Broke NEC, read Achieving the Dream, find out more about the Torchbearers, and donate to GFBNEC. For previous episodes and information, please visit our site at https://asianamericanhistory101.libsyn.com or social media links at http://castpie.com/AAHistory101. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, email us at info@aahistory101.com.

    09/20/2023: Who's Really Behind the Sudan Drone Strikes?

    09/20/2023: Who's Really Behind the Sudan Drone Strikes?

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    On today's episode of The Wright Report, former CIA operations officer Brian Dean Wright dives into topics that are shaking up America and the world. First, we discuss a groundbreaking survey on America's migrants—legal and illegal—that could reshape the entire immigration debate. Next, we bring you an update on drone strikes in Sudan and the potential involvement of Ukrainian special forces. Finally, we explore the misinformation campaigns not just from Russia or China, but also from Arab powers. We'll wrap up the episode with listener questions concerning the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, Taiwan, and New Yorkers' surprising call for a Biden investigation.

    09/19/2023: What Americans Now Believe About Transgender Issues

    09/19/2023: What Americans Now Believe About Transgender Issues

    Donate (no account necessary) | Subscribe (account required)

    In today's episode of The Wright Report with Brian Dean Wright, former CIA Operations Officer, we're covering topics from America to South America to the United Kingdom. First, we delve into Colombia's shocking admission that it's aiding illegal migrants on their way to America. Then, we revisit some previous discussions with new updates—California's reparations debate, Americans' evolving views on transgender issues, and surprising UK research on marijuana use, especially CBD. We wrap up with a listener's question on the recent agreement between the Biden Administration and the Iranian government. Stay informed and join the conversation.

    E76: “Where are our Reparations?” Feat Kamilah Moore…

    E76: “Where are our Reparations?” Feat Kamilah Moore…

    Today JJCPodcast sits with Reparatory Justice scholar and attorney Kamilah Moore to get a deeper understanding of the reparation discussion occurring in the United States.

    Kamilah Moore

    Kamilah Moore is a reparatory justice scholar and an attorney with a specialization in entertainment and intellectual property transactions. As a law student, Moore contributed to human rights reports related to domestic and international human rights issues, including, but not limited to racial inequality in Brazil, the human right to sanitation in Lowndes County, Alabama, USA; and the human right to remedy for indigenous Black women affected by racialized gender violence in Papua New Guinea. While studying abroad at the University of Amsterdam, Moore wrote a master thesis exploring the intersections between international law and reparatory justice for the trans-Atlantic slave trade, chattel slavery, and their legacies. She earned a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School in New York City, a Master of Laws degree in International Criminal Law from the University of Amsterdam, and a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Kamilah Moore was appointed to the Reparations Task Force by Speaker of the Assembly Anthony Rendon.

    Bio retrieved from State of California Department of Justice (2023). Reparations Task Force Members Bios. https://oag.ca.gov/ab3121/members/bios


    Follow us @JerkJollofCollardPod on IG for more podcast-related content or send us your questions, feedback, topic suggestions, and thoughts. Interested in joining the show, hit us up at JJCPOD@GMAIL.COM LIKE, SHARE, FOLLOW AND LEAVE US A REVIEW!

    So What, Now What: Reparations in KC

    So What, Now What: Reparations in KC

    On June 7th, 2023, American Public Square at Jewell hosted a Signature Event, Reparations in KC, at University Academy in partnership with Kansas City PBS. The live recording of this event is available on the At the Square feed, the same place you found THIS episode, for anyone desiring to listen back.

    In effort to continue the conversation, American Public Square is launching this new series So What, Now What to provide a platform for the questions and subtopics that arise from our Signature Events. In this case, Reparations in KC, there are many questions left to be answered. Though this episode won’t address everything, we’re hopeful that you will learn something and feel inspired to stay engaged in the topic area.

    In this episode of So What, Now What, you’ll hear some of the audience member questions that we couldn’t get to at the event answered through follow up interviews from: 

    • Kansas City's Third District Councilperson, Melissa Robinson 

    •  Director of Economic Information at the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC), Dr. Linwood Tauheed.

    • Senior Reporter at Kansas City PBS, Mary Sanchez, who covers Race & Identity.

    At the Square is American Public Square at Jewell's podcast channel. You'll find Both Sides episodes, playbacks of Signature Events, and our latest podcast offering, a new series So What, Now What aimed at exploring the questions and subtopics that arise from American Public Square Signature Events.

    Playback: Reparations in KC

    Playback: Reparations in KC


    This is an At the Square Playback episode featuring the live recording of Reparations in KC, an American Public Square at Jewell panel discussion recorded live at University Academy on June 7th, 2023 in partnership with Kansas City PBS. In an engaging discussion, panelists explored the complicated issue of reparations and delved into: 

    •  examples of other cities that have made reparations to Black residents,
    •  historic and economic considerations, 
    • and the impact Reparations may have on racial tensions in Kansas City.

    At the Square is American Public Square at Jewell's podcast channel. You'll find Both Sides episodes, playbacks of Signature Programs recorded and released as episodes, and our latest podcast offering, a series aimed at exploring the questions and subtopics that arise from Signature Programs.

     Reparations in KC program audio courtesy of Kansas City PBS.

    If you’d like to support the work of American Public Square at Jewell, head to www.americanpublicsquare.org/membership to learn more.

    Watermelon Erasers

    Watermelon Erasers
    Happy summer solstice all you beautiful sunshines!!

    Soak up some rays and hang with your besties as we divulge some admittedly embarrassing things, continue to celebrate Pride Month, and wonder why anyone would pay to get submerged to an ocean cemetery...talk soon besties!

    Follow us on Instagram @alottocoverpod
    Email us at alottocoverpod@gmail.com

    Resources from this week's episode:
    Affordable Connectivity Program - Wifi cost assistance!

    Listen to @unhingedwithchrisklemens to hear Areka's voicemail!

    Follow and support some of our favorite LGBTQ+ content creators!

    Both Sides: Reparations in KC

    Both Sides: Reparations in KC

    At the Square is American Public Square at Jewell's podcast channel. You'll find Both Sides episodes, playbacks of Signature Programs, and our latest podcast offering, a reactionary series aimed at exploring the questions and subtopics that arise from APS Signature Programs.

    In this Both Sides episode, Allan and Mike discuss the complicated topic of Reparations in connection to American Public Square at Jewell’s upcoming Signature Program ‘Reparations in KC’ presented in partnership with Kansas City PBS. Allan and Mike talk through some of the same questions that panelists will explore at the program, including but not limited to: Do you think society owes the descendants of enslaved people anything? How can we measure the harms caused by slavery? Is it fair to characterize social programs as reparations?

    ‘Reparations in KC’ is on Wednesday June 7th, 2023 at University Academy in Kansas City, Missouri. Virtual and in person registration is available at https://americanpublicsquare.org/event/reparations/ .

    Reparations in KC’ will air on Kansas City PBS on June 16th, 2023.

    Why Black San Franciscans Are Fighting for Reparations

    Why Black San Franciscans Are Fighting for Reparations

    San Francisco is considering reparations for Black San Franciscans. To understand why advocates are pushing for reparations in the city, we dive deep into the history of redlining, urban renewal, and other discriminatory housing policies, as well as their impact on two historically Black neighborhoods: the Fillmore and Bayview Hunters Point. The final plan, created by the African American Reparations Advisory Committee, outlines recommendations to address mass incarceration, the war on drugs, disparities in health and education and more. The plan is due June 30th to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors. Go to sfpublicpress.org for the companion piece with a link to the draft plan.

    Reparations II

    Reparations II

    It’s been over 400 years and African Americans still have not received reparations for the brutal dehumanization and injustice that was inflicted on our ancestors during the era of slavery. 

    When President Lincoln signed the Proclamation of Emancipation into law, slaves were promised 40 acres and a Mule, but they never received anything when they were set free. Instead, the slave master was compensated $300 for every slave they had to set free. The reason why is because without the labor of slaves, the land would suffer, and they would lose money. That era was the start of the wealth gap amongst whites and blacks.

    Just recently, Professor William Darity at Duke University conducted two studies. The first study Mr. Darity performed was to see how much each African American is owed for reparations. His review shows descendants of slaves are owed roughly $350,000. He also did another study to see how large the wealth gap is amongst whites and blacks. Study reveals that white Americans are leading the wealth gap by roughly $840,000.

    The government has paid out reparations to the Holocaust survivors, the Native Americans, and Japanese Americans just to name a few. Now, reparations were owed to these folks for what they had to endure; however, African Americans are the only race that hasn’t received reparations for slavery.

    Now is the time that all descendants of slaves be compensated for the inhuman torture that was inflicted on our ancestors many centuries ago. The only way to make things right is to make a large cash payment for our suffrage and an apology acknowledging how blacks were treated.

    Welcome to the Season Five Finale Episode Twelve of Authentic Filters! If you enjoyed what you watched and/or listened to and want to keep the conversation going, be sure to like, subscribe, and share with your family and friends on Apple Podcast, Youtube or wherever you listen! We want to thank you for taking the journey with us thus far…Let's Get Into It.

    Elimination of the Snakes - Show #686

    Elimination of the Snakes - Show #686

    Life and political podcast. 

    Brought to you from The Divided States of America.

    We've been at this for years...

    Beautiful in south central Wisconsin.

    Book plug...

    Mothers Day is coming...

    More on the Wisconsin transgender student shower controversy in Sun Prairie story.

    • Hot Topics:

    California reparations task force approves payments, state apology.

    Chargers defensive lineman accuses TSA officers of sexual assault at airport screening.

    Iran threatens to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa, as Israel marks Holocaust memorial day.

    • Videos of the Week:

    Let's talk about the Trump NY verdict....

    In a surprise turn, Bill Barr speaks the truth: says Trump's "a horror show" & will "deliver chaos"

    Let's talk about Democrats going on the offensive....

    Skull Cracking The Debt Ceiling | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update

    Let's talk about Republican solutions to Texas....

    Episode 115: Tony on the Mic - Pam Smith on her slavery roots and race relations today

    Episode 115: Tony on the Mic - Pam Smith on her slavery roots and race relations today

    My guest today turned down Oprah, the first time she called, but did Tony on the Mic on the first request! She is Pam Smith and she is fascinating. She had a genealogy friend and they were working together for a few years. They discovered one of her friend’s people, owned – as in slavery – her people. How would your react? She tells us about the emotional whirlwind and how it all reconciled. Spoiler alert: after some tense moments they are still friends 30 years later.   She is a long time civil rights activist who has worked with Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and met Stokely Carmichael by accident! She lived in Africa for a few years, and lived in a monastery (not quite like Sister Act or Sound of Music I found out.) She has lived in the DMV, Chicago, Portland Oregon, spreading seeds of hope and racial reconciliation at every stop. Way too many cool stories for one podcast so we will have her back! 

    Dr. Phil Says No Reparations For BROKE Blacks | Here’s What He Really Meant & Why That’s a Problem

    Dr. Phil Says No Reparations For BROKE Blacks | Here’s What He Really Meant & Why That’s a Problem
    Dr. Phil spoke with his guest William A. Darity Jr., a Duke University professor who co-authored From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century and says black people shouldn’t get reparations because broke people will be broke again, but that’s not what he really cares about, even if it was true.

    Thanks for joining me on the Being Beautifully Honest channel! Leave a comment, like & subscribe for more and check out my other videos.

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    Episode 138: The Apple Dumpling Head Gang

    Episode 138: The Apple Dumpling Head Gang

    Chris From Brooklyn is back at it again talking about a day in the life of people from St. Louis, the Dalai Lama being a big old creep to a young boy, the woman who asked for reparations at Target and got laid out, a downsyndrome gang member, the first live caller in show history and so much more!

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    Notes Of A Goon is a weekly podcast where Goon of note, Chris from BK sits down and yells about childhood trauma, how he'd fix the whole damn country, and all sorts of other bullshit. All while splitting a six pack with you the listener. Chris is joined by his stalwart producer and homeless weirdo Mike Harrington on this journey of self reflection and yelling. There's lots of yelling.

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    7.5 The Limitations of Diversity Work with Ariana González Stokas

    7.5 The Limitations of Diversity Work with Ariana González Stokas

    Topics Discussed in this Episode:

    • Ariana's book, Reparative Universities: Why Diversity Alone Won't Solve Racism in Higher Ed.
    • Her administrative career and her career journey
    • Lessons and reflections for those doing DEI work in higher ed
    • Finding joy and creating a joy practice
    • Roller derby and roller skating as a joy practice. 

    Resources Discussed in this Episode:

    Music Credits: Magic by Six Umbrellas

    Sound Engineer: Ernesto Valencia