

    Explore "Planet" with insightful episodes like "So You Think The Earth Is Round", "345. 12 Ways the Planet Could Truly Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg", "Alien and UFO Talk With GG from Paranormal XL Podcast", "We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For With Jess Burnquist" and "We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For With Jess Burnquest" from podcasts like ""All Aware Podcast", "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast", "222 Paranormal Podcast", "America Speaks Podcast" and "America Speaks Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    So You Think The Earth Is Round

    So You Think The Earth Is Round

    We have been told for decades that our Earth was a round globe floating in space but what if some of the education points we've been sold for years actually didn't make sense after looking deeper into them? What if another explanation exists? What if we live on type of plane(t) but it isn't what you think... Join us as we bring on Dave Weiss from The Flat Earth Podcast (flatearthdave.com) to talk about some of the inconsistencies behind planet earth!


    345. 12 Ways the Planet Could Truly Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg

    345. 12 Ways the Planet Could Truly Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Bjørn Lomborg go through each of the “doable dozen,” a series of issues that cost relatively little to solve, and yet doing so would yield exponential returns for developing countries and their impoverished citizens.


    Bjørn Lomborg is a Danish author, having written numerous books on climate change such as “False Alarm,” “The Skeptical Environmentalist,” and “How to Spend $75 Billion to Make the World a Better Place.” He is the president of the think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center which focuses on doing the most good for the most people, with increasingly limited budgets. Bjørn's newest book, "Best Things First," is set to release soon, so check out the link below to reserve your copy!


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    We'll send you an email with a link to order Bjorn Lomborg's upcoming Best Things First - The 12 most efficient solutions for the world's poorest and our global SDG promises. You'll get it 3 days before the book is released!




    Website: https://www.lomborg.com/

    Alien and UFO Talk With GG from Paranormal XL Podcast

    Alien and UFO Talk With GG from Paranormal XL Podcast

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    An unidentified flying object (UFO), more recently renamed by US officials as an unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAP), is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. On investigation, most UFOs are identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while a small number remain unexplained.

    Grey aliens, sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans, Grays, or simply Greys, are by far the most commonly reported species involved in UFOlogical cases. Named for the coloration of their skin, these sapient humanoids have gathered fame and attention from researchers thanks to such infamous incidents as the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case in 1961; and their image has found its way into popular imagination and mass media to represent the archetypal, flying saucer-using, memory-erasing alien visitor who abducts subjects to study them.

    We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For With Jess Burnquist

    We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For With Jess Burnquist

    Jess Burnquist is the Vice President of Education and Youth Empowerment at Creative Visions where the premier human rights programs Rock Your World and Rock Your Rights are under her purview. She is also the co-founder and author of Kindred Spirits, a human rights educational blog sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers. 

    Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Time, NPR, SundressPersona, Natural Bridge, Ms. Magazine and various online and print journals. She is a recipient of the Joan Frazier Memorial Award for the Arts at ASU and has been honored with a Sylvan Silver Apple Award.

    We are here at a pivotal moment in the United States ... our democracy and our rights to our privacy and long time freedoms are at stake with the coming election of 2022

    We seem to be so lost in how to understand where we are going ..i think today Jess brought us back down to earth and really spoke about solutions.

    In my work in the last 25 years, I have had the opportunity to meet, protest, and to march with today’s generation of powerful young voices who will lead us out of this disappointing era of small-minded political radicalism and racism. There is a time-honored phrase I have heard since marching against the Vietnam War: We are the ones we have been waiting for “ and that phrase perfectly reflects our times.  when I think of today's 18- 35 year vote.... – these past three episodes have brought together honest conversations about women's rights, the core values of privacy that must be returned to all women, and how we must protect the way of life we thought we had in America... I ask myself today: Are we still a democracy? we all know what is at stake and we know that our vote can reverse the government's control over our bodies, our lives, and our futures.


    We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For With Jess Burnquest

    We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For With Jess Burnquest

    Jess Burnquest is the Vice President of Education and Youth Empowerment at Creative Visions where the premier human rights programs Rock Your World and Rock Your Rights are under her purview. She is also the co-founder and author of Kindred Spirits, a human rights educational blog sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers. 

    Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, Time, NPR, SundressPersona, Natural Bridge, Ms. Magazine and various online and print journals. She is a recipient of the Joan Frazier Memorial Award for the Arts at ASU and has been honored with a Sylvan Silver Apple Award.

    We are here at a pivotal moment in the United States ... our democracy and our rights to our privacy and long time freedoms are at stake with the coming election of 2022

    We seem to be so lost in how to understand where we are going ..i think today Jess brought us back down to earth and really spoke about solutions.

    In my work in the last 25 years, I have had the opportunity to meet, protest, and to march with today’s generation of powerful young voices who will lead us out of this disappointing era of small-minded political radicalism and racism. There is a time-honored phrase I have heard since marching against the Vietnam War: We are the ones we have been waiting for “ and  that phrase perfectly reflects our times.  when I think of today's 18- 35 year vote.... – these past three episodes have brought together honest conversations about women's rights, the core values of privacy that must be returned to all women, and how we must protect the way of life we thought we had in America... I ask myself today: Are we still a democracy? we all know what is at stake and we know that our vote can reverse the government's control over our bodies, our lives, and our futures.


    2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Faith for Prosperity (7:00 p.m. CT)

    2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention: Faith for Prosperity (7:00 p.m. CT)

    At the 2022 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Kenneth Copeland teaches how to have faith for prosperity. You can’t please God without faith because He is THE BLESSING God! Faith is the connection to the Bible covenants. God built this planet and said all the gold was His, and He gave it to us!

    One Health, One Planet, One Future: A Special Discussion With Young Climate Warriors

    One Health, One Planet, One Future: A Special Discussion With Young Climate Warriors
    Tune in to a special discussion with United Nations-recognised young climate warriors on One Health, One Planet, One Future who are working towards protecting the environment for a healthy life. On panel, we have Aditya Mukarji, Youth Environmentalist; Garvita Gulhati, Founder, Why Waste?, Water Conservationist, Ashoka Young Changemaker, National Geographic Young Explorer; Reshma Anil Kumar, Gender and Climate Justice Activist; Varsha Raikwar, Radio Jockey and Climate Activist.

    Episode 40: The pleasures of bird watching. Part 2 of 4

    Episode 40: The pleasures of bird watching.  Part 2 of 4
    Like most things that require identification, be it wine, textiles, or art, identifying birds is figuring out patterns; like recognizing an artistic or musical signature, or the terroir of wine.  It is about seeing patterns, not just on the birds but also on the trees that they inhabit. Nature is both generous and opportunistic. Trees attract birds during certain seasons; and then allow other trees to get that opportunity.

    The best thing that is happened to me as a result of this year-long journey is the cliché: I feel connected with the universe. Let me be clear. I don't think you wake up one morning and suddenly feel at one with the cosmos. It is a gradual process of shedding layers of armor that you have built around yourself.

    As I stand in the balcony every morning, gazing through my binoculars, feeling the warmth of the sun on my back and the wind on my skin, watching the dance of birds and the wave of leaves, I sniff the air and smile.  This precious, fragile planet that we are privileged to occupy has wondrous beings that are right in front for eyes if only we care to look.

    Planet der Bären Folge 9

    Planet der Bären Folge 9
    Planet der Bären Endlich ein neues Abenteuer mit Kalle Hunter: der größte Kung-Fu-Kämpfer aller Zeiten ist zurück! Als Kalle aus der Ohnmacht erwacht, traut er seinen Augen kaum. Das Jagdschloss, Kalles Eltern, Sarah, ja, sogar Kralle – alle sind verschwunden. Stattdessen findet sich unser Held in einer völlig unbekannten Umgebung wieder. Wie er sich auf dem „Planet der Bären“ zurechtfindet, ob es Kalle endlich gelingt, Kralle zu besiegen und vor allem, warum er hier überhaupt gelandet ist – das gilt es in dieser Folge herauszufinden. Zeit für Kalle zu zeigen, warum er der wahre Master of all Styles ist!

    Die Erde: Eine fast runde Kugel

    Die Erde: Eine fast runde Kugel
    Jule, Hundeopi Karli und Schlauschwein Sparky stromern durch das schlafen gehende Berlin zur Abendgassirunde. Begleitet werden sie dabei von einem riesig aussehenden Vollmond. Der im übrigen gar nicht leuchtet! Das erfahren die beiden von Ansgar Greshake, Mineraloge am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. In dieser Folge finden die drei heraus, warum wir nicht von der Erde rollen, wie wir im Weltall schweben können und warum wir manchmal auch den Mond am Tag sehen. Eine eurer wichtigsten Fragen, nämlich wie die Welt überhaupt entstanden ist, lösen wir auch. Schnallt eure Ohren an, haltet die Augen fest und haltet euren Stuhl bereit, wir fliegen los wie die Löcher aus dem Käse! Wenn ihr auch eine Frage habt zu allem was krabbelt, stampft, blubbert und fliegt, na dann her damit! Schickt Moderatorin Jule und ihrem Freund Sparky von der Berliner Sparkasse eine Sprachnachricht an 017692136208 oder eine E-Mail an sos@mfn.berlin. Sprecher:innen: Jule Kaden und Tolga Akar Autorin: Jule Kaden Redaktion: Lena Günther und Jule Kaden Sounddesign: Joscha Grunewald Eine Produktion der Auf die Ohren GmbH.

    Planet X

    Planet X

    Is there an undiscovered planet in our solar system? Could it be populated by aliens that created human life thousands of years ago? Could it be on an orbital path that will cross Earth's orbit, causing a devastating global catastrophe that ends human civilization? 

    It's totally, probably possible. Maybe.

    Follow us on Instagram: @attackthefacts

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    Read some comics!



    "Floating Cities", "Hitman", "Black Vortex", "Half Mystery"
    Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Aviators - Infinity Awaits Us - "Glades", "Claustrophobia"

    Alternate 2001 Planet of the Apes

    Alternate 2001 Planet of the Apes

    Planet of the Apes with Mark Wahlberg has such terrible writing but the movie is so fun to watch. Except Rob Newton and Alex Tourje did not care for the ending. So as always, they’re creating some alternate endings.

    Rob Newton and Alex Tourje love watching movies and talking about them. Yeah, they're those cool friends. Alternate Podcast is a comedy podcast where Rob and Alex dare to create alternate endings. So join the group! New Podcast every week.


    🚀星球創友會 Creator Crossing🚀 by ArtzyPlanet 玩藝星球 身為有想法的年輕人,但不確定該融入,還是改變現實?是不是常常有想法,但沒有動力去執行?這次我們邀請 雜學校的地瓜校長 — 蘇仰志 來和我們聊聊他的求學、創作、創業的旅程,以及他如何面對六次創業失敗,並一手打造全世界最有趣的教育展品牌。 在一次家庭革命後,地瓜校長放棄擁有鐵飯碗的機會,選擇了自我實現的創意生涯,一手打造了全球最有趣、展覽最多人參與的教育品牌《雜學校》,究竟校長是怎麼辦到的呢?! ------------------------ 別忘了給我們五星、訂閱節目, 讓沒靈感不再是問題! 🚀 ArtzyPlanet.com 臉書|ArtzyPlanet玩藝星球 IG|@artzy_planet

    How can I Save Energy and be Eco Friendly in my Home?

    How can I Save Energy and be Eco Friendly in my Home?

    Today we will tackle one of the ever popular question..."𝘐𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘤𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦?" 

    ...𝗡𝗢𝗣𝗘! It doesn't have to be difficult either.

    Our guest for episode 11 of the podcast is Melissa Murray. Not only is she a close friend of mine, she is also my son's godmother. She has spent her career helping people save energy and be more Eco friendly in their home on any budget. 

    𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘣 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘫𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘤𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘴....𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘰𝘯. This a a quick and informative podcast geared toward moms.

    You don't have to cover your roof in solar panels to help out planet earth!

    For product links and full description check out the blog post here: https://resilientbabyproducts.com/podcast-save-energy/

    Aflevering 124: “No Time to Die” zei Wonder Woman tegen Mulan, tijdens het Ghostbusteren - The Irishman review (spoilervrij)

    Aflevering 124: “No Time to Die” zei Wonder Woman tegen Mulan, tijdens het Ghostbusteren - The Irishman review (spoilervrij)

    Vorige week was het slapjes, nu is het een super volle aflevering! Meer luisterplezier voor jou dus. Mark is er weer bij, dus we beginnen met een spoilervrije review van The Irishman. De Golden Globes nominaties zijn bekend gemaakt. We geven onze voorspellingen en voorkeuren wie er gaan winnen. Disney komt met een nieuwe Planet of the Apes trilogie. Deze week werden we ook overladen met toffe trailers van grote films, namelijk van No Time to Die, Wonder Woman 1984 en Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Deze week is het nog even rustig in de bioscoop met  The Aeronauts,The Two Popes zouden onze keuzes zijn.


    Vergeet je niet te abonneren op ons kanaal, laat een review achter via iTunes of Apple Podcasts en volg ons op Facebook: www.facebook.com/filmfanspodcast en Instagram: www.instagram.com/filmfanspodcast. Voor meer reviews, filmnieuws en afleveringen ga je naar www.filmfanspodcast.nl. Voor vragen en opmerkingen mag je ons altijd mailen via mail@filmfanspodcast.nl. Wil je ons steunen? Ga dan naar www.filmfanspodcast.nl/doneren.

    26. Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast with Jonathan Safran Foer

    26. Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast with Jonathan Safran Foer

    With a little too much going on in the world of climate change, we try something new this week with Christiana, Paul, and Tom each bringing something they are outraged by or optimistic for. Later, we hear from American novelist, Jonathan Safran Foer. His latest and greatest work, "We Are The Weather" is a fresh look at the climate crisis, with a challenge to start saving the planet with your breakfast. Think you're up for it?