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    Successful Life Podcast

    Self-Improvement Podcast for Contractors that want to learn about how to grow their business through management and marketing. Develop business ideas to improve your business experience and be successful. Real stories from real business owners. 

    enCorey Berrier253 Episodes

    Episodes (253)

    From Every Setback to Sales Stardom with Jesse Cloud

    From Every Setback to Sales Stardom with Jesse Cloud

    Ever felt like you've tapped into a superpower within yourself? Jesse Cloud joins me, Corey Berrier, on a special birthday episode to unpack the concept of trusting our innate instincts and leveraging them to skyrocket growth and success. With Jesse's incredible story of purchasing his first home at 24 and my own transformation from obscurity to an internationally recognized sales trainer, we dissect the profound effects of maintaining a grateful perspective and consistently keeping one's word.

    There's something magnetic about individuals who pivot from battling adversity to mentoring others in similar straits. In our heart-to-heart, we explore the immense influence mentors exert on budding professionals and how belief in someone's potential can fuel an unimaginable drive. We share tales of fortitude, from braving the tumultuous tides of car sales to the relentless pursuit of self-betterment despite the critics. Our discussion peels back the layers of resilience necessary to conquer setbacks and reinvent oneself, a theme that repeatedly echoes through the narratives of both Jesse and myself.

    As we unfurl the blueprints of building successful teams and businesses, the episode morphs into a treasure trove of actionable strategies. It's about mastering the art of setting high standards, embracing the transformative power of adversity, and seizing every flicker of opportunity. Jesse's journey from the world of insurance to sales supremacy serves as a testament to the undying spirit of entrepreneurship. Together, we attest that when you marry a value-driven mindset with a relentless pursuit of personal development, the boundaries of success get pushed into oblivion. Join us for a raw, inspiring, and potentially life-altering conversation that transcends the norm and propels you into action.



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    Elevating Work Ethic: Corey Berrier on Integrity, Excellence, and the Moral Compass in Trades

    Elevating Work Ethic: Corey Berrier on Integrity, Excellence, and the Moral Compass in Trades

    When the clock strikes the hour and not a second later, you know you've met someone who values punctuality as deeply as I do. This episode isn't just about sticking to a timetable; it's an impassioned exploration of ethics in the trades, where core values like thoroughness and a relentless drive to exceed expectations hold the key to excellence.  I'm not just discussing HVAC systems or the intricacies of plumbing—I'm seizing the call to elevate our work ethic to illuminate the path that leads us to outshine the rest in service and value. We navigate the treacherous waters of mediocrity and finger-pointing, steering clear by nurturing an unwavering commitment to integrity across every job.

    But it's when we touch on the moral fabric of honest selling that this conversation truly resonates. Imagine ensuring that the very air your customers breathe in their homes is clean and safe—this is the reality we confront with unwavering resolve. Sharing my own battles with substance recovery, I invite you to reflect on the weighty choices that shape our health and the health of those we serve. It's more than a trade; it's a testament to the virtue of doing what's right for fulfillment that transcends transactions and crafts, not just a livelihood but a life rich with satisfaction and prosperity. Join me in a heartfelt call to action that aspires to instill genuine value and integrity at the heart of our business practices.

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    Bridging Traditions and Technology: Bluon's AI Innovation Reshaping HVAC Industry

    Bridging Traditions and Technology: Bluon's AI Innovation Reshaping HVAC Industry

    Embark on an extraordinary tale of transformation as we welcome Peter, CEO of Bluon, and Adam, SVP of Software and Data, who recount their journey from the world of chemical R&D to becoming trailblazers in the HVAC industry. Uncover the genesis of Bluon and the way these visionary leaders addressed the critical Freon issue, offering a doorway to a world where immediate access to retrofit instructions and comprehensive manuals is now at every technician's fingertips. Their narrative illustrates how innovation springs from the most unexpected places, reshaping entire industries and redefining the role of data and software in hands-on professions.

    The age of artificial intelligence has dawned, and with it, our guests share the emergence of an AI system that's altering the landscape of tech support. Imagine a reality where the collective wisdom of seasoned professionals is encapsulated within an AI, offering instant, accurate responses to complex HVAC inquiries. Peter and Adam discuss the creation of an 'AI treasure trove,' the potential consciousness of such systems, and the profound implications for learning, problem-solving, and the integration of these advanced technologies within a traditionally skeptical trade community.

    Lastly, we tackle the formidable challenges facing the trades industry today, from the decline in traditional apprenticeships to the generational shift towards just-in-time learning. The episode examines the revolutionary impact AI could have on HVAC technician training and the imperative for businesses to adapt or risk falling behind. Peter and Adam offer insights into how Bluon is equipping technicians and companies with self-directed learning tools, ensuring the vibrancy and sustainability of the trades for future generations. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that bridges the gap between practical expertise and cutting-edge technology, setting the stage for a brighter, more efficient tomorrow.


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    Ryan Groth on the Synergy of Sales Mastery and Spiritual Growth

    Ryan Groth on the Synergy of Sales Mastery and Spiritual Growth

    Join the conversation with Ryan Groth, the visionary behind Sales Transformation Group, as he recounts his evolution from an aspiring athlete to a beacon of leadership within the roofing and trade industries. Our heartfelt dialogue with Ryan unveils the intricate dance of intertwining faith with professional prowess. Hear how his steadfast belief in God has not only navigated him through life's hurdles but also imbued his role as a driven entrepreneur with a sense of empathy and servitude.

    In the bustling world of sales and leadership, the quest for balance between spiritual devotion and work commitments often seems daunting. Yet, Ryan and I unravel the transformative influence that a profound relationship with Jesus can impart upon both realms. We discuss how an authentic 'secret place' with the divine can subtly echo through the halls of commerce, enriching the workplace culture without preaching from the boardroom. This episode is a testament to the power of leading by heartfelt example, marrying the art of sales with the wisdom of personal growth.

    As we wind down, Ryan offers an intimate glimpse into the scriptural principles that shape his marriage, advocating for a bond fortified by mutual support and spiritual unity. Beyond the personal, we shift focus to practical strategies that can revolutionize sales teams, emphasizing the importance of cultivating relationships and honing leadership skills for sustainable success. Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith, strengthen familial bonds, or elevate your professional game, this episode promises a treasure trove of insights to enrich every facet of your life.

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    Selling Smarter: A Deep Dive into M&A Advisory with Eric Crouse

    Selling Smarter: A Deep Dive into M&A Advisory with Eric Crouse

    Unlock the secrets of successful business sales with expert Eric Crouse, as we delve into the critical role sell-side M&A advisors play in maximizing your profits and aligning the sale with your personal goals. Together, we'll navigate the nuanced landscape of selling a business, highlighting how Eric's team serves as a bridge between business owners and their ideal outcomes. His insights into strategic buyers versus private equity groups and the necessity of a sale strategy tailored to the owner's vision are invaluable for anyone considering a business transition.

    Ever wondered about the complexities of non-compete agreements in business transactions? Our latest episode is a goldmine of information, where we dissect these crucial contracts with precision. Eric shares the finer points of negotiations, how different states, like North Carolina, enforce geographical limitations, and the importance of having a solid advisory team by your side. The in-depth discussion on legal documentation and non-solicitation clauses is essential listening for anyone looking to protect their interests and ensure a smooth handoff of their life's work.

    Considering hiring a sell-side advisor? Listen as we explore the optimal timeframes for initiating the sale of your business and the unique support boutique agencies can offer. Eric's commitment to client success shines through as he shares the importance of choosing the right advisor—one who not only has a stellar track record but also values building a lasting relationship beyond the transaction. And for those in the home service industry, Eric has an exciting tool to share—a no-obligation business valuation calculator that could revolutionize the way you view your company's worth.

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    Transforming Adversity into Achievement: Sean Crane's Journey from Prison to Prosperity

    Transforming Adversity into Achievement: Sean Crane's Journey from Prison to Prosperity

    Have you ever wondered how the lowest points in life can lead to the greatest triumphs? Sean Crane's story is the epitome of transformation, and in this heart-to-heart session, he reveals the journey from addiction and false accusations to leadership and success. Together, we peel back the layers of hardship to uncover the resilience and tenacity needed to rewrite one's destiny.

    The conversation takes an intimate turn as Sean and I exchange our personal battles with sobriety, the intricate dance with our inner demons, and the powerful realizations that come from self-reflection. We touch upon the courage it takes to maintain our promises to ourselves and how these commitments can dramatically elevate our self-worth and catalyze monumental changes in our lives. It's an exploration of how altering our daily actions and mindset can lead to enriching our wealth, health, and relationships beyond measure.

    In a testament to the human spirit, Sean's post-prison life is nothing short of extraordinary. From just $200 and a trailer to becoming a certified personal trainer and business owner, his story is a masterclass in seizing opportunities in the face of adversity. Our dialogue invites you into Sean's world, a place where education, critical thinking, and self-awareness are the building blocks of a life once deemed impossible. His generous offer of a free copy of his book, "Prison of Your Own," is the cherry on top of this inspiring episode that's bound to leave you moved and motivated to embrace the growth that awaits on the other side of challenges.



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    The Contractor's Guide to Peak Performance and Mindful Living

    The Contractor's Guide to Peak Performance and Mindful Living

    Have you ever considered that the robustness of your business could hinge on the health of your body and mind? That's the enlightening conversation I engage in with Sean Crane, a seasoned coach who's no stranger to the world of contractors. Together, we dissect the intricacies of instilling new habits in an industry synonymous with hardiness and resilience. Sean's insights unveil how prioritizing personal well-being isn't just about feeling good—it's essential for energizing businesses, fostering vibrant company cultures, and fortifying family bonds.

    This episode isn't just a chat; it's a toolbox brimming with strategies for a holistic approach to life that transcends the job site. We unpack the significance of setting daily intentions, the invigorating effects of morning workouts, and the role of nutrition in maintaining peak performance. I get personal, sharing stories of how fully engaging with my family after hours and managing health with precision has revolutionized my life. Moreover, we discuss the transformative experience of cold plunge therapy, a testament to its ripple effect on mental grit and physical well-being.

    Wrapping up our deep dive, we extend an invitation to an exclusive retreat in Tampa, offering a space for like-minded professionals to network and evolve. Touching on the importance of personal growth through discipline and adversity, we reflect on the intense demands of physical fitness and the parallels it shares with entrepreneurial tenacity. By presenting my continuous journey of self-improvement, I hope to spark a flame in our listeners, encouraging them to embrace a life of balance, accomplishment, and, ultimately, joy. Join us as we lay out the blueprint for a life where health and accountability are the bedrock of success.


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    Skyrocketing to $3 Million with Effective Marketing and Sales Education

    Skyrocketing to $3 Million with Effective Marketing and Sales Education

    Unlock the secrets of sales mastery and leadership finesse with Tim Brown, a dynamic marketer who transformed his skepticism of sales into a fiery advocacy. Join us as he recounts the meteoric rise of Sydney, who leaped from a modest income to an astounding $3 million in sales within a year, all through Tim's expert mentorship. Our candid conversation navigates the transformative journey from sales aversion to passionate sales education, laying bare the pivotal role of genuine product belief and the marriage of customer care with charisma for sales success.

    Ever wondered how to capture attention in the saturated home service industry with something more than just a handshake and a brochure? I've got tales to tell—from wizard costumes to free tattoos—showcasing my decade-long quest to master the art of memorable marketing. In this episode, Tim and I dissect whether all attention is good attention, but more importantly, we reveal how outrageous marketing stunts can carve a distinct identity in a crowd of competitors. With our insider tips, your business can stand out, grabbing eyeballs and turning heads while still selling with integrity.

    We wrap this enlightening escapade with a peek into the often-overlooked strategy of DIY business training for HVAC and plumbing professionals. By generously sharing knowledge that rivals our own services, we prove that educating the industry isn't just about goodwill—it's a savvy move that builds trust and cements expertise. Laughter ensues with industry-related memes as we celebrate the shared knowledge that elevates businesses, ensuring you walk away not just entertained but armed with actionable strategies to take your business game to new heights.

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    Unveiling Marketing Mastery: Ryan's Secrets to Customer Influence and Brand Success

    Unveiling Marketing Mastery: Ryan's Secrets to Customer Influence and Brand Success

    Unlock the psychological secrets behind successful marketing strategies with Ryan, the mastermind from Wizard of Ad's, in our latest episode. We guarantee you'll come away with an arsenal of insights to influence customer behavior and bolster your brand's resonance. From the essentials of building trust to the art of creating an unforgettable character like Billy Ray for Drain Magic, this conversation is packed with real-world examples that illustrate the power of authenticity and entertainment in advertising.

    Prepare to rethink everything you know about connecting with consumers as Ryan and I dissect the importance of aligning your business's values and convenience with customer expectations. We share enlightening stories, like the shift from aimless promotions to targeted messages that catapulted companies forward, and discuss the strategic timing of offers that turn lukewarm leads into hot prospects. Whether it's heating services or accounting firms, Ryan's expertise shines a light on leveraging service cycles and reducing acquisition costs through smart, value-driven communication.

    Finally, we give you an exclusive sneak peek into an upcoming book co-authored by Ryan, which promises to revolutionize the way businesses approach scalability and ease in sales. This episode isn't just a treasure trove of marketing wisdom—it's a launchpad for anyone ready to elevate their brand and make a lasting impact on their industry. Tune in for a session brimming with strategies, laughter, and a deep dive into the power of simplicity in messaging that sets you apart from the crowd.




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    Entrepreneurial Alchemy: Gene Slade's Journey from Tool Bag to HVAC Empire and the Underrated Might of Radio Advertising

    Entrepreneurial Alchemy: Gene Slade's Journey from Tool Bag to HVAC Empire and the Underrated Might of Radio Advertising

    In this episode, Corey Berrier talks with HVAC expert Gene Slade about his journey from starting with a basic toolkit to building a successful business. Gene shares insights on overcoming business challenges and strategies for growth and resilience. The conversation also covers the effectiveness of radio advertising in establishing a service-based business, with Corey reflecting on his own experiences in local radio. The role of AI in customer service, particularly in handling weekend calls and the value of recorded CSR calls, is discussed. Additionally, the topic of indoor air quality, its impact on health and home comfort, and tips for homeowners on system assessments and heating checks are explored.

    Remember to leave a 5-star review on platforms like Apple Podcasts or Spotify if you find this episode informative and valuable.

    239-848-6533 mobile

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    From Bankruptcy to Empire: Aaron Gaynor's $60 Million Journey in the Trades

    From Bankruptcy to Empire: Aaron Gaynor's $60 Million Journey in the Trades

    In our latest episode, we discuss Aaron Gaynor's experience of overcoming a significant setback. After facing bankruptcy, Aaron built a successful business worth $60 million. He shares his journey and offers advice for overcoming challenges. His story includes his evolution from a beginner plumber to a successful business leader, highlighting his strategies for resilience and success.

    Aaron restructured his business strategy after bankruptcy, focusing on the plumbing and HVAC industries and incorporating innovative approaches. The episode explores how to expand services while maintaining quality, effective rebranding, and the utilization of AI in business operations. It presents a detailed analysis of how to adapt to a changing market.

    The episode concludes by emphasizing the potential within the trade industry. Aaron's experience illustrates how personal and professional growth can emerge from challenging circumstances. The discussion aims to give listeners a deeper understanding of the trade industry and potentially inspire their professional development. Join us to hear more about Aaron's insights and approach to overcoming obstacles and achieving success.



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    Mastering Leadership and Scaling Success in Home Services with Chad Peterman

    Mastering Leadership and Scaling Success in Home Services with Chad Peterman

    Unlock the strategies that have propelled Chad Peterman to the forefront of the home services industry in our latest episode. Our conversation peels back the layers of scaling a trade business, emphasizing the importance of people skills and leadership. As two professionals who entered the trades from different backgrounds, Chad and I share unique insights on empowering teams, the critical role of customer focus, and why self-awareness is the secret ingredient to broadening your company's reach.

    Leadership is not just about having a vision; it's about structuring it into actionable steps and trusting the right people to carry it out. We dissect the transformation from a hands-on leader to one that orchestrates from the helm, using the dynamic of a visionary and an integrator to foster monumental growth. Through our talk, you'll grasp the essence of letting go, nurturing independence in your team members, and the significance of adapting in a business environment that keeps evolving, especially in the wake of global events like the pandemic.

    The nuts and bolts of business transition come to life as I delve into the story of our family-owned company's generational shift, adapting from new construction to residential services. This episode is not just about business tactics; it's a human story of trust, succession, and personal growth. We round off the discussion with an exciting preview of our company tours, emphasizing the community's role in the industry's success. For anyone in the trades or intrigued by business growth and leadership, this episode is filled with wisdom and inspiration that's ripe for the taking.




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    Turning Service Calls into Profits with Brigham Dickinson's Innovative Strategies

    Turning Service Calls into Profits with Brigham Dickinson's Innovative Strategies

    Unlock the secrets to transforming every customer call into a golden opportunity with Brigham Dickinson, the visionary behind Power Selling Pros. Our conversation unpacks the journey from the nadir of the 2008 financial crisis to the zenith of creating exceptional customer service experiences in the trades. Brigham's 'Pattern for Excellence' is more than a set of principles—it's a revolution in engaging with customers that started with a pivotal collaboration with Nearing's Plumbing and Heating and has since reshaped the industry's approach to customer interactions.

    Prepare to be inspired as we showcase the incredible tales of customer service metamorphosis, spotlighting industry leaders like Tom Robichaud and Mike Agugliaro. They share their wisdom on the art of personalized coaching for customer service representatives (CSRs), scaling the capacity to impress and retain customers across a thousand-strong workforce. This isn't just about handling calls; it’s about crafting moments that leave customers saying "wow" and eagerly waiting for their next service.

    In this episode, we also unravel the enduring power of the human touch in a tech-dominated world. Drawing on lessons from teppanyaki chefs to the ethos of Chick-fil-A, we explore how human-led interactions are irreplaceable for creating memorable service experiences. Furthermore, we discuss the path to leadership and financial freedom, highlighting how investing in your team's growth can turn your CSR department into a profit-generating powerhouse. Join us for an enriching session that promises to arm you with strategies and insights to elevate your business's customer service game to unparalleled heights.


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    Challenging Traditions: Sarah Hammond's Insights on Diversity, AI, and Women in the Trades Industry

    Challenging Traditions: Sarah Hammond's Insights on Diversity, AI, and Women in the Trades Industry

    Ready to challenge your assumptions about the trades industry? Our guest today, Sarah Hammond, President of Atlas Electrical Air Conditioning, refrigeration, and Employment Services Incorporated, shares her unique insights as a woman navigating through this male-dominated field. Sarah divulges the pros and cons of being a woman in the industry and stresses the urgent need to amplify diversity. We also uncover the high wages and abundant opportunities that make the trades industry appealing and discuss how AI technology can revolutionize learning and service delivery in the HVAC sector.

    In an engaging conversation about the impact of automation, we highlight how AI technology can accelerate efficiency and service speed, offering a compelling alternative to unreliable Google searches. We touch on the allure of technology for the younger generation and how it can help businesses stay organized while attracting new talent. The discussion takes an interesting turn as we delve into the fluctuating landscape of equipment pricing and the need for up-to-date information readily available for technicians.

    Lastly, we delve into the personal realm, addressing the challenges of parenting in our digital age and the importance of delineating boundaries with technology. We firmly believe that customer service is the bedrock of any successful business, and we share powerful anecdotes on how to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sarah introduces us to her company's ambassador program, offering mentorship opportunities for women in HVACR, truly personifying the old adage, "Be the change you want to see." Tune in, be enlightened, and join us in celebrating and promoting women in the skilled trades industry!




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    Exploring the Future of HVAC: Technology, Innovation, and User-Driven Development with Shelby Breger

    Exploring the Future of HVAC: Technology, Innovation, and User-Driven Development with Shelby Breger

    Explore the future of HVAC technology with our guest, Shelby Breger, co-founder of Conduit Tech. Shelby, an expert in energy efficiency and residential HVAC, discusses her journey in the HVAC field. The conversation will cover her contributions to energy efficiency, grid stability, and improved homeowner comfort and how these efforts benefit homeowners and contractors.

    We will delve into software development for the HVAC industry, focusing on the creation of an interactive 3D model. Shelby will share her experiences in assembling a software development team and the engineering challenges involved. The discussion will include future plans for integrating the product with field service software, emphasizing process efficiency and potential automation using webhooks.

    The importance of user feedback in shaping software development will be highlighted, along with the role of communication between users and developers. Shelby will provide insights into the development of a user-friendly and effective software platform for field service professionals, discussing approaches to remote user research and technician support. Features of Phyno Technician and the use of technologies like home energy assessments on iPads and LiDAR will also be discussed.

    Join us to understand how Conduit Tech is influencing the HVAC industry and what the future holds in this domain.


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    Driving Success through Personal Growth and Strategic Partnerships: A Conversation with Corey Berrier and Justin Judd

    Driving Success through Personal Growth and Strategic Partnerships: A Conversation with Corey Berrier and Justin Judd

    Are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of strategic partnerships in the home service industry? Curious about how automating follow-ups can be a game-changer for your business growth? This episode is a deep dive into the collaboration between myself, Corey Berrier, and Justin Judd, head of sales and partnerships at Chiirp, where we shed light on the revolutionary benefits of strategic partnerships and the massive untapped revenue that lies in efficient follow-up systems.

    We also expose you to the transforming power of personal growth and development. Exploring the highs and lows of our individual journeys, Justin and I discuss how personal development is serving as a catalyst for positive change in our lives. Packed with inspiration, we share insights from our experiences, emphasizing the powerful roles of trust, empathy, and self-reflection in fostering a positive and productive work environment. As we navigate our past mistakes and how they have shaped us, you'll learn the importance of embracing personal growth and surrounding yourself with supportive individuals on the path to success.

    In the final part of our conversation, we uncover the magic behind Chiirp, a tool that automates outbound communication and follow-ups with customers, which ultimately elevates customer value and saves companies time and money. So, join us in this enlightening discussion and take away not just knowledge but also a special offer for listeners who schedule a demo with Chiirp. Remember to mention the podcast or my name during your interaction with Chiirp. Get ready for an episode filled with empowering conversations, practical insights, and growth strategies.


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    Maximizing Marketing: Kevin LaSage's Data-Driven Strategies and the Impact of Digital Evolution on Home Service Contractors

    Maximizing Marketing: Kevin LaSage's Data-Driven Strategies and the Impact of Digital Evolution on Home Service Contractors

    Lost in the world of marketing as a home service contractor? Fear not! Kevin LaSage, founder of Searchlight, shares his insights on making data-driven decisions that maximize your marketing investments. He unveils how his platform ties digital marketing efforts to customer activity in a CRM, offering real-time optimization to any marketing strategy. Kevin also underscores the importance of transparency and the benefits of having all marketing channels unified on one platform.

    We’ve all heard that change is the only constant, and in the realm of consumer behavior, this couldn't be truer. Discover why today's consumers are favoring chatbots, online forms, and schedulers over traditional phone calls as we explore this shift and its impact on business conversion rates. We emphasize how quick responses can make the difference between winning and losing a lead and why businesses need to adapt to the preferences of tech-savvy generations.

    The world of home service is not exempt from the ongoing digital revolution. We delve into the effectiveness of Google Ads in customer acquisition and discuss the rising cost of these ads. Here, Kevin introduces us to the concept that not all leads are created equal, as 75% of website conversions do not lead to paying customers. The conversation transitions into how AI technology is transforming areas like plumbing and roofing and how Searchlight uses AI to enhance customer service. So buckle up and get ready for an enlightening journey through the world of data-driven marketing for home service contractors.


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    Journey into Sobriety: Corey's Thanksgiving Message of Recovery

    Journey into Sobriety: Corey's Thanksgiving Message of Recovery

    Have you ever struggled with addiction or felt alone in your journey towards sobriety? Join me, Corey Berrier, in this special Thanksgiving edition of the Successful Life Podcast as we break down the barriers surrounding addiction and sobriety. I opened up about my own journey towards sobriety, highlighting the stark difference between merely quitting drinking and truly being sober. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we reflect on our victories, no matter how small, and express our heartfelt gratitude for your support, which has propelled our show to over 300,000 downloads.

    Navigating the world of recovery can be a lonely battle, but it doesn't have to be. In this candid episode, I share my struggles with fitting into recovery and the common misconception of being 'different'. If you're currently battling addiction, I want you to know that you're not alone. Together, let's chart a path towards self-improvement, learning, and growing from our experiences. This Thanksgiving, join me in celebrating not just the good in our lives but the lessons learned from our struggles. Ready to embark on this journey? Let's dive in.

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    Hidden Savings and Cyber-Safety: An Insightful Discussion on Business Wealth and Security with Mike Clark

    Hidden Savings and Cyber-Safety: An Insightful Discussion on Business Wealth and Security with Mike Clark

    Want to uncover hidden savings in your business and bolster your bottom line? Get ready to join us in a riveting discussion with esteemed financial expert Mike Clark. Mike spills the beans about cost reduction strategies that can dramatically improve your cash flow. We delve into how he aids businesses to pinpoint and fix leaks in their systems, which, interestingly, he offers at no charge. He takes his cut from the assets under management, a unique approach that has helped countless businesses save up to 25% on expenses.

    Have you ever thought about the impact tax credits could have on your business? It's a typically under-explored area, and many advisors don't even know about the eight federal tax credits, let alone state and municipal ones, that your business may be eligible for. We shed light on these missed opportunities and stress the importance of having trustworthy advisors who can guide you through this labyrinth of tax credits. 

    Finally, we confront one of the biggest threats to businesses today - cybersecurity. You might be surprised that it's not just the big corporations that are targeted by hackers but small and medium-sized businesses, too. The potential implications of a data breach can be catastrophic. However, with the right safety measures, you can safeguard your business. From managing IT services to using secure passwords, we offer tips to keep your data safe. The conversation concludes with nuggets of wisdom on building your financial wealth and increasing revenue, with a strong emphasis on treating client relationships as business relationships.

    Mike Clark

    (209) 605-2705


    Be part of our 3D Asset Care webinars, where experts in Tax Strategies, Estate Planning, Real Estate, Education Planning, or Asset Protection offer you unique perspectives and education on achieving success.  Also included will be our Town Hall Questions, where the audience asked us unscripted questions.  Look for the next one at: www.protectionpointadvisors.com/events

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    Overcoming the Odds: Navigating the Challenges of Roofing and Addiction with Corey and Ty

    Overcoming the Odds: Navigating the Challenges of Roofing and Addiction with Corey and Ty

    Imagine facing the biting cold of winter, up on a roof, managing the gutter installation and siding. That's the reality in the roofing industry. Join us as we, Corey and Ty, expose the challenges and adjustments needed to keep the job going even in the chilliest months. We'll also introduce an innovative solution from Austin Tic Tacaroofer - a snow grip product that is changing the game in commercial multi-family projects. All these while underscoring the importance of having a team of skilled professionals who uphold quality and integrity in every task.

    Have you ever wondered what a simple life in a third-world country could teach you about wealth and happiness? We're about to share some profound insights that transformed how we view our lives. Our journey to a different continent was both eye-opening and humbling, showing us a resilient community where resourcefulness thrives amidst scarcity. Hear Corey's story about his path to sobriety and how this experience reshaped his understanding of true wealth and happiness. 

    We're breaking down barriers and tackling a sensitive topic - addiction. Hear Corey's brave account of his struggle with alcoholism, his relapses, and his road to recovery. It's a story of humility and gratitude, of spiritual awakening, and a realization that addiction is not just about abstinence. We delve into the controversial use of weed in recovery and its implications. This episode is a testament to the ongoing battle against addiction, but more importantly, it's a beacon of hope for those seeking recovery. Join us in this powerful exploration as we underscore the importance of empathy, self-awareness, and community support in overcoming life's most significant battles.




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