
    Real Faith Stories

    If you've ever felt frustrated because you've struggled to take the steps of faith you believe you should be taking, but hesitate because of fear of the unknown, Real Faith Stories can help. By hearing the true stories of everyday people who by faith, boldly and courageously took great risks, despite their fears – this podcast will help you believe that you can do it too. So, listen and be encouraged. You may be one step away from making the eternal impact you were created for, and becoming the answer to someone else’s prayer.
    en-usBrian Robinson194 Episodes

    Episodes (194)

    194: Words Hold the Power of Life and Death - Bryan Crum

    194: Words Hold the Power of Life and Death - Bryan Crum
    As a hospice chaplain for over 10 years Bryan has personally witnessed thousands of people breath their very last breath. The difference between those who expressed regret and those who did not? The WORDS they chose to believe about themselves versus the ones they did not. And, Bryan shares the one thing he's found that can destroy regret, even up to the last moment of life. Special Guest: Bryan Crum.

    193: Conquering Fear and Living in Bold Obedience - Diana Burks

    193: Conquering Fear and Living in Bold Obedience - Diana Burks
    From a young age, Diana learned the power of following God’s promptings. With each act of obedience, her faith became stronger, touching more lives. Then, after residing in New Mexico with her husband, children, and extended family for 18 years, she sensed a prompting to move to Dallas, TX. Obeying this prompting would prove to be one of the hardest yet most rewarding faith challenges she’d ever encountered. And the fruit of that obedience has far exceeded what she could have imagined. Special Guest: Diana Burks.

    192: When God Owns Your Company - Johnathan Sparks

    192: When God Owns Your Company - Johnathan Sparks
    For 15 years Johnathan & Kara had a good company making good revenue which positively impacted many people. Then one day Johnathan had a conversation with a mentor that changed everything: He said, “Have you dedicated your company to God and asked Him to bless it, or does He actually OWN your company and you steward it?” That question sparked a huge business shift that’s yielded stunning results. Special Guest: Johnathan Sparks.

    191: "I Can't do this by Myself Anymore" - Dan & Elizabeth Thorndike

    191: "I Can't do this by Myself Anymore" - Dan & Elizabeth Thorndike
    As a full-ride scholarship recipient and Division 1 college athlete, Elizabeth was used to being self-reliant. If things didn’t happen fast enough, she would make them happen. That was, until she and Dan had their first special needs child, then felt God guiding them to adopt two more medically fragile children. She reached a point one day, through tears, when she told Dan, “I can’t do this by myself anymore.” Two days later, Dan gave notice that he was quitting his job to help Elizabeth at home with the kids. What’s happened since has been a faith journey that’s profoundly changed their lives. Special Guest: Dan & Elizabeth Thorndike.

    190: SPECIAL EPISODE: The Truth WILL Set You Free - Perry Marshall

    190: SPECIAL EPISODE: The Truth WILL Set You Free - Perry Marshall
    Perry Marshall says, "Whatever you did to compensate for your childhood traumas became your superpower - which means that even the most horrible circumstances DID come with a gift." In this special episode, we do a deep dive into exactly what that means, and the reason it's so important to get truth out into the light because, as they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, "we are only as sick as our secrets." Special Guest: Perry Marshall.

    189: The Power of Agreement - Johnathan & Kara Sparks

    189: The Power of Agreement - Johnathan & Kara Sparks
    Johnathan & Kara Sparks are commercial real estate investors who are in a relationship with God and each other in a way that few people get to experience; yet, is available to anyone willing to yield everything to the Lord. Special Guest: Johnathan & Kara Sparks.

    188: Beyond Self-Help - Alejandra Crisafulli

    188: Beyond Self-Help - Alejandra Crisafulli
    As a pioneer in the life coaching industry teaching thousands the philosophy and tenets of self-help, Alejandra experienced a crisis in her life which opened her eyes to the one thing that had been missing, and the One who would ultimately deliver her from her crisis: Jesus Christ. Since then, client results have been so profound, permanent change has become the norm rather than the exception. Special Guest: Aljehandra Crisafulli.

    187: "God, I'll do Anything You Ask Me to Do" - Michelle Brogan

    187: "God, I'll do Anything You Ask Me to Do" - Michelle Brogan
    A divine encounter pulled Michelle back from the brink of suicide and set her on a wild faith journey that has led to a nationally recognized dance ministry that’s changed thousands of lives. The keys have been intimacy with the Lord, immediate obedience, and a willingness to do anything God asks, regardless of how crazy it may seem. Special Guest: Michelle Brogan.

    185: God Can "8:28" Anything - Tierney Shirrell

    185: God Can "8:28" Anything - Tierney Shirrell
    As a former corporate accountant turned full-time mom, Tierney found herself in the fight of her life after battling severe postpartum depression and following a diagnosis of bipolar 2 disorder. The turning point came with a decision to receive the Lord's healing, reject shame and embrace her identity as a child of God. Now she helps others fulfill their purpose through the profound truth found in Romans 8:28, that God can turn every struggle into a source of blessing. Special Guest: Tierney Shirrell.

    184: Miraculous Provision - Nathaniel Escobar

    184: Miraculous Provision - Nathaniel Escobar
    For eight years Nathaniel had been successfully managing a fast-growing landscaping firm with 45 employees, then the Lord told him to leave all of it and go back to school. Everyone counseled him not to do it. But when he fully surrendered to the Lord’s prompting, he experienced miraculous provision. Special Guest: Nathaniel Escobar.

    183: When God Orchestrates Your Unconditional Surrender - Sergio Luna

    183: When God Orchestrates Your Unconditional Surrender - Sergio Luna
    Sergio had a wonderfully successful marketing/branding firm in Mexico with 30 employees. Then, in one day through multiple confirmations, the Lord instructed him to leave it all behind and move to the United States. This led to the hardest season of his life which literally brought him to his knees in full, unconditional surrender. Since then, his life has never been the same. Special Guest: Sergio Luna.

    182: When it Costs Everything to say "Yes" - Terry Goodman

    182: When it Costs Everything to say "Yes" - Terry Goodman
    After some difficult life circumstances, Terry thought ministry may be over for her. But God wasn’t finished yet – not even close. After a divine meeting with Carole Ward, the founder of Favor International, The Lord woke her up two nights in a row at 2:00am asking her the same questions about going to Africa: “Will you go, and will you stay?” She said yes to both questions. Gave everything away, bought a one-way ticket to Uganda, and hasn’t looked back. What’s happened since has been nothing short of miraculous. Special Guest: Terry Goodman.

    181: When Mental Toughness & Extra Effort No Longer Work - Darryl Lyons

    181: When Mental Toughness & Extra Effort No Longer Work - Darryl Lyons
    “Mental toughness, extra effort” was the self-sufficient mantra Darryl lived by, until one February day that became nothing more than a powerless saying. He came to the end of himself and discovered how abiding in Jesus moment by moment was what his heart had always longed for. Special Guest: Darryl Lyons.

    180: How Listening to the Lord and Bold Action Brings Breakthrough - Dave Dalton

    180: How Listening to the Lord and Bold Action Brings Breakthrough - Dave Dalton
    Dave has cultivated a life of listening to the Lord's promptings then acting upon them, no matter how crazy they seem. In doing so he's experienced incredible breakthroughs in his life and business - along with incredible resistance. There's been one KEY that has helped him navigate through all of it: remembering what the Lord has said. Special Guest: Dave Dalton.

    179: The Phone Call That Changed My Life - Katie Norris

    179: The Phone Call That Changed My Life - Katie Norris
    Katie had an idea to combine photography, film and philanthropy into a business called Fotolanthropy. Yet, she became weary of being in the middle ground of knowing the business needed to launch or the idea needed to die. So, she and her husband cried out to the Lord asking Him to help them know what to do. Less than 30 minutes after praying together, she received a phone call that changed her life. Special Guest: Katie Norris.

    178: From Bankruptcy to Blessing - Mark Terrell

    178: From Bankruptcy to Blessing - Mark Terrell
    Through a divine invitation and a very reluctant "Yes," Mark shares his journey of leaving a successful financial services career and taking over a bankrupt non-profit that had 17 employees, and a budget of $600,000, to become one of Indiana’s largest non-profits with 700 employees, and a budget of $60 million. A miraculous story of bankruptcy to blessing and how God made it happen. Special Guest: Mark Terrell.

    177: The Undeniable Presence of God - Stephanie Brady

    177: The Undeniable Presence of God - Stephanie Brady
    Stephanie was 29 weeks pregnant when the unthinkable happened: On a family excursion, her husband died right in front of her. The overwhelm she experienced was beyond comprehension. Yet, during this unthinkable pain, God’s undeniable presence was like fortified pillars that supernaturally held her up. Stephanie shares how she experienced the truth of God’s promise that His presence is more than enough all the time for everything in your life. Special Guest: Stephanie Brady.

    176: The Profound Impact of Speaking Truthfully to God - Jamie Winship

    176: The Profound Impact of Speaking Truthfully to God - Jamie Winship
    Jamie Winship spent nearly 30 years living and working in conflict zones, and during that time he has learned an important truth: all human conflict originates from fear, and fear originates from a false view of God, ourselves, and others. Until we exchange what's false for what's real, we will never experience being fully alive, fully human, and fully free. This exchange starts with one critical step: speaking truthfully to God. He explains how in this episode of Real Faith Stories. Special Guest: Jamie Winship.

    175: The Transforming Power of Suffering Wisely – Rob Reimer

    175: The Transforming Power of Suffering Wisely – Rob Reimer
    At age 24, Rob was sitting alone with God and he heard Him say to his heart, “I'm calling you to plant a church. You're going to teach in seminary. You're going to write books. You're going to speak internationally. Everything you do is for revival.” Rob replied, “I will do anything you ask me to do. But I'll never open my own doors and seek to advance my own opportunities. You open the doors and I'll walk through them when the time comes.” Since then, God has magnificently empowered Rob to fulfill all these dreams, to the point of helping hundreds of thousands of people around the world, but it’s not been without much suffering. Rob says, “You don’t get to choose IF you suffer in life, you only get to choose HOW you suffer.” And the key to growing in spiritual authority and seeing a tremendous increase in God’s power is learning how to suffer wisely. Special Guest: Rob Reimer.