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    'When Will This Be Over?' Sesame Workshop's Tips For Parenting In A Pandemic

    en-usMay 12, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Balancing Parenting, Work, and Self-Care During QuarantineJuggling multiple roles during quarantine can be overwhelming. Seek family support for virtual babysitting, manage emotions, and prioritize self-care.

      During these challenging times of quarantine and remote learning, it's essential to prioritize self-care and seek support from family and experts. Kim from Charlottesville shares her experience of juggling multiple roles and the importance of enlisting help from family members for virtual babysitting. Corey and Anya from NPR's Life Kit discuss the struggles of being a parent, reporter, and teacher all at once and the frustration that comes with it. They bring in Rosemarie Truelio, senior vice president of curriculum and content at Sesame Workshop, to share strategies on managing emotions and what to do after losing it. Additionally, the episode encourages hosting a celebratory brunch for less with wallet-friendly finds from Whole Foods Market and the importance of self-care and taking care of one's mental health. The episode also mentions Apple Card as a sponsor and the benefits of earning daily cash back on purchases.

    • Discussing the end of the pandemic with childrenHonesty, comfort, and actionable plans can help children cope with pandemic uncertainties. Focus on controllable aspects like activities or new skills.

      During uncertain times, providing hope and focusing on what we can control can help alleviate anxiety for children. The pandemic has brought about various challenges for families, from job losses and grief to adjusting to a new normal. When children ask about the end of the pandemic, it's essential to be honest and offer comfort by discussing what we can do in the present. For instance, planning activities we can control, like camping out in the backyard, can help children feel a sense of normalcy and excitement. However, not all children have the opportunity to engage in such activities. In such cases, focusing on other controllable aspects, like learning new skills or exploring hobbies, can provide similar benefits. Ultimately, acknowledging the uncertainty and providing hope through actionable plans can help children cope with the challenges of the pandemic.

    • Strengthening family bonds during challenging timesCreate fun experiences, practice forgiveness, self-care, and self-sufficiency for stronger family bonds.

      Building meaningful connections with our families and practicing self-care are essential during challenging times. Creating fun and different experiences, like building a fort, can bring excitement and joy. However, it's important to remember that parents are not perfect, and forgiveness and self-compassion are crucial. When we lose patience, we should apologize and communicate effectively with our children. Additionally, encouraging self-sufficiency and resiliency skills in children can help alleviate the pressure on parents and create a more balanced family dynamic. By focusing on these practices, we can foster stronger bonds and navigate the ups and downs of family life.

    • Learning from everyday activitiesCooking, games, arts & crafts offer valuable learning opportunities beyond formal education. Parents can empower children to learn from these experiences by allowing them to take the lead and make mistakes.

      Everyday activities, such as cooking, playing games, and engaging in arts and crafts, can provide valuable learning opportunities for children beyond formal education. These moments offer chances to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, resilience, and social-emotional skills. Parents play a crucial role in empowering their children to learn from these experiences by allowing them to take the lead and make mistakes. The pandemic has highlighted the limitations of remote learning, but parents should recognize the potential for learning in the everyday moments they share with their children. Encouraging cognitive flexibility through play and creativity can lead to a more well-rounded and self-sufficient learning experience.

    • Navigating family rules and routines during uncertain timesExplain reasons behind rules, involve children, balance safety and socialization, and remember routines are temporary.

      During these uncertain times, it's essential to be flexible and understanding with family rules and routines, even if they differ from what we're used to. Children may struggle with these changes, especially when it comes to socialization and interacting with others. It's crucial to explain the reasons behind these rules and involve them in following them to help them feel empowered and part of the solution. Human interaction and play are vital for children's development, but safety precautions like social distancing and wearing masks may be necessary for a while. The key is to find a balance between these precautions and maintaining human connections, which will help children avoid becoming overly fearful and isolated. Remember, these routines are temporary, and we'll get through this together.

    • Exploring Educational and Entertaining Podcasts for Kids During QuarantineNPR's Life Kit, Wow in the World, Choiceology, and How I Built This offer valuable learning experiences and entertainment for kids during quarantine. Subscribe and listen for more content.

      There are numerous resources available for education and entertainment for kids during these uncertain times. NPR's Life Kit has a special episode featuring Grover from Sesame Street, and there's also Wow in the World, a science podcast for kids. For those interested in the psychology behind people's decisions, they can listen to Choiceology, an original podcast from Charles Schwab. And for those who are fans of podcasts about innovation and creativity, How I Built This by Wondery is a great option. These resources provide valuable learning experiences and entertainment for kids, making quarantine a little less challenging. Don't forget to subscribe and listen to these podcasts for more educational and entertaining content.

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