

    Explore "content-marketing" with insightful episodes like "Stop asking people to like and subscribe", "Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore", "Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way", "Turns your content catalog into passive income" and "A more effective podcasting approach" from podcasts like ""AdBriefing Copywriting Tips", "AdBriefing Copywriting Tips", "AdBriefing Copywriting Tips", "AdBriefing Copywriting Tips" and "AdBriefing Copywriting Tips"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore

    Content Creation Best Practices You Will Ignore
    Publish, promote, promote some more: The truth about content creation. The content treadmill is real. Let's answer the question of how content marketing can generate leads.

    Everyone's scrambling for trends in the content creation gold rush. They seek the next big algorithm hack. But amidst the noise, a question whispers: What content helps create new customers?

    I'm not about about chasing clickbait or fleeting virality. You know something isn't right about content creation "best practices," the gurus proclaim.

    There is an attraction to being popular, but I'm more interested in you being profitable. As a content marketing agency, my team tests what works and what doesn't.

    Results come from hard work and by design. There is no shortcut to content that transcends trends. Yet there is a proven approach to speaking directly to prospects' desires.

    Join me as I delve into timeless principles of effective communication. I'll focus on content marketing strategy rather than trying to nail the latest trend. It starts with evergreen content.

    If you'd like to go into more depth, we can explore the art of storytelling that captivates. Learn how to craft writing that resonates with your audience. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=006-l0427a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=content-creation-best-practices-you-ignore

    Forget the fads and algorithms. I celebrate the slow burn of evergreen content. Write the kind of content you can measure, optimize, and improve for lead generation. A lead can tell you what works.

    If you'd like me to look at your back catalog, many best practices increase conversion rates. Ask your specific questions here, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/contact/?utm_source=006-l0427a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=content-creation-best-practices-you-ignore

    As a copywriter, I want you to build your legacy on substance, not hype. Learn quiet perseverance that is amplified with foundational direct response principles.

    Every freelance copywriter, marketer, or business owner has a story to share. This podcast is your sanctuary from the content chaos. I'm here to help you share that story with clients who will pay, stay, and refer.

    Here, we find solace in the power of genuine connection. A place to build business relationships through words that sell. I'm looking forward to your comments below.

    #ContentCreation #ContentDevelopment #ContentMarketing #LeadGeneration

    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way

    Triple Conversion Cleaning Up Content The Right Way
    Stop wasting time chasing Google Search updates. Most websites can't convert traffic even if search engines send you traffic.

    Stop deleting content on a hunch chasing rankings. Instead, use a scientific approach that triples conversion.

    You're in the right place if you want double digital conversion rates and more cash flow from your business website.

    This approach looks at extracting best practices for lead and sales conversion. Then turns those best practices into better evergreen content.

    Evergreen content helps you draw consistent visitors and conversion. You'll have more predictable results for your business website.

    Unfortunately, many marketing managers choose to delete content rather than improve it. They look for quick wins without understanding how conversion rate optimization works.

    Copywriters and marketers can provide a valuable service in rewriting poor-performing content. This is value-added because you understand targeting.

    More importantly, as conversion rates increase, so can cash flow. Documenting best practices makes new content creation more predictable.

    I'm looking forward to your questions in the comments.

    Want more consistent cash flow in your freelance copywriting or small agency? Start with lessons on the business of copywriting. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #SearchOptimziation #ConversionRate #ConversionOptimization #WebAnalytics #FreelanceCopywriting #ContentMarketing

    Turns your content catalog into passive income

    Turns your content catalog into passive income
    This new approach turns your old content catalog into new passive income. Recycle your very best marketing, content, videos, and more. Reach more prospects and qualified leads faster.

    There are so many channels available to reach your prospects. Many channels have specialized optimization needs. Your qualified prospects are loyal to these channels, but you aren't there.

    Big tech wants you to focus on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Yet hundreds of channels exist that they don't want you to know about.

    Your prospects are on platforms like Rumble, Locals, Bitchute, Odysee, and TikTok. Then again, they might be somewhere else. The right marketing analytics and testing reveals all.

    Marketers love stirring up "End of" predictions for these platforms. Most creators can only focus on one or two platforms. The truth is that your collective pool of prospects spans every channel.

    Good news! You already have the content necessary to expand and test across these channels. Yet most content creators want new and interesting. That's a recipe for failure.

    I don't want interesting; I want effective. Your bank account wants boring, consistent, and growth. If you only publish on YouTube and your customers are on Rumble, you miss out on a huge opportunity.

    Platforms are changing faster than most can keep up. That's why it is critical to have a content-recycling strategy. You create content; our team can syndicate that content to every relevant platform.

    By relevant, I mean market-tested to reach the highest percentage of qualified buyers. Do not spray and pray. Coding every message and maintaining a content library helps you know what works.

    You don't need to be everywhere, only where your customers live. With the fragmentation of media sites, don't miss an opportunity to test. Go where prospects are more familiar.

    Subject matter experts with a backlog of content can build their in-house media. In-house media is profitable and low-cost. It starts by bringing prospects back to your website.

    But it doesn't have to be a website. It could be a transaction that puts them in your accounting system. Getting that opt-in lets you make offers on your terms. Converting them in-house is powerful, but you must own the media to do it.

    You will be removing the distractions they face. But building a membership site, course, or community is hard work. It takes technical skills you likely don't have. That's why I've launched a content curation service.

    Even better news! Our team can do all the heavy lifting if you have a back catalog of content. Turn that content into passive income, new revenue sources, and high ticket sales.

    To learn more about content curation that builds on direct response performance analytics, ask your questions at https://www.jwhco.com/contact/

    For insights on recycling your marketing and content to attract more customers, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    Turn your back catalog of content into instant credibility! New book shows you how to build authority and credibility fast, learn more at https://www.jwhco.com/product/establish-instant-credibility/

    #RecycleMarketing #ContentMarketing #RecognizedExpert #LeadGeneration #DirectResponse

    A more effective podcasting approach

    A more effective podcasting approach
    How you podcast in-house is different than what you do for clients. The fundamental reason is due to billing your time. Doing podcasts the right way takes time and effort.

    You will do a more complete podcast package for clients. Doing this in-house would increase your overhead beyond the benefit you can receive from a podcast.

    It’s important to know this difference. Client work is often more complete, specific, and packaged into a deliverable. In-house work is typically good enough and is better than none at all.

    For insights on running a copywriting business, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/n...

    #Podcasting #VideoMarketing #AudioMarketing #EvergreenContent #ContentMarketing

    Eliminate your cost of content marketing

    Eliminate your cost of content marketing
    When you take this approach, your content marketing pays. You stop making common mistakes that cost you upfront when creating content. You realize the promise of more customers.

    Big media is selling you a lie. This lie keeps you from attracting customers who pay, stay, and refer. If you aren’t doing this for clients, you are not serving them the best you can.

    Rather than putting energy into growing website traffic, do this instead. Reaching more people doesn’t mean you get more customers. There is a better way.

    For more insights that build your freelance copywriting business into a million-dollar agency, join us at https://www.AdBriefings.co.uk/newsletter/

    #ContentMarketing #ConversionOptimization #CustomerAcquisition #DirectResponse #LeadGeneration #SearchEngine #SearchOptimization

    Conversion Rate Optimization Where It Matters Most

    Conversion Rate Optimization Where It Matters Most
    Do you want more sales and high-quality leads? What you test matters when doing conversion rate optimization.

    You want engagement, conversion, and sales, but how do you get it more effectively? Stop waiting time and resources.

    Today's episode covers mistakes to avoid when doing conversion rate optimization. Stop breaking what works, and discover best practices.

    Discover a fast track to go from freelance copywriter to million-dollar-marketing agency, https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=001-m0821a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=conversion-rate-optimization-where-matters

    #ConversionRate #ConversionOptimization #LeadGeneration #ContentMarketing #MarketingAnalytics

    Blasphemy about content marketing (Thou Shall Not Listen)

    Blasphemy about content marketing (Thou Shall Not Listen)
    I’m working on a content marketing manifesto. So far it is full of blasphemy that big technology and social media platforms won’t want to here. If you love content marketing don’t listen to this episode. It will make you cry.

    Nobody wants to hear these tenants of actually making money with words that sell. Content marketing is a massive distraction. This will be the last episode smart marketers use to get results from their copywriting.

    Do you want the truth about creating and keeping profitable customers? If you are serious about growing your freelance copywriting, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/n...

    #CopywritingTips #ContentMarketing #DigitalMarketing #DirectResponse #SalesConversion #PayPerClick #InternetMarketing

    Do this to stop being a commodity copywriter

    Do this to stop being a commodity copywriter
    Are you tired of trading hours for dollars? Too busy writing proposals and not enough time writing billable copywriting assignments. What you have here is a complete copywriting marketing plan that transforms your freelance work into top income.

    You’ll have more exciting assignments. Increase your client base. And grow residual income associated with past activities. More clients who pay, stay and refer. This approach works especially well if you have clients in these areas:

    - Subject matter experts who are consultants,
    - Agents selling high ticket insurance or investments,
    - Doctors offering cosmetic and elective surgery,
    - Lawyers with business litigation and services,
    - Medical services with a high customer lifetime value,
    - Financial advisors with paid services or commissions,

    This approach gives clients what they want even if they don’t know to ask for it. Rather than one off blog posts, podcast scripts, webinars, or email messages, they get a proven approach to increase sales. You become a hero, rather than another freelance copywriter or marketer.

    Stop playing the commodities game writing copy for pennies. Do this instead to grow your freelance portfolio especially in these tough economic times. This is an example of one of the profitable approaches copywriters use in million dollar agencies.

    Learn more about transforming your freelance copywriting into a lifestyle friendly and highly lucrative agency, join us at https://www.AdBriefing.co.uk/n...

    #CopywritingTips #MarketingAgency #MarketingCampaign #DigitalMarketing #ContentMarketing

    Horrible content marketing mistakes that ignore context

    Horrible content marketing mistakes that ignore context
    You know you make these mistakes. Chasing popular keywords, trends, and creative concepts. Yet not generating leads or making sales for your business.

    Don't you dare make these horrible mistakes with your clients. They ask for content, but don't know they really need sales. Do this instead.

    Stop dicking around as a freelance copywriter. Finally get all the sales and projects you need to be a million dollar agency. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #CopywritingTips #ContentMarketing #DirectMarketing

    Do I really need another podcast episode?

    Do I really need another podcast episode?
    What is the meaning of *Content is king*? In July 1996, Bill Gates wrote an essay titled "Content Is King." He's been profiting off that ever since.

    His profits come from selling access to other people's content and advertising. While not as successful as Google with ad revenue, Mr. Gates is still farming content today.

    I've got 23 years of message board, and discussion replies in a content vault. That, plus a procedural, turns commentary into content. Writing content is easy.

    Especially with AI, anyone can write okay content. Too many people are hung up on the wrong kind of writing. By default, they work as freelancers to search engines.

    My focus is campaigns that produce leads and sales. **What's your approach for helping clients understand that copy, not content, is king?**

    Do you want to write persuasive copy? Are you a copywriter who wants a million-dollar agency? Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #ContentIsKing #ContentMarketing #PayPerClick

    What belongs in every piece of content you write

    What belongs in every piece of content you write
    Never write a piece of content that doesn't include these elements. If you do, then it will turn off readers.

    Failure to include these critical elements is like writing on paper and lighting it on fire. A waste of time and resources.

    Without including these key elements, you risk turning off readers. Unless you want to repel buyers, never fail to include these key elements in all your content.

    To be a better copywriter or marketer, you must understand key essentials. Growth in your skills and ability matters!

    To learn more about the essentials of copywriting, join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=024-l1213b&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=l1213b&utm_content=what-belongs-in-content-you-write

    #CopywritingTips #ContentMarketing #PersuasiveWriting

    What Is Required to Post Content That Sells

    What Is Required to Post Content That Sells
    Content marketing is more than tossing up an article on your website. This requires specific elements for every article, post, and landing page.

    If you don’t have these elements, search engines will ignore you. Your content won’t have relevance. Will your content pass this test?

    Want to write better copy? Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/?utm_source=004-l1207a&utm_medium=spreaker&utm_campaign=n1127b&utm_content=required-for-content-that-sells

    Real effort required to get newsletter subscriber

    Real effort required to get newsletter subscriber
    Too many copywriters and marketers fail to understand the depth of what is required to get a subscriber. They think a few campaigns will flood their inbox with qualified leads. It just isn’t true.

    That’s why I’ve outlined what works to get newsletter subscribers. The value of a prospect newsletter. And the effort you’ll need to drive to increase lead flow consistently. If it were easy, everyone would own a successful business.

    If you are ready to stop the rollercoaster income as a freelance copywriter, you’ll need quality insights on the business of copywriting. Get those insights in our free newsletter. It’s not perfect, but it’s practical for solving problems you face getting clients. Visit https://www.AdBriefing.co.uk/n...

    #CopywritingTips #ProspectNewsletter #ContentMarketing

    Why Public Facing Content Is Wasteful And Unproductive

    Why Public Facing Content Is Wasteful And Unproductive
    The sad truth is that content marketing is a scam. You are sold this fantasy because it feels like progress doing it, but misses the fundementals of marketing. When you write public facing content it must do something.

    The purpose of the written work is behavioral modification. If what you write on your website doesn't get a lead or a sale, then it's not worth having. Stop making this time sucking mistake by chasing content. You want buyers.

    Don't get duped by content marketing. Learn how to transform your freelance copywriting or marketing services into a powerful multiple million dollar agency. Join us at https://www.adbriefing.co.uk/newsletter/

    #copywriting #persuasion

    Can you rescue prospects from the content bubbles?

    Can you rescue prospects from the content bubbles?
    Do you make the mistake of broadcasting rather than marketing? Social media and video hosting platforms do not have your best interests in mind. If you fail to do this you will make them money rather than grow your copywriting business.

    Start with the understanding that platforms don’t want you to make money. Instead, they want a few token winners and a lot of struggle. The more you push the get attention, the more engagement they get to sell advertising. The truth hurts.

    To break into this market you must play the game of paid advertising. Test your organic content, yet promote what you know works with target customers. Zero in on those who buy your product and services. Break the system by going direct.

    You can test in one platform, promote, then take what you know to another. Make sure your analytics works. The use of sales funnels help tremendously to identify prospects over eyeballs. You want prospects not engagement.

    Do you want to grow your copywriting or marketing business? To go from freelance to agency, or beyond. Start your million dollar agency today. To learn more, join us at https://www.ProsperityHomestead.org/newsletter/