

    Explore "PayPal" with insightful episodes like "PayPal’s PYUSD Goes Live On Aave V3", "Marktgespräch am 14.02.2024: Lothar Albert & Michael Flender", "MB182: What To Expect As Disney, PayPal & Pinterest Report Their Earnings", "Season 2, Episode 15 - BOI Report Scoop: File It Right, Forget Fines!" and "2023/09/15|台灣「首部」虛擬資產專法提案出爐!印度超英趕美,躍居全球第二大加密市場" from podcasts like ""ETH Daily - Ethereum News Podcast", "LS Exchange", "Digest & Invest by eToro | Insights on Trading, Markets, Investing & Finance", "Talks with The Tax Cop" and "HOYA BIT NEWS"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    PayPal’s PYUSD Goes Live On Aave V3

    PayPal’s PYUSD Goes Live On Aave V3

    PayPal’s PYUSD is now live on Aave V3. Prisma introduces an LRT-backed stablecoin. Linea upgrades to v2 alpha mainnet. And the L2 ecosystem reaches $25 billion in TVL.

    Sponsor: Harpie is an onchain security solution that protects your wallet from theft in real time. Harpie helps you detect and block suspicious transactions before they execute, safeguarding your assets from malicious attacks and scams. Try Harpie for free at harpie.io/ethdaily

    Marktgespräch am 14.02.2024: Lothar Albert & Michael Flender

    Marktgespräch am 14.02.2024: Lothar Albert & Michael Flender
    Die beiden haben heute neben Hintergründen zum DAX und den gestrigen US-Verbraucherpreisen spannende Aktien mitgebracht. Dieses Mal ausschließlich Wertpapiere aus den USA: den Chip-Hersteller NVIDIA, den Zahlungsdienstleister PayPal, das Software-Unternehmen Monday.com, Enphase Energy, und zu guter Letzt den Content-Anbieter und Rechenzentren-Betreiber Cloudflare. Kommen Sie bestens informiert mit TRADERS´ media GmbH und der LS Exchange durch den Handelstag.

    MB182: What To Expect As Disney, PayPal & Pinterest Report Their Earnings

    MB182: What To Expect As Disney, PayPal & Pinterest Report Their Earnings
    Listen to the latest episode of the Market Bites podcast as eToro Market Analyst's Sam North & Josh Gilbert  are joined by Neža Molk to discuss the latest market news, focusing on;Another beg week for corporate earningsWhat to look out for from the companies discussedHow has each company performed over the last few months?What will be the key takeaways from the reports?What to keep an eye on from a fundamental and technical perspectiveSee you all next time!Learn more about trading by visiting the eToro Academy home page where you can read reports, watch videos and sign up to our free trading course.Your capital is at risk. Other fees apply. For more information, visit etoro.com/trading/fees. Past performance is not an indication of future results.This communication is for information and education purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice, a personal recommendation, or an offer of, or solicitation to buy or sell, any financial instruments. This material has been prepared without taking into account any particular recipient’s investment objectives or financial situation, and has not been prepared in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements to promote independent research. Any references to past or future performance of a financial instrument, index or a packaged investment product are not, and should not be taken as, a reliable indicator of future results. eToro makes no representation and assumes no liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this publication.

    Season 2, Episode 15 - BOI Report Scoop: File It Right, Forget Fines!

    Season 2, Episode 15 - BOI Report Scoop: File It Right, Forget Fines!

    Hey there TaxCop Crew!! It's another week and another episode.

    This week, we're cutting through the red tape to chat about the big guy on the block – the Corporate Transparency Act. Starting 2024, businesses everywhere need to have their ducks in a row or face a $500 daily smackdown. If your company's been around before 2023, it’s time to pay attention and get those Beneficial Owner reports locked and loaded.

    And hey, I’ll make sure you get the lowdown on who gets a free pass from the CTA and why keeping your business golden means keeping your accounting crystal clear.

    What’s more, we'll talk about the updated rules for 1099-K reports and how to keep your digital bucks sorted with all those swipes and taps on Venmo, PayPal, and Cash App—business on the front, party in the back, and never the twain shall meet.

    I'll also share why being a tax-savvy citizen can save your wallet and your sanity. Plus, why we're all about playing it safe and smart with Uncle Sam, maximizing your returns, all legit, no tricks.

    No sponsors to shout out today, although I can't get enough of that cold-pressed goodness from Juice From the Raw—just me keeping it real, folks.

    Get ready to arm yourself with knowledge that’s as practical as it is priceless. You let me know what you got from this week's podcast.


    本集新聞重點 00:25-02:28 台灣「首部」虛擬資產專法提案出爐!打造加密貨幣友善之島 02:29-04:24 野村證券推「比特幣基金」:96%投資機構看好加密貨幣 04:25-06:01 印度躍居全球第二大加密市場!超越英國僅次美國 06:02-07:45首間金融巨頭納區塊鏈趨勢!花旗推實體資產轉「數位代幣」服務,跨國交易零時差 07:44-09:07 PayPal 、宣布已在旗下支付應用 Venmo 上推出 PYUSD 穩定幣 本集資料來源 動區動趨、鏈新聞、區塊客、鉅亨網、商益、桑幣區識 Zombit 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Kandice Lucy 監製編審:Cathy

    2023/09/01| 推特「X Pay」支援加密貨幣?在美國七州獲貨幣商牌照;周杰倫控告元宇宙公司「侵犯肖像權」

    2023/09/01| 推特「X Pay」支援加密貨幣?在美國七州獲貨幣商牌照;周杰倫控告元宇宙公司「侵犯肖像權」
    本集新聞重點 00:26-01:56 推特「X Pay」支援加密貨幣來了?美國7州批准X支付金融系統 01:56-03:36 拜登政府提加密貨幣申報新規!產業人士痛批:扼殺創新 03:37-05:31 比特幣 ETF 發行案法院勝訴,美國法院:SEC需重新考量 05:32-06:41 周杰倫控告中國元宇宙公司「侵犯肖像權」,疑涉專輯《最偉大的作品》 本集資料來源 動區動趨、Investing.com、鏈新聞、區塊客、科技新報 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Kandice 監製編審:Cathy

    2023/08/11|PayPal 推自家穩定幣 PYUSD,Tether 不落人後,將推出殺手級 APP

    2023/08/11|PayPal 推自家穩定幣 PYUSD,Tether 不落人後,將推出殺手級 APP
    本集新聞重點 00:22-02:25 PayPal 推自家穩定幣 PayPal USD 02:26-04:15 ​​CFTC前主席:Paypal發行穩定幣是傳統金融重要一步 04:16-05:33 密碼專家打賭:比特幣明年減半前會衝破 10 萬美 05:34-07:10 Tether將推殺手級APP!技術長:手機可支付 USDT 🔍本集資料來源 動區動趨、區塊客、iThome 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Lucy Kandice 監製編審:Cathy

    MM7: Behind PayPal's Triumph: Jimmy Soni on Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and the Paypal Mafia

    MM7: Behind PayPal's Triumph: Jimmy Soni on Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and the Paypal Mafia

    Dive into the untold stories of PayPal's meteoric rise!

    This video takes you back to the 90s, a time when the internet was just beginning to transform business. It was a challenging era, with limited access to information and a lack of understanding about the potential of the internet.

    Fast forward to today, and we see the fruits of the labor of PayPal's founders. They not only survived the dot-com bubble but also thrived, becoming some of the most influential figures in the tech industry.

    How did they do it? What lessons can we learn from their journey?

    This video explores how PayPal's founders drove 21st-century innovation and entrepreneurship, forming, funding, and advising some of the leading companies of our era, including Tesla, Facebook, YouTube, Space X, Yelp, Palantir, and LinkedIn.

    Tune in to discover the secrets behind their success, gain unprecedented insights from hundreds of interviews and thousands of pages of internal material, and learn how you can apply these lessons to your own entrepreneurial journey. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more inspiring content!

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    Full Episode

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    2023/05/12|Tether USDT 儲備創歷史新高 ; PayPal 為客戶持有 9.4 億美元加密資產

    2023/05/12|Tether USDT 儲備創歷史新高 ; PayPal 為客戶持有 9.4 億美元加密資產
    本集新聞重點 00:21-01:22 Tether第一季爆賺15億鎂!USDT超額儲備24.4億鎂創歷史新高 01:23-02:41 美 CPI 數據報喜年增4.9% 比特幣先漲後跌! 02:42-03:44 比特幣交易過多塞爆區塊鏈 幣安兩度暫停贖回 03:45-05:06 高盛、微軟等公司計劃聯合推出區塊鏈網路「Canton Network」 05:07-06:09 PayPal 為客戶持有 9.4 億美元加密資產,上調今年財務預測 🔍本集資料來源 動區動趨、區塊客、鉅亨網、鏈新聞 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Lucy、Kandice 監製編審:Cathy

    Embouteillage avant l'inflation

    Embouteillage avant l'inflation

    Les investisseurs se mettent manifestement en boule en attendant le rapport sur l'inflation mensuelle aux Etats-Unis qui sera publié à 14h30. Les petites lumières rouges sont toujours nombreuses à clignoter, donc le retour à une politique monétaire plus souple est la meilleure planche de salut des marchés actions. Ça bouillonne toujours autour de la dette américaine, pendant que de grosses entreprises continuent à publier leurs performances trimestrielles et que le contexte n'empêche pas les opérations financières de se multiplier. 

    2023/03/10|CFTC 暗嗆 SEC 踩線!鮑爾籲國會制定加密法律框架

    2023/03/10|CFTC 暗嗆 SEC 踩線!鮑爾籲國會制定加密法律框架
    本集新聞重點 00:30-01:35 暗嗆 SEC 踩線!CFTC 主席:ETH 與穩定幣皆是商品 01:36-02:56 呼籲國會盡快制定法律框架!Fed 鮑爾:不想扼殺加密創新 02:57-04:09 買房可使用加密貨幣 新店豪宅開價77顆BTC 04:10-05:20 Ripple:2025年前,全球超過50%商家接受加密貨幣支付! 🔍本集資料來源 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 官網 https://tw.hoyabit.com/5VN3j 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT 粉絲團 https://bit.ly/3NRzO8b 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT Instagram http://bit.ly/3tRBd5t 👉🏼追蹤 HOYA BIT YouTube https://bit.ly/3zZN19f ☕️讓我們也有一杯咖啡可以等~ https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/d7809906-34d5-467b-a47e-7319f0ed7205 製作播報:Lucy、Kandice 監製編審:Cathy

    Grayscale SLAMS SEC (Banks Fumble & BITCOIN Flexes)

    Grayscale SLAMS SEC (Banks Fumble & BITCOIN Flexes)

    Today we will discuss the MASSIVE announcement from major banks taking aim at Paypal and Zelle, is this the consolidation on money flow? Next our guest will look at a recent blame to the SEC of regulation by enforcement, and last we will dive into what is behind the NYSE outage that NOBODY is talking about.

    Around the Blockchain is your favorite Cryptocurrency show discussing Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and the top altcoins. Join today's crypto experts Sin City Crypto, David Gokhshtein, and Kelly Kellam. Tune in for their insightful crypto analysis.

    The Founders – How Tech Impacts All Areas of Business from Clean Energy to Smartwatches, E Bikes, Data & Investing - BRT Best of Tech 2022 Part 2 - S03 EP61 (162) 12-25-2022

    The Founders – How Tech Impacts All Areas of Business from Clean Energy to Smartwatches, E Bikes, Data & Investing - BRT Best of Tech 2022 Part 2 - S03 EP61 (162) 12-25-2022

    The Founders – How Tech Impacts All Areas of Business from Clean Energy to Smartwatches, E Bikes, Data & Investing - BRT Best of Tech 2022 Part 2

    BRT S03 EP61 (162) 12-25-2022 

    Clips from Previous BRT Tech Shows in 2022 Part 2


    Things We Learned This Week

    • PayPal Mafia– alumni created or involved many other co’s – Tesla, SpaceX, Palantir, Yelp, Yammer, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube & more
    • Delfast E Bikes – smart bike, connects to E Bike, range of 220 miles on 1 charge, & speed of 50 mph, can drive on all different terrain 
    • Clean Energy - many AZ Tech Co's working on zero emission plan
    • Agile + Intelligence = Agilence, bringing great data analysis to companies
    • Savvy Trader allows you to share your portfolio
    • GoX Labs & ‘Pre-care’ – preventive care can save lives, prevent injuries + save $ billions
    • Array Technologies is a global leader advancing the future of clean energy. With over 30 years of innovations that have powered the solar industry





    Clips from Previous BRT Tech Shows in the 2nd Half of 2022



    Clip from 8/7/2022 - w/ Jimmy Soni on the start of PayPal and their battle w/ EBAY

    From Seg. 3 - FULL SHOW: HERE




    Guest: Jimmy Soni, Author





    My books are passion projects. My topics come because I look for a book to buy on the subject and can’t find one. I know it’s supposed to be fancier than that, or that there must be some grand theory of my work, but there isn’t one. That said, my readers seem to enjoy what I’ve written, so maybe it’s fine?

    I am inspired by my literary heroes, including Robert Caro, Laura Hillenbrand, Candice Millard, Daniel James Brown, and Barbara Tuchman, among many others. They are all rigorous researchers—but reading their books doesn’t feel like doing homework. That’s what I’m going for, and hopefully I hit the mark a few times.

    The Founders: The Story of PayPal and the Entrepreneurs Who Shaped Silicon Valley

    A definitive, deeply reported look at the origin of PayPal and its founding team, including Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Max Levchin, and others whose stories have never before been told.

    They defined the modern world.
    This experience defined them.





    Clip from 9/18/2022 – w/ Daniel Tonkopiy, CEO, Delfast Bikes    

    Replay Seg. 4 – on VC Funding and competition



    Guest: Daniel Tonkopiy, CEO, Founder, Chairman Delfast Bikes


    Daniel Tonkopiy is founder and chief executive officer of Delfast, Inc. Daniel is a serial entrepreneur with more than 20 years of successful business experience. His previous entrepreneurial endeavors include best.ua, a Ukrainian business reviews service; X-Rift, an augmented reality mobile game; and Million Dollar Startup, a Kyiv-based startup school.

    In 2014, Daniel set out to transform the future of transportation and combat climate change with Delfast’s innovative E-bikes. He has since grown the company into a disruptive global e-bike leader that holds a Guinness World Record for greatest distance (228 miles) traveled on a single charge. In addition to Delfast, Daniel also serves as a business and entrepreneurial mentor for MiniBoss School, Startup Ukraine, and the Central Asia FLEX business program. He is an author, a former radio host, and is a dynamic and sought-after speaker inspiring entrepreneurs and sustainability enthusiasts globally at more than 50 conferences to date. Daniel holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations from Kazakh Economic University.


    Delfast Bikes

    ECO-FRIENDLY - No air emissions and subsequently ― negative impact on environment.

    SIGNIFICANT RANGE - In-house developed Battery Management System allows to travel up to 370 km on a single charge.

    RELATIVELY CHEAP - We help to save your money for expensive fuel and insurance.

    LESS STRESS, MORE FREE TIME - Delfast bike is the best choice to avoid annoying traffic jams.

    CONVENIENCE - You can easily switch on bicycle mode and do sports when you want; and use e-bike mode when you are tired.



    Clip from 10/30/2022 – w/ Steve Zylstra, President / CEO AZ Tech Council

    Replay Seg. 4 – on Clean Energy and tech



    Guest: Steve Zylstra, President / CEO AZ Tech Council




    Steve Zylstra of AZ Tech Council joins BRT to talk all things technology in the Valley. The Arizona Technology Council is one of the largest technology-driven trade associations in North America, with over 850 members and growing, the only organization specifically serving technology companies statewide. They protect innovators and truly believe that technology moves all of us forward; and are dedicated to the future of Arizona.


    Steve Zylstra advocates for AZ tech, as well as his recurring writing about the industry. Steve, and the Council are a major source for updates on technology, business growth, and what legislation is being drafted.




    Clip from 11/13/2022 – w/ Russ Hawkins, CEO Agilence  

    Replay Seg. 3 – on how CEOs run companies & use the data



    Guest: Russ Hawkins, CEO Agilence


    Agilence is the leader in data analytics and reporting in the retail, restaurant, grocery, convenience, and pharmacy industries. We develop intelligent data analytics and reporting technology that enables organizations to easily connect the dots within their stores or restaurants by automatically collecting and summarizing data to identify anomalies and trends that can improve operations, measure enterprise-wide performance, and boost profits.

    Agilence provides users with a complete view of their business, empowering them to make informed decisions faster and improving efficiency across the enterprise.



    Russ Hawkins is the President and CEO of the leading data technology company, Agilence. Russ has spent over 35-years in the technology industry, helping established organizations and small start-ups reach their full potential by driving change from the "inside."

    Russ is responsible for developing the overall strategy and leading the growth of SAAS Analytics & Reporting company Agilence, which helps retailers, grocers, and restaurants improve their operational effectiveness and uncover preventable losses using the data already in their hands.

    Before Agilence, he transformed two early-stage technology companies into successful businesses by leading go-to-market strategies focused on product development, re-brands, and customer profile analysis resulting in exponential growth and success.



    Clip from 11/20/2022 – w/ Hamid Shojaee Savvy Trader   

    Replay Seg. 2 – on sharing your trading playbook



    Guests: Hamid Shojaee AZ Tech Beat




    Hamid talks all thing AZ tech, Startups and what the world of an Angel Investor really looks like. His 2 decades + of experience is laid out, from starting and running software companies, plus exited the industry to now an Angel Investor mentoring the next generation of Startups.

    Hamid (Founder of Axosoft and Pure Chat) has always had a passion in helping Arizona's up-and-coming tech talent. Since 2010, Hamid has been involved with various AZ tech initiatives, including bringing tech founder and CEOs together, investing in startups and helping push the #YesPHX community forward.

    Axosoft – software tools for software development

    PureChat – live chat software for websites


    What is Savvy Trader?


    Create a virtual portfolio of your stocks and crypto. Buy or sell your investments at any time to keep your portfolio up to date.


    Share your portfolio for free, or set a price, for your followers to get access to your portfolio and notified about your trades.


    Notify your subscribers when you make a trade. Savvy Trader will send a text or email to everyone subscribed to your portfolio.


    Savvy Trader is on a mission to make investment information more accessible.

    Learning about stocks and crypto can be intimidating and overwhelming with incredibly high levels of noise and very little signal.




    Clip from 12/4/2022 – w/ Joseph Hitt, PhD & Co-Founder of GoX Labs 

    Replay Seg. 3 – on who pays the bill in workplace injuries



    Guests: Joseph Hitt, PhD & Co-Founder of GoX Labs 







    Dr. Joe Hitt served 25+ years on Active Duty in the US Army, culminating his career as a DARPA program manager. He has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus in robotics. He started and managed the largest government funded wearable robotics R&D program - Warrior Web. He formulated the strategy for Squad-X, a current DARPA program designed to link human, autonomous and semi autonomous ‘members’ of a small unit together in a seamless fashion for tactical operations. He is also a co-founder and current Chief Executive Officer for GoX Labs (www.goxlabs.com )

    GoX Labs: Protect your team from the top three workplace injuries using Boost's AI and machine learning.




    Clip from 12/18/2022 – w/ Erica Brinker of Array Technologies    

    Replay Seg. 3 – on Solar and Clean Energy



    What is the Future of Solar Energy w/ Erica Brinker of Array Technologies

    - BRT S03 EP62 (161) 12-18-2022



    Who We Are

    Array Technologies is a global leader advancing the future of clean energy. With over 30 years of innovations that have powered the solar industry, Array is uniquely positioned to deliver renewable energy solutions for customers seeking clean energy adoption in markets around the globe. While our strength lies in building the world’s most reliable and efficient utility-scale solar trackers, our expertise, capabilities, and resources position us to extend into additional renewable energy solutions. As pioneers, innovators, and visionaries, we are committed to generating energy with integrity for a sustainable world.






    Erica Brinker

    Chief Commercial Officer

    A technology and data-driven executive with over 20 years of diverse marketing, brand management, corporate communications and business development experience, Brinker joins Array from Honeywell International, where she served most recently as CMO, Vice President Marketing & Sales Excellence. Brinker also led business development for the Services, Software and Connectivity business of Honeywell Aerospace. Prior to joining Honeywell in 2011, Brinker held various leadership roles within software, technology, industrial, healthcare, aerospace, retail and hospitality companies with brands including Polo Ralph Lauren, Tiffany & Company and Kate Spade. Brinker earned a Bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania State University and earned her MBA in International Business from the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.






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    Business Roundtable with Matt Battaglia

    The show where EntrepreneursHigh Level Executives, Business Owners, and Investors come to share insight and ideas about the future of businessBRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, and how classic industries are evolving

    Common Topics Discussed: Business, Entrepreneurship, Investing, Stocks, Cannabis, Tech, Blockchain / Crypto, Real Estate, Legal, Sales, Charity, and more… 

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    More Info: https://www.economicknight.com/podcast-brt-home/

    KFNX Info: https://1100kfnx.com/weekend-featured-shows/


    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.

    Heiko Thieme: Das sind die Gründe für meinen Optimismus für das Börsenjahr 2023

    Heiko Thieme: Das sind die Gründe für meinen Optimismus für das Börsenjahr 2023
    Was kommt noch dieses Jahr an den Börsen? Heiko Thieme: "Ich kaufe die Mauerblümchen, nicht die Rose, die jeder bewundert! (Amazon, Paypal, Disney, Zoom?). Wir haben im Dow Jones einen Anstieg von 14 % im Oktober gesehen, das ist das drittbeste Monatsergebnis in 84 Jahren seit 1938. Also etwas, was ganz selten passiert. Die Fondsmanager möchten sich zum Jahresende schön machen, man will die Blumenkästen vor den Fenstern aufweisen, auch wenn das Strohblumen sind. Oder es kommt zu Steuerverkäufen, Aktien, die stark gefallen sind, wird man verkaufen, um den Steuerverlust anmelden kann und gegen die Gewinne anrechnen kann. - Mal einen Blick voraus, nächstes Jahr sprechen wir ja schon wieder vom Jahr 2024! Dann wird sich die Ukraine-Situation anders darstellen. Und wird dann wieder eine gewisse Normalität erkennen können. Und das ist der Grund für meinen generellen Optimismus für das Jahr 2023." - Kaufen oder halten: "Eine Google ist gefallen, einen Amazon ist 40 % gefallen, ein Facebook ist um 50 % gefallen, eine Facebook gefallen, eine PayPal ist um 70 % gefallen, eine Biontech ist um 80 % gefallen, die Zoom-Aktie ist um über 80 % gefallen,… Varta." hier geht es zur Anmeldung im Club: https://www.heiko-thieme.club/anmeldung-monatsabo/