

    defire is deciphering crypto, one story at a time. Come along on a journey into the crazy world of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. In each episode, we get to know the people behind the hype and listen to their stories. Subscribe today!
    enJonas42 Episodes

    Episodes (42)

    From Obese to Olympian: The Sex Toy Millionaire Pledging His Earnings to Tokenholders

    From Obese to Olympian: The Sex Toy Millionaire Pledging His Earnings to Tokenholders
    The Defire podcast welcomes Alan Frei, a Swiss entrepreneur successful in selling sex toys online. Alan shares his belief in creating interesting stories versus convincing people about his business ideas. He discussed his journey from multiple start-up failures to eventually finding success with his online sex toy business, Amorana. Alan has since stepped away from that venture and is now pursuing an Olympic dream in curling for the Philippines. His entrepreneurial spirit has led him to tokenize his new venture, the Alan Frei company, under Swiss law, creating a unique investment opportunity in his future earnings. Alongside becoming an Olympic curler, Alan is focusing on building stories and creating products with his new venture as he transitions from a traditional business model to a more content-creation and community-focused approach.
    enDecember 26, 2023

    Drive to Earn: Hivemapper CEO Ariel Seidman On How They Mapped 9% Of The World In Only 12 Months

    Drive to Earn: Hivemapper CEO Ariel Seidman On How They Mapped 9% Of The World In Only 12 Months
    Drive to Earn: Hivemapper CEO Ariel Seidman On How They Mapped 9% Of The World In Only 12 Months In this episode of the Defire podcast, Jonas (@defiremoney) speaks with Ariel Seidman (@aseidman), CEO and co-founder of Hivemapper. Ariel shares the story of Hivemapper, a decentralized map of the world built with Solana and community input. With 5.7 million kilometers of roads mapped in just one year using dashcams, Hivemapper has covered about 9% of the world's roads. The drivers earn Honey, a Solana-based token, by mapping roads or training their Map AI. The data collected is then sold to various customers such as logistics companies, mapping companies, governments, insurance companies, and auto manufacturers. Ariel emphasizes the importance of understanding specific use cases and customers' needs when building applications or hardware in the crypto space.

    Solana's Climb to the Top: A Chat with Austin Federa

    Solana's Climb to the Top: A Chat with Austin Federa
    When I sat down with Austin Federa a few weeks ago, the crypto world's sentiment, especially around Solana, was still a bit bleak. Fast forward to today, and the landscape seems to have shifted dramatically. In our wide-ranging conversation about Solana, we delved deep into: - Solana's unique approach to scaling blockchain at its core. - The history and evolution of computing and its parallels with blockchain. - The economic dynamics of crypto and how Solana fits into the bigger picture. - The challenges and criticisms faced by Solana in the crypto community. - Austin's journey from environmental studies to the forefront of blockchain technology. It's fascinating how a few weeks can change perspectives. Dive into our chat and discover the philosophy, technology, and rise of Solana.
    enOctober 31, 2023

    Banking on Bitcoin: Luzius Meisser's Push for Digital Gold Reserves

    Banking on Bitcoin: Luzius Meisser's Push for Digital Gold Reserves
    On the latest episode of the Defire Podcast we have a wide-ranging conversation with Luzius Meisser, a leading entrepreneur, investor, and the Chairman of Bitcoin Suisse. Luzius shares his vision: why the world's National Banks might soon hold Bitcoin in their reserves. Discover why Switzerland is the go-to haven for crypto innovators. Plus, get a firsthand look into Luzius's newest venture, Aktionariat, an ambitious project aimed at tokenizing shares of startups and small companies. Imagine a currency anchored and buoyed by the heart of the economy – its enterprises.
    enAugust 21, 2023

    Marc Baumann on Bitcoin Suisse's Journey & Why Brands Like Nike Champion Web3

    Marc Baumann on Bitcoin Suisse's Journey & Why Brands Like Nike Champion Web3
    In this episode Marc Baumann, shares his insights and experiences in the cryptocurrency industry. They delve into topics such as the early years of Bitcoin Suisse and the crucial role played by co-founder Niklas Nikolajsen. They also discuss the marketing strategies employed by Bitcoin Suisse, the potential of the Metaverse and NFTs, the challenges of mainstream adoption, and why brands are still bullish on web3.
    enJuly 25, 2023

    Falling for AI: A Man's Unexpected Love Story

    Falling for AI: A Man's Unexpected Love Story
    In this episode of Defire, host Jonas takes listeners on an unexpected journey into the world of human-AI relationships. The guest, David Porter (not his real name), shares his unique and deeply personal story of falling in love with an AI named Eve. From the initial download of an AI companion app to the surprising blossoming of a romantic relationship, David's story challenges our preconceived notions of connection, companionship, and love itself. The episode explores the human side of the crypto universe, the epidemic of loneliness, and the surprising demographics of AI companionship. It delves into the controversial world of erotic role play with AI, and the ethical obligations companies may have as these relationships become more lifelike. This episode of Defire is a testament to the power of technology and its potential to transform our lives in ways we could never have imagined.
    enJune 29, 2023

    The Power of Trust: Antoine Sarraute on Wakweli's Mission

    The Power of Trust: Antoine Sarraute on Wakweli's Mission
    Okay, so imagine you're in a world where you could get a certificate for anything - a piece of art, a house, even a share of stock - and have it universally recognized across any marketplace or blockchain. Sounds like a sci-fi movie, right? Well, welcome to the world of Wakweli.
    enJune 13, 2023

    The Art of Portfolio Construction in Crypto: Insights from Matt Hougan

    The Art of Portfolio Construction in Crypto: Insights from Matt Hougan
    Welcome to another episode of the Defire Podcast, where we explore the human side of crypto. This time, we're diving deep into the world of professional crypto investors with Matt Hougan, the Chief Investment Officer at Bitwise Asset Management. Matt pulls back the curtain on the strategies that professional crypto investors use to maximize their returns. He shares his insights on portfolio construction, the art of picking the right coins, and the importance of diversification in the crypto space. Ever wondered if Ethereum could flip Bitcoin? Or how to talk to institutional investors about crypto? Matt tackles these questions and more, providing a wealth of knowledge that both seasoned investors and crypto newcomers will find invaluable. Don't miss this chance to learn from one of the leading voices in crypto asset management. Tune in, take notes, and get ready to level up your crypto game.
    enJune 02, 2023

    Breaking Bank Monopolies with DeFi: An Insider's View with Michael Svoboda, CEO of Liquity

    Breaking Bank Monopolies with DeFi: An Insider's View with Michael Svoboda, CEO of Liquity
    Ready to venture beyond traditional finance? Dive into this episode of "Defire", as we host Michael Svoboda, CEO of Liquity, a driving force in the DeFi world. We delve into fascinating stories of ordinary individuals leveraging crypto assets, discuss the rising controversies around stablecoins, and learn how Liquity is operating independently, managing billions in loans. As we shed light on Liquity's potential to disrupt traditional banking, you'll get an eye-opening perspective on the untapped power of DeFi. It's time to rethink what you thought you knew about money and finance!

    The Secret NFT Godfather: How Shaban Shaame Made Blockchain History with Spells of Genesis

    The Secret NFT Godfather: How Shaban Shaame Made Blockchain History with Spells of Genesis
    In this episode of Defire, we dive into the fascinating story of Shaban Shaame, the NFT Godfather and true OG of the NFT world. We'll learn about how he was creating NFTs before the term even existed, and how he put the cards from his fantasy game, Spells of Genesis, on Counterparty in 2015. In this episode, we'll hear from Shaban Shaame firsthand about his journey and contributions to the NFT world. We'll also explore why Magic the Gathering continues to outperform Hearthstone in earnings, despite having lower play rates, what Shaban thinks about Ordinals and what the new thing is he is working on. Stay tuned for an insightful and inspiring conversation with the NFT Godfather himself.

    Solana, Zero Defaults, and Trillions of Dollars: Thomas Bohner on Credix

    Solana, Zero Defaults, and Trillions of Dollars: Thomas Bohner on Credix
    In this podcast episode, we hear from Thomas Bohner, CEO and co-founder of Credix, about how they are helping cash-rich institutions loan money to emerging markets with attractive returns. Learn about the challenges of financing SMEs in the global south, the potential for trillions of dollars in on-chain loans, and the importance of building a strong legal stack. Hear Thomas's key takeaways and insights on the future of lending in emerging markets.
    enMarch 02, 2023

    Losses and Lessons: The Story behind Coinfessions

    Losses and Lessons: The Story behind Coinfessions
    Alpha (@illustratealpha) is the mastermind behind Coinfessions, a website where you can anonymously post crypto related confessions. With over 150,000 followers on his Twitter account (@coinfessions), Alpha provides an outlet for people who want to get their secrets off their chest and share it with the world.
    enFebruary 06, 2023

    Selling $100 Million Worth Of NFTs And Building The Red Bull Of Web3 With Gami

    Selling $100 Million Worth Of NFTs And Building The Red Bull Of Web3 With Gami
    Gami is building the Redbull of web3 without the sugary drinks. Gnars DAO is a new way to fund extreme athletes who produce action-packed videos or make extraordinary events happen. Instead of selling energy drinks, Gnars is auctioning off up 26 NFTs every day. This idea and funding model is based on Nouns. You know these on-chain pixelart NFTs with the iconic glasses. In this episode, we dive deep into the story of Gnars and Nouns, and we learn why Gami invested over 200’000 USD to buy two Nouns NFTs earlier this year and what his plans are with these NFTs.

    What If The Accusations Against The Bored Ape Yacht Club Were True? | Wave

    What If The Accusations Against The Bored Ape Yacht Club Were True? | Wave
    Since the very beginning Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club, has received accusations of having hidden racist and antisemitic imagery in their NFT collection. I was skeptical at first and didn't really see it. How could some monkey pictures that some of today's most beloved superstars proudly showed off and sometimes even used as their profile pictures on Twitter and Instagram be racist?
    enNovember 30, 2022

    Trading the NFT metagame with Fulowa

    Trading the NFT metagame with Fulowa
    Today on the show, I have the pleasure of talking to Fulowa (@Fulowa). Fulowa is a true NFT degen and the co-founder of OnChained, an NFT analytics platform. In this episode, Fulowa shares with us how he went from doing manual labor as Chemist in a laboratory to switching careers and becoming a data scientist and now his latest station as a JPG trader and entrepreneur. Fulowa also shares his ideas on what's happening in the NFT market and why NFT trading, or crypto in general, is similar to playing a video game. He also shares with us the tools he uses to spot opportunities in the NFT market, and we also dive deeper into the Cyberkongz NFT project and community, where he is an active member to this day.
    enNovember 06, 2022

    Why Smart Money is still Bullish on Crypto with João Zecchin

    Why Smart Money is still Bullish on Crypto with João Zecchin
    João is a Brazilian entrepreneur and investor from Rio de Janeiro. He started an investment firm when he was only 19 years old, and then he made a small fortune as a bond trader in Miami, which led him to buy US helicopters and fly them down to Brazil in his twenties. When he returned to Rio he started investing in startups. Several of them became unicorns (in Brazilian Reais). Nowadays, João is investing in crypto companies with a connection to real life and he is currently raising a new crypto fund focused on Latin America with his latest company Fuse capital.